Newsletter 5-14
Newsletter 5-14
Newsletter 5-14
Board of Directors President Mitzi Ware President Elect Event Chair Terri Boatwright Event Chair 2014-2015 Lindsey Donovan Recording Secretary Kyle Wiltse Treasurer Lee Sisson Assistant Treasurer Jeanne Sentell Parliamentarian Mary Dickerson Hospitality Kelly Henderson Member/New Member Victoria Bryan MOSD Work Lisa Marcom Past President Cheryl Lombardo Public Relations Linda Rachels Newsletter/Directory Kathy Christiansen Website Jennifer Sisson
Please join us in
Celebration of Subsidiums New Members Recognition of Past Presidents Installation of 2013/2014 Officers Honoring the Volunteer of the Year
Members, Included with your newsletter is a commitment form intended for Active members. Please complete this form and return in the enclosed envelope (with dues if you haven't already paid) at your earliest convenience. If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to contact me at mitzi.ware@yahoo. com or 219-3486.
A great turnout of 28 members supported and attended this year's "SpeakEasy" fundraiser
Lindsey Donovan Judy Wimbs Lee Sisson Jeanne Sentell Mary Dickerson Lisa Marcom Kelly Henderson Anna D'Olive Kristi Ransom Mitzi Ware Kathy Christiansen Jennifer Sisson
End-of-year EVENTS
May 6 Staff App Lunch 18 BRAT Golf Tourn 22 General Meeting 23 MOSD Graduation 1:00 MOSD 8am Colonial CC
$50 membership dues are due by May 30. An envelope is enclosed for your convenience.