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      LogisticsLogistics NetworkTransportation Corridors
The report presents an analysis of the impact that international freight traffic barriers have on logistics, transit potential, and development of transport corridors traversing EAEU member states. Restrictions discussed in this report... more
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      BusinessRailway TransportEurasiaRegional Integration
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      Critical TheoryBusinessEntrepreneurshipOrganizational Behavior
In the light of the implications of China's Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) for Greater Eurasia and, in particular, Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU) countries, this paper assesses the prospects of seven actual and potential trans-Eurasian... more
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      EurasiaCentral AsiaRussian EconomyTransition Economies
This article compares Turkey and Ukraine’s motivations behind their participation in interregional connectivity projects. Specifically the issue of connectivity between the Black Sea and the Caspian regions was explored. Their policies... more
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      Central Asian StudiesTransportation PolicyCentral Eurasian StudiesTurkish Foreign Policy
In view of the European Union Enlargement, the Pan-European corridors it was more intensively attention especially after the stabilization and association process started in western Balkans. In the region of south east Europe, the... more
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      Transport PlanningTransportation Corridors
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      InfrastructureTransportation Corridors
Developments in freight transport and transport infrastructure have a strong influence on economic growth. The Baltic States have recently undergone a transformation from planned economies to market orientation. The interest in the Baltic... more
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      Maritime HistoryBaltic StudiesTransport GeographyBaltic Sea Region Studies
This article presents results from the first statistically significant study of cost escalation in transportation infrastructure projects. Based on a sample of 258 transportation infrastructure projects worth US$90 billion and... more
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      Critical TheoryBusinessEntrepreneurshipOrganizational Behavior
Megaproject Planning and Management: Essential Readings contains the seminal articles from the growing body of research on megaproject planning and management along with an original introduction by the editor, Bent Flyvbjerg. The leading... more
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      Critical TheoryEntrepreneurshipOrganizational BehaviorInformation Systems
Back cover text: Megaprojects and Risk provides the first detailed examination of the phenomenon of megaprojects. It is a fascinating account of how the promoters of multi-billion dollar megaprojects systematically and self-servingly... more
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      Critical TheoryBusinessEntrepreneurshipEntrepreneurship
The article first describes characteristics of major infrastructure projects. Second, it documents a much neglected topic in economics: that ex ante estimates of costs and benefits are often very different from actual ex post costs and... more
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      Critical TheoryBusinessEntrepreneurshipOrganizational Behavior
Rapid construction of new ‘transport corridors’ across the SADC region is supposed to facilitate the free flow of commodities, tourism and investment between ‘valuable places’ in Southern Africa and global markets. Since the opening of a... more
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      African StudiesGovernanceUrban StudiesZambia
As megaprojects have become ubiquitous, their real benefits and costs have come under increased scrutiny. We interviewed Bent Flyvbjerg, who has extensively studied megaproject development. Flyvbjerg has found systematic problems in the... more
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      Critical TheoryBusinessEntrepreneurshipOrganizational Behavior
The Supplementary Green Book Guidance on Optimism Bias (HM Treasury 2003) with reference to the Review of Large Public Procurement in the UK (Mott MacDonald 2002) notes that there is a demonstrated, systematic, tendency for project... more
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      Critical TheoryBusinessEntrepreneurshipOrganizational Behavior
"Over budget, over time, over and over again" appears to be an appropriate slogan for large, complex infrastructure projects. This article explains why cost, benefits, and time forecasts for such projects are systematically... more
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      Critical TheoryBusinessEntrepreneurshipOrganizational Behavior
When there is an economic downturn, cities are forced to develop a strategy to revitalize. Increasing the transfer of high technology into the marketplace stimulates the economy. High tech industries are industries that include relatively... more
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      TransportationEconomic DevelopmentHigh Technology MarketTransportation Corridors
This article presents results from the first statistically significant study of traffic forecasts in transportation infrastructure projects. The sample used is the largest of its kind, covering 210 projects in 14 nations worth U.S.$59... more
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      Critical TheoryBusinessEntrepreneurshipOrganizational Behavior
Do different types of megaprojects have different cost overruns? This apparently simple question is at the heart of research at the University of Oxford aimed at understanding the characteristics of megaprojects, particularly in terms of... more
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      Critical TheoryBusinessEntrepreneurshipOrganizational Behavior
As megaprojects have become ubiquitous, their real benefits and costs have come under increased scrutiny. We interviewed Bent Flyvbjerg, who has extensively studied megaproject development. Flyvbjerg has found systematic problems in the... more
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      Critical TheoryBusinessEntrepreneurshipOrganizational Behavior
L'Union européenne a lourdement financé dans les années 1980, l'extension des réseaux routiers d'Afrique subsaharienne parmi lesquels les corridors nord-camerounais. Leur mise en place répondait, pour ce qui est de l'Afrique centrale, à... more
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    • Transportation Corridors
В статье определены основные проблемы присутствия России на Южном Кавказе посредством исторического и ретроспективного анализа. Выявлена геополитическая составляющая внешней политики России в отношении к региону, начиная с XVIIвека.... more
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      Russian StudiesInternational RelationsGeopoliticsEnergy Policy
Back cover text: This book aims to enlarge the understanding of decision-making on mega-projects and suggest recommendations for a more effective, efficient and democratic approach. Authors from different scientific disciplines address... more
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    •   952  
      Critical TheoryBusinessEntrepreneurshipOrganizational Behavior
This paper focuses on problems and their causes and cures in policy and planning for large infrastructure projects. First, it identifies as the main problem in major infrastructure development pervasive misinformation about the costs,... more
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      Critical TheoryBusinessEntrepreneurshipOrganizational Behavior
Risk, including economic risk, is increasingly a concern for public policy and management. The possibility of dealing effectively with risk is hampered, however, by lack of a sound empirical basis for risk assessment and management. This... more
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      Critical TheoryBusinessEntrepreneurshipOrganizational Behavior
“Bioregion”, a term coined by Peter Berg in 1977, was improved by Alberto Magnaghi, who defined it as the space for developing new relationships of coexistence between the inhabitants-producers and the territory of a region. Therefore,... more
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      ICZMPortsRailwaysTransportation Corridors
Out-of-control information technology (IT) projects have ended the careers of top managers, such as EADS CEO Noël Forgeard and Levi Strauss’ CIO David Bergen. Moreover, IT projects have brought down whole companies, like Kmart in the US... more
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      Critical TheoryBusinessEntrepreneurshipOrganizational Behavior
Artículo inspirado en la tesis de maestría del autor en el que se sintetizan los más relevantes datos sobre los sistemas de construcción de caminos mayas en tiempos previos a la conquista española y testimonios de cronistas de la... more
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      Transportation EngineeringGeographyArchaeologyArchitecture
2008. 352 pp. r150.00 (hardcover). This volume is intended to explain why major investment projects (the so-called mega-projects) often are not completed on time and cost more than originally budgeted. Drawing from experiences of European... more
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      Critical TheoryBusinessEntrepreneurshipOrganizational Behavior
This paper focuses on problems and their causes and cures in policy and planning for large-infrastructure projects. First, it identifies as the main problem in major infrastructure developments pervasive misinformation about the costs,... more
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    •   952  
      Critical TheoryBusinessEntrepreneurshipOrganizational Behavior
A major source of risk in project management is inaccurate forecasts of project costs, demand, and other impacts. The paper presents a promising new approach to mitigating such risk, based on theories of decision making under uncertainty... more
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    •   954  
      Critical TheoryBusinessEntrepreneurshipOrganizational Behavior
Dan Lovallo and Daniel Kahneman must be commended for their clear identification of causes and cures to the planning fallacy in “Delusions of Success: How Optimism Undermines Executives’ Decisions” (July 2003). Their look at overoptimism,... more
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    •   953  
      Critical TheoryBusinessEntrepreneurshipOrganizational Behavior
Results from the first statistically significant study of the causes of cost escalation in transport infrastructure projects are presented. The study is based on a sample of 258 rail, bridge, tunnel and road projects worth US$90 billion.... more
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    •   952  
      Critical TheoryBusinessEntrepreneurshipOrganizational Behavior
This paper explores how theories of the planning fallacy and the outside view may be used to conduct quality control and due diligence in project management. First, a much-neglected issue in project management is identified, namely that... more
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      Critical TheoryBusinessEntrepreneurshipOrganizational Behavior
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      Sustainable TransportationSustainable DevelopmentRural LandscapeSustainable Rural Development
Der Ursprung der Zentralortforschung ist in der Dissertation des Geographen Christaller 1 zu sehen. Seine Zielsetzung war es, zu erklären, warum Städte an bestimmten Orten entstehen und warum sie genau an dieser Stelle eine bestimmte... more
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      Human GeographyArchaeologyPrehistoric ArchaeologyIron Age
An important feature of today's Croatian territory is its position at the historical junctions of Northern and Southern Europe, as well as Pannonia, i.e. the Danubian region and the Mediterranean. The determinants of Croatia as an... more
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      Development StudiesGeopolitcs and GeostrategyGeostrategyCroatia
En los análisis sobre las alternativas geopolíticas que se han desarrollado en las últimas décadas en América Latina, se ha dado mucha atención a las diferencias de modelos políticos y económicos entre el regionalismo neoliberal y el... more
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      GeopoliticsLogisticsRegional IntegrationInfrastructure
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      LogisticsBlack Sea regionDanube regionTransportation Corridors
In view of the European Union Enlargement, the Pan-European corridors it was more intensively attention especially after the stabilization and association process started in western Balkans. In the region of south east Europe, the... more
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      TransportTransportation Corridors
В статье в исторической ретроспективе рассматривается роль транспортных коммуникаций в освоении Сибири, подчеркивается, что транспортные пути оказывали большое влияние на социальное и экономическое развитие региона, способствовали его... more
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      History of SiberiaIntegrated planningTransportation Corridorsистория Сибири
With the notion of 'operations of capital', focused on the interaction between the dimensions of finance, extraction and logistics, authors such as Mezzadra and Neilson have highlighted some 'underlying transformations of capitalism' that... more
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      FinanceLogisticsNeoliberalismLatin America
Znanstvena analiza veza luka istočnog Jadrana i zaobalja pomorskim i kopnenim koridorima.
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      HistoryMaritime HistoryPortsEastern Adriatic
Ya en tiempos antiguos, el Danubio era una especie de corredor que estimulaba y facilitaba el desarrollo socioeconomico, el comercio y la movilidad; un canal de intercambio y civilizacion, que puede servir como ejemplo para las nuevas... more
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      IntermodalityTransportation CorridorsDanube StrategyCorridor
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      Recreation & Leisure StudiesOutdoor RecreationDestination ImageEnvironmental Sustainability
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      Sustainable TransportationRural DevelopmentResilience (Sustainability)Environmental Sustainability
Although the Trans-European Transport Network (TEN-T) has made a considerable contribution to increasing transport infrastructure and improving transport services, it still often seems that border regions have reduced accessibility... more
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      AccessibilityCross-border cooperationSustainable DevelopmentGovernance
Lo sviluppo globale dell'infrastruttura logistica a tutti i livelli sta cambiando il volto del pianeta e, secondo sempre più analisti, rappresenta a tutti gli effetti la costituzione materiale della globalizzazione, se per costituzione... more
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      InfrastructureSpecial Economic ZonesLOGISTICALatinoamerican studies
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      Intermodal TransportTransportesTransportes, logistica, administraçãoTransportation Corridors