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Individual tree mortality models were developed for the six major forest species of Austria: Norway spruce (Picea abies), white ®r (Abies alba), European larch (Larix decidua), Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris), European beech (Fagus... more
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      MethodologyComparative StudyNeural NetworkParameter estimation
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      GeographyClimate ChangeMultidisciplinaryEcological Modelling
Vogiatzakis, I. N., Griffiths, G. H. & Bacchetta, G. 2005: Human impacts on Quercus suber habitats in Sardinia: Past and present. Bot. Chron. 18(1): 293-300. Quercus suber L. is a species confined to the centre and western Mediterranean... more
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      GeographyLandscape changeHuman impactOak
Density Functional calculations have proven to be a powerful tool to study the ground state of many materials. For finite temperatures the situation is less ideal and one is often forced to rely on models with parameters either fitted to... more
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      ThermodynamicsMonte CarloParallel ProcessingDensity-functional theory
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      Chemical EngineeringGeneticsOakField Study
A dehesa is a multipurpose agroforestry system with scattered oaks. This study focuses on the influence of trees on soil chemical fertility and on the consequences of dehesa land use for soil fertility and nutritional status of trees. To... more
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      Analytical ChemistryLand UseNutritional StatusSoil Fertility
This study concerned an experimental truffle bed of downy oaks infected by the ectomycorrhizal fungus Tuber melanosporum and planted in 1983. The presence of T. melanosporum creates rounded areas with little herbaceous cover, termed... more
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      Biological SciencesLinear ModelEnvironmental SciencesLong Range
1. 5054 adult beetles of 144 species were collected in a total of 696 1-m 2 collecting trays by knockdown insecticide fogging of 36 different oak trees in closed canopy woodland at Richmond Park, U.K., with three of the trees sampled on... more
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O ur ohjective is to descrihe a multi-layer model of C.r canopy processes that effectively simulates houri)' C02 :uul latent ener gy (U~) lluxcs in a mixed deciduous Quercus-Acer (oak-maple) st'.111d in c~ntral l\ l~1ssac~1u selts, US/\.... more
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      PhotosynthesisModelingWater AvailabilityBiological Sciences
Nuclear ribosomal DNA sequences encoding the 5.8S RNA and the Xanking internal transcribed spacers (ITS1 and ITS2) were used to test the phylogenetic relationships within 12 Italian Quercus taxa (Fagaceae). Hypotheses of sequence... more
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      Evolutionary BiologyGeneticsZoologyMolecular Systematics
The pinyon/juniper woodlands of the Great Basin were a vital source of structural wood and energy products for the mining industry from the 1860's to the 1930's. Pinyon and juniper were cut extensively for fuel wood and for the prod... more
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      Nineteenth CenturyWood ProductsArtemisiaSpecies Composition
Repeated oak decline and mortality events have occurred in the Ozark region for decades and probably longer. We sampled an age sequence of 1,259 black and scarlet oaks (Quercus velutina Lam. and Quercus coccinea Muench.) to better... more
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      Time SeriesDrought StressForest scienceOak
Chondrosarcomas are malignant cartilage-forming tumors that represent the second most common malignant solid tumor of bone. These biologically poorly understood neoplasms vary considerably in clinical presentation and biologic behavior.... more
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      GeneticsZoologyPsychopharmacologyMolecular Biology
Background: Pollen from trees of the order Fagales are important allergen sources in most parts of the world. Clinical, immunochemical, and molecular biology studies indicate that they contain cross-reactive allergens. The major birch... more
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      ImmunologyMolecular BiologyAllergyPollen
Timing of bud burst and leaf unfolding in trees growing in a mixed species stand was recorded during nine years (1997)(1998)(1999)(2000)(2001)(2002)(2003)(2004)(2005) in primeval oldgrowth forests preserved in the Białowieża National Park... more
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      GeneticsForest Ecology And ManagementBiological SciencesEnvironmental Sciences
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      Plant BiologyGenetic transformationSomatic EmbryogenesisQuercus
When a community or ecosystem is lost, some of its properties may remain, leaving behind an ecological memory. The soil properties, spores, seeds, stem fragments, mycorrhizae, species, populations and other remnants of the previous... more
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      EcologyInvasive SpeciesEcological restorationInvasive Alien Species
Analysis of wood charcoal that was conducted as a part of an interdisciplinary project at Pyeonggeo-dong, a multi-period agricultural complex located in Jinju, South Korea, reveals oak (Quercus sp.) to be the most commonly encountered... more
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      ArchaeologyGeologySouth KoreaEcology
We compared below-canopy and open-site climatic conditions for 14 different forest sites in Switzerland and analysed the forest influence on local summer and winter climate according to the forest type (coniferous, mixed, deciduous), soil... more
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      Earth SciencesClimateBiometeorologyBiological Sciences
In order to study the possible interactions between air poll~.ion and climate coaditions in Mediterranean evergream broadleaf species, since 1987 we have been monitoring the annual and infra-annual variations in crown density of Quercus... more
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      Air pollutionMultidisciplinaryOakQuercus ilex
A new flux-based model provides a revised assessment of risks of ozone impacts to European forests.
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      Environmental MonitoringClimateRisk assessmentEnvironmental Pollution
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      Materials EngineeringCondensed Matter PhysicsThermodynamicsWater Purification
Alcohol abuse and maxillofacial trauma, particularly that due to interpersonal violence, have a well-established relationship in the literature. We present a retrospective audit comparing the role of alcohol in maxillofacial trauma... more
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      ViolenceAustraliaPublic HealthEmployment
In this study, a distance-independent mixed model was developed for predicting the diameter growth of individual trees in Mediterranean oak (Quercus pyrenaica Willd.) coppices located in northwest Spain. The data used to build the model... more
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      Forest Ecology And ManagementForest EcologyBiological SciencesLinear Model
Advanced Tokamak (AT) research in DIII-D focuses on developing a scientific basis for steady-state, high performance operation. For optimal performance, these experiments routinely operate with β above the n=1 no-wall limit, enabled by... more
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      Current DensityOakSteady stateHigh performance
The topical application of antioxidants may be beneficial for the protection of the skin against UV damage. An extract of Quercus robur leaves was prepared and evaluated considering its putative application as topical antioxidant. The... more
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Atmospheric transport models are used in studies of atmospheric chemistry as well as aerobiology. Atmospheric transport models in general needs accurate emissions inventories, which includes biogenic emissions such as Volatile Organic... more
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      GeographyEnvironmental ScienceRemote SensingAtmospheric Chemistry
The Black Stork Ciconia nigra, following an expansion on European scale, started breeding in Italy in 1994 with one pair in the Piedmont Region and one in the Calabria Region. Since then, the breeding pairs established in Italy have... more
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      Eastern EuropeEuropean UnionData CollectionIberian Peninsula
Steam gasification studies were carried out in an atmospheric fluidised bed. The gasifier was operated over a temperature range of 700-900 8C whilst varying a steam/biomass ratio from 0.4 to 0.85 w/w. Three types of forestry biomass were... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringChemical EngineeringBiomassEnergy Conversion
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      Climate ChangeCarbon DioxideLepidopteraGlobal change
— Morphological variability of oaks in Lorraine (northeastern France), was studied. Eight hundred oaks were sampled in 80 stands covering a broad range of ecological variability; 10 leaves, fruits and current-year shoots were... more
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      OakQuercus robur
Size distributions of particulate hopanes, steranes, and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) were measured in the exhaust from four heavy-duty diesel vehicles (HDDVs) operated under idle, creep, transient, and two highspeed driving... more
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      Environmental EngineeringAir QualityAtmospheric ScienceBiomass
Carbon storage in aboveground tree biomass and soil organic matter (in depth of A layer development i.e., up to 20 cm) was studied in 22-32 year-old post-mining sites in the northwest of the Czech Republic. Four replicated sites... more
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      Evolutionary BiologyMicrobiologySpainPhylogeny
haired mature leaves of O. europaea was ineffective in ab-Quartz fibre-optic microprobes were used to monitor the sorbing most of the incident UV-B and UV-A radiation. UV light microenvironment beneath trichome layers of the xeromorphic... more
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      Plant BiologyBlue LightOakOptical Fibre
Applying mulch on and around the root ball of newly installed trees is standard practice in many locations (Watson and Himelick 1997). However, mulch usage is less common in drier locations such as the southwestern United States. Applying... more
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      ArboricultureTree PlantingOakParticle Size
A field study was conducted to measure the predictability of tree decay based on visual assessments. Predictions made by individual arborists, tree surgeons, and forest ecologists were compared with the actual amounts and distributions of... more
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      ArboricultureUrban TreesOakField Study
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      PsychologyLinguisticsOakPublic health systems and services research
A survey of the crown status of Turkey oak (Quercus cerris L.) trees in the boron-rich area at Travale (Southern Tuscany, Italy) was carried out in order to evaluate the impact of geothermal power plants. Crown thinness was assessed and... more
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      ArsenicMultidisciplinaryPower PlantCase Study
1. We investigated the effect of moderate eutrophication on leaf litter decomposition and associated invertebrates in five reference and five eutrophied streams in central Portugal. Fungal parameters and litter N and P dynamics were... more
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      DecompositionFreshwater BiologyHydrobiologyEutrophication
The goal of this study was to determine how different pruning techniques affect trunk movement on live oak subjected to hurricane force winds. Tree movement in wind on nonpruned trees was compared with movement on trees with crowns... more
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      OakWind Speed
A rainfall interception measuring system was developed and tested for open-grown trees. The system includes direct measurements of gross precipitation, throughfall and stem¯ow, as well as continuous collection of micrometeorological data.... more
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      Environmental EngineeringCivil EngineeringEvaporationSeasonality
The Socioeconomic Impact of Truffle Cultivation in Rural Spain. Commercial black truffle (Tuber melanosporum) plantations have been promoted in Europe with the intention of benefiting rural economies while conserving biodiversity through... more
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      EthnobotanyPlant BiologyRural DevelopmentEthnomycology
Isoprene emission capacity measurements are presented from 18 North American oak (Quercus) species and species from six other genera previously found to emit signi"cant quantities of isoprene. Sampling was conducted at physiographically... more
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      Environmental EngineeringGeneticsPopulusAtmospheric sciences
& Introduction The limited ability of Quercus species to regenerate naturally in Mediterranean forests has led to the development of various artificial regeneration methods; however, there is no general consensus as to what specific... more
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Plants have suberized cells that act as protective interfaces with the environment or between different plant tissues. A lamellar structure of alternating dark and light bands has been found upon transmission electron microscopy~TEM!... more
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      Materials EngineeringCondensed Matter PhysicsTransmission Electron MicroscopyLipids
Baseline information on the biogeography of the species Quercus humboldtii Bonpl is presented. This species, commonly known as Roble, has many uses for local communities, but has recently been placed in the IUCN category of "low... more
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      GeneticsSpecies DistributionOakSpecies Distribution Model
Crown defoliation of oak (Quercus robur and Q. petraea) was analysed in 808 trees during three forest condition surveys (1988, 1993, and 1999) in the southern Sweden. From 1988 to 1999 crown defoliation increased by more than 20%. Changes... more
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      SoilEnvironmental MonitoringFungiMultidisciplinary
We analyse the consequences of traditional use on forest characteristics during the last millennium in a mountain area of Spanish Central System, using information contained in documents, as well as cartography and toponymy. In the Middle... more
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      Human GeographyHistorical GeographyNineteenth CenturyCase Study
In this study a size selected genomic library from Quercus petraea was screened for (GA/CT)n-microsatellite sequences. The resulting loci were analysed by PCR for their usefulness as molecular markers in Q. petraea and Q. robur. 17 out of... more
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      GeneticsPolymorphismPlant BiologyPlant Molecular Biology