Art Education Edtpa Lesson Plan Template Lesson: - 1 - Author: - Emily Benson - Grade Level: - 5

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Art Education edTPA Lesson Plan Template

Lesson: __1__

Author: ____Emily Benson_______ Grade Level: _______5th Grade______________

Lesson Title:
Summer Fun Stop Motion Animation

Essential Standards/Common Core Objectives:

NC Essential Standards:
Visual Arts:
5.V.3.2 Use appropriate media for the creation of
original art.
Information and Technology:
5.RP.1.1 Implement a research process by
collaborating effectively with other students.

Daily Lesson Objective:

21st Century Skills:
Be open and responsive to new and diverse
perspectives; incorporate group input and
feedback into the work
Act on creative ideas to make a tangible and
useful contribution to the field in which the
innovation will occur
Elaborate, refine, analyze and evaluate their own
ideas in order to improve and maximize creative
ISTE Standards:
Creativity and innovation-Create original works as a means of personal or
group expression
Communication and collaboration-Contribute to project teams to produce original
works or solve problems
Critical thinking, problem solving, and decision
-Plan and manage activities to develop a solution or
complete a project

Central Focus:
The focus and purpose of this lesson is to teach the students about
stop motion animation and give them a hands-on experience with
how this type of film is made.
Visual Arts Concept(s):
After researching as a class, the students will get into groups of
three and make their own stop motion animation short films using
the app iMotion.
Form and Structure: They will plan the sequence of their film,
make the objects they will use in their films, and make the
backdrop/set of their film. They will have complete creativity over
what they use, but they will have the prompt to make a video of
their favorite summer activity as a guide of what to make their
movie about.
Production: They will produce the movie using the iPad app,
Art Context: The project will help the students understand more
about the art of stop motion animation films and how they are
produced. It will also incorporate visual art when they create the
objects that they will use for their film; this can be in the form of
clay, drawings, paper puppets, etc.
Personal Perspective: Their personal perspective will come from
the way they interpret the movie and how they choose to carry it
out. They will use examples from teacher and their research to
understand what stop motion animation films are.
Academic Language (Vocabulary, Function, Syntax, Discourse
& Blooms Taxonomy):
Language functions:
The essential language function that is incorporated in this lesson
for students to learn the visual art of stop motion animation is
analyze. They will get the chance to analyze stop motion
animation throughout lesson 1 and through the work of their fellow
During the discussion and presentation of the work it is important
for the students, with the teachers help, to give positive feed back
and suggest one area of the film they could improve on.
The discussion will be conducted orally, and the students can
respond to each others works after they are presented to the class.
It will be a teacher led discussion.
Stop motion animation- a film making technique that is made of
a series of pictures (frame) of objects that are physically moved
between frames
Claymation- a type of animation where clay figures are filmed
using the stop motion technique

Frames- the still pictures that are played rapidly to create a

sense of movement
iMotion- an easy-to-use app on the iPad that allows the students
to make their own stop motion animation film
Background/backdrop- flat piece of art that is set behind the
characters to create a setting
Frame rate- the number of frames that are projected per second.
This controls how fast the movement is

Product and Psychomotor Skills:

The students will create original stop motion animation films using an iPad, iMotion, and original artwork that they choose
to use to carryout their film. The film will be on the subject of their favorite summer activity. They will be able to develop
skills in film making as well as extend their creativity when it comes to making the objects.
Links to Prior Knowledge:

1. Focus and Review

2. Statement of Objective
for Learner

3. Teacher Input

Description of Activities and Setting

First the teacher will focus the students attention before beginning the lesson.
Then she will get the kids excited by showing them a short video clip of
Wallace and Gromit as an example. She will then ask the class if they know
what type of film that was, and then explain that it is called stop motion
animation and describe exactly what that means. She will then ask if anyone
can think of any examples of stop motion animation movies that they like. If
they cannot think of any then she may suggest some examples like the classic
Christmas movies like Rudolph. To explain why this lesson is important to
them, the teacher will explain that filmmaking is an art form. More
specifically, she will explain that stop motion animation is one of the oldest
forms of film, dating all the way back to the late 1800s. Although it is rarely
used anymore, is very important in the history of filmmaking. Also she will
point out that making stop motion animation movies on iMotion is very
simple and fun, and it may be something that they will want to continue to do
or study in their free time at home.
The teacher will now explain the project to the students. She will say, Today
you will be learning how and actually making stop motion animation films in
groups of three or less. First you and your group are going to research on your
iPads a little more about stop motion animation films to get an idea of what
you are going to be making. Use this as inspiration. We will then discuss
what you all find as a class. I will expect you to make a video using the
iMotion app that is at least 15 seconds long. The movie should be on the
prompt, what is your favorite summer activity? Here are some examples of
some student work in the past.
The teacher will now hand out the iPads from the iPad cart. She will give out
a hand out to each student that has step-by-step instructions on how to use the
app, so they can use it as reference when completing the project. Then she
will demonstrate how to use the app using an iPad. She will demonstrate this
with a clay figure that she made for the demo. During the demo she will say,
Begin by making all of the figures you want to use in your film. The clay I
provided, paper in the back of the room, paper puppets, or really anything you
want can be used to make your figures! The only instruction I have for the
figures is that they have you be your original artwork, so use your creativity!
Then think about your setting. Where do you want your film to be set at?
Take one of the big pieces of paper and you can paint the background scenery.
When you have done that you are ready to start your video. To start your

5 minutes

3 minutes


4. Guided Practice

5. Independent Practice
6. Closure and Clean Up:

video you open the app and click new movie on the home screen. Once you
have done this, the app leads you to a screen where you will be able to name
your movie. Here you can come up with a creative title to name your summer
movie! Just make sure to put your names in parenthesis after the title just like
I am doing. It then asks you to pick how you want your movie to be taken.
You guys will be selecting manual so you can control how fast you take the
pictures. Then click start. Set up your objects in a starting position, so the
position that you want your first frame to consist of. Also position the camera
so that it is filming the amount of space that you need. Keep in mind the
amount of space you need for the whole film because you will want to keep
your camera in the exact same spot the whole time you are filming. This is
one of the most important parts, not to move the camera the whole time! Press
the capture button to take the picture for the first frame. Move your objects
slightly and press capture again. Continue this process until the last frame of
your movie. When at this point, press the stop button, confirm it, and it will
show the video to you. You can now adjust how fast the frames go per second
and this will speed up or slow down your video. When done call me over to
your table and I will look at the video and help you with anything you need to
fix. To finalize it you export the video by clicking the export button in the
bottom right corner and it will take the video right to your photo library on the
iPad. I will email them to myself and we can email them out to your parents
so they can see all of the wonderful films you all made!
The students will now begin to work on their project. The teacher will first
tell them to start their research to get some information and to clear up any
confusion they have about stop motion animation. They will then participate
in a teacher-guided discussion with the whole class on what they found. The
teacher will tell them to begin to brainstorm, and she will suggest maybe
writing down some ideas or plans, reminding them that the project is about
their favorite summer activity. She will go around and listen to their ideas
making sure that they are on track with the assignment and will guide any that
are struggling. Then she will suggest to them to start making their characters
and backgrounds. She will monitor them during this stage and help anyone
who needs help or correct them if they are using any of the materials wrong.
She will keep them on track and keep up with time reminding them on how
much time they have to complete this stage of the process. When the groups
are ready she will tell them to begin making the movie. She will remind them
that the steps are listed on the hand out with pictures to go with them. She
will continue to monitor them because this stage of the process is very
important to have correct. After this they will be repeating their frames and
will move on to independent practice.
In the independent practice the students will be creating their frames without
the help from the teacher unless they specifically ask for help, but the teacher
will encourage working together as a group to find a conclusion. This is their
time to demonstrate that they can work as a group.
When their frames are done, the teacher will go around and look at the videos
and check to see if any frames need to be deleted and if everything looks
good. If the video does need some help then she will guide them in the
process of doing that. She will then guide them in exporting their videos and
emailing them to herself. She will then tell the class to clean up, putting their
backgrounds and objects in the back of the room where they normally store
their projects. She will tell them to label them with her names. Also, the
teacher will explain to put the extra materials back where they got them.
Now the teacher will have them sit down for a closing discussion. She will
ask what they learned from this project and what the hardest parts were. She




will then, with the class participation, summarize some of the main concepts,
checking for student understanding and the success of the lesson and her
teaching. The closing question will be if they had fun and will use this app
again. They will then exit class by lining up at the door.
Criteria for grading:
Effective research in collaboration with others
Assessment Methods of
The film was an original idea
all objectives/skills:
The film was at least 15 seconds long
(Include any modifications) The film followed the prompt
The group effectively used the iMotion app
The film does not have many accidents like hands or moving of the camera
Directed Questions for Discussion:
What is stop motion animation?
Why is animation important to learn about?
What is a backdrop and why is it important to your film?
What is a frame?
Modifications to Support Varied Learning Needs:
iPad tablets for each student
iMotion app
Multiple colors of play dough or air-dry clay
Large sheets of white paper (for backdrop)
Paint (for backdrop)
Regular sheets of white paper (for paper puppets/drawings)
Colored pencils (for paper puppets/drawings)
Pencil sharpener
Picture frame easels if the iPads do not have cases that allow them to sit propped up
Reflection on lesson:

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