Newell PL Teacher Evaluation Rubric 2015-16

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North Carolina
Newell 2014-15
Personalized Learning

Standard II: Teachers establish a respectful environment for a diverse population of students


a. Teachers provide an environment in which each child has a positive, nurturing relationship with caring adults. Teachers
encourage an environment that is inviting, respectful, supportive, inclusive, & flexible.
Appreciates and
understands the need to
establish nurturing


Establishes an inviting,
respectful, inclusive,
flexible, and supportive
learning environment.

o Teacher is working to
establish classroom rules &
procedures to facilitate an
orderly & nurturing learning
classroom environment.

o Classroom rules &

procedures facilitate an
orderly learning environment
& are well established.
o Discipline concerns & issues
are handled promptly,
appropriately & effectively.

Possible CMS Indicators

o Teacher/student interactions
are respectful, positive, &

o Students are supported &

protected from harm, abuse,
bullying & neglect.

o Teachers strategies for

affirming positive student
behavior are observed in
student/teacher interactions.

o Teacher generally creates a

classroom environment
focused on high levels of
student engagement (i.e.
cooperative learning, PEAK
strategies, SIOP strategies,

o Teacher is working to use all

available time for student
o Students are generally
compliant in paying attention
to the teacher and to
assigned tasks.
o Teacher does not give up on
any student and encourages
each one to persevere.

Teacher consistently expects

students to successfully
complete challenging work.

Teacher encourages all

students to take risks and to
persevere in difficult


Maintains a positive and

nurturing learning
o Student-to-student relationships
are consistently positive.
o Classroom rules & procedures
have become internalized.
o Classroom is student-centered,
interactive & highly engaging.
o Teacher consistently maintains an
environment that is studentcentered; engagement is regularly
at the highest levels.
o Teacher solicits & incorporates
student feedback to enhance the
classroom environment.
o Students are encouraged to take
leadership roles in the classroom.


Encourages and advises

others to provide a nurturing
and positive learning
environment for all students.
o Students & teacher work together
as a classroom PLC, creating
positive synergy.
o Student leadership is
consistently evident, well
established & supports a
student-centered classroom
o Teacher is a role model for other
staff in the area of classroom
management & authentic
student engagement.
o Teacher initiates support and
assistance to colleagues
regarding classroom
management and/or authentic
o Students identify the need for,
promote and advocate for feedback
to take ownership in their classroom
environment (data folders, reflections,
students initiating and leading
meetings, peer mediation, needs
inventories, ect.)


b. Teachers embrace diversity in the school community & in the world. Teachers demonstrate their knowledge of the history of diverse cultures & their

role in shaping global issues. They actively select materials & develop lessons that counteract stereotypes & incorporate histories & contributions of all
cultures. Teachers recognize the influence of race, ethnicity, religion & other aspects of culture on a students development & personality. Teachers strive
to understand how a students culture & background may influence his/her school performance. Teachers consider & incorporate different points of view in
their instruction.



Acknowledges that diverse

cultures impact the world.


Displays knowledge of diverse cultures,

their histories, and their roles in shaping
global issues.
Demonstrates awareness of the Acknowledges the influence of race,
diversity of students in the
ethnicity, gender, religion, socioclassroom.
economics, and culture on a students
development and attitudes.
o Teachers actions embrace
diversity through honesty,
integrity & respect for the
dignity of each student.

Possible CMS Indicators


o The learning environment

indicates the teachers
sensitivity to all cultures.

o The teacher has work from

all students displayed to
create an environment
where all feel work is

o The teacher is beginning to

recognize diversity as more
than race or ethnicity, but
inclusive of gender, sexual
orientation, socio-economic
or religious differences etc.

o Teacher addresses issues

of diversity in a positive way.

o The classroom is inclusive,

cohesive & inviting to all students.



Uses materials or lessons that

counteract stereotypes and
acknowledges the contributions of all


Promotes a deep
understanding of cultures
through the integration of
culturally sensitive materials
and ideas throughout the

Consistently incorporates different points

of view in instruction.
Capitalizes on diversity as an
asset in the classroom.
o Development of student
o Teacher makes necessary
leadership demonstrates the
accommodations to address
teachers ability to capitalize on
specialized needs of all subgroups in
diversity as an asset in the
the classroom, including sensitivity to
social skills & disability awareness.

o Teacher ensures equality of

opportunity for all students to
participate & feel that their work and
ideas are valued.

o The teacher is effective in

developing students problemo
solving skills & respect for differing
opinions in the class.

o Teacher regularly uses collaborative

teaching methods where students
are fluidly grouped to ensure
opportunities to work with diverse

o Teacher regularly selects resources o

& designs lessons that help
students develop an understanding
& appreciation for cultures &
communities beyond their own.

Teacher provides consultation to staff

on strategies related to all areas of
student diversity.

Teacher has created a classroom

environment where emotionally
charged & provocative issues are
handled in an open, honest &
respectful way.

The teacher emphasizes activities

where students justify their thinking
through the incorporation of various
points of view.

Teacher consistently & intentionally

selects materials & develops lessons
that broaden cultural awareness (ie.
debates, composition of small groups,
addressing individual situations).

o Teacher effectively assists

the school in implementation of
diversity training & diversity
o Students are empowered to
select/ research topics &
issues that broaden their
understanding of other
cultures. Students promote
awareness of emotionally
charged issues and initiate
o Teacher provides
opportunities for students to
participate in service learning
experiences that exemplify &
demonstrate cultural

o Students are self-driven to

identify emotionally-charged
issues and engage in open,
honest, respectful conversations


c. Teachers treat students as individuals. Teachers maintain high expectations, including graduation from high school, for students of all
backgrounds. Teachers appreciate the differences & value the contribution of each student in the learning environment by building positive,
appropriate relationships.



Holds high expectations of

Possible CMS Indicators

Other data sources, beyond one formal

observation, are needed to document
teacher attention to individual students
and their growth/success.




Communicates high expectations for Encourages and values

Helps students hold high
all students.
contributions of students,
expectations for themselves and
regardless of background or ability. their peers.
Other data sources, beyond one formal
observation, are needed to document
teacher attention to individual students
and their growth/success.

Other data sources, beyond one formal

observation, are needed to document
teacher attention to individual students
and their growth/success.

o Teacher encourages success

o Teacher shares with the class o Teacher has empowered
& growth
that all students can & will
students to set their own goals &
o Teacher shows a personal
learn & has systems in place
supports them in achieving
interest for each student.
that support high expectations, these goals.
o Teacher demonstrates
resulting in student growth &
quality work standards by
positive outcomes
o Students consistently persist
sharing examples, clearly
with difficult tasks & encourage
introducing assignments, &
o Teacher expectations are each other to solve difficult,
holding students accountable
communicated both verbally & complex problems, without need
for turning work in on time.
non-verbally, including specific for teacher prompting.
o Teacher demonstrates high
instructional feedback to
expectations by working to
o The teacher expects students to
provide a variety of behavior
reflect on their work & determine
&/or academic supports.
o Teacher directs and monitors
whether the products meet
students in goal setting, & has
expected standards.
o Teacher to student
them periodically analyze their
interactions are positive &
work against these goals.
o The teacher can articulate
communicate a can do
needs, ability, interests of
students. showing genuine
o Teacher demonstrates high
concern for the individual child.
expectations by working to provide
appropriate support for personalized
behavior and academics.


Other data sources, beyond one formal

observation, are needed to document
teacher attention to individual students
and their growth/success.

o Students are consistently

setting & achieving high goals,
with peer monitoring &
feedback a part of this process.

o Students are empowered to

take risks to reach higher levels
of accomplishment.

o The classroom environment is

a model of respectful &
supportive student engagement
& interaction.

o Students work with each other

to set goals, monitor their
progress, & explain & polish
rubrics for assignments.


d. Teachers adapt their teaching for the benefit of students with diverse needs. Teachers collaborate with the range of support specialists
to help meet the diverse needs of all students. Through inclusion & other models of effective practice, teachers engage students to ensure that
their needs are met.


Recognizes that students have a

variety of learning needs.


Collaborates with specialists who Understands the roles of and

collaborates with the full range of
can support the diverse learning
support specialists to help meet the
needs of students.
Is knowledgeable of effective
diverse needs of all students.
practices for students with diverse Provides unique learning
opportunities such as inclusion and Effectively engages diverse needs
students in learning activities and
research based effective practices
ensures their unique learning needs
for students with diverse needs.
are met.
o Teacher is working to incorporate o Teacher effectively uses a variety of o Teacher makes appropriate
best teaching practices to address
instructional strategies that
adjustments during instruction
diverse needs of students.
support students with diverse
based on students progress &
o Teacher can articulate & provide

Possible CMS Indicators


Teacher can identify diverse

needs students in the classroom.

evidence of successful intervention

plans, for students with academic or
behavioral needs.
The teacher appropriately refers
students who are not successful
academically or behaviorally to the
school intervention team.

Teacher is knowledgeable of the

certifications & accommodations
of diverse need students & their
o The teacher follows through with
impact on learning.

Teacher complies with all

student assisted plans (IEP,
DEP, PEP, 504, etc.).

school intervention team

recommendations & systematically
collects & monitors appropriate
student data & reports progress.
Teacher works effectively with
staff to identify/address the diverse
needs of students, including
collaborative planning with support
Teacher provides specific
feedback in IEP meetings &
provides appropriate input in
developing or revising plans.

o Teacher exploresunique learning

opportunities for diverse students


Anticipates the unique learning

needs of students and solicits
assistance from within and outside
the school to address those needs.
Adapts instruction for the benefit of
students with diverse needs and
helps colleagues do the same for
their students.
o Teachers classroom is a model
for inclusive classroom practices.

o Teacher is highly successful in

meeting the needs of the full range
o Teacher effectively implements a
of students with diverse needs,
variety of inclusive classroom
providing them with rigorous,
practices for the benefit of all
relevant & highly engaging
students (EC, LEP, gifted, etc.).
classroom activities.
o Teacher regularly &
appropriately personalizes
instruction for all students.
o Students take ownership of
their own learning regardless of
diverse needs.

o The teacher actively supports the

Intervention Team Process &
helps to develop & support
colleagues in the implementation
of research-based academic &
behavioral interventions.

o Students are empowered to

choose their own learning
o Teacher consistently provides pathways and seek help when
unique learning opportunities for needed.
students with diverse learning

Possible CMS Indicators


e. Teachers work collaboratively with the families & significant adults in the lives of their students Teachers recognize that educating
children is a shared responsibility involving the school, parents or guardians, & the community. Teachers improve communication &
collaboration between the school, the home, & the community in order to promote trust & understanding & build partnerships with all segments
of the school community. Teachers seek solutions to overcome cultural & economic obstacles that may stand in the way of effective family &
community involvement in the education of their students. Generally not observable in classroom observations.
Responds to family and
community concerns.



Recognizes obstacles to family Promotes trust and understanding

and community participation and
throughout the school community.
conscientiously seeks solutions to
overcome them.
o Teacher initiates collaborative
o Teacher promptly responds to o Teacher exercises flexibility in
o Students serves as ambassadors
meetings with school
for the school & works
student/ family concerns,
collaboratively with community
within a 24-hour timeframe.
. needs.
support for students.
partners to enhance the schools
o Teacher maintains detailed
vision & mission.
o Teacher maintains
communication log with various
o Students build community
communication through
stakeholders (parents, agencies,
partnerships to secure resources
support staff, etc.).
the guidance department,
that support the school.
o Teacher values parent
community agencies, & other
communication & listens openly to
o Students consistently &
related services as needed.
o Teacher adheres to school
their input & concerns. Student is
effectively seek solutions
expectations for updating
actively involved in communication
to overcome obstacles that stand
communication tools
o Teacher initiates frequent
in the way of meaningful family &
o Teacher seeks out &
(PowerSchool, wiki spaces).
communication with
community involvement to
implements innovative
parents/guardians to address
support students success.
strategies to build home/school
o The teacher uses face-tostudent needs & provide information
collaboration &
face and phone conferences
regarding classroom instructional
o Students take the initiative to
to communicate high stakes
focus using a variety of multi-media.
involve others in activities with
situations and issues.
o Students collaborate & communicate
families to support learning
with the school, teacher, & community
understanding through the
for the benefit of their own learning.
school community.
o Student initiates frequent
Possible evidence, effort report,
feedback, lesson plan, pathway

Communicates and collaborates with

the home, and community for the
benefit of students.


communication with teacher to welcome

and address feedback regarding
scholar's focus.

Standard IV: Teachers facilitate learning for their students

a. Teachers know the ways in which learning takes place, & they know the appropriate levels of intellectual, physical, social, & emotional development of
their students. Teachers know how students think & learn. Teachers understand the influences that affect individual student learning (development, culture,
language proficiency, etc.) & personalize their instruction accordingly. Teachers keep abreast of evolving research about student learning. They adapt resources to
address the strengths & weaknesses of their students.






Understands developmental levels Understands developmental levels Identifies appropriate developmental

and learning styles of students
levels & learning styles of students
of students and appropriately
and recognizes the need to
and consistently and appropriately
differentiates instruction.
personalize instruction.
differentiates instruction.
Assesses resources needed to
address individualized strengths
and weakness of students.

o The teacher is beginning to

include differentiated learning in
his/her classroom.

Possible CMS Indicators


o Teacher regularly uses

appropriate data to differentiate
instruction to meet all learner

Reviews and uses alternative

resources or adapts existing
resources to take advantage of
student strengths or address
o Teacher consistently uses
appropriate data to differentiate
instruction to meet all learner


Encourages and guides colleagues to
adapt instruction to align with
students developmental levels and
learning styles.
Stays abreast of current research
about student learning and emerging
resources and encourages the school
to adopt or adapt them for the benefit
of all students.
o Teacher takes risks to incorporate
new learning into his/her instruction
that is effective in meeting the needs
of all students.
o Teachers passion for education is
communicated to students,
providing them the impetus to
become lifelong learners.

o Teacher is working to use preassessment and assessment data

(ex:inventories, pathways) to drive o Daily lessons consistently provide o Teacher ensures that learning is
students with opportunities for
challenging, rigorous, & relevant
for all students in all sub groups.
new learning &/or increased skill
o Teacher is a role model
o Teacher is working to implement
development that utilize pacing,
influencing other staff to
o Teacher is aware of the classroom
strategies that address students
playlists and playlists.
effectively use data to
learning styles.
o The teacher reads & utilizes
sub groups & intentionally &
personalize instruction and to
current educational research to
effectively uses alternative
monitor the impact on student
strategies, resources, and data
o The teacher is beginning to
inform their teaching practice.
dashboards to address individual
include differentiated learning in
o Students have developed a self
o Teacher is proactive in securing
learners needs.
his/her classroom.
alternative resources & materials
driven passion and have become
o During the school year, all sub
for a blended learning
advocates of their own learning.
o The teacher can articulate the
groups in the classroom are
o Teachers have established a
influences that affect students
making progress towards
growth mindset environment in
learning & begin to identify
o Teacher is working to identify
mastery learning in meeting
which students model a failure free
appropriate resources to promote student sub groups and working
Common Core/Essential
towards addressing individual needs.
students growth.
Standards goals.


b. Teachers plan instruction appropriate for their students. Teachers collaborate with their colleagues & use a variety of data


sources for short & long range planning based on the North Carolina Standard Course of Study. These plans reflect an understanding
of how students learn. Teachers engage students in the learning process. They understand that instructional plans must be consistently
monitored & modified to enhance learning. Teachers make the curriculum responsive to cultural differences & individual learning needs.
Recognizes data sources
Uses a variety of data for short and Monitors student performance and Monitors student performance and
important to planning instruction.
responds to individual learning
long-range planning of instruction.
responds to cultural diversity and
needs in order to engage students
Monitors and modifies instructional
learning needs through the school
plans to enhance student learning.
improvement process.

Possible CMS Indicators

Generally not observable in

classroom observations.

Generally not observable in

classroom observations.

o Lessons plans generally reflect o Lesson plans reflect the teachers

effective lesson design &
skill in knowing/recognizing
personalized learning
individual students in a whole child
o Teacher collects student data &
collaborates with peers in
o A mastery learning process/RtI is in
reviewing this data.
place (pre/post tests, spiraling, reteaching, retesting), that supports
multiple opportunities for students to
o Teacher regularly uses student
accomplish academic objectives at
data in planning & modifying
their own pace.
o Teacher effectively uses
disaggregated data to develop and
o The teacher is working to
monitor student action plans that
implement a mastery learning
support mastery learning and the
whole child.
o The teacher consistently modifies
lessons plans & instructional delivery
in response to student learning

o The teacher uses a variety of data

sources to develop & refine
instructional plans & to engage
students in the learning process.

Generally not observable in

classroom observations.

Generally not observable in

classroom observations.

o Teacher can document that he/she

has shown growthfor all students in
addressing the social, emotional, &
academic needs of a diverse student
population via effort report and
o Lesson plans reflect the unique
multiple data points.
flexibility in paces, pathways, and
and students supports &
playlists when disaggregated data
promotes significant school-wide
reveals varying success among
initiatives in the areas of cultural
these students.
diversity & learning needs, resulting
in students academic gains.

o Data is disaggregated & used to

determine the varying paces,
pathways, and playlists.

o Implementation of paces,
lplaylists, and playlists result in
significant & measurable
o Teacher collaborates with other
staff to determine the appropriate
master learning process and
teaching strategies, with goals from
the Essential Standards as the
foundation for the RtI plan.

The teacher has initiated schoolwide strategies to support staff in

the effective use of data in short &
long range planning.
The teacher has been proactive,
through the school improvement
process, supporting, monitoring &
revising strategies based upon
student learning outcomes and
o The teacher has become a
resource within the school/district
in the effective use of data for both
short range & long range planning.

c. Teachers use a variety of instructional methods. Teachers choose the methods & techniques that are most effective in meeting the
needs of their students as they strive to eliminate the achievement gaps. Teachers employ a wide range of techniques including information &
communication technology, learning styles, & differentiated instruction.


o Teacher is learning to address

individual students needs
through personalized
instructional resources &
teaching practices.

Possible CMS Indicators


Demonstrates awareness of the Demonstrates awareness or use Ensures the success of all
variety of methods and material
of appropriate methods and
students through the selection
s necessary to meet the needs
materials necessary to meet the
and utilization of appropriate
of all students.
needs of all students.
methods and materials.

o Teacher includes appropriate

lesson components when
providing instruction (e.g.,
review, objective, input,
modeling, guided practice,
independent practice).

o Teacher is beginning to use

available technology tools to
enhance instruction.

o Teacher is beginning to include

strategies that address students
learning styles.

o Teacher appropriately &

o Teacher consistently utilizes
various instructional strategies
effectively implements district
&/or school initiatives (ex:
based on personal student
personalized learning).
needs and learning styles that
effectively narrow the
o Teacher regularly and effectively
achievement gap for all
implements a variety of
instructional strategies that
address students learning styles, o Teacher consistently &
intentionally selects the best
learning needs & mastery levels.
practices to match students
learning needs/styles & lesson
o Teacher regularly integrates
available technology into
instruction & student activities.
o Teacher consistently &
effectively includes technology
o The teacher regularly provides
as an integral & interactive
learning tool in which students
prompt content-specific feedback
can use to take ownership of
that positively impacts student
their learning.

o The teachers feedback is

purposeful and reinforces,
sustains, motivates,
students to take ownership
of their learning.


Stay abreast of emerging

research areas and new
innovative materials and
incorporate them into lessons
plans and instructional strategies.
o Teacher is a resource for staff,
modeling & supporting the use of
new & creative instructional
strategies that result in student
growth. (ex: personalized learning)

o Teacher constantly explores,

researches, & effectively
implements new & innovative
technology into teaching,
whenever feasible.
o Teachers success in closing the
achievement gap in his/her
classroom by meeting students
where they are by mastery
learning motivates other staff to
replicate these effective
techniques & strategies.
o Teacher gathers current

educational research, explores the

strategies/information & shares this
with colleagues in an effort to
improve instruction across the
o Teacher takes risks by trying
new instructional approaches to
personalized learning and adjust
based on data.


d. Teachers integrate & utilize technology in their instruction. Teachers know when & how to use technology to maximize student
learning. Teachers help students use technology to learn content, think critically, solve problems, discern reliability, use information,
communicate, innovate, & collaborate.
Assesses effective types of
technology to use for instruction.

Possible CMS Indicators

o Teacher is working to provide

instruction using PowerPoint,
Smartboards, Wikis, blogs, etc.,
as appropriate & accessible.

o Teacher attends relevant

professional development
workshops to improve the use of
technology as a teaching &
learning tool.

o The teacher monitors the

appropriate use of technology in
the classroom.




Demonstrates knowledge of how Integrates technology with

to utilize technology in instruction.
instruction to maximize student

Provides evidence of student

engagement in higher level
thinking skills through the
integration of technology.
o Teacher routinely provides
o The teacher intentionally plans
o Students are empowered to
instruction using PowerPoint,
for student use of technology in
maximize the use of technology
Smart boards, Wikis, blogs, etc.,
a manner which, over time, helps
to address higher level thinking
as appropriate & accessible.
students learn content, think
skills & 21st century standards
critically, solve problems, and
(problem solving, project-based
o Teacher encourages students to
use information
learning, etc.).
o Teacher seeks funding sources
use available technology,
to secure
including assistive technology for o The teacher consistently creates
students with special needs.
assignments that require
materials to enhance instruction.
students to use technology as a
learning tool, when appropriate o The teacher, over time, supports
o Teacher intentionally plans for
and accessible.
colleagues through modeling
student use of technology in a
&/or collaboration in the
manner which overtime helps
o The teacher encourages and
planning for student use of
students learn content, think
supports colleagues to integrate
technology in a manner which
critically, solve problems, and
technology in their instruction.
helps students learn content,
use information.
think critically, solve problems,
discern reliability, use
o Teacher scaffolds student use
information, communicate,
of technology to drive instruction.
innovate, & collaborate.
o Teacher supports colleagues,
helping them write grants or seek
materials/technology for the
schools instructional program
o Students independently use a
variety of technology to contribute
to a global community.



e. Teachers help students develop critical-thinking & problem-solving skills. Teachers encourage students to ask questions; think
creatively; develop & test innovative ideas; synthesize knowledge & draw conclusions. They help students exercise & communicate sound
reasoning; understand connections; make complex choices; & frame, analyze, & solve problems.
Understands the importance of
developing students criticalthinking & problem solving

Possible CMS Indicators

o Teacher is working to include

critical thinking opportunities in
every lesson.

o The teacher seeks assistance

from school support staff &
teammates to ensure that
critical thinking strategies &
activities are being implement
in his/her classroom.

o Teacher models problemsolving strategies in the

classroom as appropriate for
the subject area & monitors
students implementation of
these techniques.

Demonstrates knowledge of
processes needed to support
students in acquiring critical
thinking skills and problem
solving skills.

o Teacher regularly uses

questioning strategies that
engage, motivate & challenge

o Teachers planning for the

students use of critical thinking
skills is evidenced in written
lesson plans, the instructional
presentation & student work

o Teacher is working with

students to recognize the
different levels of critical
thinking & problem solving

o Teacher regularly develops

lesson plans that increase in
complexity of content & critical
thinking levels over time (i.e. in
a week or unit of study).



Teacher regularly engages students Encourages and assists teachers

in processes needed to:
throughout the school to
think creatively and critically
integrate critical thinking and
develop and test innovative ideas
problem solving skills into their
synthesize knowledge
instructional practices.
draw conclusions
exercise/communicate sound reasoning
understand connections
make complex choices AND
frame analyze and solve problems.

o Teacher consistently provides

opportunities for students to ask
questions, think creatively,
synthesize knowledge, & draw
conclusions in class discussions,
activities, & work assignments.
o Teacher is consistently attentive
to students as they process how they
learn (metacognition), &
uses this information to effectively
inform instruction.
o Teacher coaches students to use
sound reasoning, make complex
choices, analyze & solve problems
as independent thinkers.
o Students demonstrate an ability
to recognize when to use sound
reasoning, make complex choices,
analyze and solve problems as
independent thinkers.

o Teacher regularly coaches other

teachers to create lesson plans
that move up in complexity of
content & critical thinking levels
over time.

o The teachers instructional

program is highly innovative, &

he/she understands the necessity
of innovation in developing the
21st century learner.
o The teacher supports
colleagues through modeling &/or
collaboration in effective teaching
strategies to promote students
use of critical thinking & problem
solving strategies.

o Students consistently
demonstrates the use of critical
thinking and problem solving
strategies and encourages peers
to do the same.
o Students identify themselves
o Students identify themselves as
as critical thinkers and problem
critical thinkers and problem solvers.

f. Teachers help students work in teams & develop leadership qualities. Teachers teach the importance of cooperation & collaboration.

Possible CMS Indicators


They organize learning teams to help students define roles, strengthen social ties, improve communication & collaboration skills, interact with
people from different cultures & backgrounds, & develop leadership qualities.
Provides opportunities for
cooperation, collaboration, and
Organizes student learning teams Encourages students to create and Foster the development of student
leadership through student learning for the purpose of developing
manage learning teams.
leadership and teamwork skills to be
cooperation, collaboration, and
used beyond the classroom.
student leadership.
o Teacher is familiar with 21st
o Teacher helps students define
o The work of cooperative learning
o Teacher regularly promote
century skills & is developing
roles, strengthen social ties,
teams provides students an
student leadership through
collaborative learning teams
student learning team processes
improve communication skills, &
opportunity to take leadership
that work independently &
that will support effective student
interact with people from diverse
roles & impact the community
interdependently to achieve
outside of the classroom, such
learning goals.
as service learning, senior exit
o Teacher provides leadership
projects, etc.
o The teacher requires students
activities for students that
to process collaborative skills o Students are empowered to
require them to work together,
identify and use their strengths o Student teams set specific
at the completion of these
cooperatively &collaboratively.
through leadership opportunities
project goals that have a schoolactivities.
and in the school community.
wide &/or community-wide
impact & teams are able to meet
o Collaborative work is structured
o Teacher is working to facilitate
these goals effectively.
& well organized, & students
students processing of
are held accountable for group o Students are regularly engaged
collaboration skills at the
o Teachers empowerment of
processes as a team & for
in assessing both their own
completion of these activities.
collaborative school teams has
academic learning as
contributions as part of a learning
resulted in community-wide,
team, as well as the
statewide, or national
effectiveness of the team, as a
recognition for student-driven
o Students regularly have the
opportunity to work
collaboratively with others from
different cultures &


g. Teachers communicate effectively. Teachers communicate in ways that are clearly understood by their students. They are perceptive
listeners & are able to communicate with students in a variety of ways even when language is a barrier. Teachers help students articulate
thoughts & ideas clearly & effectively.


Demonstrates the ability to

effectively communicate with

Uses a variety of methods for

communication with all students.

Provides opportunities for

students to articulate thoughts
and ideas.

Consistently encourages and

supports students to articulate
thoughts and ideas clearly and



Creates a variety of methods to

communicate with all students.

Anticipates possible student

misunderstandings and
proactively develops teaching
Establishes classroom practices,
techniques to mitigate concerns.
which encourage all students to Establishes school-wide and
develop effective communication
grade appropriate vehicles to
encourage students throughout
the school to develop effective
communication skills.

Possible CMS Indicators

o The teacher models scholarly

language, including appropriate
vocabulary, formal language,
and correct grammar.

o Teacher facilitates positive

communication through
meaningful feedback given to
students, both verbal and nonverbal..

o Teacher uses fluent & precise

speech during formal & informal o Teacher regularly includes open,
interactions with students.
academic discussions within the
classroom, encouraging
o Teacher communicates clear
students to be responsible for
assignments & work standards
their own learning.
to all students.
o Teacher provides instruction &
o Teacher is a respectful listener
models effective communication
& communicator with students
for students to resolve
of all backgrounds & abilities.
classroom concerns or
o The teacher has begun to
implement lesson structures
o The teacher provides the
that provide opportunities for
opportunity, structures &
students to articulate thoughts
feedback which effectively
& ideas.
support students in articulating
thoughts & ideas clearly &

o Teacher creates opportunities for

students to articulate ideas
through structured activities,
such as Socratic & Paideia
seminars, document-based
responses, technology, or
response journals.

o Teacher & students work

collaboratively to address
concerns within the classroom
that would negatively impact the
academic climate.

o Teacher consistently &

effectively demonstrates skill in
involving reluctant learners in
classroom activities that foster
communication skills.
o Teacher scaffold student's
communication of what they
learnedindependently (Ex: goal
setting conference)

o Teacher provides opportunities for

students to develop
communication skills that will
facilitate their success in the
global environment of the 21st
o Teacher provides students
with a variety of technological
venues to communicate with
others in & outside of their
classroom. (e.g., blogging with
experts, Twitters to community
leaders, & other technology).
o Teacher serves as a role
model for effective
communication with all
o Teacher provides training in
effective communication skills at
school or district-level (e.g.,
presentation skills, holding
effective parent conferences,
how to make home visits).
o Students lead goal setting
conferences and provide
reflection of progression.

h. Teachers use a variety of methods to assess what each student has learned. Teachers use multiple indicators, including formative &
summative assessments, to evaluate student progress & growth as they strive to eliminate achievement gaps. Teachers provide
opportunities, methods, feedback, & tools for students to assess themselves & each other. Teachers use 21st Century assessment systems
to inform instruction & demonstrate evidence of students 21st Century knowledge, skills, performance, & dispositions.


Possible CMS Indicators


Teacher collects indicators to

monitor and evaluate student
Assesses students in the
attainment of 21st Century
knowledge, skills, and

o Teacher systematically gathers

and tracks data that shows
student performance is being
evaluated & that students are
receiving content specific
feedback on their progress.

o Teacher is learning to use

varied formative & summative
assessments, which also
include assessment of
students 21st Century
knowledge, skills, performance,
& dispositions.



Uses multiple indicators, both

formative and summative, to
monitor and evaluate student
progress and to inform
Provides evidence that students
attain 21st century knowledge,
skills and dispositions.




Provides opportunities for

students to assess themselves
and others.

Encourages and guides

colleagues to assess 21st
century skills, knowledge, and
dispositions and to use the
assessment information to adjust
their instructional practice.
o Students consistently self
assess by using data folders,
personal work samples ect.

Uses the information gained from

the assessment activities to
improve teaching practice and
student learning.

o Assessment occurs daily, is

o Teacher uses student
inclusive of all students, &
performance data to flexibly
occurs throughout all parts of
regroup students to re-teach
the lesson.
&/or enrich.
Assessment data is
o Teacher regularly uses a variety
consistently used to make
of assessment strategies to
adjustments in instruction to
collect data regarding students
ensure that students are
attainment of mastery learning,
appropriately challenged &
& uses the data to inform
making academic progress.
The teacher collaborates with
o Student work products are
routinely used as assessment
students to develop rubrics/
tools (teacher & student selfprotocols for examining student
assessment) & to provide
work. These tools include
content-specific feedback.
students self-assessment &
o Teacher regularly uses rubrics
assessment of students 21st
in assigning & evaluating
century knowledge, skills,
student work.
performance, & dispositions.
o Teacher develops a growth
mindset directed towards
personalized learning.


o Students take ownership of

their data and use it to make
learning choices.

Teaches students and

encourages them to use peer
and self-assessment feedback to
assess their own learning.

o Students are regularly provided

with opportunities to network &
give peer feedback that
promotes a collaborative
culture for learning.
o The teacher regularly supports
colleagues through modeling
&/or collaboration in the
effective use of assessment.
These strategies support
planning, student growth &
teacher/ student reflections.
o Students take ownership of
their data and use it to make
data driven choices for their


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