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This paper examines seeds' role in sustaining civilizations and asserts that the basis for food security is seed saving. It follows the history of wheat and peoples, focusing on personal experience growing landrace "Turkey" Hard Red... more
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      AnthropologyOrganic agricultureBiodiversityBiodiversity Conservation
Data mining is defined as the process in which useful information is extracted from the raw data. In order to acquire essential knowledge it is essential to extract large amount of data. This process of extraction is also known as... more
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      Computer ScienceAlgorithmsInformation TechnologyTechnology
Wheat is the most important human food grain and ranks second in total production as a cereal crop behind maize and the third being rice. It is the staple food for over ten billion people in as many as 43 countries of the world. Wheat... more
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      Wheat breedingWheatWheat Breeding and Seed Production
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      Russian StudiesWheatWheat Breeding and Seed Production
Science Art works by Eleanor Gates-Stuart celebrating a hundred years of wheat innovation, from the early years of wheat experimentalist William Farrer through to the modern era and research at CSIRO. A Centenary of Canberra Commission... more
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      Installation ArtCross-Cultural CollaborationsInteractive Digital StorytellingArt and Science
Biological control involves the use of beneficial organism, their gens, and/ or products, such as metabolites, that reduce the negative effect of plant pathogen and promote positive response by the plant. Disease suppression, a medicated... more
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      Soil ScienceAgribusinessEcologyAgriculture
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      Plant breeding and geneticsWheat breedingWheatCrop Protection
Malnutrition is one of the major problems in the poor people of Bangladesh. There are some reports that additional nitrogen (over than recommended does) application to wheat plants result in more protein content in wheat grain. To justify... more
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      Functional GenomicsAbiotic Salt Stress in Crop SpeciesWheat Breeding and Seed Production
Plant breeding based on grain yield (GY) is an expensive and time-consuming method, so new indirect estimation techniques to evaluate the performance of crops represent an alternative method to improve grain yield. The present study... more
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      Wheat breedingWheat Yield Prediction Through Agrometrological IndicesPhenomicsWheat Breeding, Drought Resistance, Wheat Quality and Productivity
Objectives: A study was conducted with an objective to estimate the fluoride concentration in soil and crops grown over it which was not done before in Mathura city, Uttar Pradesh, India. Methodology and... more
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      Soil ScienceFluorideFluoride contamination in ground waterSoil Mechanics
ABSTRACT Polyphasic chlorophyll a fluorescence represents a promising tool for detection of plant tolerance to various environmental stresses. In pot vegetation experiments, plants of seven winter wheat varieties were screened for their... more
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      Soil ScienceAgribusinessPhotosynthesisEcology
Several data of the ADAM (Assimilation of Data within Agricultural Models) project were used to establish the relationships between agronomic variables of winter wheat. During the campaign 2000-2001, ten calibration units from seed... more
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      Soil ScienceAgronomyRemote SensingAgribusiness
Response of 19 wheat varieties cultivated in Hungary varied within large limits to soil borne Rhizoctonia infection. The most frequent symptom, usually leading to damping off was the root neck necrosis. Four significant factors... more
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Sewage sludge-based fertilization could be the most effective way to mitigate the negative effects of water stress on wheat yield in arid and semi-arid regions. The study examines morpho-physiological and yield performances of the waha... more
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      Agricultural EngineeringPlant EcologyOrganic agricultureSustainable agriculture
Spinach extracts contain powerful natural antioxidants and have been used to improve the response of animal cells to various stress factors. The aim of the present study was to assess the effects of a methanolic extract of spinach (SE)... more
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      BiochemistrySoil SciencePlant EcologyAgribusiness
Addressing the productivity issue in wheat production due to the significant acreage in the country and its indispensable role in feeding people is a matter of particular importance. Because of great importance of wheat production in... more
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      Soil ScienceSustainable Production and ConsumptionAgribusinessAgricultural Economics
Irrigation water consumption under physical and climatic conditions for large scale will be easier with remote sensing techniques. Crop evapotranspiration (ETc) uses crop coefficient (Kc) and reference evapotranspiration (ETo). Kc plays... more
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      Environmental ScienceRemote SensingOrganic agricultureAgriculture
(Authors: E. Petcu, G. Petcu, C. Lazar, R. Vintila) Several data of the ADAM (Assimilation of Data within Agricultural Models) Project were used to establish the relationships between agronomic variables of winter wheat. During the... more
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      Soil ScienceAgronomyRemote SensingAgribusiness
Labour is one of the most important factors of production in any production system, based on which many countries including Ethiopia design development policies and strategies. The present study outlines the gender dimensions of married... more
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      Agricultural EconomicsAgricultural SciencesGender and DevelopmentClimate Change Impacts
"The photosynthetic responses of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) leaves to different levels of drought stress were analyzed in potted plants cultivated in growth chamber under moderate light. Low-to-medium drought stress was induced by... more
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      Soil ScienceAgribusinessPhotosynthesisEcology
To combat the consequences of climate changes is the great challenges in crop production by mitigating biotic and abiotic factors’ effects. Fifty genotypes including control were evaluated at the research farm, Headquarter station,... more
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      GenomicsAbiotic stress (Crop Physiology)MelatoninWheat Breeding and Seed Production
The application of excessive amounts of different nitrogen fertilizers have been affecting the environment through leaching to soil, nitrous oxide emissions due to denitrification, and fossil fuels burning during manufacture and... more
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      Wheat Breeding and Seed ProductionWHEAT LANDRACES
Предложена малотравматичная технология выделения зерна из колоса. Она заключается в воздействии струи воздуха на колос, приводящему к его перекатыванию по поверхности деки молотильного устройства и вызывающему его частичное истирание,... more
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      Postharvest TechnologyWheat Breeding and Seed Production
Field experiment was conducted in 2015-2016 winter season in Babylon province, in medium loam soil under salt stress conditions. The experiment aimed to determine the effect of silicon spraying on some physiological traits of six wheat... more
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      SiliconSoil SalinityWheat Breeding and Seed Production
Wheat cereal plant of the genus Triticum, especially, T. aestivum, of the family Graminae. The grain constitutes a major food item and an important commodity on the world grain market. Wheat is one of the first of the grains domesticated... more
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    • Wheat Breeding and Seed Production
Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) is one of the world's most valuable crops, not only as a diet component but also as a source of dietary antioxidants. It is well known that wheat inoculated with mycorrhizal strains usually has a higher yield... more
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      MycologyNutritionPublic Health NutritionCrop genetic diversity
2 was 0.96. The main objective of this paper is estimation of wheat crop coefficient using remote sensing techniques.
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      Remote SensingOrganic agricultureAgricultureRemote Sensing and GIS Applied to Natural Resources and Population
Irrigation water consumption under physical and climatic conditions for large scale will be easier with remote sensing techniques. Crop evapotranspiration (ETc) uses crop coefficient (Kc) and reference evapotranspiration (ETo). Kc plays... more
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      Remote SensingOrganic agricultureAgricultureRemote Sensing and GIS Applied to Natural Resources and Population
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      Soil ScienceAgribusinessEcologyAgriculture
Bread wheat is a main and widely grown crop throughout Turkey. Because of having higher adaptation capability, growing in almost all kind of soil and consuming larger by people, it makes to wheat is the most important case in the... more
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      Wheat breedingWheatCereal TechnologyWheat Breeding and Seed Production
Совершенствуя рабочие органы молотильных устройств, осуществляющие непосредственное механическое воздействие на колос и находящиеся в нем зерна, невозможно добиться значительного снижения и полностью исключить травмирование зерна.... more
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    • Wheat Breeding and Seed Production
Fusarium Head Blight (FHB), caused by the fungal species Fusarium graminearum, is a disease affecting wheat cultivars across Canada. Recent and severe outbreaks have spurred research in developing FHB-resistant cultivars and evaluating... more
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      GeneticsAgronomyMycology and Plant pathologyPlant Physiology
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      BotanyLandscape EcologySoil ScienceAgribusiness
See Article
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      Soil ScienceAgronomyHorticultureAgribusiness
Spinach extracts contain powerful natural antioxidants and have been used to improve the response of animal cells to various stress factors. The aim of the present study was to assess the effects of a methanolic extract of spinach (SE)... more
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      BiochemistrySoil SciencePlant EcologyAgribusiness
Twenty-six spring wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) germplasm lines, including eight known cultivars were evaluated for their agronomic performance, namely yield and quality traits as well as their resistance to fusarium head blight and leaf... more
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A comparative study was conducted in drought and normally irrigated conditions, in which 25 genotypes of wheat were evaluated for various morphological traits involving plant height, canopy temperature, flag leaf area, spike length,... more
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      Plant BreedingDrought StressWheat Breeding and Seed Production
‫ك٢‬ ‫ثُؤـ‬ ‫ٓققٍٞ‬ ‫إٗضجػ‬ ‫ٝ٣خضِق‬ ‫ُِضسثػز.‬ ‫ثُوجدِز‬ ‫ثألسثم٢‬ ‫ٓؾَٔ‬ ٖٓ ً ‫صوش٣ذج‬ % ‫ثُ‬ ‫ك٢‬ ‫ثُٔغضخذٓز‬ ‫ٝثألعجُ٤خ‬ ‫ثُخذٓز‬ ‫ٝػِٔ٤جس‬ ‫ثُٔ٘جخ٤ز‬ ‫ُِظشٝف‬ ً ‫صذؼج‬ ‫أخشٟ‬ ‫إُ٠‬ ‫ع٘ز‬ ٖٓ ‫عٞس٣ج‬ ‫سهْ‬ ‫ثُؾذٍٝ‬ ‫خالٍ‬ ٖٓ... more
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    • Wheat Breeding and Seed Production
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      BotanyLandscape EcologySoil ScienceHorticulture
This study investigates how, through conversion to organic agriculture, with its postulated socioeconomic, environmental and health benefits, and through biodiversity conservation, local farming organizations enable and empower small... more
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      Soil ScienceEnvironmental EducationScience CommunicationAgribusiness
Polyphasic chlorophyll a fluorescence represents a promising tool for detection of plant tolerance to various environmental stresses. In pot vegetation experiments, plants of seven winter wheat varieties were screened for their drought... more
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      Soil ScienceAgribusinessPhotosynthesisBiology
The meeting brought together members of food sector, farmers, civil society, research policy, and scientists studying wheat to discuss the role of scientific research and new technology in wheat breeding and agriculture. Marker assisted... more
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      Supply Chain ManagementScience PolicyBiotechnologyPlant Biology
Для снижения уровня травмирования зерна пшеницы при его послеуборочной обработке предлагают заменять стальные рабочие органы в подъемно-транспортных машинах на полимерные. (Цель исследования) Экспериментально определить зависимость... more
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      Postharvest TechnologyWheat Breeding and Seed Production
Weed and nutrient management in cropping systems of semi-arid areas is a major constraint to cereal yield. Where the use of herbicides is banned or discouraged, the competitive ability of a crop is crucial to reduce weed growth and... more
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      Weed ScienceEnvirnmental WeedsWeed EcologyWheat breeding
Weed and nutrient management in cropping systems of semi-arid areas is a major constraint to cereal yield. Where the use of herbicides is banned or discouraged, the competitive ability of a crop is crucial to reduce weed growth and... more
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      Weed ScienceEnvirnmental WeedsWeed EcologyWheat breeding
The photosynthetic responses of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) leaves to different levels of drought stress were analyzed in potted plants cultivated in growth chamber under moderate light. Low-to-medium drought stress was induced by... more
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      Soil ScienceWaterAgribusinessPhotosynthesis
Fusarium Head Blight (FHB), caused by the fungal species Fusarium graminearum, is a disease affecting wheat cultivars across Canada. Recent and severe outbreaks have spurred research in developing FHB-resistant cultivars and evaluating... more
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      AgronomyCanadaWheat ProteomicsFusarium
Spinach extracts contain powerful natural antioxidants and have been used to improve the response of animal cells to various stress factors. The aim of the present study was to assess the effects of a methanolic extract of spinach (SE)... more
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      BiochemistrySoil SciencePlant EcologyAgribusiness