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Ergebnisse der anthropologischen und paläopathologischen Untersuchung 1 Einführung Bei Rettungsgrabungen in historischen Stadtzentren rechnet man mit mittelalterlichen Hausfundamenten. Auch Skelette in Kirchennähe sind zuweilen nichts... more
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      AnthropologyNeolithic ArchaeologyPalaeopathologyNeolithic
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      History of International RelationsHistory of Middle ClassesTwentieth Century GermanyWeimar Republic
This book introduces the lay reader to the problem of how to read Hitler's notoriously turgid prose by taking key short extracts and undertaking a close reading of them. It seeks to offer a reading of the text that moves discussion of... more
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      German StudiesRace and RacismIdeologyFascism
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      TerrorismPolitical Violence and TerrorismWeimar RepublicWeimar Germany
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      WomenWeimar Germany
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      MelodramaWeimar GermanyImages of Motherhood in Literature and CultureNew Woman
Published in 2004, this essay focuses on the communist-activist artist Alice Lex-Nerlinger who, working during the closing years of the Weimar Republic, created works ranging from subtle photomontages that were reproduced in Werner... more
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      Anti-nazi resistanceHistory of photographyWomen ArtistsWeimar Republic
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    • Weimar Germany
Neste artigo, publicado na revista Die Arbeit em 1930, Franz Neumann defende que o conteúdo dos direitos fundamentais estabelecidos pela Constituição de Weimar não é liberal, mas social. Haveria, portanto, compatibilidade entre direitos... more
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      Critical TheoryWeimar RepublicTeoría crítica del derechoTeoría Crítica
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      Critical Theory20th Century German LiteratureUrban StudiesWalter Benjamin
Before the Bauhaus reevaluates the political, architectural, and artistic cultures of pre-World War I Germany. Every bit as contradictory and conflict-ridden as the German Second Reich itself, the world of architects, craftsmen, and... more
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      German HistoryDesign educationModern ArchitectureApplied Arts
164 physician who delivered Alraune faces a similar fate; Alraune's childhood playmates hurt and humiliate themselves as they obey her orders; as she attains adulthood, having attended the finest and most expensive boarding schools, her... more
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      German StudiesJewish StudiesFilm StudiesGerman History
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      Art HistoryHistory of photographyWeimar RepublicWeimar Germany
B Reise auf die wenig städtische Insel Capri im Jahr wurde paradoxerweise zum Ausgangspunkt seiner Städteessayistik. Capri war in der ersten Hälfte des . Jahrhunderts ein Refugium für europäische Künstler und Schriftsteller, wie u.a.... more
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      Critical TheoryTravel WritingWalter BenjaminGerman-Jewish literature
Eine Analyse von Gustav Stresemanns Rede "Der Weg des neuen Deutschlands" zum Anlass der Verleihung des Friedensnobelpreises 1926 vor dem Hintergrund seiner politischen Biographie und den Verhältnissen seiner Zeit.
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      Weimar RepublicThe League of NationsWeimar GermanyGustav Stresemann
The genocidal war waged by the Nazis has long influenced our understanding of German nationalism. Scholars have argued that the Third Reich was a direct result of German nationalism, which had been antisemitic, racist, militaristic, and... more
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      German HistoryPoliticsNationalism20th Century German History
The essay will argue that Metropolis is not only a film about a futuristic city in which class struggle occurs, but an allegory to the problems that modernity had brought in interwar Weimar Germany, with leitmotifs relevant to this day.... more
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      HistoryFritz LangWeimar CinemaWeimar Germany
La Repubblica di Weimar fu un periodo ricco di contraddizioni tra la Grande Guerra e l’avvento del Terzo Reich. Il sistema di democrazia parlamentare che riuscì a realizzare fu altresì sorprendente, non solo perché nacque pochi mesi dopo... more
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      Contemporary History20th Century German HistoryWeimar Republic20th Century
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It furthers the University's mission bv disseminating knowledge in the pursuit of education, learning, and research ar rhe highest inrernarional levels of excellence.
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      Business HistoryHistory of CapitalismCapitalismSecond World War
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      German StudiesHistorical AnthropologyAustria (European History)Late Middle Ages
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      Military HistoryIntellectual HistoryCultural HistoryGerman History
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      ConstructivismDadaWeimar RepublicTwentieth Century British internment history
This essay analyzes the causes for the downfall of the Weimar Republic focusing on the years from 1929 to 1933. There are many theories that try to explain the fall of the Weimar Republic, but the two main causes that this paper discusses... more
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      Weimar RepublicNazi GermanyGermanyAdolf Hitler
ABSTRACT “Fritz Lang’s Die Nibelungen: The Dolchstoßlegende and the Appropriation of Germany’s Traumatic Past” Scott P. Hogan and Professor Kai Evers (Mentor), European Languages and Studies This paper looks at Germany during the years... more
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      HistoryGerman StudiesGerman LiteratureMythology
Published in _The Many Faces of Weimar Cinema_
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      Gender StudiesFilm StudiesGay And Lesbian StudiesMasculinity
Weimar was not a democracy without democrats; it was, though, a democracy without a deeply held democratic conviction amongst a majority of its population. Weak performance by embattled democratic political elites combined with an... more
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      HistoryGerman HistoryNationalismPolitical History
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      Social MovementsGerman HistoryContemporary HistoryHistoriography
„Manifestation of the Idea of European Unity – Living Magna Charta of Peace“: The Political Dimension of the PRESSA Cologne 1928 and its Reception in the Contemporary German and International Press“ The PRESSA was the most ambitious and... more
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      HistoryEuropean HistoryCultural HistoryCultural Studies
Centered on Richard Dyer's model of pastiche, this essay posits that the German television series Babylon Berlin engages in a unique and timely practice of cultural reproduction shaped by a specific combination of historical subject... more
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      German CinemaWeimar CinemaBerlinWeimar Germany
A CIP catalog record for this book has been applied for at the Library of Congress.
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      ClassicsAristophanesReception StudiesJohann Wolfgang von Goethe
*Please note that the title of this article (and corresponding citation) has been amended, where 'German Artists Association' is correctly translated as 'German Art Society'. All other translations in this article were correct from the... more
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      Art HistoryModern ArtDegenerate ArtWeimar Republic
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      PortraitsArt TheoryJohann Wolfgang von GoethePortraiture
The Jazz Republic examines jazz music and the jazz artists who shaped Germany's exposure to this African American art form from 1919 through 1933. Jonathan O. Wipplinger explores the history of jazz in Germany as well as the roles that... more
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      German StudiesSound studiesAfrican American CultureJazz History
What is to be learned from the chaotic downfall of the Weimar Republic and the erosion of European liberal statehood in the interwar period vis-a-vis the ongoing Europeancrisis? This book analyses and explains the recurrent emergence of... more
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      Critical TheoryIndustrial And Labor RelationsDiscourse AnalysisEuropean History
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      Walter BenjaminBertolt BrechtWeimar GermanyMary Wigman
Despite the fact that in the history of Croatian architecture of the interwar period Expressionism neither took firm hold nor had the significance and reception like it had in Germany, there exists a whole series of architectural designs... more
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      Art HistoryArchitectureHistory (Architecture)Modern Art
Like Weimar Germany, contemporary Russia is home to fascist actors and widespread nationalism. But unlike interwar Germany, the party system in post-Soviet Russia is heavily manipulated and civil society remains underdeveloped. This means... more
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      Russian StudiesComparative PoliticsContemporary HistoryComparative History
Looking after One's Own is a political history of a German mission society during the last years of the Weimar Republic. It investigates the gradual engagement of the Neuendettelsauer Lutherans in Bavaria with National Socialism, and the... more
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      HistoryPacific Island StudiesRace and RacismLutheranism
The research that has been done on royalty in general is massive. And, the connections between royal lines once revealed can be amazing, as they will sometimes reveal connections that a) were not supposed to have existed, and even b) that... more
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      ReligionChristianityHistoryAncient History
and-nazism/ 'If you aren't willing to talk about capitalism, you had better keep quiet about fascism', wrote Max Horkheimer on the eve of the Second World War. Time and again, left-wing antifascists have cited this statement by one of the... more
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      History of CapitalismCapitalismTwentieth Century GermanyWeimar Republic
During the interwar period, urban modernism was connected to opposing ideals of womanhood. On the one hand, women's participation in a culture of leisure, consumption and body consciousness created images of the New Women in Berlin and... more
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    • Weimar Germany
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      Sociology of the Middle ClassesHistory of Middle ClassesTwentieth Century GermanyWeimar Republic
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      Reformation HistoryReformation StudiesHistory of the ReformationMedieval Art
in: Napoleon und die Romantik - Impulse und Wirkungen. hg. vom Magistrat der Brüder-Grimm-Stadt Hanau (Veröffentlichungen der Historischen Kommission für Hessen, Bd. 83), Marburg 2016, S. 37-57.
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      RomanticismGerman RomanticismHeinrich von KleistNapoleonic Wars
Abstract This essay examines Irmgard Keun's novelDas kunstseidene Mädchen (1932) against the backdrop of Weimar-era discourses on the emancipatory potential of vision. While the narrative's thematization of vision has been productively... more
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      Gender StudiesVisual StudiesNarrativeModernist Literature (Literary Modernism)
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    • Weimar Germany
En el presente artículo se hace un análisis estético de la película Die Nibelungen (1924), de Fritz Lang, partiendo de la base de que sigue una línea estética tradicional, en la que el juicio estético y el moral están unidos, oponiéndose... more
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      PhilosophyAestheticsArt TheoryGerman Expressionism
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      Architectural HistoryModern ArchitectureSiegfried KracauerWeimar Germany