Recent papers in Yezidis
The article presents a detailed discussion of several key issues concerning the essentials of the Yezidi identity―the Yezidi religion, particularly the folk pantheon and the conceptions of divinity, based upon the analysts of the recent... more
The few works on the Yezidi Genocide that have appeared thus far have mainly focused on the violence perpetrated against the Yezidis and no work has attempted the construction of a general historical narrative covering the essential... more
This article is the Arabic translation (with minor modifications approved by the author) of an English original ("The KRG's Relationship with the Yazidi Minority and the Future of the Yazidis in Shingal") that was published by NRT, a... more
Yezidi communities throughout the world are struggling with their collective identity; each at a varying and somewhat differing stage of self-discovery. While the present paper does seek to elaborate upon this journey for the Yezidis in... more
The concept of the Afterlife is not explicitly articulated in the syncretic system of Yezidism. The paper is an attempt to reconstruct, as far as possible, the idea of the Hereafter among the Yezidis, based on all available data-popular... more
کتاب بازتاب باورها و اساطیر آیین میترایی در آیین ایزدی
نویسنده: سامان رحمان زاده
نویسنده: سامان رحمان زاده
The Yezidi diaspora in Georgia and its intellectuals. The paper explores the general characteristics of the Yezidi diaspora in Georgia. It briefly introduces the history of the Yezidi diaspora in Transcaucasia, its migration to the... more
אירועי הדמים באוגוסט 2014, שהובילו לגירושן של מרבית הקהילות היֶזידיות ממקום מושבן בצפון עיראק, האיצו את הבנייתה של זהות יזידית חדשה, המבקשת להיבדל ולהתרחק במודע מזו הכורדית שאימצו מרבית היזידים עד לא מכבר. עקב נסיגת הכורדים מאזורי היישוב... more
The first Polish edition, translation and commentary of two Yezidi hymns—Qewlê Zebûnî Meksûr and Qewlê Bê û Elîf.
کتاب متون مقدس و سنتهای آیین ایزدی
نویسنده: عیسی یوسف
مترجم: سامان رحمان زاده
Devil Worship
The Sacred Books and Traditions of the Yezidiz
by Isya Joseph
نویسنده: عیسی یوسف
مترجم: سامان رحمان زاده
Devil Worship
The Sacred Books and Traditions of the Yezidiz
by Isya Joseph
Yezidism: Between Continuity and Transformation OMARKHALI, Kh. and KREYENBROEK, Ph. (eds.) Series IRANICA, vol. 29 Harrassowitz, Wiesbaden, 2021, XVI, 324 p. ISBN 978-3-447-11800-2; eISBN 978-3-447-39269-3 The genocidal attack of... more
The Yezidis are a religious or ethno-religious community. Northern iraq is considered as their homeland. The increasing spatial spread of its members, since the end of the last century, arose many questions related to the durability of... more
In this article I explore the layers of meaning attached to the term Kurdistan (one of which carried a heavy confessional tenor) in the early modern period by focusing on the Yezidis, a group that followed a syncretic religion of Islamic... more
The paper focuses on the phenomenon of ethno-religiousness and, particularly, on the process of the formation of ethno-religious communities. In the spotlight of the research is the Yezidi identity the stages of its formation from the new... more
The article discusses the problems of constructing the Kurdish and Yezidi national identities among the Kurmanji-speaking population of the Republic of Armenia (RA) in the post-Soviet period, marked by the intensification of... more
10 to 12 000 people of Yezidi faith would now reside in France. The majority of them come from the post-Soviet space, including Armenia and Georgia. A minor proportion of this group is represented by people of Iraqi, Syrian or Turkish... more
Public and academic interest in the Yezidis, their religion and culture, has increased greatly in recent years. The study of Yezidism has also made considerable progress in recent decades. Still, several lacunae in our knowledge remain,... more
The Yezidi Mahmudî Dynasty controlled Khoshâb and surrounding area between Van, Nakhchivân and Marâgha during almost five centuries, from the end of the 14th century to the second half of the 19th century. Тhe Mahmudî rulers consolidated... more
An article looking at the Kurdish peshmerga and the war on ISIS that began last August 3, with exclusive interviews from Kirkuk and Shingal.
İnançları, ibadetleri ve gelenekleri ile etnik bir topluluk olan Ezidiler geçmişten günümüze araştırmacılar için hayli ilginç bir konu olmuştur. Türkiye’de gittikçe azalan nüfusları ile Irak, Suriye, Gürcistan, Ermenistan gibi ülkelerde... more
This dissertation talks about the history of the challenging nature of the conflict between Shias (Shiites), Sunnis and Yazidis that theologians, historians, social and political scientists of the world are facing these days in the Middle... more
OMARKHALI, Khanna, ‘Das Êzîdentum: Anmerkungen zu den jüngsten Entwicklungen’, Religion in Kurdistan: Mehrheiten, Minderheiten, Heterodoxien, Übersetzung aus dem Englischen von Christoph OSZTOVICS, Vienna Yearbook for Kurdish Studies,... more
The paper focuses on the analysis of the term Yezdistan (Ēzdīstān) attested in a Yezidi legend , having obvious parallels with the Shahnameh's " Tale of Zahhak ". It is particularly interesting that this plot does not occur in any of the... more
One of the very many complicated questions in Yezidism which need to be explored more thoroughly is that of the different concepts of time in this religion. The aim of this paper is to present some reflections on this subject, which has... more
Members and leaders of the Kurdish speaking Yezidi diaspora in Phoenix, Arizona-and transnationally-are in dialogue with members of the Indian diaspora about their common historical connections. "Are Yezidis from ancient India, or are... more
The International Yezidi Theological Academy established in Tbilisi is a breakthrough initiative in the history of Yezidism. The objective of my study is to describe the environment in which it was founded, its goals, leading figures and... more
Both the current increasing nationalistic discourse of the Yezidis and the discussion about their "Kurdishness" result from the growing political significance of the Kurds and the inclusion of the Yezidis into the geopolitical game in the... more
The Prophet Noah is not a predominant figure within the Yezidi mythology, and so it should come as no particular surprise that he is often absent from the Yezidi sacred hymns. This peculiarity seems easily explained by the Yezidi... more
This article studies the impact of the ISIS attack and its political aftermath on the identity formation of Yezidis and their political ambition for a future in Iraq. Yezidis, a previously marginalized non-Muslim religious minority, came... more
[originally lecture AAR 2009 Montréal]
[originally lecture AAR 2009 Montréal]
The Legacy of Iraq critically reflects on the abject failure of the 2003 intervention to turn Iraq into a liberal democracy, underpinned by free-market capitalism, its citizens free to live in peace and prosperity. It argues that mistakes... more
Езидизм, как уже не раз отмечалось в научной литературе, -одна из наименее исследованных областей востоковедения. Это касается не только вопросов религии езидов, но и их культуры, самосознания и прочего, безусловно релевантных, в первую... more
This article was originally published by NRT, a Kurdish media outlet in Iraqi Kurdistan, on January 31, 2017. It deals with the Yazidi political situation two and a half years following the Yazidi Genocide (August 3, 2014)—specifically... more
Devil W orshippers' Encounter the State 1 3 5 orthodox Islam centuries ago. W hile the community constantly strove to gain official recognition as a legitimate religious confession, Ottoman political elites and official religious... more