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Karl Kurt Klein (6.5.1897 – 10.01.1971), the only polymath of the Germans of Romania (Siebenbürger Sachsen), had a special relationship to the "Deutsche Burse" in Marburg an der Lahn and its leader Johann Wilhelm Mannhardt (1883-1969). On... more
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      NazismBureaucracyNationalsocialismNazi Propaganda
The study attempts to present the economic strategies of a settlement, in which employment in state companies built upon a specific environmental resource (natural gas extraction) as well as the success of an independent enterprise has... more
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      Rural SociologyPostsocialismAgriculture and Food StudiesAnthropology of Socialism and Postsocialism
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      DaciaTransilvaniaMaffeiGiuseppe Ariosti
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The article outlines the biographical path of Bishop Vasile Flueraş, from the years of his childhood and studies, to those of his service in the Church. Both at the Orthodox cathedral in the metropolis of Transylvania, where he was... more
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      Istoria bisericiiTransilvaniaCluj-NapocaIstoria Bisericii ortodoxe române
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      History of TransylvaniaTransilvaniaMemoriile Primului Război MondialIstoria Bisericii Evanghelice C.A. săsești din Transilvania
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      TransilvaniaIstorie Moderna
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      MusicologyPopular MusicEthnomusicologyRomanian History
The book was published in Bratislava in 1835.
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      ArchaeologyPrehistoric ArchaeologyLandscape ArchaeologyArcheologia
Kniha byla vzdána v Praze roku 1932, jako devátý svazek edice : Práce Učené společnosti Šafaříkovy / The book has been submitted in a Bratislava in 1932, as the ninth volume edition: Work of the Learned Society Šafárika
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      GeographyHistorical GeographyToponomasticsSlovakia
Această ediție aniversară, pe care o supunem atenției dumneavoastră critice, reprezintă a doua carte de aur dedicată Marii Uniri. Prima carte de aur – datată 1929 – aparține patrimoniului cultural național mobil și este un manuscris pe... more
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      HistoryModern HistoryRomanian HistoryRomanian Studies
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      Medieval HistoryMedieval StudiesMigrationMigration Studies
This is the first series of documents concerning the history of the Nazi "Deutsche Volksgruppe in Rumänien" in the year 1940; the years 1941-1945 will follow.
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      FascismNationalismSecond World WarRomania
Publication in publishing Bruncík & Kohout in Prague in 1904.
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      HistoryPrehistoric ArchaeologyMedieval HistoryPrehistory
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      Antropologia, Etnografia, Etnoecologia, EtnohistoriaTransilvania
Publications from Hugo Payer issued in Iglo in 1880
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      BibliographyHungarianArchivesHistory of Hungary
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      Romanian StudiesLucian BlagaTransilvaniaMemorialística
Kniha byla vydána v roce 1881 v Užhorodě (Pollacsek Miksa) / The book was published in 1881 in Uzhgorod (Pollacsek Miksa) / A könyv 1881-ben Ungváron (Pollacsek Miksa).
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      HistoryCultural HistoryGeographyHistory of Hungary
Kniha byla vydána v roce 2008 v Užhorodu / The book was published in 2008 in Uzhgorod / Книга була видана в 2008 році в Ужгороді
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      Ancient HistoryArchaeologyPrehistoric ArchaeologyLandscape Archaeology
Lucrarea de faţă, deşi nu este dedicată în mod special mitropolitului Andrei Şaguna, poartă în întregul ei cuprins, într-o mai mică sau mai mare măsură, pecetea faptelor şi a gândurilor acestuia. Autorul ne surprinde, în mod fericit, nu... more
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      Transylvanian RomaniansIstoria bisericiiRomanian History, Istoria RomanieiHistory of Transylvania
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      Geografie IstoricaTransilvaniaSaşii TransilvăneniUnterwald
1st edition

The book was published in Bratislava (Slovak Academy of Sciences) in 1973
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      HistoryGeographyCultural TourismHistory of Hungary
During the Angevin Age the membership to the social category of the nobility was at last established in Transylvania: all those who possessed an estate with noble right, that is free of any duty, and without any objection being raised,... more
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      Medieval HistoryRomanian HistoryGenealogyMedieval Studies
Kniha byla vydána v roce 1881 v Užhorodě (Pollacsek Miksa) / The book was published in 1881 in Uzhgorod (Pollacsek Miksa) /  A könyv 1881-ben Ungváron (Pollacsek Miksa)
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      HistoryCultural HistoryArchaeologyPrehistoric Archaeology
Prezentul studiu urmărește să identifice modul în care românii din Transilvania aparținând confesional Bisericii ortodoxe și practicând ritualurile propuse de aceasta se raportează la fenomenul morții în prezent. Ritualurile ce însoțesc... more
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      Early Modern History/Central European History/ TransilvaniaOrtodoxMortuary RitualTransilvania
This is the second series of documents concerning the history of the Nazi "Deutsche Volksgruppe in Rumänien" in the year 1941; the years 1942-1945 will follow.
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      FascismNationalismSecond World WarRomania
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      Art HistoryHistory of ArtEarly Modern History/Central European History/ TransilvaniaIstoria Arhitecturii
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Explicaţia acestei lucrari este una minimala: aceea de a stabili modul în care oraşul medieval transilvanean s-a definitivat şi apoi s-a transformat în oraşul baroc şi modern. De aici derivă nuanţele reţinute de titlul lucrării, dar şi... more
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      Urban HistoryMedieval urban historyHabsburg StudiesTransylvania
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      Medieval HistoryTransilvaniaAntroponimie
Materialul prezintă succint toate bisericile de lemn din județul Alba existente sau despre care au fost găsite informații documentare.
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      Art HistoryChurch HistoryTransylvanian RomaniansTransylvania as a Tourist Destination
Absztrakt: A jelen tanulmány azt vizsgálja, hogy milyen különbségek vannak az egynyelvű és kétnyelvű személyek között az aktív és passzív szókincs, a tanulmányi teljesítmény és szótanulási képesség tekintetében, a szocio-kulturális háttér... more
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      Cognitive PsychologySecond Language AcquisitionLanguages and LinguisticsMultilingualism
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      Romanian HistoryTransilvaniaIstoria Bisericii ortodoxe române
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      ArchaeologyMedieval HistoryMedieval StudiesMedieval Archaeology
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      Medieval HistoryMedieval StudiesTransilvaniaAntroponimie
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„That’s all we have.” Religion and Churches in the post-socialist Transylvania In the book I present the religiosity, the religious life and the organizational framework of religion in the case of the Hungarian minority from Romania, in... more
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      Sociology of ReligionRomanian StudiesHungarian StudiesMinorities
Kniha byla vydána v Košicích ( Východoslovenský kultúrny Spolok Svojina Košice) v roce 1947 / The book was published in Košice (East Cultural Association svojin Kosice) in 1947
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      HistoryCultural HistoryCatholic StudiesSlavic
The Beginning of the Romanian Theater in Transylvania. The Second Half of the 18th Century Through our conference we will try to sketch a social, political and cultural context in which the first forms of Romanian theater made their... more
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      Transilvaniaistoria teatrului românesc
For several decades the author has been conducting a research on the lexicology of a Sekler village from Csík (Ciuc) region in Romania (Sâncrăieni/Csíkszentkirály) accumulating a database containing more than 4000 lexemes and phrases. The... more
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      LexicologyDialectologyBody ImageHungarian Studies
The present paper is concerned with two bow brooches / fibulae discovered through metal detection in the area of today`s settlements Sadu - Tălmaciu - Tălmăcel (Sibiu Conty, Romania). The discovery was made in 2015 and it entered the... more
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      HistoryMedieval HistoryEarly Medieval ArchaeologyMedieval Archaeology
This is an excerpt from "Weitere in den "Südostdeutschen Vierteljahresblättern" gefeierte ehemalige NS-Größen der deutschen Minderheit in Rumänien" in the volume "Vom NS-Volkstum- zum Vertriebenenfunktionär. Die Gründungsmitglieder des... more
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      Propaganda & Indoctrination StudiesIdeologyInterwar Period HistoryRomania
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      Medieval HistoryRomanian Culture and CivilisationTransilvania
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      Romanian HistoryWar StudiesBronze Age Europe (Archaeology)Bronze Age Archaeology
Kniha byla vydána v roce 1881 v Užhorodě (Pollacsek Miksa) / The book was published in 1881 in Uzhgorod (Pollacsek Miksa) /  A könyv 1881-ben Ungváron (Pollacsek Miksa).
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      HistoryCultural HistoryCultural StudiesHistory of Hungary
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      Medieval HistoryMedieval StudiesTransilvaniaToponimie
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      Cultural HeritageMedieval Church HistoryMedieval ArchaeologyHistory of Hungary
Sibiul a fost un oraș al Evului Mediu european. De la nașterea sa, la dezvoltarea sa, la fortificarea sa și la transformarea sa în orașul de astăzi, povestea Sibiului este o poveste a unui oraș tipic pentru Evul Mediu Occidental. Sibiu... more
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      Medieval StudiesMedieval EuropeTransylvaniaMedieval Towns
Kniha byla vydána v Užhorodě / Satu Mare v roce 2015 / The book was published in Uzhgorod / Satu Mare in 2015. Poznámka: Knihu pana prof. V. Kotigoroška zveřejnujeme na našem profilu s důvodu jejího významu pro poznání období pozdního... more
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      ArchaeologyCeltic StudiesCelts (Archaeology)Celtic Archaeology