Wassily Kandinsky
Recent papers in Wassily Kandinsky
For work submitted up to 24 hours after the agreed submission deadline, a penalty of 10 marks out of 100 (or 3 marks out of 20) from the mark the student would have received applies; for work submitted after 24 hours and up to, and... more
film, which becomes the capstone to a self-referential Tarkovskian oeuvre, Marker combines Tarkovsky's films with footage of the great director on his death bed. The finished product is a sort of Tarkovskian death mask or, as I would... more
La educación está atravesando una etapa de reconfiguración de paradigmas de una sociedad que forma parte del último eslabón del mundo industrial y el primero de la sociedad de la información (Mendez, Pimentel 98). La enseñanza de las... more
The researcher provides the keys of the work Without Title (1941) by Vasily Kandinsky, belonging to the permanent collection of the Museo Universidad de Navarra (MUN). The lecture takes place beside the work, in the exhibition room. La... more
İKEA ve Kelebek gibi dekorasyon devleri tarafından farklı renkler, farklı isimlerle tasarlanan ve birer sanat eserine dönüşen sandalyelerin ilham kaynaklarını öğrenmek istemez misiniz? Cevabınız evet ise biz de tek bir cevap ve tek bir... more
The art and architecture of the Islamic world had a decisive impact on the development of decorative and fine arts from 1880 to 1945. Many leading artists and architects took inspiration from the rich Islamic language of forms and... more
The dominant narratives of modern art history tell of a rift between art and “religion” by which the two became adversaries, even mutually unintelligible to each other. In their recent book, Modern Art and the Life of a Culture: The... more
This essay traces the theorization of interwar animation through period analogies with painting and dance, paying special attention to the valorization of concepts such as dematerialization and embodiment, which metaphors of visual music... more
Following the principle of contamination of the arts, this text explores the artistic affinity between the work of Mies van der Rohe and that of Kandinskij and Ejzenštejn. The three masters, in their respective fields of expression, have... more
The controversies and discussions sparked by the Russian Formalists are important to review today because many of the same issues are still current. The most well-known exchange occurred in the early 1920s between Leon Trotsky and Victor... more
The mark of a major artist is the contribution, legacy and influence of his or her’s oeuvre on a time and place, which lives on after the artist has departed. For the German Expressionists, in particular, the Blaue Reiter group, the major... more
Trópos. Rivista di ermeneutica e critica filosofica sottopone a procedura di referaggio anonimo gli articoli che rispondono a Call for papers e i contributi inviati liberamente dagli autori. La valutazione avviene di norma nell'arco di... more
Une histoire globale des avant-gardes picturales se doit d’expliquer pourquoi celles-ci apparurent en certains endroits et pas en d’autres, comment elles circulaient entre les pays et les capitales, ce qui les portait et si elles... more
This essay explores the durational gaze of the spectator and the audience, and the importance of a chronometric rehearsal process in realizing a rarely performed experimental Modernist stage composition. ‘Der Gelbe Klang’ (The Yellow... more
This work explores the key life events that shaped Vassiliy Kandinsky's complex art vision. Readers will dive into his mindset, discovering the meaning behind the metaphor of the 'Phoenix' of the abstraction art. Throughout the entire... more
ფერის როლსა და დანიშნულებაზე ხელოვნებაში.
Государственная академия художественных наук (ГАХН) — уникальная научно-культурная институция, возникшая на стыке Серебряного века и «авангарда», — представляет собой одну из ярких, хотя до сих пор недостаточно изученных страниц истории... more
English-language manuscript for “Desordre dans les beaux-arts: Kandinsky et Duchamp” In L’Homme devant l’incertain, ed. Ilya Prigogine, pp. 295-324. Paris: Editions Odile Jacob, 2001 (see above)
In the wake of the First World War, two interdisciplinary art schools with similar values were established in Germany and in the Soviet Union: the Bauhaus (1919–33) in Weimar and Vkhutemas (1920–30) in Moscow. Vkhutemas has often been... more
Revista Octubre Arte y Diseño nº 9 -Entre la ciencia y la ficción.
Bu çalışma; Empresyonizm, Kübizm, Sürrealizm ve Ekspresyonizmde resimsel anlamda tarz olarak soyutlama evresine geçişi konu almıştır. Bu çalışma, nitel araştırma modeli tekniği kullanılarak oluşturulmuştur. Yapılan çalışma ile bağlantılı... more
Abstract Beuys es el heredero directo de toda la tradición del Idealismo y el arte Romántico del Centro y el Norte de Europa. En su educación serán fundamentales las lecturas de Novalis, Holderlin, Schiller, Jean Paul, Tieck,... more
ÖZ Bu çalışmada, ülkemizde henüz adı pek duyulmamış ancak dünya sanat tarihinde çoktan hak ettiği yeri edinmiş olan İsveçli bir sanatçı tanıtılmaktadır; Hilma Af Klint. Bu sanatçının sanat tarihindeki yeri ve önemi konusuna... more
L'intento di questa raccolta è appunto offrire al lettore una serie di esempi, non troppi ma certamente fra i più rilevanti, di un'affascinante querelle, secolare e sempre nuova come testimonia l'interessante produzione di libri... more
This essay focuses on the logic of the aesthetic argument used in the eighteenth century as a conceptual tool for formulating the modern concept of “(fine) art(s).” The essay also examines the main developments in the history of the art... more
Mel Gooding faz uma análise resumida porém eficaz da arte abstrata. Dou ênfase ao primeiro capítulo de seu livro "Arte Abstrata" (Capítulo: "A Abstração e o Invisível"). Neste irá abordar os principais e primeiros artistas a praticar a... more
Kandinsky and Komissarzhevskaya probably never met. Where they surely met is on the common ground of their conception of the role of the artist. Both saw their work as the product of an inescapable inner necessity and both viewed it as... more
A multifacetada carreira de Wassily Kandinsky (1866-1944) projeta desafios e provocações para o diálogo entre artes e saberes. Entre ensaio, literatura, etnografia, pintura, música e teatro, Kandinsky se move em meio a realizações... more
A proposta dessa pesquisa está assentada sobre a idéia de que a atual pluralidade de linguagens artísticas pode ter sido originada na passagem do século XIX para o século XX com a necessidade de uma mudança de rumo no conteúdo do discurso... more
Bauduin, Tessel M. ‘Abstract Art as “By-Product of Astral Manifestation”: The Influence of Theosophy upon Modern Art in Europe.’ In: Handbook of the Theosophical Current, O. Hammer and M. Rothstein (eds.), 429-52. Leiden: Brill.
Wassily Kandinsky’s life-long adherence to Orthodox Christianity was a driving force in his exploration of non-objective painting. Under the influence of the Russian Neo-Christian thinkers who aimed to revitalize Orthodox theology at the... more
Aproximación histórica y teórica sobre las aportaciones de Vassily Kandinsky al expresionismo y las consecuentes vanguardias
How Finnish historian of art Sixten Ringbom "discovered" the Theosophical connection in Kandinsky and inaugurated a new field of studies about Theosophy's influence on the visual arts
The essay dealt with the introduction of abstraction in painting, as it is crystallized in the work of the Russian artist Wassily Kandinsky. At a first level, an attempt is made to outline the era of modernity and the effect it exerts on... more