Mosfet Summary
Mosfet Summary
Mosfet Summary
The Metal Oxide Semiconductor Field Effect Transistor, or MOSFET for short, has an
extremely high input gate resistance with the current flowing through the channel
between the source and drain being controlled by the gate voltage. Because of this high
input impedance and gain, MOSFETs can be easily damaged by static electricity if not
carefully protected or handled.
MOSFETs are ideal for use as electronic switches or as common-source amplifiers as
their power consumption is very small. Typical applications for metal oxide
semiconductor field effect transistors are in Microprocessors, Memories, Calculators and
Logic CMOS Gates etc.
Also, notice that a dotted or broken line within the symbol indicates a normally OFF
enhancement type showing that NO current can flow through the channel when zero
gate-source voltage VGS is applied.
A continuous unbroken line within the symbol indicates a normally ON Depletion type
showing that current CAN flow through the channel with zero gate voltage. For pchannel types the symbols are exactly the same for both types except that the arrow
points outwards. This can be summarised in the following switching table.
N-Channel Depletion
N-Channel Enhancement
P-Channel Depletion
P-Channel Enhancement
VGS = +ve
VGS = 0
VGS = -ve
So for n-type enhancement type MOSFETs, a positive gate voltage turns ON the
transistor and with zero gate voltage, the transistor will be OFF. For a p-channel
enhancement type MOSFET, a negative gate voltage will turn ON the transistor and
with zero gate voltage, the transistor will be OFF. The voltage point at which the
MOSFET starts to pass current through the channel is determined by the threshold
voltage VTH of the device.
In the next tutorial about Field Effect Transistors instead of using the transistor as an
amplifying device, we will look at the operation of the transistor in its saturation and cutoff regions when used as a solid-state switch. Field effect transistor switches are used in
many applications to switch a DC current ON or OFF such as LEDs which require
only a few milliamps at low DC voltages, or motors which require higher currents at
higher voltages.