May 11
May 11
May 11
The last day for homework folders to be sent
home will be Thursday, May 14th. Friday, May
15th, I need for you to start sending back any of the
Scott Foresman books you have at home that
belong to our classroom. This will provide enough
time for me to collect all the books before the last
day of school. Thank you so much and I hope you
have enjoyed them!
Parents must pick up all medications (prescription
and over-the-counter) from the school nurse before
the end of the last school day. Any medications
remaining after 3:00 p.m. on May 21 st will be
A flyer was sent home last week with information
regarding the BOGO (Buy One, Get One Free)
Book Fair. Our shopping day/time is Wednesday,
May 13th from 12:35-1:05. This will be the only
time for us to shop. Please send money (cash or
checks made out to CWES) in an envelope
marked Book Fair.
This weeks reading titled, 10 Signs of a Great
Class for 3-6 Year Olds, is short but very powerful.
NAEYC published this list for individuals looking
for a great early childhood classroom. If you
signed up for the Paperless Classroom
Communication option, this reading can be found
on the right side of our blog under Suggested
Parent Readings.
Dont forget about keeping an adequate amount of
money in your childs lunch account for the