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      Documentary FilmItalian fascismhistory of Jews in Italy
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      history of Jews in ItalyAmadio MomiglianoJews in PiedmontRinaldo De Benedetti
Il protestantesimo è una branca del cristianesimo sorta nel XVI secolo per riformare la Chiesa cattolica, la cui dottrina e la prassi erano considerate deviate e non più conformi alla parola di Dio. Questo movimento religioso, originato... more
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      LutherLutheranismProtestantismJews in Italian Renaissance
Il mio lavoro di tesi si occupa di ricostruire la storia della comunità israelita italiana di Tunisia, detta anche comunità “livornese” in quanto i suoi appartenenti erano quasi interamente provenienti dal porto di Livorno, che aveva... more
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      Italian StudiesFascismColonialismPost-Colonialism
La "triade Borgia", composta dal pontefice Alessandro VI e dai suoi figli Cesare e Lucrezia, caratterizzò la vita politica e religiosa della penisola italiana nel periodo compreso tra il 1480 e il 1520. Nel mondo giudaico Alessandro VI è... more
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      Jews in Italian RenaissanceItalian Jewish historyBorgia FamilyItalian Jews
The article discusses examples of mixtures between groups of Italian Jews of various origins (Ashkenazic, Italiani, Sephardic), mixtures that can lead to confusion about the origin of names and show the complexity of the origins of... more
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      OnomasticsJewish Historyhistory of Jews in ItalyEtymology of surnames
Recent studies have shown that Sicilian Jews during the Middle Ages played an important role in Mediterranean Trade. They had a marked tendency to mobility and They travelled for commercial reasons to Malta, Africa, Tuscany and Sardinia.... more
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      Jewish StudiesJewish Historyhistory of Jews in ItalyHistory of Jews in Middle Age
FRANCESCO BIANCHI, “Una storia di pinne e di squame”. Appunti per una storia del pesce nell’ebraismo medievale Partendo dai dati biblici e talmudici, l’articolo esplora, in primo luogo, il ruolo del pesce nella creazione e le leggi... more
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      Jewish Ritual Purity LawThe Spanish InquisitionFishingRamban
The study of Italian Rabbinic literature holds pride of place in Reuven Bonfil's scholarly oeuvre. 1 His classic study, Ha-rabbanut be-italia bi-tekufat ha-renaissance, 2 stimulated renewed appreciation of, and interest in, the lives and... more
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      Renaissance StudiesHistory of Halakha and Jewish Lawhistory of Jews in Italy
The text aims to evaluate the level of participation of the Italian, Ashkenazi and Sephardic Nations in processes of mutual inclusion and family relationships fusion among the three groups, in Ferrara between 1492 and 1598. The archival... more
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      Social DemographyDemographyHistory of the JewsSocial History
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      Philo of AlexandriaPuteoliFlavius JosephusPhlegraean Fields
Sicilian Origins and Roman Splendours of Ferdinando Balami: Pontifical Archiater, Poet and Translator of the First Half of the 16th Century. The career of Ferdinando Balami, which took place in the shadow of papal power in Renaissance... more
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      History of MedicineRenaissance StudiesHistory of the JewsHistory of Anatomy
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      Italian Jewish historyhistory of Jews in ItalyJewish Communities
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      Latin EpigraphyAncient Judaismhistory of Jews in Italy
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      Jewish HistoryHistory of the JewsModern Jewish HistoryItalian Jewish history
in Rostros judíos del Occidente medieval, XLV Semana Internacional de Estudios Medievales (Estella-Lizarra, 17-20 de julio de 2018), Gobierno de Navarra, Pamplona 2019, pp. 193-217 (open access volume at:... more
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      Jewish StudiesMedieval HistoryJewish HistoryEarly Modern Italy
This case study considers rabbinic texts that address the migration of converso refugees to Venetian Crete in the mid-sixteenth century. New papal policies and the onset of the Roman Inquisition on mainland Italy prompted a refugee crisis... more
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      Jewish StudiesEarly Modern HistoryJewish HistoryMediterranean Studies
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      High Middle AgesLate AntiquityJudaismBarbarians and Romans in Late Antiquity and Early Middle Ages
The article deals with the political and military organization of the former internees in the Italian concentration camp Rab. Although there were only about 2,000 of them at the beginning of September 1943, they managed to disarm the... more
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      Cultural HeritageYugoslavia (History)Political propaganda and LiteratureSecond World War (History)
Analysis of a cantorial-liturgical manuscript produced in mid-17th century Venice by the Sephardic cantor David Silva. The manuscript contains a number of texts of traditional prayers, piyyutim and songs in Ladino, with the indication of... more
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      Jewish HistoryJewish liturgical musicJewish MusicRepublic of Venice
C'è un edificio, a Sabbioneta, provincia di Mantova, che ha attirato la mia attenzione, per molti buoni motivi. Chi era Pio Foà? Perché le guide la chiamano "La casa del rabbino"? There is a building, in Sabbioneta (Mantova) that captured... more
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      Sinagoga Ebraicahistory of Jews in ItalyHistory of italian Jewry in Modern era
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      World LiteraturesJewish StudiesFilm StudiesEuropean Cinema
The aim of this work is to analyze the phenomenon of the implementation of forced sermons in the Jewish community of Lugo during the 18th century. A study conducted on several microfilms of miscellaneous documents related to the ancient... more
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      Jewish - Christian RelationsHistory of the Jewshistory of Jews in ItalyHistory of the Jews In Lugo
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      Jewish StudiesOttoman HistoryMiddle East StudiesMiddle East History
During the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries, two communities of Jewish immigrants and exiles settled in Italy: Ashkenazim fleeing or expelled from the German lands and northern France in the decades following the Black Death and... more
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      Jewish MessianismEarly Modern Jewish HistoryJews in ItalySephardi-Ashkenazi relationship
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      Italian (European History)Jewish HistoryEmancipationJewish historiography
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      Israel and ZionismItalian Communist PartyItalian JewsJews in Italy
The jewish comunity of Syracuse was in the Medieval period very important in international trade. Few surviving notarial acts state a prominent presence of Jews in mediterranean trading. New unpublished documents form the spanish archive... more
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      history of Jews in ItalyJews in Sicily
Il comportamento femminile nella società e in famiglia nel Rinascimento italiano (XVI secolo) era disciplinato da un rigido codice etico che pervadeva la vita quotidiana delle donne regolandone ogni aspetto. In grande maggioranza, esse... more
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      Jews in Italian RenaissanceItalian Jewish historyItalian JewsJews in Italy
Serata su Yoseph Colombo, 21 febbraio 2022.
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      Milanohistory of Jews in ItalyEbraismo Italianoebraismo a Ferrara
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      Archival StudiesJewish StudiesRare Books and ManuscriptsJewish History
Vicende dell'ebreo modenese Ferruccio Teglio, socialista militante che fu per brevissimo tempo sindaco di Modena durante gli anni del fascismo.
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      SocialismoItalian Jewish historyModenaItalian Jews
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      Jewish StudiesJewish MysticismJewish HistoryBenedict de Spinoza
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      Anti-SemitismBenito Mussolinihistory of Jews in Italy
This case study considers rabbinic texts that address the migration of converso refugees to Venetian Crete in the mid-sixteenth century. New papal policies and the onset of the Roman Inquisition on mainland Italy prompted a refugee crisis... more
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      HistoryJewish StudiesEarly Modern HistoryJewish History
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      Italian StudiesJewish HistoryZionism (History)Israel and Zionism
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      Jewish HistoryJewish - Christian RelationsEarly Modern Jewish Historyhistory of Jews in Italy
Angelo Mordechai Donati, nato a Modena il 3 febbraio 1885, discendeva da una importante famiglia ebraica, le cui origini risalgono al XVI secolo. Nel 1927 batté il record mondiale di volo in altitudine. Fu amministratore di molte società... more
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      Italian Jewish historyItalian Jewshistory of Jews in ItalyEbraismo Italiano
La comunità ebraica di Scandiano (Reggio Emilia).
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      Presenze Ebraichehistory of Jews in Italystoria degli ebrei d'ItaliaEbraismo Italiano
Il libro di Corame Rosso del 1652 emanato dal duca Francesco I di Modena garantì l'ingresso nel suo dominio a un gruppo di mercanti ebrei sefarditi per incentivare l'espansione della sua economia.
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      Jewish HistorySefardic studiesItalian Jewish historyStati Estensi
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      Jewish HistoryReligion and medicineHistory of Medical EducationHistory of medicine, Jewish medicine
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      Jewish StudiesJewish Thoughthistory of Jews in Italy
Tra le presenze femminili più interessanti dell'intero Medioevo italiano si annovera certamente Matilde di Canossa, potente feudataria e sostenitrice del Papa nella lotta per le investiture. In un periodo di continue battaglie, intrighi e... more
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      Italian Jewish historyItalian JewsJews in ItalyCountess of Canossa
L'ebraismo carpigiano fino all'abolizione del ghetto (1420-1796)
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      Jewish HistoryItalian Jewish historyItalian JewsJews in Italy
Over more than two thousands years, Italian Jews have produced an impressive quantity of documentary materials. To spot the data of the seismical events, therefore, has not been easy, and the results can still be supplemented , though the... more
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      Hebrew Manuscriptshistory of Jews in ItalyHistory of SeismologyHistory of Italy
This paper sheds light on how Jewish-Christian relations were reconfigured in late eighteenth-century Italy by analyzing the Italian debate over Emperor Joseph II’s Patent of Toleration (1781) and the status granted to religious... more
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      Intellectual HistoryEarly Modern HistoryModern Italian HistoryItalian Studies
This essay focuses on some articles by Tullia Zevi published in two American Jewish weeklies («Jewish Advocate» and «Chicago Sentinel») between May and December 1961, covering the Eichmann trial and the reactions of the Catholic press in... more
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      Eichmann trialAntisemitism in Italyhistory of Jews in ItalyHistory of Contemporary Italy
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      Italian Jewish historyItalian JewsJews in ItalyGiudaismo
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      Religious ConversionReligious Conversion and Converts in the Early Modern Mediterranean contextFemale MonasticismJews in Italy