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      German StudiesTactics (Military Science)French History20th Century German History
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      Contemporary HistoryWar StudiesFirst World WarPsichiatry
The image of the First World War soldier as a cowed victim, caught in the grip of a meaningless, industrialized war, is one that has become entrenched in the British popular imagination. It was not, however, the image that dominated... more
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      First World WarBritish Army (First World War)Trauma and shell shock First World WarCultural History of the First World War
In The Image of Man, George Mosse claims that modern masculinity emerged as "part of a general quest for symbols in order to make the abstract concrete within the bewildering changes of modernity." 1 Mosse argues that, in eighteenth-and... more
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      Cultural HistoryMasculinityFirst World WarTrauma and shell shock First World War
[AMAZON LINK BELOW TO BOOK ITSELF -- TOC and book summary in downloadable .pdf] According to the poet Elias Canetti, "All the things one has forgotten / scream for help in dreams." To the ancient Egyptians they were prophecies, and... more
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      Military HistoryPsychologyAbnormal PsychologyClinical Psychology
Il contributo analizza gli effetti psicopatologici della Grande Guerra sul vissuto soggettivo dei soldati traumatizzati, le categorie utilizzate dalla psichiatria per fronteggiare il fenomeno e le politiche di trattamento adottate.
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      Contemporary HistoryAsylumHistory Of Madness And PsychiatryTrauma and shell shock First World War
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      British LiteratureEnglish LiteraturePoetryPoetics
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      American LiteraturePosttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)Trauma StudiesKurt Vonnegut
Kaum ein anderes Medium scheint besser geeignet, traumatische Verletzungen zu visualisieren und zu speichern, zu kommunizieren und zu transformieren, als der Film. Er macht sie sichtbar, indem er sie als Wunden ausstellt, er öffnet sie,... more
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      ViolencePosttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)Horror FilmTrauma Studies
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      German ExpressionismTrauma and shell shock First World WarCultural History of the First World WarMax Beckmann
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      Forensic ScienceGreat WarFunerary ArchaeologyBattlefield Archaeology
The main purpose of this thesis is – using methodology of contemporary historiography and literary study approaches – to detect, research and analyze the corpus of published book-length autobiographies of Croatian low-ranking officers,... more
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      Military HistoryCultural HistoryLiteratureWar Studies
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      Film StudiesFilm AnalysisSilent FilmTheater and film
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      Queer StudiesMasculinity StudiesRegenerationTrauma Studies
The Trauma and the First World War project was part of the AHRC funded Centre for Hidden Histories. It was specifically a collaboration with Associate Professor Nigel Hunt (Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, The University of... more
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      First World WarTrauma and shell shock First World WarCultural History of the First World War
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      English LiteraturePosttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)Literary CriticismModernist Literature (Literary Modernism)
A short introduction to the poetry of the World War I "Soldier Poets" and how they departed from the patriotic themes of the previous century. In addition, an introduction to the intellectual roots of "Modernism" in such thinkers as... more
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      HumanitiesLiteraturePhenomenologyMartin Heidegger
Female revolutionaries suffered various traumas – including sexual trauma – during Ireland’s revolutionary period (1916–1923). This chapter draws on files from the Military Service Pensions Collection, personal accounts and literary... more
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      Clinical PsychologyGender StudiesWomen's StudiesTrauma Studies
The Greek soldier-writers of the First World War and testimony as a subversive discourse Writing about the First World War was a mass phenomenon in all the countries involved, leading to the emergence of the soldier-poet or the... more
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      Modern Greek literatureTestimonial LiteratureTrauma and shell shock First World WarCultural History of the First World War
"Sinir Savaşı her iki dünya savaşıyla Vietnam Savaşı boyunca ve sonrasında askerlerin psikolojik sorunlarının nasıl geliştiğini araştırıp doktorların bu sorunlarla başa çıkmak için attıkları adımları anlatmaktadır."-Ben Shephard
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      Military MedicinePosttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)War StudiesMedical Ethics
Among the experiences of otherness that unsettled the imperial trope of the warrior hero, this paper focuses on the representation of the coward in three autobiographical responses to the Great War. By following the traces of the... more
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      FearTrauma and shell shock First World WarCowardice
The First World War is still widely regarded as a recent event. However, with the passing of the last survivors, History is becoming the domain of Archaeology. These archaeological finds give a clear insight into global politics and... more
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      HistoryAmerican HistoryEuropean HistoryHistory of Science and Technology
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      German StudiesTactics (Military Science)German HistoryChemical Weapons
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      Historical ArchaeologyWorld War I literature and historyWorld War I WritingConflict Archaeology
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      Medical HumanitiesHysteriaMale HysteriaFirst World War
World War I, also known as the Great War, propelled our society into new forms of modernity. It influenced our moral values, our whole approach on warfare and was responsible for major social and political changes. World War I also... more
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      SociologyArt HistoryWar StudiesPolitical Science
Kommentierte Abschrift der Einträge im Kriegstagebuch des Gefreiten Friedrich Ernst (Fritz) Reinboth (1891–1918) aus dem Husaren-Regiment Landgraf Friedrich II. von Hessen-Homburg (2. Kurhessisches) Nr. 14 umfassend den Zeitraum vom 29.... more
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      HistoryWorld War IFirst World WarWarfare
El impacto en los cuerpos y en las mentes de los soldados de la experiencia de las trincheras aparece como uno de los aspectos más significativos y distintivos de la Primera Guerra Mundial. Como señalaba Walter Benjamin “las gentes... more
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      English LiteratureEnglish PoetryTrauma and shell shock First World War1st World War Poetry
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      Naval WarfareConflict ArchaeologyBattlefield ArchaeologyWorld War I
The article focuses on the psychiatric hospitals of Pergine Valsugana and Bologna. The war changed the daily routine of both institutions. The hospital in Pergine in particular was evacuated and closed for three years. For this reason a... more
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      Contemporary HistoryTrauma StudiesHistory of PsychiatryGreat War
The Trojan War and the Gallipoli Campaigns are two pivotal battles that took place on the shores of the Dardanelles. They are similar in several respects: Both battles involve several groups coming from different places. Some of the... more
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      World War I literature and historyCultural History of WarBattlefield ArchaeologyWorld War I
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      Military MedicineFilm StudiesHistory of MedicineWar neurosis
Since South Africa’s Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC), a therapeutic moral order has become one of the dominant frameworks within which states attempt to deal with a legacy of violent conflict. As a consequence, the grammar of... more
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      Human RightsTraumatic StressPosttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)Trauma Studies
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      HeroismMasculinityVictorian MasculinityMasculinity and Gender Studies
Die Monographie zeichnet den Entwurf des „Kriegshysterikers“ im Spannungsverhältnis von Massenpsychologie, militärpsychiatrischer Kriegshysterieforschung und Repräsentationstechniken zur Zeit des Ersten Weltkriegs nach. In der... more
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      Cultural StudiesMilitary MedicineHistory of MedicineWar neurosis
The article discusses the never before researched combat history of the 5th Army Corps. Stationed in Poznań until December 1918, the Corps was made up of regiments and other military formations stemming mainly from the city of Poznań and... more
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      German StudiesFirst World WarTrench Warfare (First World War)Occupation of Northern France (First World War)
You are invited to join an online reading group to discuss James Hillman's book A Terrible Love of War (2005, Penguin) meeting between 7:00 and 8:30 p.m. (London time) on the following dates: Tuesday, 29 March – Chapter One – War is... more
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      PsychoanalysisWar TheoryJungian psychologyTrauma Studies
La realizzazione del presente volume, frutto della collaborazione tra l'associazione "Storia e Città" e l'Istituto storico della Resistenza e dell'Età contemporanea di Pistoia, si inserisce all'interno di un percorso di ricerca e... more
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      MedievalismGreat WarFirst World WarWar and Literature
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      Arms and Armor StudiesWorld War I WritingBattlefield ArchaeologyWorld War I
Le lieutenant Henri-Alban Fournier plus connu sous le pseudonyme de « Alain-Fournier », disparu dans la fleur de l'âge le 22 septembre 1914 sur les Hauts-de-Meuse, avec 20 de ses compagnons. Les circonstances exactes de cette disparition... more
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      ArchaeologyGreat WarFunerary ArchaeologyFuneral Practices
The Great War is arguably one of the most significant conflicts in recent history. In this centenary year of the beginning of the First World War, as the grand narratives about the conflict come under renewed scrutiny and debate this... more
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      HistoryCultural HeritageWar TheoryWar Studies
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      Contemporary HistoryHistory of PsychiatryHistory Of Madness And PsychiatryTrauma and shell shock First World War
Soffermarsi sul rapporto tra guerra e modernità è un passaggio obbligato nello studio del fenomeno noto come «nevrosi da guerra» ed è il punto dal quale partire per poter tracciare un percorso coerente con la nascita e lo sviluppo di... more
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      Contemporary HistoryHistory of PsychiatryWorld War IPsichiatry
This 20-minute paper seeks to introduce hitherto-underexplored comparisons between Jones and his contemporary fellow 20th-century mythopoeic poet, medievalist, Catholic, and veteran, Tolkien, delineating certain aspects of how both... more
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      Celtic StudiesAnglo-Saxon StudiesMedievalismOld English Literature
The analysis, opinions and conclusions expressed or implied in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily represent the views of the Joint Services Command and Staff College, the Ministry of Defence or any other... more
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      Commemoration and MemoryFirst World WarTrauma and shell shock First World WarCultural History of the First World War
The German 10th Infantry Division, stationed in the area of the Poznań 5th Army Corps, was quite a unique formation. The author presents the origin and fighting traditions of the Division’s specific regiments in 1866–1871, the... more
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      Military HistoryGerman StudiesGerman HistoryPolish History
Στο βιβλίο ξεδιπλώνονται γνωστές και άγνωστες πτυχές μίας συλλογικής δοκιμασίας που βίωσε ο πληθυσμός της σημερινής Ηράκλειας Σερρών, της αλλοτινής Τζουμαγιάς (ή Κάτω ή Βαϊρακλή Τζουμαγιάς), στη διάρκεια του Α΄ Παγκοσμίου Πολέμου, όταν... more
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      Refugee StudiesSocial and Collective MemoryFirst World WarMemory and materiality
The thesis explores the impact of the First World War on the lower Austrian psychiatry in Mauer-Öhling and its influence on the social and pathological makeup of its patients in particular. It employs extensive statistical analysis of the... more
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      History of PsychiatryHistory of Mental Health PoliciesTrauma and shell shock First World WarHistory of Madness & Psychiatry
ISBN 978-605-86957-5-7 © 2016 Bütün hakları saklıdır. Yazılı izin olmadan, tanıtım amaçlı kısa alıntılar dışında hiçbir yolla çoğaltılamaz.
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      Ottoman StudiesTurkish and Middle East StudiesTrauma and shell shock First World War
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      Refugee StudiesTraumatic StressContemporary HistoryTrauma Studies