Barbarians and Romans in Late Antiquity and Early Middle Ages
Recent papers in Barbarians and Romans in Late Antiquity and Early Middle Ages
Tornando all'ingresso in Italia dei Longobardi, questi si erano insediati nella Venetia, in accordo con la politica di Costantinopoli, e verosimilmente per rinsaldare il limes veneto in senso antifranco. Qui ottennero la collaborazione... more
part of am assive,a nd continuing, Roman policy of resettlingd efeated or suppliant barbarians within the RomanE mpire. Fore xample, Augustus settled 50,000 Getae on the Danube;⁴ Tiberius 'transfered forty thousand captivesf rom... more
The paper asks the question what the Romans really meant, when the used the term "barbarian". The evidence shows that the Romans had been often uneasy with this greek word, as in the end they themselves would be Barbarians, too. Further,... more
This study discusses the relations between the peoples known as Sarmatians, Alans, Vandals, and other groups in the context of fluid identities and political affinities of Late Antiquity and early medieval Europe. It is argued that the... more
This article examines the performance context of Synesius of Cyrene’s (ca. 370–415 CE) On Kingship. Synesius draws heavily on the classical tradition, and also incorporates many elements of Themistius’ philosophical style into his speech.... more
From "The English Historical Review", 115, no. 463 (2000), p. 1093: In a rigorous and minute analysis of the much debated appearance (unique of its kind) of the temr 'romani' in a Lombard document of 767, A. Ghignoli argues convincingly... more
This text gives some very small selection of details included in the forthcoming Caracalla: A Military Biography (as an advertisement) due to be published by Pen & Sword this year and in fact provides also a short overview of some of the... more
Kontingenzerfahrungen und ihre Bewältigung zwischen imperium und regna Beispiele aus Gallien und angrenzenden Gebieten vom5.bis zum 8. Jahrhundert V&Runipress Bonn University Press
By the late fifth century, there were two primary barbarian powers in Gaul, the Visigoths and the Franks. Both were enlarging their territories in the wake of the final precipitous decline of Roman authority during the 470s. The... more
. The objects here considered are buckles with relief zoomorphic and anthropomorphic decoration (late 5th – mid-6th century) indicating contacts between the eastern part of the Baltic Sea basin and the Eastern Roman Empire during the... more
An overview on material condition and ideologic meaning of cities within the Ostrogothic realm (AD 493 - 553)
In 475 Clermont-Ferrand is besieged and Provence is invaded by the Goths. In a bid to liberate Provence, Graecus of Marseilles negotiates to surrender Clermont-Ferrand to the Goths, much to the dismay of Sidonius Apollinaris. The latter... more
Both Plato in the Laws and Montesquieu in The Spirit of the Laws make property sacred, and for the same reasons, though they do it in very different ways. These differences are rooted in the widely divergent religious contexts and the... more
В статье анализируется процесс возникновения варварских государств на примере франков, правовой статус различных категорий населения, определяется, что в обществе франков возникло три сословия (полноправных свободных, неполноправных... more
The Classical Foundations of Modern Historiography başlığı altında 1992’de California’da basılmış olan eser 2011 yılında Türkçe’ye çevrilerek dilimize kazandırılmıştır. Çalışma İçindekiler (5), Pisa Üniversitesi Klasik Filoloji Bölümü... more
DChAE 41 (2020), 57-68 After the Herulian invasion (267 CE) Athens was transformed just like other Greek cities did at that time. The analysis of the Athenian building activity shows that from the late 3rd to the 4th century an inner,... more
Introduzione, testo latino con traduzione italiana a fronte a cura di Elena Necchi. Due celebri leggende, quella di Attila ‘flagello di Dio’ e quella delle origini della città di Venezia, si intrecciano in questo romanzo cavalleresco, in... more
To the Vandals, the Goths seemed like tpouAOl., trolls, as the Scandinavians still call the demons and monsters of the other world. (Wolfram, History of the Goths, pp. 26-27 and 389 nn. 71-72) The Vandals call the Goths Trul/i because,... more
In which some passages of the Historia Langobardorum are examined, with the purpose of evidentiating the existence of a "trickster" or shapeshifting figure in the Lombard culture of the VII century. Parallels among this character and the... more
The aim of this ongoing research project is to resolve the question of attribution of a series of barbarian imitation tremisses identified by the mark •T• (typically appearing on the reverse inscription). This series has traditionally... more
Abstract This article examines the longstanding rivalry of Rome and Parthia, which began as an unintended consequence of Crassus’ decisive defeat at Carrhae in 53 BCE. It synthesizes the accounts and opinions of numerous Graeco-Roman... more
Tourist guide of the Roman Villa of Larderìa (Roggiano Gravina, CS) and the Esaro valley (Calabria), from the Prehistoric period to the Early Middle Ages. - I section: The territory of the Esaro valley. From the first prehistoric... more
Conhecer e aprender as características de outros povos que fizeram parte dos processos históricos medievais nos territórios europeus tidos como cristãos, e a importância dos mesmos para a consolidação do desenvolvimento econômico europeu.
From the First Roman-Parthian War to the Battle of Nineveh, Rome and Persia fought each other at the East for nearly seven 188 GABRIEL SANZ CASASNOVAS MIEDO Y ANSIEDAD FRENTE AL BÁRBARO. AMIANO MARCELINO Y LOS PERSAS Ediciones Universidad... more
Este trabalho tem como objetivo ilustrar os principais motivos do declínio e eventual queda de um dos maiores e talvez o mais importante império do mundo ocidental. Com origem ao remoto ano de 735 a.C., ano em que se credita a fundação da... more
A Brief Account of the Beginnings of Orthodox France
Ringborgarna på Öland och romarrikets fall När man utforskar kopplingen mellan romarriket och Skandinavien slås man ofta av den ojämna fördelningen av arkeologiska fynd. På de flesta platser i Sverige är romerska fynd mycket sällsynta... more
F. Cenerini - I. G. Mastrorosa (ed.), Donne, istituzioni e società fra tardo antico e alto medioevo, Lecce-Brescia, Pensa Multimedia, 2016 - Collection of papers focusing on some aspects and historical events in order to ascertain the... more
This article explores two late antique and early medieval texts: The Apocalypse of Peter, dated to about the second century CE, and the Apocalypse of Paul, dated to approximately the fourth century CE. I will examine the extant manuscript... more
Renaut Luc, « Vêtements [barbares] », in Bruno Dumézil (dir.), Les Barbares, Paris, PUF, 2016, pp. 1362‑1369.
Redakcja tomu andrzej Maciałowicz Recenzenci tomu dr hab. adam cieśliński, prof. uw dr hab. katarzyna czarnecka Opracowanie graficzne P. Holub, t. rakowski, a. wiśniewska, M. woźniak Skład i łamanie radosław Prochowicz Korekta autor... more
This work is a Turkish translation of the available fragments of Priscus with a commentary.