Women's political representation
Recent papers in Women's political representation
Throughout the historical kaleidoscope of Pakistan politics, it is evident that women role has not been substantial irrespective of their population size. This article highlights the historical political situation of women role along with... more
In many Muslim-majority countries, Islamic movements and parties tend to negatively view women’s access to political leadership positions. The dominant gender discourse of these movements, which is often based on patriarchal... more
In this article, I have analysed how women are not seen in leadership positions on Nepali Child Rights Networks historically and light questioning the commitment of Nepali Child Rights on Inclusion, Women's Empowerment, Intersectional and... more
The year 2010 constituted a favourable opportunity for the greater descriptive representation of women in the UK Parliament. The parties were publicly competing over the issue; Parliament had its own Committee looking at it; and there... more
The majority of the world’s countries have implemented policies designed to advance the political representation of women and/or minority groups.Yet we do not yet understand how these disparate policies affect the election of minority... more
El capítulo "La participación política de las mujeres en Mëxico. Mujeres en cargos de elección popular y toma de decisiones" es un estudio nacional sobre el acceso, la permanencia y la promoción de mujeres en la política, las dificultades... more
Esta investigación explora diversas aristas relacionadas con la representación política de las mujeres en contextos donde ellas han estado históricamente subrepresentadas y donde, además, aún hay sectores que no ven (o no quieren ver) las... more
For years, representation has been perceived as being about groups. However, in an era when the concept of groups is being challenged, we need new ways of thinking about representation that do not depend on groups as the central units.... more
En tres décadas de democracia, con el impulso de la ley de cupo femenino, el Congreso argentino pasó a ser una de las legislaturas con mayor presencia de mujeres del mundo. La inclusión de mujeres en el Congreso favoreció la ampliación de... more
Since the end of the genocide and civil war in Rwanda, various measures have been im plemented to facilitate women’s political participation. This chapter looks to post-conflict Rwanda as a case study in the successes and limitations in... more
Andrew Reynolds dan August Mellaz, hal. 53 “Pemilu Indonesia: Mendiskusikan Penguatan Sistem”. Mauricio Claudio dan August Mellaz, hal. 165 “Meningkatkan Peluang Keterpilihan Caleg Perempuan dalam Pemilu Legislatif Indonesia”.... more
Electoral Politics: Making Quotas Work for Women presents the current debates and arguments surrounding parliamentary gender quotas from a global perspective. Considering that gender quotas are rapidly diffusing around the world, with... more
Este capítulo tiene como objetivo explorar las razones que han incidido en que unas legislaturas de los estados mexicanos tengan un porcentaje mayor de mujeres que otros en el período 1990-2015. Si bien en las últimas décadas ha habido un... more
On Using Political Parties as Vehicles for Increased Women’s Participation and Representation: 1. Governments, CSOs, and political parties should promote education of girls and women to enable them to participate effectively in party... more
Democracy means the Government by the people and for the people remained an un-accomplished dream after each election in Pakistan since 1947. Sometimes a democratic government taken over by the army and sometime the elected... more
Studies examining media coverage of politics have found female politicians to be disadvantaged as compared with their male counterparts, as women tend to attract lower overall attention and to receive less substantive coverage than men.... more
La competencia política ha sido una esfera dominada casi exclusivamente por los hombres. Si bien en las últimas décadas América Latina ha experimentado una significativa transformación en los niveles de representación política de las... more
Is there a link between women’s electoral representation and the political uses of representations of femaleness? In other words, what is the impact of culture on a phenomenon which is nearly universal: the under-representation of women... more
Via an analysis of men and women’s letters to individual French representatives in parliament (députés) between 1900 and the 1930s, the book seeks to offer new insights into these citizens’ lived experiences with political religion,... more
A presença das mulheres nas eleições de 2018 aumentou significativamente quando comparada às eleições anteriores ou as mulheres continuam ausentes da política institucional em nosso país? O objetivo do presente artigo é responder essa... more
Este pentru prima dată, după aderarea României la UE, când se înregistrează o scădere a reprezentării politice a femeilor (aflată oricum la un nivel foarte scăzut), iar acest lucru necesită – inclusiv prin prisma evoluțiilor politice... more
Revisión de normatividad vigente y elementos de violencia política y la disputa por la incorporación del principio de paridad en el proceso electoral 2015-2016 en Baja California.
La competencia política ha sido una esfera dominada casi exclusivamente por los hombres. Si bien en las últimas décadas América Latina ha experimentado una significativa transformación en los niveles de representación política de las... more
This article presents the findings of a survey conducted in 2000 in the Calcutta Municipal Corporation (CMC), where quotas -33 per cent of seats -for women have been implemented since 1995. Quotas, or reservations, for women (as well as... more
Al abordar la legislación electoral de los estados de la Tercera Circunscripción Plurinominal, Inés Castro centra su atención en tres elementos: la forma en que se han adoptado los preceptos de equidad de género e igualdad de... more
Representation is a core component of political voice, and gender quota policy greatly amplifies women’s voices in the parliaments of Europe. This is a source book of new and updated information on gender quotas in the post-Communist... more
FOREWORD While working on improving our program and portfolio on women’s human rights we quickly realized the absence of a detailed and visible account of “women’s” history in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Although there are a significant... more
This article contends that cultural, political and historical factors create a local political environment where de facto discrimination against women is the norm. Without thoroughly addressing and altering the under-lying issues causing... more
This study focuses on TV news coverage of women in the local elections held in Israel in 2008. The questions posed were: Did national TV news in Israel during the election campaign reflect the changes in the status of women in local... more
For the first time since Romania's accession to the EU, there has been a decrease in women's political representation (which is already at a very low level), and this requires – including in the light of recent political developments at... more
also a former DPRK member in 2009 (but who then resigned to work as a civil servant) admits that there shall be no difference in women and men leadership. However, when asked about his opinion towards Women's Cleric Forum (Forum Ulama... more
and now FUOYE. As a Professor of Comparative Politics, my primary research interest is in Comparative African Governance Institutions and Politics, notably elections and democratisation studies, with over 150 publications in refereed... more
As a strategy to improve women's share in Indonesian parliament, gender quotas were introduced in 2002 and first implemented in the 2004 elections. Despite vast research on the influence of gender quotas in nominating women into... more
Does electing Islamists help or hurt women? Due to the Party of Justice and Development (PJD) obtaining 13% of seats in the 2002-2007 legislature and the implementation of an electoral gender quota that resulted in 35 women winning seats... more
The Pink Parliament. The debate over the women underrepresentation in politics has seen an increasing pile of books with titles that combine “women” and “parliament”. According to the UN Platform for Action and the Beijing Declaration,... more
Informed by the theory of women's political representation, the present paper employs a thematic meta-synthesis method to investigate whether or not women political inclusion in political institutions furthers gender equality in Rwandan... more