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Regent University CAS Student Teacher Evaluation



Collector: Web Link 1 (Web Link)
Started: Thursday, March 03, 2016 10:49:31 AM
Last Modified: Thursday, March 03, 2016 11:17:14 AM
Time Spent: 00:27:42
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PAGE 1: Placement Information

Q1: Student Teacher's Name

Jessica Hamm

Q2: Student Teacher's Endorsement Area

Elementary Education, PreK-6

Q3: Grade Taught

Sixth Grade

Q4: Internship Start Date (MM/DD/YYYY)


Q5: Internship End Date (MM/DD/YYYY)


Q6: School of Student Teaching Placement

Independence Middle School

Q7: School Division

Virginia Beach City Public Schools

Q8: Evaluator's Name (First Last)

Dr. Cheryl Gould

Q9: Evaluator's Email. We will return a PDF copy of your report to this address.
Email Address:
Q10: Evaluator's Position/Role

University Supervisor

Q11: What time period is this evaluation for?


PAGE 2: Standard One: Professional Knowledge

Q12: Using the following scale, please rate the teacher candidate's performance in each of the areas below.
Demonstrates accurate knowledge and skills of the subject
area(s) taught.


Demonstrates an understanding of the development of the

age group.


Integrates key content elements and facilitates students

use of higher level thinking skills.


Links content with other subject areas and real world




Regent University CAS Student Teacher Evaluation


Q13: Please comment on the teacher candidate's overall performance in the area of professional knowledge.
Jessica is teaching at the highest level of the Elementary Education subject matter (6th grade Science). She provides
sound instruction on a daily basis. She continues to grow in the area of providing activities that foster higher level
thinking and fully engage, or even excite, students to learn about the scientific concepts. I am seeing her growth in this
area as the last observation included a demonstration of an experiment on heat transfer. Following the experiment, the
students recorded their observations and predictions. This is the type of activities that Jessica should do more often in
her instruction.

PAGE 3: Standard Two: Instructional Planning

Q14: Using the following scale, please rate the teacher candidate's performance in each of the areas below.
Aligns lesson objectives to the schools curriculum and
student learning needs.


Develops appropriate plans designed to meet all learner

needs; adapts plans as needed.


Plans time realistically for pacing, content mastery, and



Plans for differentiated instruction.


Q15: Please comment on the teacher candidate's overall effectiveness of instructional planning.
Lessons are clearly aligned to the Virginia Beach objectives and Virginia Standards of Learning. Jessica is teaching two
different student academic level classes (core and advanced). Her plans are differentiated between groups as well as
within groups. There are several para-professionals and/or specialists that assist with meeting the needs of the
individual students. Jessica is getting experience in planning for utilizing these professionals efficiently and effectively.

PAGE 4: Standard Three: Instructional Delivery

Q16: Using the following scale, please rate the teacher candidate's performance in each of the areas below.
Engages and maintains students in active learning.


Differentiates instruction to meet the students needs.


Reinforces learning goals consistently throughout lessons.


Uses a variety of effective instructional strategies and



Uses instructional technology to enhance student learning.


Q17: Please comment on the teacher candidate's overall effectiveness of instructional delivery.
Jessica is on-target for a pre-service teacher in the area of instructional delivery. She is learning what it takes to keep a
group of 30 6th grade students fully engaged in learning. She is becoming more consistent each day in doing just that.

PAGE 5: Standard Four: Assessment of and for Student Learning


Regent University CAS Student Teacher Evaluation


Q18: Using the following scale, please rate the teacher candidate's performance in each of the areas below.
Uses student learning data to make instructional decisions.


Uses a variety of appropriate assessment strategies and



Uses assessment tools for both formative and summative



Gives constructive and frequent student feedback.


Q19: Please comment on the teacher candidate's performance in the area of assessment of and for student
Jessica is proficient in the area of assessment. My rating is based on ongoing feedback from the cooperating teacher. I
have observed Jessica administering informal and formal assessment in the classroom both in verbal, paper, and digital
format. She continues to improve in the area of providing and receiving high-quality feedback during instruction.
Feedback is a two-way street (from teacher to student and from student to teacher) in order for it to be effective in
fostering student academic achievement.

PAGE 6: Standard Five: Learning Environment

Q20: Using the following scale, please rate the teacher candidate's performance in each of the areas below.
Establishes clear expectations for classroom rules and
procedures; enforces them consistently and fairly.


Uses available resources and knowledge of students to

prevent, redirect, or reinforce behaviors.


Respects students diversity, including language, culture,

race, gender, and special needs.


Actively listens and pays attention to students needs and



Q21: Please comment on the teacher candidate's overall effectiveness in creating an environment conducive
to learning.
I believe that as Jessica becomes more confident in the content and her ability to deliver the lesson, she will become
more consistent with seizing "teachable moments" and following up on student responses in a meaningful way.

PAGE 7: Standard Six: Professionalism


Regent University CAS Student Teacher Evaluation


Q22: Using the following scale, please rate the teacher candidate's performance in each of the areas below.
Modifies performance based on personal and professional


Demonstrates initiative in planning, management, and

professional interactions.


Demonstrates effective communication and collaboration

with teachers and other school personnel.


Fosters trust in all school relationships through fair and

ethical interactions.


Q23: Please comment on the teacher candidate's professionalism throughout the period of observation.
Jessica demonstrates a positive demeanor in regards to her professionalism. She receives superior marks on her
weekly evaluations in this area, on an ongoing basis. Jessica receives constructive feedback and makes efforts to
implement the changes. Some changes in instruction will take more intentional effort to see results. Jessica should
continue to be a reflective practitioner in order to maximize her student teaching experience.

PAGE 8: Standard Seven: Student Academic Progress

Q24: Using the following scale, please rate the teacher candidate's performance in each of the areas below.
Documents the progress of each student throughout the


Provides evidence that achievement goals have been met.


Uses available data to document/communicate student

progress and develop learning targets.


Q25: Please comment on the students academic progress throughout the period of observation.
Jessica continues to learn best practices in documenting, communicating, and using student progress data.


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