Caee 5 Year Fundraising Goals 2012

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Why should you support CAEE?

CAEEs programs: Connect educators to resources Build the Skills of environmental educators Increase support for environmental education among leaders and decision makers Build leadership and inclusiveness in the field This leads to: Stronger providers and organizations Higher quality programming and instruction More environmental education provided More funding/resources/etc. Reaching more audiences This results in Coloradans with: Increased academic achievement. Increased civic engagement of learners. Increased stewardship. Increased environmental quality and health. Increased career skills (green, nat. res., recreation, ag) and more responsible decision making in the workplace.

Who should support CAEE?

Increased academic achievement. Increased civic engagement of learners. Increased stewardship. Increased environmental quality and health. Increased career skills (green, nat. res., recreation, ag) and more responsible decision making in the workplace. Teachers, schools, districts, CDE, education non-profits, parents/families Community organizations, EE providers, leaders and decision makers, voters, schools Natural resource professionals, government, agriculture, environmental non-profits CDPHE, health organizations, parents/families, schools, agriculture, environmental justice, community organizations Green business, recreation industry, corporate, schools

How will CAEE accomplish the goals above? CAEE 5 year Fundraising Goals from the Development Plan 2010-2015
1. Increase Individual Giving to 20% of Income Staff Role: Maintain and increase donor stewardship and direct ask appeals. Continue to make contacts and presentations to introduce new contacts to the organization. Follow-up with all new contacts. Board Role: Act as ambassadors for the organization with new contacts, invite guests to point of entry events and Changemaker Breakfast, serve as table captains at the breakfast, sign thank you letters and make thank you calls to donors. 2. Increase Sponsorships to $10,000 per year or 7.5% of income. Staff Role: Make contacts with potential sponsors. Steward sponsors and report results of events. Work with committees to make additional contacts. Board Role: Serve as an ambassador with potential sponsors, steward current sponsors at events, and generate potential prospects. 3. Restore membership income to $7500 per year or 6% of income. Staff Role: Maintain and increase membership stewardship and membership campaigns and renewal appeals. Continue to make contacts and presentations to introduce new contacts to the organization. Follow-up with new members. Board Role: Recruit new members. Act as ambassadors for the organization with new contacts, invite guests to point of entry events, clearly communicate mission and benefits of membership with potential new members within your networks. 4. Maintain grant funding levels each year. Staff Role: Write and submit proposals. Meet with foundations and steward relationships. Maintain records and report results. Board Role: Attend foundation site visits and meetings with staff. 5. Raise $100,000 to support Environmental Literacy Planning Efforts. Staff Role: Write and submit grant proposals. Meet with potential funders. Continue to make contacts and presentations to generate support for the initiative. Follow-up with all prospects.

Board Role: Understand and be able to communicate the goals and purpose of the initiative. Identify potential prospects. Attend meetings with potential funders with staff.

Strategies for Meeting our goals 2012:

Increase Individual Giving * 50 New Contacts Cultivation and Retention

Acquire new Contacts

Action Steps 1. Recruit 3 New

Members/organizations 2. Presentation at 2 events/ meetings 3. Board Member phone calls for every gift 4. Donor News (4x) 5. Schedule at least 4 meetings with Major donors 6. Pledge Letters 7. June Campaign 8. Fall Campaign 9. Breakfast Invitation to Upgrade 10. Colorado Gives Day Campaign 11. Serve as Table Captains 12. Plan Event 13. Invite guests to BBQ and event 14. Attend event 15. Thank guests for attending 16. Follow up with each guest 17. New Member Campaign 18. Tabling at 3 Events

Board Staff/ Board

July-Dec October

No Cost No Cost

Board Staff Staff and Board Staff Staff Staff Staff Staff Green team and Board GT & Board staff Staff Staff

Monthly Quarter Before Breakfast June June August October December June July July and October Nov 18 Nov. 1924 August Sept-Nov

No Cost $600 No Cost $50 No Cost No Cost $150 No Cost No Cost No cost $50 $2,500 No Cost No cost $0-$250 $200

*$15,000 in individual gifts


*100 people attend ask event * $15,000 in pledges

Changemaker Breakfast

Increase Membership *Member Income $5500 Increase sponsorships *$6,000 in Sponsorship

Annual Conference

19. Each committee member makes 8 contacts 20. Thank yous 21. Recap after Event with upgrade request 22. Follow up phone call to discuss how to improve sponsorship

TOTB Comm Staff Staff Staff Board

Sept-Jan Sept-Feb May May-June Sept-Jan

No Cost $10 $10 No Cost No Cost

*$1500 in Sponsorship


Action Steps
23. Identify prospects and attend meetings 24. Each committee member makes 3 contacts 25. Thank yous 26. Recap after Event with upgrade request 27. Follow up phone call to discuss how to improve sponsorship 28. Identify prospects and attend meetings 29. 2 Presentations 30. Submit 2 Grants 31. Host Funders Forum 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. Share Initiative Xcel Foundation Suncor USFS Communtiy Grants SEP Grant EPA Jared Polis Ball Foundation Denver Foundation BBVA Xcel BBVA EPA- ELP Wells Fargo Green Team EECap EPA Subgrants

Comm Staff Staff Staff Board Staff Staff C&O com Board ED

AugustDec. Aug-Dec. Feb. March Aug-Dec. Aug- Nov Apr-Dec. June-Dec. June-Dec. Feb. April. May May June June July? May Sept. Feb. March June Sept. ??? ???

No Cost $10 $10 No Cost No cost No cost No Cost No Cost No cost No Cost

Environment al Literacy Planning Grants

Green Key Initiative


Grant Reports


Current Grants/Funding Projects: EPA Environmental Literacy Planning Grant: 2nd year of environmental literacy plan and construction of online network (completion in June) Xcel: Supporting Professional Development and Regional Networks (submitted) BBVA: Completion of Youth Certification curriculum and training guide (awarded $2500, almost completed) Wells Fargo Green Team: Grant to support Certification Program and development of online course EE Capacity: Create state consortia for Professional development with traditional and nontraditional environmental educators. (Awarded $30,000) EPA Subgrants: Joint grant with 6 Region 8 States to give subgrants for Environmental Literacy related projects (awarded with $6,000 for admin plus subgranting funds).

Suncor: Environmental Literacy Plan implementation with Wyoming (still brainstorming what this will look like) USFS State and Private Forestry Competitive Grant Program: Joint proposal with Hawaii and Kansas to developing tracking and evaluation of environmental literacy plans. Yr 1Develop evaluation. Yr 2- Evaluate progress in three states. Yr. 3- Share and training with other states. Up to $300,000 grant, just starting to draft. Potential Grants/Funding Projects: (This is just my completely brainstormed list of whats possible, not necessarily realistic. More like a wish list- not a to do list. Just to start brainstorming about what our grant proposals will look like in the coming months.) Online Directory- Funding to help build awareness and training for the tools available, collection and inventory of resources Green Schools- Funding to develop tools and resources online for schools implementing EE or green school practices, creation of recognition for Green Schools, creation of online Green School Network/profiles (similar to Kansas Green Schools) ELP Implementation Summit: Invite district teams to come to summit to develop implementation plans EL Assessment: Bring region 8 states (If EPA grant) together for a summit to develop some assessment tools for environmental literacy related to each states standards. Funders Forum: Host forum to help build support for funders to include environmental education in their funding priorities (need sponsor/host for event- not grant) Professional Development- Scholarships to conference, more free/low cost trainings, inventory and promotion of existing professional development, support for regional networks (provide subgrants to leaders in each regional network?) Youth Certification: Funding to help organizations hire youth, funding for train the trainer program for curriculum, funding to review portfolios Development of State Standards Tools and Materials: resources for teachers and providers to use to help implement new standards related to environmental literacy, crosswalks, interdisciplinary ideas around issues, etc. Environmental Justice: Copy Andrees grant proposal to do community meetings to determine which issues/topics are most of interest in environmental education to specific communities

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