Answer Key-2nd Periodical Examination (2009-2010)
Answer Key-2nd Periodical Examination (2009-2010)
Answer Key-2nd Periodical Examination (2009-2010)
Department of Education
District of Malitbog
I- Underline the subject and encircle the verb of the following sentences: After which,
identify what subject-verb agreement rule is used by placing the said rule number on the
6 provided. No erasure is allowed. 1
__________ 1. The number of students is very small. __________ 2. They cry for help.
3 1
__________ 3. Economics is my favorite subject. __________ 4. Rita and Myrna are listening to
4 music. 5
__________ 5. The class has prepared a report. __________ 6. Each of them is held responsible.
3 6 8. A number of students are absent.
__________ 7. Dramatics is fascinating. __________
__________ 9. You have been very kind to me.
1 _________ 10. They have prepared
2 palatable for dinner.
_________ 11. Some of the boys were scolded. 2 _________ 12. None of the passengers were
II- On the box provided, write the appropriate verb from the parenthesis in order to
complete the sentences.
3. The boy who won the two medals a friend of mine. (is, are)
19. You should decide which one of the three choices A, B, or C best the
question. (answer, answers)
III- Identify the following statements either to be “TRUE” or “FALSE”. No erasure is allowed.
20. One of the most intelligent students who full marks John.
score) The verb agree with the words intervene between the subject and verb.
2._______________ Subjects joined by and are usually plural.
3._______________ Singular subjects joined by or, either . . . or, neither . . . nor take a plural verb.
4._______________ The verb also agrees with the nearer subject in person.
5._______________ When used as subjects, such words as each, one, everybody, and anyone regularly take
plural verbs.
6._______________ Collective nouns take a singular verb when they refer to the group as a unit.
7._______________ Collective nouns take a plural verb when they refer to individuals or parts of the group.
8._______________ Some nouns (such as athletics, politics, series, ethics) take plural verb.
9._______________ Subject tells about the action done in the sentence.
10._______________ Sums of money or periods of time require a singular verb.
11._______________ Who, that, and which are singular or plural according to the noun directly in front of them.
12._______________ Typically, you should use a plural verb.
13._______________ As well as and along with do not function as intervening words.
14._______________ If a sentence includes modifiers between the subject and verb, this does not affect whether
the verb is singular or plural.
15._______________ A collective noun such as team or staff can be either singular or plural depending upon
the rest of the sentence.
16._______________ In sentences beginning with here or there, the subject follows the verb.
17._______________ When a sentence compounds a positive and a negative subject and only one is plural,
the verb should agree with the positive subject.
18._______________ Neither and either require plural verbs even though they seem to be referring
to two separate things.
19._______________ Just because a word ends in –s means automatically plural.
20._______________ A direct object receives an action.
4. Using an electronic mail, Raymond can do all of the following except which one?
a. send a public message to friends interested in one topic b. send pictures to a
c. send private messages to a friend d. send a package to a friend
c. It allows an internet user to travel around the world through computers. d. It prints out
16. The following are search engines, except one:
a. b. c. d.
17. Burn My Files is an easy-to-use CD and DVD burning solution for Microsoft Windows. It can be used to
burn the
following, except one:
a. data b. music c. video d. edifices
18. The following are operating systems that can run Burn My Files , except one:
a. Windows Vista b. Windows 2000 c. Windows XP d. Windows 95
19. The following are true in the making of audio data, except one:
a. It is a method of burning writes music files directly to the CD or DVD.
b. There is no conversion of the music file formats takes place.
c. This method is usually used when you wish only to play songs on your PC.
d. This
20. The allowsare
following a simple
true in music file to of
the making becdconverted into MP3.
audio, except one:
a. It is a method of burning converts music files into a different format.
b. The music can be played on car stereo equipment.
c. The music is playable in home stereo system.
d. The size of the music files changes.
II– Answer “AGREE” or “DISAGREE”. No erasure is allowed.
1. The main and most important piece of software a computer has is the Operating
System. A
2. Download means t to click on a link for a file and transfer it through the internet to your
computer to save. A
3. Burn a cd means you can set fire to it.
4. Wallpaper is everything you see when you start your computer except the taskbar.
5. Desktop is the monitor pattern or picture or other graphic representation that forms the
background onto which all the
icons are displayed.
6. Operating System is most commonly called Windows.
7. Mouse allows you to type information into your computer.
8. Keyboard is used as a pointing device that can help you control your computer tasks.
9. Monitor is the screen for viewing your working computer.
10. Printer/Scanner your computer to a phone line to enable communication between you and
other computers.
11. Modem allows you to print pages from your computer or scan and copy pages on to your
computer to view and edit.
12. CD Rom, Cd burner, or Dvd burner are used to read cd's to install software, or access any
data stored on a disk.
13. Ram (random access memory) is the memory of a computer which works with the other
components of the computer to allow it to
14. Motherboard, systemboard, or mainboard is the central circuit board that provides electrical
connections so the other components
of a computer can communicate with each other.
15. Processor or Central Processing Unit (CPU) interprets computer program instructions and
processes data.
16. Hard drive. This is where all your data is stored when you save it. Its size or capacity is
measured in gigabytes.
17. Peripherals refer to the basic parts that make up your computer.
18. Software refers to the basic parts that make up your computer.
19. Hardware refers to all of the programs on your computer.
20. Software helps you get things achieved, like writing letters, sending emails, and surfing the