Recent papers in Varro
Starting from Pliny’s representation of Italy the paper deals with the construction of Italian identity in the so called laudes Italiae and other passages by early modern authors
Abstract - Roma Triumphans by Biondo Flavio represents the first treatise offering a systematic investigation of the religious, civic and political institutions of ancient Rome, evaluating data from a historical-comparative viewpoint.... more
While recent readings of Varro’s De Re Rustica have emphasized a negative view of contemporary politics and mores across all three books, this ar- ticle identifies an oppositional contrast between Rust. 1 and 3, set in the temple of... more
Atalanta o dell'ambiguità di 'genere' (met. 8,322-323)
Die Darstellung römischer Landgüter in antiken Primärquellen im Vergleich.
Lorsqu'en 387, à Milan, Augustin commence la rédaction d'un traité sur la musique, il ne semble pas faire oeuvre originale, puisqu'il s'inspire du projet encyclopédique de Varron : les arts libéraux doivent y servir de degrés assurés pour... more
Von den ursprünglich 25 Büchern De ling11a Lati11a (= L.L.; einer systematischen Darstellung »Über die lat. Sprache«) des Marcus Terentius Varro (116-27 v.Chr.), der von 1Cicero als homo polygmph6tatos (etwa »ein außerordentlich... more
Rubricazione dei testi più significativi sull'amicizia di Agostino di Ippona sulla base della definizione di amicizia fornita da Marco Tullio Cicerone in «Laelius», vi, 20.
This paper reviews approaches to what is known as the septimus casus from Varro and Quintilian to the late grammarians. It emphasizes the different points of view adopted to describe the seventh case in the history of Latin grammar, and... more
Vesta and the Vestal priestesses represented the very core of Roman cultural identity, and Augustus positioned his public image beside them to augment his political legitimacy. Through analysis of material culture, historiography, and... more
[This is the proof copy of the now-published paper available at] The Asianist orator Hortensius Hortalus is a partial model for Horace's critique of Lucilius in his début collection Satires 1. Much... more
Let me start with the term Enlightenment, which plays a crucial role in both Western and Eastern history.
Who is the "scholasticus" responsible for the Roman Canon? Answer: Lactanctius. The study principally concentrates on reconstructing the Roman Canon to approximately AD 325. The reconstruction takes advantage of traditional sources and... more
By considering all the occurrences of humanitas and humanus in Varro’s works and fragments, the paper aims to show his special re-elaboration of this fundamental concept for Roman culture. According to Varro, all its meanings would stem... more
Il processo di definizione templare dal rito augurale alla caratterizzazione architettonica.
UPDATE Summer 2024. This article was earlier declined by a leading journal specialising in Islamic studies and another concerned with the ancient history and archaeology of the southern Levant, citing rather absurd and disingenuous... more
This thesis examines divination at Rome and its role in Roman historiography, with particular reference to Livy and Tacitus. The focus of the thesis is why and how they used divination and the extent to which divination supported their... more
L’indagine svolta ha permesso di fare apparire come meglio condivisibile, tra le varie prospettive in tema di origine della compravendita consensuale romana, quella secondo cui essa sorse come istituto sganciato dalle radici del ius... more
Che cos’era il pomerium? Varrone in un celebre passo del De lingua latina lo definisce l’orbis che costituisce l’urbis principium (V, 143). Quello che possiamo dire con certezza è che il pomerio costituiva il limite sacro della città, un... more
This contribution focuses on the analysis of the presence of Italic divinities and cults in the Aeneis. In particular, some divinities (Angitia, Feronia, Marica, Mefitis, Iuppiter Anxur) and some rituals (the Hirpi Sorani) are taken into... more
In R. Gibson and C. Whitton (eds.), The Cambridge Critical Guide to Latin Literature (Cambridge University Press, 2024), 700-752.
HEFT 91/92 1 DEZEMBER 2013 dieval copyists who transcribed the works of the grammarians were facing a not very perspicuous text and undoubtedly further modified it; so the few words transmitted to us surely are not the original text of... more
Instead of Varro's tripartite division of theology, this paper proposes to distinguish between cosmic theism and anthropic theism and sees how this might play out when applied to Jewish monotheism. (In German.)
Arctos has been published since 1954, annually from vol. 8 (1974). Arctos welcomes submissions dealing with any aspect of classical antiquity, and the reception of ancient cultures in mediaeval times and beyond. Arctos presents research... more
Latin words for ‘walls’ moenia and muri both derive from munio and are often used with particular relevance in latin literary tradition because of their connection with the legend of founding of Rome through ploughing a trench round it, a... more
The high number of poetic citations contained in the surviving books of Varro’s "De lingua Latina" are relevant not only as mostly unique attestations of latin arcaic poetry, but also for the special place they hold within Varro’s... more
In his epitome Justin related Pompeius Trogus’ story, who apparently wanted to convince his readers that Attalos III, who was insane, accused his relatives of poisoning Berenike and Stratonike. Before he died he had bequeathed his kingdom... more
Studi e Ricerche 175 I volumi pubblicati nella Collana sono sottoposti a un processo di peer review che ne attesta la validità scientifica Volume pubblicato con il contributo del Dipartimento di Studi Umanistici dell'Università degli... more
Short summary In the final line of Lucretius' DRN II, everything goes "to the grave" (ire ad capulum, Voss' conjecture) and not "to the reef" (ire ad scopulum, transmitted text). Supporting evidence is given by a contextual and... more
dans H. Bru, F. Kirbihler et S. Lebreton (éd.), L’Asie Mineure dans l’Antiquité : échanges, populations et territoires. Actes du colloque international de Tours (21-22 octobre 2005), Presses Universitaires de Rennes, 2009, p. 263-287.
Per una sintesi del problema cf. E. Narducci, Cicerone. La vecchiezza, Milano 1983, pp. 5-104, in part. pp. 65-95 ; Idem, Il Cato Maior o la vecchiezza dell'aristocrazia romana, « Quaderni di storia » 16, 1982, pp. 121-163. Per... more
The purpose of this article is to support Voss' conjecture ire ad capulum against the transmitted text ire ad scopulum in Lucretius, De rerum natura 2.1173-1174. The tropic use of capulus meaning "death" is attested in Latin poetry from... more
JAANA VAAHTERA Apollonius Dyscolus believed that there is a linguistic order that is found on all levels of the linguistic system and that should be followed in grammar as well. This means that the order of the various lists used in... more
What makes an urban settlement a city (I deliberately avoid the suggestion of a hierarchy of towns and cities here) is done and felt very di!erently by di!erent agents and is often inaccessible to external as well as internal observers of... more
In this paper, I provide a new way to read the “Sabine” gloss in Varro LL 5.97 substantiated by philological and linguistic arguments. While Varro explains Lat. porcus ‘pig’ as a loan word either from “Sabine” (apruno porco) or Greek... more
This paper explores the scholarly relationship between Varro and Atticus by focusing on the attribution of a Varronian fragment (Gell. 17.21.24). Taking into account Gellius’s citation practices, it is argued that the fragment (concerning... more
Over the past few years, students of ancient Mediterranean societies have shown consistent interest in the cultural construction of dogs as reflected in texts, artefacts, and other media. However, whereas the cultural and literary... more
Ciceroniana on line» II, 2, 2018, 293-324 RECENSIONI -COMPTES RENDUS Maria ZANICHELLI, Ius de quo quaerimus. Cicerone filosofo del diritto, Universitas Studiorum, Mantova 2018, 204 pp., ISBN 9788899459413, 18 €.