Newsletter May 2013

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Subsidium Speaks

Board of Directors President Cheryl Lombardo President Elect / Event Chair 2012-13 Mitzi Ware Event Chair 2013-2014 Terri Boatwright Recording Secretary Carmel Hopper Treasurer Lee Sisson Assistant Treasurer Jeanne Sentell Parliamentarian Lindy Kent Hospitality Linda Rachels Member/New Member Jennifer Sisson MOSD Work Pat Beattie Past President Lisa Marcom Public Relations Victoria Bryan Newsletter/Directory Kathy Christiansen Website Jennifer Sisson


Please join us in

Celebration of Subsidiums New Members Recognition of Past Presidents and Installation of 2013/2014 Officers

May General Meeting

Thursday, May 23
6:30 pm Owen Brennan's
6150 Poplar Memphis Price: $26 inclusive
RSVP 268-7244 or

President's Message . . . Cheryl Lombardo

It is hard to believe that this year is drawing to a close. We ended the month of April with an enjoyable and entertaining general meeting celebrating the success of the much anticipated MOSD SpeakEasy. As Event Sponsor our support was crucial! I would like to thank all our members who participated and helped by way of the "Friends of Subsidium" sponsorship, the "Spirit Pull", acquiring auction items, purchasing tickets and working the night of the event. With the SpeakEasy behind us, our year is not finished. May is going to be a busy month beginning with the MOSD teacher appreciation luncheon, the BRAT golf tournament, our year-end dinner meeting at Owen Brennan's and finally the MOSD 2013 class graduation. My goals this year were to bring added energy and vitality back into our organization and build our membership by increasing the social element this year. I believe we have done that! I am seeing a stronger attendance and participation by our membership. Subsidium is growing . . . we welcomed seven new members this year and we are not finished yet. Your gifts and talents make this a truly unique organization, one to be proud of, a sisterhood, where lifetime friends are made. It has been a pleasure to work by your side. I cannot thank my board members enough for all of their hard work, dedication and cooperation. I have complete faith that Subsidium will continue to grow and be a dynamic part of MOSD and the community. With Mitzi Ware, our 2013/2014 President at the helm we are in good hands. Fulfilling the duties as president has been an act of love, not duty. It has been an honor to serve as your 2012/2013 president.

MOSD Executive Director, Teresa Schwartz

Dear Subsidium Friends, I want to thank all of you for everything you did to make the SpeakEasy a huge success. The auction items were wonderful.both live and silent. The restaurants were diverse and the food was wonderful! I was really pleased at the Subsidium Spirit Pull. All of the bottles were spoken for before the night was half over! I appreciate how you helped with preparations and decorations and made the night fun for everyone. Thank you all again for helping our children.

Member/ New Member Chair. . . Jennifer Sisson

Subsidium welcomes new members Anna D'Olive and Maria Gutierrez. We are excited to have them with us! Our thoughts are with Susan Edmonds for her father's recovery of cancer and surgery, Cheryl Lombardo's father-in-law's recovery from surgery, and Valerie and John Kinch who were recently hospitalized. Deepest sympathy is extended to Beth Webb in the loss of her mother.

Past President . . . Lisa Marcom

Below is the proposed slate for the 2013-2014 Subsidium Board of Directors President President-Elect Event Chair Recording Secretary Treasurer Assistant Treasurer Parliamentarian Hospitality Member/New Member MOSD Work Chair Public Relations Past President Event Chair-Elect Directory Newsletter Website Nominations Mitzi Ware Terri Boatwright Kyle Wiltse Lee Sisson Jeanne Sentell Mary Dickerson Kelly Henderson Victoria Bryan Lisa Marcom Linda Rachels Cheryl Lombardo Lindsey Donovan Kathy Christiansen Kathy Christiansen Jennifer Sisson Beth Webb, Lindy Kent Sylvia Creedon

Volunteer Work Chair . . . Pat Beattie

The Easter Bunny (new member Linda Salisbury) was a big attraction at the Easter party! It was a perfect morning for the children to find eggs outdoors on the playground. Many thanks to the members who were there as we accomplished a fun task and hopefully made lasting memories of our "special kids". All are invited to the MOSD Graduation and Farewell celebration on Friday, May 31st. This year there are 9 students who are graduating or leaving to attend a new school. The ceremony will be at Kingsway Church at 9:30 a.m. followed by a reception with light refreshments at the school.

This slate will be voted on and installed at the May general meeting. We still have an open position of president-elect. SpeakEasy "Wine & Spirit Pull"

Terri Boatwright . . . Event Chair-Elect

Members, it's time to start thinking about our Rummage Sale, so mark the date, November 2nd, on your calendars. It's is not too early to start making plans now by setting aside items that you can donate. We need everything (including clothes), plus a lot of big ticket items to bring out the shoppers! I will keep you updated as we move closer to the date. ALL MEMBERS ARE INVITED! MOSD 2013 GRADUATION FRIDAY, MAY 31 9:30 AM @ KINGSWAY CHURCH

Thank you so much to everyone who helped donate to our Wine/Spirit Pull this year at the Speakeasy! We sold all 64 brown bags of spirits and thanks to your generosity we raised $1,280.00 for MOSD. Thanks also to members Kyle Wiltse and Sylvia Creedon, and also Michelle Lombardo and Jennifer Creedon for doing a great job of working and promoting the wine sales. Let's do it again next year! Susan Edmonds May 7 9 19 23 31 CALENDAR Teacher Appreciation 1:00 pm MOSD Luncheon Board Meeting 6:30 pm Cheryl's home BRAT Golf Tourn 7:30 am Colonial CC General Meeting 6:30 pm Owen Brennan's MOSD Graduation 9:30 am Kingsway Church Reception to follow @ MOSD

Event Chair . . . Mitzi Ware MOSD SpeakEasy

Sponsored by Subsidium "Wrap-Up" What a fun evening and you could feel it in the atmosphere. Or, was it the sounds coming from the band, or smells from the amazing restaurants, the great auction items to be had, winning at the game tables or enjoying your beverage of choice? Too many great things happening at once! Guests even had an opportunity to "pull" a fine bottle of wine for only $20 and a photo-op with photographer, Richard Ramsey. Note the picture of 23 "ladies of Subsidium" who were at the party. Thank you to all who made this evening a very enjoyable and successful one! BRAT Golf Tournament The BRAT is an annual golf tournament held in memory of Stephen P. Bratkowski and is hosted by McVean Trading. Subsidium members volunteer to work at this event and the club receives a generous donation for our efforts. We are looking for volunteers to pick up out-of-town sports celebrities from the airport on Friday and Saturday (May 17-18), and others to work at the dinner/auction on Saturday evening (18th). Sunday the 19th is the day of the tournament and we need many volunteers beginning at 7:30 a.m. and throughout the day. This is always a great opportunity to enjoy a beautiful day on the golf course and spend time with your Subsidium friends let me know which day you can help. And . . . thank you to our very own Michelle Brown for "plugging us in" to this fundraiser.

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