Vase Painting
Recent papers in Vase Painting
ISBN 978 1 78491 486 8 ISBN 978 1 78491 487 5 (e-Pdf)
The painted vases unearthed by the thousands throughout the Mediterranean and neighboring countries are some of our most plentiful, and most problematic, sources for studying ancient Athenian women. Many of these objects lack documented... more
When Spyridon Marinatos excavated the LH I–II chamber tomb cemetery at Volimidia, among other sites in the region of Pylos (1955–1965), Messenia started to emerge as a prosperous and dynamic region of the early Mycenaean world that... more
AVERTISSEMENT Le « Bulletin Archéologique -céramique » de la REG 2013, qui fait suite à celui de la REG 123 (2010), prend une forme nouvelle. Le souci d'exhaustivité et de longues analyses critiques réaffirmé par les auteurs -dont le... more
This article examines a red-figure pelike made by a previously unknown local workshop that was very likely located in Pella, the capital of the Kingdom of Macedonia. This vessel was in storage in the Archaeological Museum of Thessaloniki... more
Ζεύς τοι κολαστὴς τῶν ὑπερκόπων ἄγαν φρονημάτων ἔπεστιν, εὔθυνος βαρὺς Στην αλαζονεία και την υπερβολή, ο Δίας είναι τιμωρός και βαρύς διορθωτής Αισχύλος, Πέρσαι, 827-828
The article presents a large early red-figure type B cup found in the excavations on the east hill of the ancient Methone in 2004. The cup comes from the destruction layer connected with Philip’s II sack of Methone in 354 B.C and belongs... more
The conducted research made it possible to introduce into the scientific circulation valuable material that was extracted during the many years of the excavation of Chersonesos. Excavations in the north-east part of the site were... more
Dieser Beitrag beschäftigt sich vornehmlich mit einer bestimmten Form von Schrift auf antiker griechischer Keramik, nämlich den gemalten Buchstabenketten in den Bildern auf Tongefäßen, die in der Tradition der griechischen Vasenmalerei... more
Το παρόν έργο πνευματικής ιδιοκτησίας προστατεύεται από τις διατάξεις της ελληνικής νομοθεσίας (Ν 2121/1993 όπως έχει τροποποιηθεί και ισχύει σήμερα) και από τις διεθνείς συμβάσεις περί πνευματικής ιδιοκτησίας. Απαγορεύεται απολύτως,... more
The exquisitely decorated Chigi Vase, made around 640 BC, is one of the best known of all Greek painted pots, and with its three intricate friezes with human figures it is certainly among the most ambitious ever produced at Corinth. Found... more
The Oxford English Dictionary defines koine as 'a set of cultural or other attributes common to various groups'. This volume merges an academic career over a half century in breadth and scope with an editorial vision that brings together... more
Ο όρος αγγεία του Κερτς (ή αγγεία της τεχνοτροπίας του Κερτς ή ρυθμού Κερτς) είναι συμβατικός. Χρησιμοποιήθηκε για πρώτη φορά από τον Α. Furtwängler 1 στο τέλος του 19ου αιώνα για να περιγράψει μια ομάδα ύστερων κλασικών αττικών... more
Sphinx, Siren, Gorgon, Minotaur, Acheloos, Triton, Typhon, Pan, Satyr and Centaur, are some of the most characteristic composite creatures represented broadly in ancient Greek art. Greeks familiarized themselves with fantasy elements that... more
This article deals with Ariadne and Amphitrite's similarities in the iconographic speech. Las similitudes iconográficas entre Anfítrite y Ariadna no han despertado ningún interés por parte de los especialistas, a pesar de existir... more
Οι Κορίνθιοι ήταν από τους πρώτους κεραμείς και αγγειογράφους που εγκατέλειψαν τη σκιαγραφία του γεωμετρικού ρυθμού και υιοθέτησαν τη τεχνική του περιγράμματος για να αποδώσουν τόσο τις ζωικές όσο και τις ανθρώπινες μορφές. Η ύστερη... more
The relief and contour lines on a group of ancient Greek red-figure vases and vase fragments in the collection of the Harvard Art Museums and the Worcester Art Museum were examined using two surface examination methodsreflectance... more
Il problema relativo all'irradiazione economica, culturale e politico-militare di Cartagine si può considerare uno degli argomenti più complessi e al tempo stesso più lungamente dibattuti nel settore degli studi fenici e punici. Nella... more
Le indagini condotte tra gli anni Settanta e Novanta sulla Collina di Su Murru Mannu nel sito di Tharros (Cabras – OR) portarono al rinvenimento di numerose attestazioni di pittura vascolare punica, caratterizzata da un ampio repertorio... more
The relief and contour lines on a group of ancient Greek red-figure vases and vase fragments in the collection of the Harvard Art Museums and the Worcester Art Museum were examined using two surface examination methodsreflectance... more
11:00 -11:30 Coffee Break 11:30 -13:30 Sesión 1 -El territorio marítimo y el paisaje en la idiosincrasia de las ciudades costeras. Moderador: Dr. Juan Guillermo Martín Rincón 11:30 -11:45 DAVID VENDRELL CABANILLAS (Universidad Autónoma de... more
Attic vase-painters in the Archaic and Classical periods created their objects as bearers of meaning, utilizing both shape and decoration to convey cultural messages. The vases act as constructed objects of communication with targeted... more
In the late 6th Century BC Attic potters develop a globular aryballos shape that differs from the Corinthian type by a semi-circular, sometimes funnel-shaped mouth. This is supported by over 60 vessels of various materials and origins.... more
"De la Grecia antigua se nos han conservado numerosos objetos que tienen que ver con el cuidado de la belleza masculina y femenina, como vasos de perfumes, espejos, cajas de ungüentos, etc. Muchos de ellos son portadores de imágenes que... more