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La raison principale des confusions notionnelles, évoquées dans le titre, se cache, selon l’avis de l’auteur, derrière les critères définitoires non homogènes à la base desquels on définit au départ toute catégorie grammaticale. L’analyse... more
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      Verbal Aspect TheoryAktionsartMiddle VoiceDiathesis
Rec.: Der besprochene Band liefert einen wichtigen Beitrag zu den theoretischen und angewandten Studien über die Aktionsart und lässt hoffen, dass man in der nächsten Etappe auch der didaktisch-methodischen Auswertung von Ergebnissen... more
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      Languages and LinguisticsGermanic linguisticsGerman LanguageVerbal Aspect Theory
This paper deals with the cases in Russian where the perfective aspect (PF) is, or is not, replaced by the imperfective aspect (IPF) after a modal verb with negation: "dolzhen kupit’" PF ‘must buy’ — "ne dolzhen pokupat’" IPF ‘must not... more
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      Russian LanguageModal VerbsNegationverbal Aspect
Il raffronto tra le valenze aspettuali della perifrasi italiana STARE + GERUNDIO e quelle della perifrasi spagnola ESTAR + GERUNDIO rappresenta un argomento molto interessante da analizzare in chiave contrastiva; si tratta di uno degli... more
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      SpanishItalianGerundContrastive Linguistics
English aspectual particles in phrasal verbs have been since Brinton (1985) commonly treated as markers of telicity, i.e. markers of an inherent endpoint of events, e.g. eat (atelic) – eat up (telic). The present paper tests this... more
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      Phrasal VerbsTense and Aspect SystemsVerb-Particle Constructionsverbal Aspect
Монография является первым обобщающим типологическим исследованием префиксальной перфективации — феномена, до сих пор получившего подробное освещение лишь в славянских языках. В книге на синхронном уровне рассматривается материал... more
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      Yiddish LanguageHistorical LinguisticsSlavic LanguagesMorphology
Opće je poznata činjenica da je glagolski vid jedan od najtežih, ako ne i najteži dio hrvatskoga jezika za većinu inojezičnih govornika hrvatskoga jezika. Razlog je tomu složenost te jezične kategorije i činjenica da za odgovarajuću... more
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      verbal AspectCroatian as L2
In Russian, the negation after a modal verb often - though not always - triggers the aspect of the subordinated verb: perfective becomes imperfective. It is shown here that the change of the aspect depends on the controllability of the... more
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      Russian LanguageModal VerbsNegationverbal Aspect
The purpose of this study is to examine specific issues within the grammar of the Sika dialect of the Yaeyama language, a Southern Ryukyuan language spoken on Ishigaki Island in Okinawa, Japan. The paper has three chapters: an overview... more
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      Differential Object Markingverbal AspectJapanese SyntaxRyukyuan Linguistics
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      verbal AspectTheory of enunciation
Cross-lin guis ti cal ly, the expression of the as pec tual op po si tion 'Per fective-Imperfective' by means of pre verbs is a quite rare phenomenon; the la bel 'Sla vic-style as pect' proposed for this de rivational ca te go ry re... more
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    • verbal Aspect
Polish Verbal Aspects in Focus. This book is intended primarily for initiated readers: slavists, polonists, aspectologists and teachers of Polish but it will be useful to anyone studying for the state examinations in Polish, as well as... more
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      Languages and LinguisticsPolish Linguisticsverbal AspectAspectuality
Većina lingvista smatra da glagolski aspekt u slavenskim i indoiranskim jezicima spada u bazične kategorijalne vektore (Nels 1992:5), pošto je evidentno da postoji direktna veza između aspekatskih značenja i morfoloških sredstava koja se... more
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      Persian LanguageContrastive AnalysisGrammatical CategoriesBosnian Language
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      Ancient Indo-European LanguagesLatin linguisticsverbal Aspect
Contributi italiani al 14. congresso internazionale degli Slavisti : Ohrid, 10-16 settembre 2008 / a cura di Alberto Alberti ... [et al.]. -Firenze : Firenze University Press, 2008. (Biblioteca di Studi slavistici ; 7) In testa al front.... more
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      verbal AspectSlavic-style aspect
Мокшанский, один из двух мордовских языков, которые относятся к финно-волжской ветви финно-угорской группы, обладает развитым суффиксальным словообразованием -в частности, многочисленными показателями актантной и аспектуальной деривации,... more
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      Uralic LinguisticsFinno-Ugric languagesLanguage TypologyTense aspect modality
Expressions with an aspectual variant of a light verb, e.g. take on debt vs. have debt, are frequent in texts but often difficult to classify between verbal idioms, light verb constructions or compositional phrases. We investigate the... more
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      LexicologyLexicon-GrammarLexiconLanguage Resources
This paper argues that the telic/atelic distinction cannot be reduced to a distinction between countable and non-countable predicates in the verbal domain. I show that telic and atelic predicates behave alike with respect to most... more
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      verbal AspectMass/count
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      Tense and Aspect SystemsEvidentialityBulgarian LanguageTense
The paper analyzes Russian verbs of motion in stage remarks.
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      Cognitive LinguisticsRussian Languageverbal AspectVerbs of Motion
Schipper, A. (2020). Aboutness and ontology: a modest approach to truthmakers. Philosophical Studies, February 2020, Volume 177, Issue 2, pp 505–533. Download the in-print copy here:... more
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      OntologyStates of Affairs, Facts, PropositionsQuantificationQuantifiers
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      Russian LanguageTense and Aspect SystemsRussian linguisticsVerbal Aspect Theory
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      Finnish LanguagePolish Languageverbal AspectVerbal aspect, Slavonic languages
Исследование выполнено при финансовой поддержке РФФИ в рамках научного проекта № 19-312-60006 «Прямое дополнение и аспектуальные характеристики славянского глагола».
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      Russian LanguageAktionsartCorpus studyverbal Aspect
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      Verbal Aspect TheoryPrague Schoolverbal Aspect
This paper focuses on Polish verbal aspect and on the Hungarian functional equivalents of aspectual meanings in modern Polish. The author enumerates and discusses the means by the help of which Polish aspectual meanings can be expressed... more
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      AspectPolish LanguageAspectologyHungarian linguistics
В статье рассматриваются средства выражения значений, соответствующих подготовительной стадии ситуации, в русском языке. Указание на подготовительную стадию ситуации может производиться несколькими способами: в рамках сочетаний с вот-вот,... more
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      Russian LanguageTenseAvertiveрусский язык
Within the framework of the theory of enunciation, this paper sets out to study the historical present of Modern Greek. According to traditional grammar the historical present is a «metaphorical usage of the basic function of present». In... more
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      verbal AspectTheory of enunciation
Janda et al. (2013) propose an analysis of Russian aspectual prefixes as verb classifiers, arguing that the prefix which forms the 'natural perfective' from a given verb serves to classify that verb according to its semantic... more
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      Uto-Aztecan LinguisticsCognitive LinguisticsLinguisticsFunctional Linguistics
I{reparuBHocTb lI BblpaxeHne lloBTopfleMocTll B IIporuJIoM B pyccKoM, yKpauHcKoM n noJIbcKoM fl3blKax B 4arrHoIra pe$epare MbI ocTaHoBItMc.í Ha oAHoM Bonpoce clangrrcxoü acneKToJlorylvl, Ha I,ITepaTKBHocru. flrtragcr npeAcTaBHTb 3To... more
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      Russian LanguageRussian linguisticsAktionsartverbal Aspect
This paper examines the construction of verbal aspect as a sub-case of generation of verbal lexical meaning. The analysis is based on Pustejovsky's (1995) Generative Lexicon and assumes the existence of a set of lexical agreement... more
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      Lexical SemanticsGenerative Lexiconverbal Aspect
While much work in biblical studies has been offered in the form of theological exposition and historical critical speculation of literary origins of the gospels, few modern biblical studies scrutinize the language of these gospels from... more
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      Discourse AnalysisLiteratureLinguisticsCohesion
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      PassiveAfrican Languages and linguisticsverbal Aspect
The paper deals with a number of characteristics of the secondary imperfectivation of po-perfectives in Russian. The study is based on the analysis of the level of imperfectivability of Russian perfective verbs with the prefix po-... more
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      Russian LanguageVerbal MorphologyAktionsartCorpus study
Expressions with an aspectual variant of a light verb, e.g. take on debt vs. have debt, are frequent in texts but often difficult to classify between verbal idioms, light verb constructions or compositional phrases. We investigate the... more
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      LexicologyLexicon-GrammarLexiconLanguage Resources
Problemy analizy konfrontatywnej dwóch języków (np. polskiego i węgierskiego) mogą powstać nie tylko z powodu różnic genealogicznych czy typologicznych. W przypadku porównania języka polskiego z węgierskim głównym źródlem problemów jest... more
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      LingvisticsPolish LanguagePolish LinguisticsFilology, Aspektology
The present paper focuses on Polish verbal aspect and on the Russian equivalents of aspectual forms in Polish. The author enumerates and discusses the means by the help of which Polish aspectual meanings can be rendered in modern Russian.... more
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      Polish LanguagePolish LinguisticsNyelvészetverbal Aspect
Recensioner 245 question of how Paul could have included Jesus as Messiah and "son of God" into the story of Israel and his Jewish monotheism.
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      Verbal Aspect Theoryverbal Aspect
In Modern Italian the syntagm «noun + da + infinitive» displays different syntactic features compared to Old Italian. After the subject has been introduced (§1), we first take into account some grammatical issues related to «da + inf.»,... more
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      Romance historical syntaxInfinitivesVoice/diathesisPrepositional Phrase
Što je što u aspektologiji U radu se raspravlja o terminološkim nedosljednostima i razilaženjima u aspektologiji koje su jedna od većih prepreka razumijevanju aspektološke problematike. Definicije su aspekta brojne, polaze iz različitih... more
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      Terminologyverbal Aspect
The article focuses on the issue of the aspect of the two present paradigms of the verb biti ‘to be’ in the Croatian language. Standard Croatian lexicography and grammars, such as Daničić (1880–1882: lemma bȉti), Silić and Pranjković... more
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      Slavic LanguagesCroatianBosnian-Croatian-Serbian Linguistics (Diachronic and Synchronic)Croatian Language
В статье рассматривается функционирование перфективного имперфекта и масштабы его использования. Перфективный имперфект употреблялся прежде всего в повествовании о хабитуальных ситуациях, когда произошедшие события принимали... more
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      Old Church SlavonicMultiplicityOld Russian Languageverbal Aspect
The aim of this paper is to examine the existence and to analyze the voice semantics of the medio-passive forms in a corpus of unaccusative-causative ambitransitives (unergatives). The verbs under study are divided in seven groups... more
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      LinguisticsVoiceVoice/diathesisverbal Aspect
Questo studio vuole offrire un'opportunità di riflessione interlinguistica sull'espressione dell'approssimazione tra spagnolo e italiano a partire dalle due perifrasi spagnole venir siendo e venir a ser. Queste due perifrasi, infatti,... more
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The present paper aims at clarifying the category of aspect and of aspectuality, a universal linguistic supercategory, and shows the interface of aspectuality and semiotics. Aspect is defined here as information about the course of an... more
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      SemioticsLanguages and LinguisticsPragmaticsSyntax
Uwagi sformulowane w niniejszym artykule dotycz4 osób z zaawanso\\,ana znajomo §ci4 jezyka.Ich poziom odpowiada mniej wigcej stopniowi opanowania jq4"ka przez studentów polonistyki. Mówi4ry albo pisz4ry na takim poziomie w danym jea_'ku... more
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      Languages and LinguisticsPolish LanguageAspectologyPolish Linguistics
В статье приводятся некоторые наблюдения над поведением глаголов со значениями ‘есть' и ‘пить' в русском языке. Рассматриваются особенности, отличающие данные глаголы от прототипических переходных глаголов: возможность употребления без... more
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      Russian LanguageTransitivityрусский языкverbal Aspect
Dans la littérature consacrée au passé composé du français apparaît nette une tendance à accorder au passé composé selon les cas, une valeur d’accompli de présent ou une valeur d’antériorité, voire de temps du passé. Le but de la présente... more
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      Greek LanguageSemanticsFrench languagePast Tense
Expressions with an aspectual variant of a light verb, e.g. ‘take on debt’ vs. ‘have debt’, are frequent in texts but often difficult to classify between verbal idioms, light verb constructions or compositional phrases. We investigate the... more
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      LexicologyLexicon-GrammarLexiconLanguage Resources
The contrast between perfectivity/imperfectivity is realized across languages in two different ways: verbal aspect (henceforward VA), as in the Slavic languages among others; compositional aspect (henceforward CA), as in the Germanic... more
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      verbal Aspectcompositional aspect