Recent papers in Vergil
This commentary on Aeneid 11 is a triumph. It joins a learned company of recent(ish) 'Green & Yellows' on the oft-ignored second half of the Aeneid, spearheaded by P.R. Hardie on Aeneid 9 (1994) and R. Tarrant on Aeneid 12 (2012), and... more
Table of Contents
Introductory Remarks
Introductory Remarks
Starting from Pliny’s representation of Italy the paper deals with the construction of Italian identity in the so called laudes Italiae and other passages by early modern authors
[Gods, heroes and founders in ancient Latium]
This paper analyses the intertextual relations between some passages of the Medea cento and Valerius Flaccus’ Argonautica, a relationship mediated by Virgil’s Aeneid, the poetic langue of Hosidius’ cento. The numerous Virgilian allusions... more
Latin Poetry Panel, Classical Association of Canada Annual Meeting, Winnipeg, May 2013
Cet article propose de voir à quoi correspond, dans l’Antiquité, la catégorie d’ « épopée didactique » (ou « poésie didactique »), couramment utilisée par les savants modernes pour rendre compte d’œuvres comme les Travaux et les jours, le... more
Curso breve (4 horas de duración) en el marco del VII Coloquio Internacional “[Una] nueva visión de la cultura griega antigua en el comienzo del tercer milenio:
perspectivas y desafíos” - UNLP, 23 a 26 de junio de 2015
perspectivas y desafíos” - UNLP, 23 a 26 de junio de 2015
In Civitate de Dono Dei in partibus Scotorum Deo adiuvante die xii mensis februarii AD mmxiv incepta die xvii mensis decembri AD mmxvi perfecta
Il volume consiste in un approfondito commento all'ultima ecloga virgiliana, indagata nel suo rapporto con i modelli greci (Teocrito, ma anche la tradizione bucolica successiva) e latini (Lucrezio, Catullo), nonché con le ecloghe... more
Anchises’ speech (Aen. 6,724-751) synthesizes, in twenty-eight verses, the great themes of the cosmos (724-727), the animated beings (728-732), the soul imprisoned in the body (733-738), the destiny of the souls (739-751). The synthesis... more
This article examines the intertextuality of three passages in the Aeneid: 6.460, 4.441-49, and 4.90-128. In each, Virgil's language alludes to both a Hellenistic poet and Sappho. The Sapphic allusions appear where Virgil diverges from... more
From antiquity to the eve of the modern era, rulers of Western empires inspired hero worship by proclaiming their divine origins. In this fascinating original study, Marie Tanner presents the history of the emperor's mythic image and its... more
A brief introduction to the OCR A Level set text.
This paper analyzes Vergil’s representation of militant wo¬men in the Aeneid in cross-cultural compari-son with contemporary discourses about female combatants in the Middle East. I draw on recent femi-nist work in conflict studies, which... more
temas y formas del mundo clásico temes i formes del món clàssic I conventvs classicorvm temas y formas del mundo clásico Los dos volúmenes de Conuentus Classicorum ofrecen la visión más completa que puede obtenerse hoy de la variedad y... more
In this article, the variants of the Toledo Bibl. Capit. Ms. 102-2 manuscript are analysed. These variants do not coincide with those of Vergil’s Aeneid, which are more recent. Some of the referred lines are explained by means of critic... more
O gênero épico tinha por objetivo mais nobre a preservação de histórias contadas por gerações e nessas histórias, narradas por versos cantados – elemento antigo para memorização –, preservavam os nomes de heróis, pais fundadores, espaços... more
This discussion outlines the poetical features of style and narrative technique which contribute to Virgil's psychological characterisation and considers the role of audience response - in terms of reception, intertextuality and ideology... more
In my paper I examine the use of Sibylline Books during Augustus' reign. I discuss the role of the Sibyl as well as the collection attributed to her in terms of cultural changes and cultural paraphrases. According to my opinion the... more
Despite the lack of poetic competition within the narrative of the Iliad, the relationship between the funeral games of Patroclus in book 23 and those of Anchises in Aeneid 5 has frequently been analyzed in (meta-) poetically agonistic... more
Tra i numerosi e complessi problemi suscitati dall' ed. 6 di Virgilio, non pochi ne pone l'interpretazione dei versi 64-73, dominati dalla figura di Cornelio Gallo, che spezza il contesto mitologico del canto di Sileno: condotto da una... more
In this essay on Virgil's Aeneid, I explore the role of memory and historical consciousness as the basis for the general formation of the epic and the outcome of the interpersonal events between Aeneas and Dido, and Aeneas and Turnus.... more
Preface; I. Artistry and symbol; II. A marriage at Carthage; III. Pallas and Aeneas: two sons; IV. Aeneas and Turnus: sons and lovers; V. Eros and Politics: the roman resonance;Abbreviations.
Published in "Atti XX Giornata di Studi Virgiliani", Napoli, Loffredo, 2017, pp. 31-52, ISBN ISBN 978-88-99306-56-4
La Eneida se ha prestado, desde la Antigüedad hasta nuestro mismo tiempo, a lecturas que, cuando menos, podemos considerar peculiares o extrañas. La pretensión de que el gran poema virgiliano pueda contener mensajes ocultos y atemporales... more
I will concentrate on the following sources of public opinion in favour of Sextus Pompeius, which may be less obvious but are no less important: 1. letters from exiled people in Sicily 2. the persistence of a permanent daily memory not... more
The noticeable analogies between the funeral laments of Anna and Juturna in the Aeneid have been often explained as a means of linking the sisters of the two main Aeneas’ opponents. But the common features of the two passages (and their... more
Analyse van en leesvragen (incl. antwoorden) bij het Schild van Aeneas uit Vergilius Aeneis 8.626-728. Er wordt ook een vergelijking gemaakt met het schild van Achilles uit de Ilias. Materiaal vervaardigd voor VCN Nazomerconferentie 2019.
Framing the mission of Aeneas in the underworld, Palinurus’ disappereance in the waters of the Sirens at the end of Aeneid 5 and Circe’s indirect appearance at the beginning of Aeneid 7 mark the last stages of the Trojan hero’s journey.... more
Esta obra trata acerca del mayor poeta de Roma, pero también sobre el valor que tiene la gran literatura a la hora de enseñarnos a saber quiénes somos. Recorre, en primer lugar, los aspectos biográficos e históricos de Virgilio, repasando... more
Augustus’ success in implementing monarchical rule at Rome is often attributed to innovations in the symbolic language of power, from the star marking Julius Caesar’s deification to buildings like the Palatine complex and Forum Augustum... more
This paper will examine the claims of the excudent alii ('others will hammer out') priamel of Aeneid 6.847–53 within the immediate context of the parade's end, where Marcellus, parading the spolia opima, is used to exemplify the claims... more
Original title: M. von Albrecht: Vergil. Bucolica - Georgica - Aeneis: Eine Einführung, 3. Aufl., Heidelberg 2019.