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      Computer ScienceNatural Language ProcessingLinguisticsNoun
In this short paper, I have made a humble attempt to address in brief the method of making a general monolingual reference dictionary. I have addressed some of the theoretical as well as practical issues, which are directly linked with... more
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    • Dictionary User Research
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The aim of this study is to analyze the meaning of the word “over” through syntactic and semantic analysis based on its structure. Moreover, this study also evaluates the features of the word “over” based on the structure whether they are... more
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Во оваа статија го претставуваме Македонскиот корпус на англискиот меѓујазик (МКАМ). Тој претставува електронска база на текстови пишувани од изучувачи на англискиот јазик во Република Македонија. Создаден е во рамките на проектот Анализа... more
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    • Languages and Literature
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Лексикографскиот концепт на словенските етимолошки речници (дијахрониски и синхрониски аспекти) Впрочем, за секој речник, а особено за етимолошкиот важи правилото, речниците се како часовници и најлошиот е подобар од никаквиот, но и од... more
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    • Language and Etymology
In India, traditional lexicography for under-resourced languages is typically spearheaded by a single linguist, most often someone not from the community. This linguist makes the major decisions for the end product including decisions on... more
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      LexicographySino-Tibetan LinguisticsTibeto-Burman languagesIndigenous Language Revitalization
Organizing and producing a dictionary is a challenge for the lexicographer in any language. For monolingual sign language dictionaries, this challenge is even more complex. For the object of study, this paper approaches the assumptions of... more
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Organizing and producing a dictionary is a challenge for the lexicographer in any language. For monolingual sign language dictionaries, this challenge is even more complex. For the object of study, this paper approaches the assumptions of... more
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      LexiconBrazilian Sign Language - LibrasMonolingual Dictionaries
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      Computer ScienceNatural Language ProcessingCorpus LinguisticsLinguistics
Multi-word Unit (MWU) extraction in Turkish has its own challenges due to the agglutinative nature of the language and the lack of reliable tools and reference datasets. The aim of this study is to share the hands-on experience on MWU... more
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      Turkish National CorpusTürkçe Ulusal DerlemiMWU
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      Computer ScienceSpeech RecognitionTURKISHPart of Speech Tagging
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      Natural Language ProcessingComputational LinguisticsCorpus LinguisticsPOS tagging
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      Natural Language ProcessingComputational LinguisticsPOS taggingTurkish Corpus Linguistics
Twenty-four soybean plots (var. Elf) were established near Ames, Iowa. Each measured 40 ft by 4 rows (30-in centers) and was bordered by 2 rows. Five treatments (Table 1) and a check were arranged in a randomized completeblock design,... more
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      SociologyComputer Science
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      Computer ScienceNatural Language ProcessingLinguistics
This paper describes an automatic discourse relation alignment experiment as an empirical justification of the planned annotation projection approach to enlarge the 3600-word multilingual corpus of TED Multilingual Discourse Bank... more
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      Computer ScienceArtificial IntelligenceNatural Language ProcessingAnnotation
Bu çalışmada Türkçe Sözlük'ün 1945-2011 baskılarında "Eskimiştir." kaydıyla işaretlenmiş veriler üzerinde durulmuştur.
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      Turkish LinguisticsTurkish LanguageTurkologyTürk Dili
In diesem Aufsatz diskutiere ich die Distribution von kohärenten Kontroll-Infinitiven im Deutschen. Es werden die Verbklassen bestimmt, die kohärente Infinitive lizenzieren. Dabei zeigt sich, dass ausschließlich Infinitive... more
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    • DDC
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      DDCDeutschkontrastive Grammatik
Dictionaries Arabic-Indonesian take pivotal roles in the learning and teaching process for the teacher and the students of Arabic Education Department to comprehend and interpret the meaning of texts. Firstly, popular with the printed... more
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The article deals with the adnominal dative+possessive construction of the type in Bęəbən ir Gətrax (‘the women their costume = the costume of women’) and its different variants in the German dialect of Deutschpilsen, a small Hungarian... more
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      DialectologyLinguisticsDialectology of GermanPossessive Dative
Attitude or speech reports in English with a non-parenthetical syntax sometimes give rise to interpretations in which the embedded clause, e.g., "John was out of town" in the report "Jill said that John was out of... more
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      Computer ScienceCivil Discourse
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      MathematicsOptimal ControlMissing DataIncomplete Data
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A construction is any linguistic expression, no matter how concrete or abstract, that is directly associated with a particular meaning or function, and whose form or meaning cannot be compositionally derived. According to the... more
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      BiologyThe Royal Society
Özet Derlemdibilim, dilbilimin son yıllarda öne çıkan bir dalıdır. Bu çalı! madaderlemdilbilim kuramı ve derlemdilbilimin temel kavramlarına kısaca de" inilmi! tir. Bu çalı! manın temel amacı, internet üzerinden eri! ilebilen,... more
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    • Turkish Corpus
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      Corpus LinguisticsCognitive LinguisticsTurkish LinguisticsTurkish Language
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      Corpus LinguisticsCritical Discourse AnalysisCorpus Linguistics and Discourse AnalysisTurkish Linguistics
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      Corpus LinguisticsTurkish LinguisticsTurkish Corpus LinguisticsTurkish National Corpus
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      PsychologyDeixisTurkish LinguisticsDiscourse particles
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This paper aims at describing the building of the online corpora on Philippine languages as part of the online repository system called Palito. There are five components of the corpora: the top four major Philippine languages which are... more
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In order to get a clear picture of the notion of label let us consider an example of a lexical entry taken from a well-known English-English dictionary:1 diffuse (difiu.z), v. 1526. [-diffus-, pa. ppl. stem of L. diffundere; see prec.]... more
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Filipino lexicography deals with two problems related to the linguistic features of the language: the lexicon and the grammatical features including orthography. This paper analyzes how the Diksyunaryong Monolingwal sa Filipino (DMF)... more
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    • Computer Science
In order to get a clear picture of the notion of label let us consider an example of a lexical entry taken from a well-known English-English dictionary:1 diffuse (difiu.z), v. 1526. [-diffus-, pa. ppl. stem of L. diffundere; see prec.]... more
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As user-generated content is on the rise both in terms of volume and importance, the long established relation between spoken and written communication needs to be re-examined in lexicography. This is the aim of this paper, in which we... more
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    • History
We present the Potsdam Commentary Corpus 2.2, a German corpus of news editorials annotated on several different levels. New in the 2.2 version of the corpus are two additional annotation layers for coherence relations following the Penn... more
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    • Computer Science