Gochara Predictions

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Gochara predictions -Planetory transits

Gohara is a current planetary transit. Gochara of the planets is determined from the natal moon
sign. Gochara should also be analysed along with the dasa and antardasa predictions. The Gochara
transists of Jupiter, Saturn are extremely important. If the Dasa and antardasa are not favourable, but
if the Jupiter and saturn transits are favourable for entire year, then the person gets completely
protected that year.
Gochara of mercury is very important for predicting the Stock Market trends. Mercury normally
retrogrades 3 times in a year. Mercury retrograde can create lot of turbulence and downward trend in
the stock market. However, when it gets combust during the retrogression, the effects of the
retrograde will diminish. In other words, the market tends to get better.
When the mercury is out of retrogarde, the markets normally stabilize.
If a horoscope is analyzed with Gochara transit of planets along with the dasa and antar dasa, the
predictions will be more accurate. Here are some examples:
If a person is struggling for a job and dasa and antardasa are moderately favourable, then look if the
Sun is placed in 3, 6, 10, or 11 houses in the Gochara and aspected by Jupiter.
Similarly, Jupiter or Rahu in 12th will easily give foreign travel during that year.

Sometimes, a planets in the Gochara transit may not be able to give full benefic influence, inspite
of transiting a favourable house in Gochara. This is due to obstruction of some other planet. This
is called Gochara Vedha. The Gochara Vedha can diminish the positive effects of a particular
planet during that transit. For example when Jupiter is transiting the 2nd house, he gives very
favourable results, but there is some other planet in the 12th house from the natal moon, then
positive effects of jupiter's 2nd house transit from the natal moon are diminished. The extent, to
which the positive effects can be reduced, varies from a person to person based on the Karmas.
So, if there are 2 people A and B with the same Rasi, and Jupiter is transiting the 2nd house in
Gochara. If there is a planet in 12th house causing Vedha, both the Person A and B will not get
the 100% results of Jupiter's benefic transit in 2nd house. Person A may receive only 80% of
jupiter's Gochara transit benefic rays, while person B may get only 60% of jupiter's Gochara
transit benefic rays because jupiter is under Gochara Vedha and will not give 100% benefic

Gochara positions for Sun (Ravi) (Sun Transit)

(Favourable in 3, 6,10 and 11 positions. Unfavorable in 2nd, 4th , 5th, 7th, 8th, 9th, 12th positions.)
1) If Ravi is in 1st house , then ,the person will suffer from ill health, loss of wealth, will have to
wanderand toil for nothing. Check for the rise in blood pressure and heart diseases if aspected by Rahu
during that period.
2) If Ravi is in 2nd house, the person will suffer from loss of wealth, will suffer from eye problems etc.
There may be some misunderstanding and quarrels at home.
3) If Ravi transits through the 3rd house from Chandra , the person will get a good position in the
society, They will have sound health and earn wealth. They will be courageous. They might get
promotions in the job/office. If there is a planet other than Saturn in the 9th house from moon, then
Sun will be in Vedha and the positive effects of sun in 3rd house are reduced/ diminished.

4) When Ravi transits through the 4th, there may be stomach related problems, quarrels at home,
and no piece of mind.
5) When Ravi transits through the 5th house, it will cause monetary problems. Avoid speculations or
stocks. You may have to face lot of worries. Watch out for health.
6) When Ravi transits 6th house, there will be promotion in job, will acquire wealth and will defeat all
the enemies or dominate over them.
7) When Ravi transits 7th, there will be quarrels and misunderstanding with the spouse or business
partners. If Ravi conjuncts with Saturn in the 7th house, there will be lot of bickering and quarrel with
the spouse.
8) When Ravi transits 8th house, the person will suffer from illness, and heavy expenditure. If Ravi is
conjunct with Mars or Saturn in the 8th, there will more expenditure and health issues.
9) When Ravi transits 9th, the person will face humiliation, loss of wealth, worries, health problems. If
there is a planet other than Saturn in the 3rd house, the bad effects of sun in 9th house can be
10) When Ravi transits 10th, there will be promotion or carrier opportunity. When aspected by Jupiter,
it will be very good for the job.
11) When Ravi transits 11th, the person will get honors in the society. They can expect good money,
and happiness in the job, can also give promotion/elevation in job when aspected by jupiter.

12) When Ravi transits 12th, it will bring lot of expenditure, health issues, loss of status. When Ravi is
in 12th, it is better to visit temples and perform poojas.

Gochara positions for Mars (Mars Transit)

(Favorable in 3, 6,10 and 11 positions. Unfavorable in 2nd, 4th , 5th, 7th, 8th, 9th, 12th positions.)
1) Mars is not favorable when it transits the 1st house. You may have fevers, health problems. Need to
control the be anger. There may also be rift with the spouse and the business partners.
2) When mars transits the 2nd house in Gochara, you may face expenditure, problems in the domestic
life. Your words might be harsh. Need to watch your speech.
3) Mars is favorable in the 3rd house in Gochara. Good for financial gains, you will have courage and
confidence. You will succeed in the new endeavors. You will be satisfied in your profession/job.
4) Mars is not favorable in 4th house in Gochara. Your health would require more attention . There is
also a possibility of suffering from diseases mostly related to the blood and the stomach. You are likely
to be worried. Relationships will be in trouble. Avoid any issues related to land and property during this
5) Mars will not produce favorable results when transiting the 5th house. This is not a good time for
speculation, stock or lottery. You may have trouble with your children. Your expenses will be very high.
6) Mars is highly favorable when transiting the 6th house in Gochara. You will win over your enemies.
You are likely to do very well in job/profession. You will gain respect or honor in the society. You are
like only to have financial gains as well.
7) Mars is highly unfavorable when transiting the 7th house. You are likely to have fights disagreements
with your spouce and business partners. You o need to watch your anger during this transit.
8) Mars is unfavorable when transiting 8th house. You should be careful with accidents and diseases
relating to blood. There will be lot of expenditure.
9) Mars is not favorable when it transits 9th house in Gochara. You will have lot of tensions and worries
in your mind. Watch out for physical ailments during this period.
10) Mars is favorable in 10th house in Gochara. You are likely to command respect in your
job/profession. You may also get promotion. You will be free from worries.
11) Mars is highly favorable in 11th house in Gochara. You will get success in all areas of life. There will
be financial gains. You will enjoy good health. There will be domestic peace and happiness.

12) Mars is not favourable in the12th house in Gochara. You will have lot of expenditure. There will be
health problems, hospital visits and and loss of blood in some cases. You may have to face dishonor and

Gochara predictions for Jupiter (Jupiter Transit)

(Favorable in 2nd,5th, 7th, 9th, 11th positions. Unfavorable in 3rd, 4th, 6th, 8th, 10th, 12th
1) Jupiter in 1st house is not favorable. It will bring lot of hurdles and tensions in all aspects of
life. There will be delays in all the activities. There will be lack of happiness and satisfactions.
However, this period may be good for religious or spiritual purposes.
2) Jupiter in 2nd house Gochara is very favorable. You will be bestowed with wealth, good income, and
happiness. There can also be a birth in the family. You relations with the family members will be
good. If there is a planet in the 12 th house from moon, the Jupiter will be in Vedha. That means, the
positive effects of Jupiter will reduce.
3) Jupiter is not favorable in the 3rd house in Gochara. There will be lot of hurdles in your life.
Financially this may not be a good phase. There will be obstacles in business. You are also likely to lose
some money. You may have trouble with your employer. However, some of you may do some religious
deeds, because Jupiter will aspect the 9th house.
4) Jupiter is not favourable in 4th house in Gochara. This brings along worries for you. Stay away from
any kind of litigations and property related issues. Try and maintain cordial relationships with your
relatives and friends. Financially this could be a trying time for you. Take measures to avoid
unnecessary expenses and travel. Be careful when driving vehicles.
5) Jupiter is highly favorable in 5th house in Gochara. Financially, this will prove to be a good time. It
is also good time for any speculations like stocks. An auspicious event may take place at home, like
birth of child . You may successfully complete all your plans and wishes. If you are single, you may get
perfect match. It is also good time for students to o well in their studies.
6) Jupiter is not favorable in 6th house in Gochara. You need pay more attention to your health. There
may be lot of expenditure and debts. You may not have cordial relations? with your coworkers. You may
feel unhappy and restless. You need to be careful with the thiefs or any theft.
7) Jupiter is highly favorable in 7th house in Gochara. You will have lot of happiness and relations with
the spouse will also be good. If you are single, you may get married during this period. You will enjoy
good health. You will have good relations with your coworkers. Socially, this a very good time. You will
enjoy the company of friends and relatives.

8) Jupiter is not favorable in 8th house in Gochara. There may be unnecessary expenditure and travel is
likely to be troublesome. You may have to work hard in your job to succeed. There may be lack of
bodily comforts. You may have to visit hospitals and health may not be good. You need to be careful
with lawsuits and litigations.
9) Jupiter is highly favorable in 9th house in Gochara. There will good income and financial gains. Your
will show lot of interest in religious activities and you are likely to attend as the religious functions.
This period is particularly good time for authors, publishers, professors and people related to the field
of books. There is also a possibility of foreign distance travel.
10) Jupiter is not favorable in 10th house in Gochara. You may develop negative thinking and a feeling
of wretchedness during this time. Some unfulfilled desires may make you irritable as well. Avoid
wandering about, as you are most likely to be disappointed during this particular time. This is the time
when you may need to consciously avoid arguments with your seniors at work and with your elders at
11) Jupiter is favorable in 11th house in Gochara. This signifies a good time. During this time you may
expect promotions at the workplace, gain in trade and even a position of higher authority in your
professional life. This could also prove to be a socially good time for you, as your status in the society
is likely to be heightened. Finances would be good and most of you would consider buying landed
property, jewellery, new vehicles and acquiring material comfort in this time. You would also enjoy
sound health and a peaceful mind.
12) Jupiter is not favorable in 12th house in Gochara. This indicates expenditure for you. The outflow
of money is expected to be greater than the inflow. Above all, you may also find difficulty in trade and
business, especially related to the cattle business. However, you are also likely to spend some money
on auspicious occasions and on long distance travels. This period may force upon you a phase in which
you may have to stay away from your native place and away from your children. If employed, hold on
to your position and rank at work as this period may put a risk to these as well.

Gochara positions for Saturn (Saturn Transit)

(Favorable in 3, 6,and 11 positions. Unfavorable in 1st, 2nd, 4th , 5th, 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th, 12th
1) Saturn is not favorable in 1st house from Gochara. This is called second phase of sade sati. You may
feel that luck is not favoring you in any areas of life. You are likely to encounter troubles, delays in all
your day to day life activities. Financially, this is not a very good time. You may appear dejected and
unpleasant to others. Saturn transiting the 1st house can also produce depression in some people.
2) Saturn is not favorable in 2nd house from Gochara. This is called last phase of sade sati. This is very
bad time. You may see death in the family. There may be separation or divorce from spouse. You may
be out of job for long time. There may be financial hurdles. You will be unhappy with the family life.

3) Saturn is very favorable in 3rd from Gochara. You are done with Sade Sati. Saturn was troubling you
for past 7 years. Now Saturn has turned favorable to you. You lost confidence is back again. You will
success in all areas of life. All you dreams and desires from last 7 years will get fulfilled. You will well
financially. You may start a new job with good income. You will be happy with your family life.
4) Saturn in 4th house from Gochara is not favorable. This is also called as ardhastama Shani. During
this transit, Saturn causes problems in family, accidents, financial instability, losses in land/real estate,
health problems.
5) Saturn in 5th house from Gochara is not favorable. You may not be happy with your losses. You may
have quarrels with your spouse or business partners. Overall, you main not be happy.
6) Saturn is highly favorable in the 6th house from Gochara. You will get victory over your enemies,
business competitors, and overall health will be good. You will have good monetary gain also. You will
also maintain cordial relations with your relatives and family members.
7)Saturn in 7th house in Gochara is not favorable. You might find that relations with spouse and the
business partners are not very good. You will it more when Saturn retrogrades in the 7th house. You
need to maintain lot of patience with people. You may tend to get worried, things will be delayed.
8) Saturn is not favorable in 8th house from Gochara. You will have troubles with your spouse. You may
be diagnosed with a disease. You may have to undergo hospital trips or surgery. You may loose lot of
money. It may be tough time financially. You may be out of job for long period of time.
9) Saturn is not favorable in 9th house from Gochara. You may be changing many jobs or not satisfied
with your job. This transit will cause lot of distress and worry. There is a good possibility of long
distance travel. You may attend funeral of close relative during this time.
If there is any other planet other than sun in the house, then the bad effects of the Saturn in 9th house
can be reduced.
10) Saturn is not favorable in 10th house in Gochara. You may be having problems at work/
employment. Your boss at work may give you hard time. You may have to face lot of distress and your
honor in society could be at stake. You may develop friction or differences with your spouse. There
will be more expenditure than income.
11) Saturn is highly favorable in 11th house from Gochara. You will have lot of financial gains. You will
have cordial relations with your spouse, friends and relatives. You will be happy with your job and
profession. You will enjoy sound health. There could be an addition in the family. You will take part in
the auspicious events.
12) Saturn is not favorable in 12th house in Gochara. This is called the first phase of sade sati. Saturn
will cause depression, disease, distress during this transit. You may loose most of the money you saved

in your life time. You may loose your job. There could be divorce/separation. You may face
immigration related problems. Life may not seem smooth

Gochara positions for Mercury (Mercury Transit)

Favorable in 2nd, 4th, 6th, 8th, 10th , and 11th positions. Unfavorable in 1st, 3rd, 5th, 7th, 9th, 12th
1) Mercury is not favorable in 1st house from Gochara. It can cause worries, headaches, injury
to tongue, sore throat, hoarseness of voice and tonsillitis. You may also have to watch out for
unnecessary expenditure. You may also find obstacles in performing any auspicious work at home.
2) Mercury is favorable in 2nd house from Gochara. This indicates good income. You are likely to
benefit financially. The family life will be good.
3) Mercury is not favorable in 3rd house from Gochara. There will be misunderstanding with relatives
and co-workers, worries, expenditure, and tensions.
4) Mercury is favorable in 4th house. You will enjoy good income, good reputation, success in
competitive examinations, study of new subjects and enjoyment of luxury. There will be cordial
relations in the family.
5) Mercury is not favorable in 5th house from Gochara. There will be problems in personal life. This is
not a good time for speculation or stocks. You may incur more expenditure.
6) Mercury is favorable in 6th house from Gochara. You will have good income, good joy good relations
with your boss or coworkers. You will enjoy good health.
7) Mercury is not favorable in 7th house in Gochara. This may bring in some trying time for you both
mentally and physically. This period indicates illness. You may have to experience physical pain and
bodily weakness during this phase. Mentally you might become restless and anguished.
8) Mercury is favorable in 8th house in Gochara. This mostly signifies wealth and success. It indicates
success in all your work and projects. During this period you may expect financial stability and gain in
financial ventures. Socially you would see a rise in your status. People would respect you more and
your popularity would increase. This period may also let you acquire a comfortable lifestyle.
9) Mercury is not favorable in 9th house from Gochara. It will cause worries, increased expenditure,
loss or wealth, sore throat, bad luck.
10) Mercury is favorable in 10th house from Gochara. You would be happy and successful in all your
endeavors. Professionally a very good period could be expected as well. You would be able to finish off
the work given to you successfully on time. There will be monetary gains as well.

11) Mercury is very favorable in 11th house from Gochara. This indicates achievement and monetary
gain. This period is likely to bring in financial gains for you. You may expect to receive higher monetary
gains from different sources. Your personal endeavours, businesses and investments are likely to bring
in higher financial gains and more profits.
12) Mercury is not favorable in 12th house from Gochara. . You may have to face lot of expenditure.
Avoid any litigations as there may be expenditure involved it. You may have to work extra hard to
accomplish any of the task undertaken by you. Beware of your enemies and stay out of their way in
order to avoid any humiliation.

Gochara positions for Venus (Venus Transit)

(Favourable in 1st,2nd,3rd,4th,5th,8th,9th 11th, 12th positions. Unfavourable in 6th,7th,10th,
1) Venus is favorable in 1st house from Gochara. You will have good relations with spouse and happy
family life. You will enjoy the material and also sensual comforts. You may expect an arrival of new
member in the family. You will have good time with friends and relatives. You will have good monetary
2) Venus is favorable in 2nd house from Gochara. You will have very good monetary gains. You will have
great time with your spouse and your family. You will maintain good health.
3) Venus is favorable in 3rd house from Gochara. It is a good time professionally and also financially.
You will enjoy cordial relations with your relatives and brothers/sisters. You will enjoy short trips.
4) Venus is favorable in 4th house from Gochara. If you are in agriculture, it is a very good time. You
will make good money. Children will do well in studies. You will enjoy good perfumes and good clothes.
You will tend to socialize.
5) Venus is favorable in 5th house. It is excellent time for people in acting and modeling industry.
Financially it is a good period. You will have good relations with your spouse. There may be good news
about the birth of a child in your family.
6) Venus is not favorable in 6th house. You may quarrel with your spouse and other females of
household. There may be misunderstandings in social circles, bad name, trouble from females, loss in
lottery, bad health.
7) Venus is not favorable in 7th house from Gochara. This mostly indicates a troublesome period caused
mostly by women. Stay away from any litigation involving women and try and maintain a good rapport
with your wife. Financially a not-so-good period.

8) Venus is favorable in 8th house from Gochara. During this particular period you may expect to gain
physical comforts and overcome all your miseries. You may consider acquiring landed property or a
house as well. If an eligible bachelor or maiden lady, you may also expect to get a good match who
could also bring in good fortune. Your health is expected to remain good.
9) Venus is favorable in 9th house in Gochara. We will have bodily or material comfort and happiness.
Financial gain and indulgence in precious jewellery is also indicated during this period. Businessmen
will find this period to be a smooth one with satisfactory profits. Success in education is also indicated
during this time. Health would remain in good shape. You may perform some auspicious deeds at your
10) Venus is not favorable in 10th house in Gochara. You may have mental anguish, agitation and
restlessness. Physical health also suffers during this time. You may have to be extra careful with your
finances and try to avoid any kind of loans, as you are likely to be under debts during this particular
phase. Beware of your enemies and avoid unnecessary and useless, discussions, as it might lead to
quarrels increasing the number of your enemies. Be careful to avoid defamation and humiliation in the
11) Venus is favorable in 11th from Gochara. You will have financial security and relief from
debts. This period also brings in success in your endeavors. Your popularity increases and your
reputation would also go up. You are likely concentrate on acquisition of material comfort, means of
pleasure, good food, clothing, jewels and other exotic accessories. You may consider owning a house as
well. Socially this could be a bright period.
12) Venus will show mixed results in 12th from Gochara. You may see financial gains for few days, and
for remaining days, you may haves loss of wealth and heavy expenditure. Be careful to avoid any theft
in the house. You may enjoy good relations with your spouse.

Gochara positions for Moon (Moon transit)

(Favourable in 1, 3, 6, 10 and 11 positions. Unfavorable in 2,4,5,7,9,12 positions.)
1) Transit of Moon through the first house makes a person fortunate. It will make the person satisfied
and happy. This period is auspicious for worshiping God.
2) When Moon transits through 2nd house the person may suffer various financial problems. There will
be disappointments and his self-confidence will go down. There may be troubles in the family.
3) When Moon transits through the third house it gives auspicious results. There will be lot of support
from friends, relatives, and elders, brothers and sisters. During this period the person becomes
courageous and bold.

4) When Moon transits through the fourth house it makes person restless mentally. Health can also
suffer. There could be bodily ailments.
5) When Moon transits through the fifth house the person may have to bear problems due cough and
diseases of gall bladder. The person may have to face stomach related problems. This period will bring
6) The transit of Moon through the sixth house makes the person physically fit and healthy. The person
will achieve success through his efforts. His expenditures will be limited and his savings will increase.
He will stay happy and will also achieve success appropriate to his efforts. His enemies will not try to
cause him any harm.
7) When moon transits through 7th, the person will become fortunate and his happiness will increase.
His income will increase and he will earn fame. He will achieve success in his work and also get the
support of his life-partner.
8) When Moon transits through 8th house, the person may face health related problems. The person may
feel stressed due to some bad news. He should avoid getting involved in conflicts during this time. The
person may have to bear joint pains.
9) When Moon transits through 9th house, the person may not get desired support of his children. He
will be less fortunate and may face various obstacles in his work. He may have to follow the command
of others. The person should incline towards spirituality during this period.
10) Tenth house is the house of livelihood. When Moon transits through this house it will be auspicious
for the person in matters of business. In this period, the person will become hard-working and feel
energetic. He will get the support of his friends and relatives. The person will also inherit positive and
moral qualities during this time.
11) Moon transit in 11th house is auspicious for the native as he will reap many benefits and have a
happy state of mind. During this period, the person will be able to defeat his enemies and get success
in long pending legal proceedings. There will be a major contribution of women behind his great
success during this transit.
12) Transit of Moon through 12th house will increase expenditures. During this period, his respect and
honor may also be affected. He should avoid any conflicts as it may influence his mental capacity and
he may feel very lazy. He may also feel that something wrong is going to happen, which may increase
his stress.

Gochara positions for Rahu (Transit of Rahu)

(Favourable in 3, 6,10 and 11 positions. Unfavorable in 2nd, 4th , 5th, 7th, 8th, 9th, 12th positions.)

1) When Rahu transits 1st house in Gochara, you are also likely to be humiliated and some unseen
problems will crop up. You may develop some disease.
2) When Rahu transits 2nd house in Gochara, it signifies a troubled time financially, physically and
socially for you. During this period, keep an eye on your expenditures and beware of thieves or any
unforeseen expenses There can be trouble with spouse.
3) When Rahu transits 3rd house in Gochara, you will be happy and very courageous, there will be
promotions at work. You will have good relations with siblings and other relatives.
4) When Rahu transits 4th house in Gochara, it is not good for carrier, job, land/property and mother's
5) When Rahu transits 5th house in Gochara, it will be good for income and trade, but not for love
matter, children and speculation.
6) When Rahu transits 6th house in Gochara, it will be good for financial matters and also good for
health. You will overcome all the enemies. There will be benefits in service or job.
7) When Rahu transits 7th house in Gochara, it is adverse for matrimonial or spouse matters. Some
problem with partner or coworker may be possible.
8) When Rahu transits 8th house in Gochara, it is good for occult and hidden treasure.but adverse for
health and court matters or latent enemies. some unexpected trouble may be possible.
9) When Rahu transits 9th house in Gochara, it is good for foreign travel, higher education, spiritual
pursuits, but not good for parents.
10) When Rahu transits 10th house in Gochara, it is good for carrier, job and status in the society.
However, this transit may bring some worries and sleep disorders.
11) When Rahu transits 11th house in Gochara, there is overall gain in money, status, job and friends.
12) When Rahu transits 12th house in Gochara, it is good for foreign travel, but not good for money,

Gochara positions for Ketu (Transit of Ketu)

(Favourable in 3, 6,10 and 11 positions. Unfavorable in 2nd, 4th , 5th, 7th, 8th, 9th, 12th positions.)

1) When Ketu transits 1st house in Gochara, health will suffer, there will be mental tensions,
financially, this is a tough time.
2) When Ketu transits 2nd house in Gochara, there is loss of wealth, Your expenses are likely to go up
and there could also be a theft in your house also. There could be suffering from physical as well as
mental ailments.
3) When Ketu transits 3rd house in Gochara, there will be financial gains, you will have good relations
with brother, relatives and coworkers. There will be elevation in job.
4) When Ketu transits 4th house in Gochara, Avoid any disputes or deals related to your landed
property. Your health would require proper attention. Be careful with vehicles.
5) When Ketu transits 5th house in Gochara, This brings in significant ups and downs into your life.
There could be, on one hand, unusual gain of money and excessive expenditure on the other. Give
attention to health of your children. Stay away from speculations.
6)When Ketu transits 6th house in Gochara, will be do well in competitions, job and will win over your
opponents. Financially, you will be sound.
7) When Ketu transits 7th house in Gochara, it is very bad period for conjugal or marriage relations.
There will be frequent quarrels.
8) When Ketu transits 8th house in Gochara, it is very bad period for health, you may develop diseases,
looses of wealth and suffering.
9) When Ketu transits 9th house in Gochara, there will be foreign travel or religious trip. It is not a very
good time for finance matters.
10) When Ketu transits 10th house in Gochara, depending on the waning and waxing of moon, this
position will give mixed results. During Waxing moon, there will job and carrier satisfaction, and inflow
of money, During waning moon, there will be mental agony, loss of wealth.
11) When Ketu transits 11th house in Gochara, good for making money. You can start new projects.
Overall you will be happy and contented.
12) When Ketu transits 12th house in Gochara, there could be foreign travel, You marriage life will get
into trouble. There is will be expenditure. You will face humiliation and defamation. However, this is a
good time for spiritual matters.


How to use Transits

By Nikhil Gupta on Monday, 23 May 2011 at 08:55

How to use Transits
There are 3 basic concepts when we make use of transits....
1) The Gochara or transit aspect
2) Vedha (obstruction)
3) Vipreet Vedha (reverse vedha)
I would be explaining you all these three concepts one by one...though all the three concepts should
be used simultaneously otherwise none of them would give accurate results.
Gochara basically means the position of each planet with respect to the position of MOON in the
birth chart.
Here we will take everything with respect to the Janma rashi (rashi in which Moon is placed in the
birth chart or lagan chart)
I am listing concepts in a very very brief and crisp manner so that its easy for all of you to understand
and learn at one go.
First let me just give the crisp and digestible fodder.instead of listing the exact words of texts, so
that you feel yourself in a comfortable zone.
1) Paap grahas (like Sun, Saturn, Mars) behave in a good manner when transiting 3rd ,6th,10th,11th
houses from the Janma rashi.(i.e. upachaya Sthanas)
2) All the planets gives auspicious results when transiting from 11th house w.r.t to Moon in the birth
3) Both Jupiter and Venus gives inauspicious results when transiting from the 10th house w.r.t Moon
of the birth chart.
4) Venus proves inauspicious only when it is transiting from the 6th , 7th and 10th houses w.r.t Moon
of the birth chart.
5) Jupiter behaves in a very good manner when transiting over its KARAK Sthans w.r.t Moon of the
birth chart.(i.e. 2nd,5th,7th,9th,11th)

6) Moon and Venus are the only planets which gives auspicious results when transiting over the first
house w.r.t to Moon of the birth chart.(i.e. over the Moon itself)
7) Mercury, Jupiter and Venus are the only planets which gives auspicious results when transiting
over the 2nd house w.r.t to Moon of the birth chart
8) Sun, Moon, Venus, Mars, Saturn are the only planets which gives auspicious results when
transiting over the 3rd house w.r.t to Moon of the birth chart.
9) Mercury, Venus are the only planets which gives auspicious results when transiting over the 4th
house w.r.t to Moon of the birth chart.
10) Jupiter and Venus are the only planets which gives auspicious results when transiting over the
5th house w.r.t to Moon of the birth chart.
11) Moon, Sun, Mars, Saturn and Mercury are the only planets which gives auspicious results when
transiting over the 6th house w.r.t to Moon of the birth chart.
12) Moon and Jupiter are the only planets which gives auspicious results when transiting over the 7th
house w.r.t to Moon of the birth chart.
13) Mercury and Venus are the only planets which gives auspicious results when transiting over the
8th house w.r.t to Moon of the birth chart.
14) Venus and Jupiter are the only planets which gives auspicious results when transiting over the
9th house w.r.t to Moon of the birth chart.
15) Sun, Mars, Saturn, Moon and Mercury are the only planets which gives auspicious results when
transiting over the 10th house w.r.t to Moon of the birth chart.
16) Venus is the only planet which gives auspicious results when transiting over the 12th house w.r.t
to Moon of the birth chart.

Now all the above mentioned concepts would be useless if an astrologer doest know about the
concept of vedha and vipreet vedha.
Before Moving ahead , I would like to tell you all that these concepts were given by sage vashishta
and therefore it is to be taken as great secret and should only be advised to good pupils.
Note:-Saturn DOES NOT cause vedha to the Sun nor does Sun afflict Saturn

Vedha of Sun:
There will be obstruction of the Suns good effects in the 3rd house from the Moon if there is a planet
other than Saturn transiting the 9th house from the natal Moon.
Obstruction to transiting Suns good effects in the 6th house from the Moon if there is a planet other
than Saturn transiting the 12th house from the Moon.
Obstruction to transiting Suns good effects in 10th house from the Moon if there is a planet other
than Saturn transiting the 4th house from natal Moon.
Obstruction to transiting Suns good effects in 11th house from the Moon if there is a planet other
than Saturn transiting the 5th house from natal Moon.
Vipreet Vedha of Sun:
Transiting Suns bad effects in the 4th house from the natal Moon will be neutralized if there is a
planet other than Saturn transiting the 10th house from natal Moon.
Transiting Suns bad effects in the 5th house from the Moon will be neutralized if there is a planet
other than Saturn transiting the 11th house from natal Moon
Transiting Suns bad effects in the 9th house from the Moon will be neutralized if there is a planet
other than Saturn transiting the 3rd house from natal Moon.
Transiting Suns bad effects in the 12th house from the Moon are neutralized if there is a planet other
than Saturn transiting the 6th house from natal Moon.

Vedha of the Moon:

There will be obstruction of the transiting Moons good effects in the 1st house of the natal Moon if
there is a planet other than Mercury in the 5th house from the natal Moon.
Obstruction of the transiting Moons good effects in the 3rd house from the natal Moon if there is a
planet other than Mercury in the 9th house from the natal Moon.
Obstruction of the transiting Moons good effects in the 6th house from the natal Moon if there is a
planet other than Mercury in the 12th house from the natal Moon.
Obstruction of the transiting Moons good effects in the 7th house from the natal Moon if there is a
planet other than Mercury in the 2nd house from the natal Moon.
Obstruction of the transiting Moons good effects in the 10th house from the natal Moon if there is a
planet other than Mercury in the 4th house from the natal Moon.
Obstruction of the transiting Moons good effects in the 11th house from the natal Moon if there is a
planet other than Mercury in the 8th house from the natal Moon.
Vipreet Vedha of the Moon:
Transiting Moons bad effects in the 2nd house from the natal Moon will be neutralized by a planet
other than Mercury transiting the 7th house from the natal Moon.
Transiting Moons bad effects in the 4th house from the natal Moon will be neutralized by a planet
other than Mercury transiting the 10th house from the natal Moon.

Transiting Moons bad effects in the 5th house from the natal Moon will be neutralized by a planet
other than Mercury transiting the 1st house from the natal Moon.
Transiting Moons bad effects in the 8th house from the natal Moon will be neutralized by a planet
other than Mercury transiting the 11th house from the natal Moon.
Transiting Moons bad effects in the 9th house from the natal Moon will be neutralized by a planet
other than Mercury transiting the 3rd house from the natal Moon.
Transiting Moons bad effects in the 12th house from the natal Moon will be neutralized by a planet
other than Mercury transiting the 6th house from the natal Moon.

Note:- Moon does not cause vedha to Mercury in other words Moon and Mercury are not mutually

Vedha of Mars:
There will be obstruction of transiting Mars good effects in the 3rd house of the natal Moon if there is
a planet in the 12th from the natal Moon.
There will be obstruction of transiting Mars good effects in the 6th house of the natal Moon if there is
a planet in the 9th from the natal Moon.
There will be obstruction of transiting Mars good effects in the 11th house of the natal Moon if there
is a planet in the 5th from the natal Moon.
Vipreet Vedha of Mars:
Transiting Mars bad effects in the 5th house from the natal Moon will be neutralized by a planet in
the 11th house from the natal Moon.
Transiting Mars bad effects in the 9th house from the natal Moon will be neutralized by a planet in
the 6th house from the natal Moon.
Transiting Mars bad effects in the 12th house from the natal Moon will be neutralized by a planet in
the 3rd house from the natal Moon.

Vedha of Mercury:
Obstruction of transiting Mercurys good effects in the 2nd house from the natal Moon if there is a
planet other than the Moon in the 5th house from the natal Moon.
Obstruction of transiting Mercurys good effects in the 4th house from the natal Moon if there is a
planet other than the Moon in the 3rd house from the natal Moon.
Obstruction of transiting Mercurys good effects in the 6th house from the natal Moon if there is a
planet other than the Moon in the 9th house from the natal Moon.
Obstruction of transiting Mercurys good effects in the 8th house from the natal Moon if there is a
planet other than the Moon in the 1st house from the natal Moon.
Obstruction of transiting Mercurys good effects in the 10th house from the natal Moon if there is a
planet other than the Moon in the 8th house from the natal Moon.

Obstruction of transiting Mercurys good effects in the 11th house from the natal Moon if there is a
planet other than the Moon in the 12th house from the natal Moon.
Vipreet Vedha of Mercury:
Obstruction of transiting Mercurys bad effects in the 1st house from the natal Moon if there is a
planet other than the Moon in the 8th house from the natal Moon.
Obstruction of transiting Mercurys bad effects in the 3rd house from the natal Moon if there is a
planet other than the Moon in the 4th house from the natal Moon.
Obstruction of transiting Mercurys bad effects in the 5th house from the natal Moon if there is a
planet other than the Moon in the 2nd house from the natal Moon.
Obstruction of transiting Mercurys bad effects in the 9th house from the natal Moon if there is a
planet other than the Moon in the 6th house from the natal Moon.
Obstruction of transiting Mercurys bad effects in the 12th house from the natal Moon if there is a
planet other than the Moon in the 11th house from the natal Moon.

Vedha of Jupiter:
There will be obstruction of transiting Jupiters good effects in the 2nd house of the natal Moon if
there is a planet in the 12th from the natal Moon.
There will be obstruction of transiting Jupiters good effects in the5th house of the natal Moon if there
is a planet in the 4th from the natal Moon.
There will be obstruction of transiting Jupiters good effects in the 7th house of the natal Moon if
there is a planet in the 3rd from the natal Moon.
There will be obstruction of transiting Jupiters good effects in the 9th house of the natal Moon if
there is a planet in the 10th from the natal Moon.
There will be obstruction of transiting Jupiters good effects in the 11th house of the natal Moon if
there is a planet in the 8th from the natal Moon.
Vipreet Vedha of Jupiter:
Transiting Jupiters bad effects in the 3rd house from the natal Moon will be neutralized by a planet in
the 7th house from the natal Moon.
Transiting Jupiters bad effects in the 4th house from the natal Moon will be neutralized by a planet in
the 5th house from the natal Moon.
Transiting Jupiters bad effects in the 8th house from the natal Moon will be neutralized by a planet in
the 11th house from the natal Moon.
Transiting Jupiters bad effects in the 10th house from the natal Moon will be neutralized by a planet
in the 9th house from the natal Moon.
Transiting Jupiters bad effects in the 12th house from the natal Moon will be neutralized by a planet
in the 2nd house from the natal Moon.

Vedha of Venus:

There will be obstruction of transiting Venus good effects in the 1st house of the natal Moon if there
is a planet in the 8th from the natal Moon.
There will be obstruction of transiting Venus good effects in the 2nd house of the natal Moon if there
is a planet in the 7th from the natal Moon.
There will be obstruction of transiting Venus good effects in the 3rd house of the natal Moon if there
is a planet in the 1st from the natal Moon.
There will be obstruction of transiting Venus good effects in the 4th house of the natal Moon if there
is a planet in the 10th from the natal Moon.
There will be obstruction of transiting Venus good effects in the 5th house of the natal Moon if there
is a planet in the 9th from the natal Moon.
There will be obstruction of transiting Venus good effects in the 8th house of the natal Moon if there
is a planet in the 5th from the natal Moon.
There will be obstruction of transiting Venus good effects in the 9th house of the natal Moon if there
is a planet in the 11th from the natal Moon.
There will be obstruction of transiting Venus good effects in the 11th house of the natal Moon if there
is a planet in the 3rd from the natal Moon.
There will be obstruction of transiting Venus good effects in the 12th house of the natal Moon if there
is a planet in the 6th from the natal Moon.
Vipreet Vedha of Venus:
Transiting Venus bad effects in the 6th house from the natal Moon will be neutralized by a planet in
the 12th house from the natal Moon.
Transiting Venus bad effects in the 7th house from the natal Moon will be neutralized by a planet in
the 2nd house from the natal Moon.
Transiting Venus bad effects in the 10th house from the natal Moon will be neutralized by a planet in
the 4th house from the natal Moon.
Vedha for Saturn:
Obstruction to transiting Saturns good effects in the 3rd house from the Moon if there is a planet
other than the Sun transiting the 12th house from the Moon.
Obstruction to transiting Saturns good effects in the 6th house from the Moon if there is a planet
other than the Sun transiting the 9th house from the Moon.
Obstruction to transiting Saturns good effects in the 11th house from the Moon if there is a planet
other than the Sun transiting the 5th house from the Moon.
Vipreet Vedha for Saturn:
Transiting Saturns bad effects in the 5th house from the natal Moon will be neutralized if there is a
planet other than the Sun transiting the 11th house from natal Moon.
Transiting Saturns bad effects in the 9th house from the natal Moon will be neutralized if there is a
planet other than the Sun transiting the 6th house from natal Moon.
Transiting Saturns bad effects in the 12th house from the natal Moon will be neutralized if there is a
planet other than the Sun transiting the 3rd house from natal Moon.

Even if a planet transits a favorable sign, he does not do any good if he occupies an inimical or
debilitation sign or is associated with or aspected by an inimical planet.
Even if planets occupy favorable Gochara positions, they do not contribute well if they are afflicted by
vedha. Similarly though the vedha sign may be unfavorable, a planet situated there being counter
afflicted by a planet occupying its vedha rashi does no evil but offers only good.
It is to be always remembered that Transits concepts should not be used in isolation; they should
always be used as a complimentary system to the dashas.
Those astrologers who claims to predict just on the basis of transits are either fooling the general
public and themselves or are clever enough to use transitory system with dasha system and
announcing falsely that they only uses transitory system.
Even Prashna chart also should not be used in isolation, If the native doesnt have his lagan chart (or
the necessary details required for casting lagan chart) only then Prashna chart should be used in
isolation, In this case an astrologer should also try to trace the actual chart of the native on the basis
of methods prescribed in the texts.
Many a times Prashna chart results prove out to be more accurate than the results predicted just on
the basis of transitory system.
The vedha positions for Rahu and ketu are 3,6,11 and the vedha positions are 12, 9, 5.
Vipreet vedha for Rahu and ketu go as per the vipreet vedha of Saturn, which I have mentioned in
my above posts.
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Gochara is simply transits of the planets from the Moons natal position. Gochara is the most commonly
used transit technique
The transiting planet is affected by its position from the Moon. Its general indications and the things ruled
by its lordship of houses, are favorably or unfavorably affected by the planets position from the Moon. The
house the planet occupies from the Moon is not affected. The Moon represents growth and ones mind. If
the planet is favorably affected by its position from the Moon, then it can grow its significations. If the
planet is in an unfavorable position, then the opposite is true.
t must be mentioned here that Gochara should be used in conjunction with Ashtakavarga. Ashtakavarga
takes into consideration the strength of the planet in question by its position from all of the planets and the
Ascendant, not just from the Moon alone. Thus, a planet that is weak because of its transit position from
the Moon, may be transiting a house that has high Ashtakavarga points and be able to produce quite
significant results.
focus on Gochara with the current running dasa. Look for the dasa lord and its transit from the Moon. If

the dasa lord is in an unfavorable position from the Moon, this is when the planet will cause problems in
the persons life if problems are indicated by the dasa lord. If the dasa is promising great effects, then the
planet will give its best effects when it is transiting a beneficial house from the Moon. An average dasa
has a combination of things to give. In good houses from the Moon, the dasa lord will give good effects, in
bad houses from Moon, then undesirable effects.
& Vedha means an obstruction. Planets can be obstructed by other planets while transiting houses from
the Moon. A table at the end of this article will show when Vedha applies. An important point to remember
with Vedha is that planets that have familial relationships, in other words, if they are parent and child, they
will never obstruct each other. For example, Saturn is the son of the Sun, so Saturn and the Sun will never
obstruct each other. Mercury is the son of the Moon, so the Moon and Mercury will never obstruct each
other. Vipareet vedha means if a planet is in a house where it gives bad effects, then another planet
obstructing it will nullify its bad effects.
It is ideal to have the Moon in a good position from the natal Moon for daily events to run smoothly, to cite
buying a new car, it is ideal to have Venus and the 4th lord in a beneficial house from the natal Moon.
Gochara is not the complete picture. It only shows the energy that a planet has to grow its significations
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------certainly moon sign alone is to be taken
example if you have kumbha rashi and thula lagnam and how is the fifth house predictions for this year
then you should go for the position of mercury and its position from kumbha alone is to be taken
you should not take saturn at all eithor from thula lagnam or from kumbha rashi
in addition to that you can calculate dhasa bhukthi also and for that particular period only



Planets (Graha)-Transits (Gochar)

[From Fundamentals of Astrology/ M Ramakrishna Bhat, p 249-251]

Gochar (transit) simple means movements of planets along the circle of

zodiac. Though the word "Go" means cow or ray etc; here it stands for
planets that are possessed of rays or luster. You already know that how

planets give good and bad results during its Dashaa. This Dashaa
methodology is based upon the natal chart as a whole. The Gochar system,
however, is based up on transits or movements of planets from time to
time through the various signs of zodiac starting from a fixed point - the
position of the natal Moon. There are some other important points in a
natal chart, such as the Ascendant, the Moon's sign, and the Sun sign, so
the effects of transits should be assessed with reference to all these
three factors; still the ancients give more weight to the position of Moon
at birth time. Its result is obvious as Moon depicts mind, and even a
beggar does not care for anything if his mind is calm.
In this case of Gochar system all planets are considered as such, not as
owners of any Bhaav. So if you want to apply this system with the Sun or
Lagna as a starting point, you should not say that "this or that planet is
good or bad in such and such House, counted from the Sun or Lagna". But
you have to consider planets as Lords of Houses (counted from the Sun or
Lagna) transiting the various Bhaav from either.
How to Find Out Transits
Taking the natal Moon as the starting point, proceed to assess which
planets are good and bad and in which houses. While deciding this you
must be scientific and exact in your analysis. For this you must make
"Bhaav Chart" with the longitude of the Moon at birth as Lagna. If this is
done properly, then you can say whether a planet in transit is one or in
another house from the Moon. For example, if the Moon is on 29 deg in
Mesh. If the Sun in transit comes to the 4 deg of Vrishabh, you should
not think that the Sun is in the 2nd House from the Moon. He should be
considered in the 1st House itself.
Who is Benefic Where?
--The Sun produces good effects when he passes through the 3rd, 6th,
10th and 11th houses from the Moon. So the effect of Sun's transit
through the other houses should be taken as bad.
--The Moon is beneficial in 1st, 3rd, 6th, 7th, 10th, and 11th houses from

--Mars, Saturn, Raahu and Ketu produce good effects only in the 3rd, 6th
and 11th house from the natal Moon.
--Mercury is beneficial in 2nd, 4h, 6th, 8th, 10th, 11th houses from the
natal Moon.
--Jupiter is good in 2nd, 5th, 7th, 9th, 11th houses from the natal Moon.
--Venus is beneficial in 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 8th, 9th, 11th, and 12th
houses from the natal Moon.
Who is Benefic When?
See also

Ashtak Varg Page for another method

Generally the nine planets beginning with the Sun take respectively the
following periods to pass through a Raashi - (1) Sun - 1 month, (2) Moon 2 and 1/4 days, (3) Mars - 2 months, (4) Mercury - 1 month, (5) Guru - 1
year (6) Venus - 1 month, (7) Saturn - 2 and 1/2 years, (8 and 9) Raahu
and Ketu - 1 and 1/2 years.
Although a planet is supposed to give his results throughout the passage
over a House, still he has a particular part of that period which is
considered most potent. They are like this - (1) Sun - first 5 days, (2)
Moon - last 3 Ghatees, (3) Mars - first 8 days, (4) Mercury - throughout
the period of 1 month, (5) Guru - 2 months in the middle, (6) Venus - 7
days in the middle, (7) Saturn - the last 6 months, (8 and 9) Raahu and
Ketu - the last 3 months.
The same idea may be put like this also :-Sun and Mars produce effects in their Raashi in their initial 10 degrees
Jupiter and Venus in their middle 10 degrees
Moon and Saturn in their last 10 degrees, and
Mercury and Raahu throughout the passage.
Predicting Gochar Results
It is not enough to know only good and bad planets and their movements
over the houses, because these effects are nullified by aspects - a
benefic planet's aspect nullifies the bad effects of a malefic; while a

malefic planet's aspect can nullify the effect of a good planet; therefore
one must take the aspects also into consideration.
If a planet is occupying a very bad house according to the rules of the
Transit, he cannot give bad effects in case he is occupying his own house
or is in his exaltation position. On the other hand he will give excellent
results when he transits a good house which is his own house or exaltation
house. Besides a planet in his debilitation, inimical house, or in a state of
combustion cannot give good results.

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