By Brett Hull
Monday, February 4, 13
Monday, February 4, 13
Monday, February 4, 13
Monday, February 4, 13
Valley Forge
This took place at Valley Forge, Pennsylvania. The Continental army camped at Valley Forge in the winter of 1777-1778. George Washington's role was to nd a good place to camp for the winter. Many men lost hope, ran away, were caught and punished for doing so.
Monday, February 4, 13
Treaty of Paris
The Treaty of Paris was signed on Sept. 3, 1783. The Treaty of Paris was where the British and the Americans met to sign the document to show that the war was over and the Continental Army had won.
Monday, February 4, 13
The most used weapon in the American Revolutionary War was the musket with a bayonet . Most troops carried this weapon. Generals used swords or a pistol. The pistols would look a lot like the pistols in the movie Pirates of the Caribbean.
COOL FACT The British blade was bent further back than the Continental Armies blade.
Monday, February 4, 13