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3x08 Feeling Safe With Divorce

3x08 Feeling Safe With Divorce

FromCoffee With a Shot of Cynicism

3x08 Feeling Safe With Divorce

FromCoffee With a Shot of Cynicism

81 minutes
Aug 14, 2020
Podcast episode


Oh, did you come here for Gilmore Girls content? Tough! Eleni's sharing an emotional story about her late father and how Yanic Truesdale played a part in one of her happiest memories. Jeffrey's taking issue with people thinking they're the center of the universe and putting words in his mouth. We also end up talking about episode 10 of season 3 and how much we hate Gran.
Aug 14, 2020
Podcast episode

Titles in the series (90)

A podcast hosted by two professional introverts discussing the fast-talking, pop culture-obsessed phenomenon that is Gilmore Girls.