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The 4'X4'X4' raised container (ree has been advocated as a quick, flexible, and inexpensive solution to tree planting beautification in the city. This paper evaluates the effectiveness of such containers to provide for both... more
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      EngineeringUrban DesignTree Planting
Avicennia marina saplings were established within a restoration area at Sg. Hj. Dorani, Malaysia between May and August 2010. Sapling establishment was achieved following the construction of segmented and hard breakwater as mitigating... more
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      Earth SciencesRegenerationRestoration EcologyMalaysia
Bayesian Belief Network (BBN) modelling may be applied in rural extension in situations where program outputs are influenced by variables which are sequentially influenced by other variables. For a recently completed agroforestry... more
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      EngineeringSystems ThinkingLand tenureApplied Economics
Ce document est publié dans lintention de rendre accessibles les résultats préliminaires de la recherche effectuée au CIRANO, afin de susciter des échanges et des suggestions. Les idées et les opinions émises sont sous lunique... more
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      EconomicsWorking ConditionsData CollectionPayment System
Regrowing forests on cleared land is a key strategy to achieve both biodiversity conservation and climate change mitigation globally. Maximizing these co-benefits, however, remains theoretically and technically challenging because of the... more
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      ForestryClimate ChangeSoilCarbon Sequestration
A presença de áreas verdes e da arborização viária traz diversos benefícios para as cidades e seus habitantes. Entretanto, o plantio inadequado pode trazer conflitos com estruturas urbanas e perigos para população. Conhecer a situação das... more
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      Urban PlanningGeoprocessamentoCity planningPlanejamento Urbano
Following a brief overview of the historical evolution of tree ordinances in the United States, this paper focuses on the devel- opment of tree ordinances in the state of Alabama to demonstrate how the tree ordinances evolve into law and... more
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      Public ParticipationCitizen participationUnited StatesUrban Trees
Residents who planted a yard tree as part of a community shade tree program were more satisfied with the outcome than residents of the same neighborhood who had not been associated with the program. Satisfaction was lowest among those... more
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      Urban ForestryTree PlantingBoolean Satisfiability
The prototype decision support system (PDSS) described within this paper represents one of the first of its kind in the urban forest/civil engineering research arena. The primary objective of this research was to develop a user-friendly,... more
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      User InterfaceDecision support systemDecision SupportSpecies Diversity
Applying mulch on and around the root ball of newly installed trees is standard practice in many locations (Watson and Himelick 1997). However, mulch usage is less common in drier locations such as the southwestern United States. Applying... more
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      ArboricultureTree PlantingOakParticle Size
Many countries have adopted large-scale tree-planting programs as a climate mitigation strategy and to support local livelihoods. We evaluate a series of large-scale tree planting 23 programs using data collected from historical Landsat... more
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      GeographyAgroforestryTree Planting
Early growth performance of six native and two introduced tree species was studied for seven years at 16 sites in the Southern region of Costa Rica. Selected study sites represent a wide environmental gradient that ranges from acid low... more
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      Forest Ecology And ManagementClimateBiological SciencesGrowth
Experiences from the ACIAR Smallholder Forestry Project reveal that production and use of high quality seedlings is a critical consideration for successful tree farming and reforestation activity, considering that most reforestation... more
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      ReforestationTree PlantingPropagationWindthrow
In 1987, a catastrophic fire burned over 1 330 000 ha in the densely forested area of the Da Hinggan Mountains in the northeastern China. After the fire, intensive management including burned trunk harvesting and coniferous tree planting... more
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      Human GeographyCase StudyForest dynamicsNatural Regeneration
In the arid zone of central Turkana, north-western Kenya, where soil salinity affects 15-20% of the rangelands, growth performances of trees planted in saline soil rehabilitation trials have not been evaluated. Tree-planting trials have... more
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      Earth SciencesExotic SpeciesArid environmentsSoil Salinity
We have provided a framework for identifying least-cost sites for afforestation and reforestation and deriving carbon sequestration cost curves at a global level in a scenario of limited information. Special attention is given to country... more
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      Climate ChangeEcological EconomicsSoutheast AsiaCarbon Sequestration
Rights over trees are often distinct from rights over land. Tree tenure consists of a bundle of rights over trees and their produce which may be held by different people at different times. These rights include the right to own or inherit... more
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      Tree PlantingAgroforestry SystemsSocial Science
Inter-speci®c hybrid trees planted throughout the world on a commercial basis are most common in the genera Acacia, Eucalyptus, Larix, Picea, Pinus and Populus although the focal point of this review will include only the genus Pinus. The... more
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      GeneticsForestryAdaptationForest Ecology And Management
Abstract. City residents who planted their own street trees were more satisfied with the outcome,than residents whose trees were planted by the city or an outside agency. Within the circumstances described in the study, those residents... more
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      Tree PlantingBoolean Satisfiabilitysocial benefit
a b s t r a c t 'Urban greening' has been proposed as one approach to mitigate the human health consequences of increased temperatures resulting from climate change. We used systematic review methodology to evaluate available evidence on... more
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      EngineeringClimate ChangeUrban PlanningPublic Health
Capsule'': Urban tree planting can account for a 25% reduction in net cooling and heating energy usage in urban landscapes.
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      Air QualityCarbon DioxideCarbon SequestrationEnvironmental Pollution
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      BusinessEnvironmental ScienceConservationAgroforestry
Abstract. City residents who planted their own street trees were more satisfied with the outcome,than residents whose trees were planted by the city or an outside agency. Within the circumstances described in the study, those residents... more
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      Tree PlantingBoolean Satisfiability
In this study, we assess the need and desire for an alternative way to generate income which would preserve the environment instead of harming it. Informants told us that the quality of the environment had changed because of increasing... more
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      Pastoralism (Social Anthropology)Community ForestryTree Planting
In the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Tanzania, particularly the Northern Diocese, a significant portion of environmental discourse focuses on land: animals, mountains, soil, and especially trees and forests. Tree-planting and... more
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      ChristianityAnthropologySocial AnthropologyEnvironmental Studies
Agroforestry, the purposeful growing of trees and crops in interacting combinations, began to attain prominence in the late 1970s, when the international scientific community embraced its potentials in the tropics and recognized it as a... more
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      Decision MakingLand managementAgroforestryCarbon Sequestration
Low agricultural productivity, land degradation and poverty are severe interrelated problems in the East African highlands. While the proximate causes of such problems are relatively well known, the underlying causes are many and complex,... more
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      Sustainable agricultureFood AidSustainable DevelopmentFood Security
The handbook covers 5 thematic areas (knowing the environment, conserving the environment, the role of trees in our environment, climate change and expanding learning beyond class rooms). Within each thematic area, there are lessons... more
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      Environmental EducationSocial & environmental challenges in the developing world, involving youth and women in social issues and voluntarish.Tree Planting
Abstract. Few studies have included detailed investigations of the interactions of agroforestry techniques with pests and diseases, although the relevance of such interactions has long been recognized. The objectives of this review are to... more
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      AgroforestryPlant NutritionPlant DiversityInternal Control
This study identifies the major methods used by farmers to adapt to climate change in the Nile Basin of Ethiopia, the factors that affect their choice of method, and the barriers to adaptation. The methods identified include use of... more
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      Climate ChangeSocial CapitalGlobal Environmental ChangeGlobal Environmental Governance
Integrated conservation and development projects in the recent years view local people's support for protected areas management as an important element of biodiversity conservation. Increased knowledge about the interaction between... more
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      Applied EconomicsBiodiversity ConservationFactor analysisProtected Area Management
Why is Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan so enthusiastic about planting trees? The answer is more complicated than authoritarian greenwashing. In this Middle East Brief, Ekin Kurtiç argues that the AKP government’s interest in... more
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      TurkeyPolitical Ecology (Anthropology)Environmental movementsGreenwashing
While the biological and ecological role of agroforestry (AF) on climate change mitigation has received considerable research attention lately, the role of socio-psychological factors in this context has been left largely unexplored.... more
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      Decision MakingLand managementAgroforestryCarbon Sequestration
Green Tresses and Defiant Trees: Weaving Together the Braids of the Kurdish Ecological Struggle in the Autonomous Administration of North-East Syria (Rojava) The predominantly Kurdish areas of Syria (Rojava) Turkey (Bakûr), Iran... more
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      Middle East StudiesKurdish StudiesSocial EcologyTree Planting
Community-based forest management (CBFM) is the principal strategy in managing inhabited 'forest land' in the Philippines. It involves the participation of local communities in various forestry activities to achieve sustainable forestry,... more
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      Climate ChangeSocial JusticeCarbon SequestrationApplied Economics
Community-based forest management (CBFM) is the principal strategy in managing inhabited 'forest land' in the Philippines. It involves the participation of local communities in various forestry activities to achieve sustainable forestry,... more
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      Climate ChangeSocial JusticeCarbon SequestrationApplied Economics
We evaluated the impacts of the Ethiopian Productive Safety Net Program (PSNP) on rural households' holdings of livestock and forest assets including trees. Using panel data, we applied both regression analysis and propensity score... more
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      Business AdministrationEconomicsDevelopment EconomicsApplied Economics
While the biological and ecological role of agroforestry (AF) on climate change mitigation has received considerable research attention lately, the role of socio-psychological factors in this context has been left largely unexplored.... more
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      Decision MakingLand managementAgroforestryCarbon Sequestration
The forest reserves of Hawai'i were established in the early 1900s in response to concerns about supplies of freshwater in the islands and the degraded condition of the native forests protecting the watersheds. Tree-planting was a... more
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      Landscape EcologyHuman GeographyLandscapeWatershed Management
Over the past few years a single row of Eucalyptus globulus trees planted along the borders of cropland has come to dominate central highland agroforestry practices. Although evidence is scanty, there is a perception that this practice... more
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      AgroforestryTriticum AestivumEnvironmental SciencesAgricultural Systems
Urban green space and particularly the tree canopy have been highlighted as offering a mitigation potential against atmospheric particulate pollution. In this paper current and future particulate (PM 10 ) deposition to the urban tree... more
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      EngineeringAir QualityClimate ChangeUrban Landscape
The production of high quality planting stock is a critical activity for the improvement of agroforestry practices through tree domestication. Tree nurseries of smallholder farmers' in three Provinces of southern and central Philippines... more
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      Tree PlantingForestry SciencesNative Species
Using a correlation between trunk diameter fluctuation (TDF) and stem water potential (SWP) it appears possible to determine water deficit threshold values (WDTV) for young cherry trees. This correlation must be based on a significant... more
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      Civil EngineeringAgricultural Water ManagementSeasonalityIrrigation Scheduling
The approaches adopted by local farmers to put the degraded landscape of the Irangi Hills in central Tanzania to productive agricultural use are analysed. The area has been extensively affected by severe soil erosion, thereby reducing its... more
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      AgricultureLand Use ChangeStrategyEnvironmental Sciences
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      Forest Ecology And ManagementAgroforestryForest EcologyHomogenization
There has been substantial attention given to the benefits provided by urban forests, but little emphasis placed on the distribution of urban trees and the means by which trees are redistributed through urban reforestation efforts. This... more
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      Human GeographyPolitical EconomyUrban And Regional PlanningPolitical Economics
Should policymakers -or anyone else -care about millions of ha of Imperata grasslands? The answer depends on the balance between costs of conversion to other uses and the net benefits produced in economic growth, poverty alleviation, and... more
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      Development EconomicsEconomic GrowthCarbon SequestrationPolicy Analysis
Highest priority zones for tree planting within New York City were selected by using a planting priority index developed combining three main indicators: pollution concentration, population density and low canopy cover. This new tree... more
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      AlgorithmsAir QualityForestryUrban Planning
One of the most important reasons for the degradation of biodiversity, in mountain areas and elsewhere, is that the people who make land use decisions often receive few or no benefits from biodiversity conservation. Understandably,... more
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