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Will Dope, Inc. lose control of the Golden triangle?

"Myanmar and the opium trade" by Michael and Gall Billington in the EIR (Executive Intelligence Review) Journal published in the United States on 25 October 1996. Around the world, print and TV media are buzzing about the roles of former President George Bush and Lt Col Oliver North in introducing crack cocaine to America's inner cities, given new impetus by a series in the San Jose Mercury News which recently reported a part of that story, known by readers of EIR for more than a decade. George "Kingpin" Bush's 1989 invasion of Panama, and the Kidnapping of Gen. Manuel Noriega for example were carried out in order to place Cali Cartel connected banking interests in charge of Panama, turning that nation into a transshipment point and money-laundering center for the cocaine trade. A similar scenario is now being orchestrated in regard to Myanmar (Burma). As in Panama, were General Noriega was first "assassinated" by the Media. Which labeled him a drug kingpin (quoting actual drug Kingpin, George Bush, as their primary source), so the current military government of Myanmar, the State Law and Order Restoration Council (SLORC) is being portrayed as the body primarily responsible for the extensive opium production in northern Myanmar. The truth is quite another story. The most important point to be made in understanding recent developments in the area of the Golden Triangle, the world's largest opium-producing region, encompassing northern Myanmar and contiguous areas of Thailand, Laos and China, is that Myanmar has been virtually dragged out of a 15-year period of isolation and xenophobia, by its close relations with Beijing. In 1962, Gen Win assumed dictatorial power in Burma, declaring the "Burma Way to Socialism" an isolationist, "self-help" form of primitive accumulation (looking) against the peasantry, with some similarities to the disastrous Great Leap Forward in China, which left Burma an economic basket-case. The people's Republic of China (P.R.C), following the 1976 death of Mao Zedong and the overthrow of the Maoist Gang of Four, pulled itself out of the nightmare of the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution, a ten-year descent into hell' considered by the chinese today in much the same way that Germans view the reign of terror under Hitler. For about 13 years, leading up to 1976, PRC had sponsored an insurgency by the Communist Party of Burma, (CPB) in nothern Burma, against the Yangon (Rangoon) regime even sending in Maoist Red Guards to support was run directly by Kang Sheng the architect of much of the bloody chaos of the Cultural Revolution. However, one of Deng Xiaoping's first acts, on taking power in china in 1977, was to end that support to the CPB establishing ties with Yangon, which were to grow stronger over the years. In 1979, Deng

visited Yangon for six days. As china opened up to the world and re-established sanity and economic development, Beijing encouraged Myanmar to follow the same path. Since 1993, the post-Deng leadership in Beijing, with a close eye on how the destruction of Russia and other ex-Comecon nations has been achieved through their subjection to the looting policies of the Internal Monetary Fund (IMF): has imposed more careful restrictions on the "free trade" policies of deregulation and privatization, while dramatically expanding its commitment to the infrastructural development of its own extensive interior territories, and to rebuilding the ancients Silk Road connections with Europe, the Middle East, and Africa, though rail-centered development corridors. Beijing encouraged Yangon to open up to its neighbours in the Association of Southeast Nations (ASEAN) while lending Chinese support in cleaning up the insurgent drugs armies in the Golden Triangle areas of Myanmar. Considerable progress has been made in that effort. Beijing and , increasingly, Yangon have begun to enunciate publicly that the future for Eurasia , as a whole , lies in breaking the 150-year stranglehold of Dope, Inc's financial control and political manipulations through the successful execution of the most ambitious nation-building program in history, the Eurasian land-bridge project. IRI support for the 'democracy' movement. The picture of Myanmar presented to the world through the Western press is of a military dictatorship of the most tyrannous and murderous character, repressing the democratic aspiration of the people under leadership of the heroic Aung San Suu Kyi, daughter of the leader of the 1940s Burmese independence movement, and a winner of the Nobel Peace Prize . Without attempting to review the entire history of the opposition in Myanmar , we shell take a look at 'democrats who see to replace the SLORC regime" . We find that the strings are pulled by Dope,Inc. The leading institutional supporter of Aung san Suu Kyi's "democracy " movement , the National League for Democracy (NLD), is the US-based International Republican Institute. The IRI is a second-generation derivative of the key " "quasiautonomous non-governmental organization," or "quango", so liberally abused by then-Vice President George Bush and Oliver North to circumvent Congressional oversight of the gun-and drug-running activities of the Nicaraguan Contras. In 1983, Congress passed legislation establishing the National Endowment for Democracy (NED) as a private entity, entitled to Congressional funding , "to strengthen democratic institutions around the world through non -governmental efforts". Four "quangos" were set up under the NED legislation: the IRI. As the Republican funding conduit ; the National Democratic Institute for International Affairs for the Democrats: the Center for International Enterprise to teach "free market" economics; and the Free Trade Union Institute for Labor.

Public disclosure of the use of such "private" channels to fund the Contras' drug-running activities by members of the National Security Council, under Vice President Bush's direction, led to the Congressional Iran-Contra hearings, and almost, to shutting down the NED. The board of directors of IRI includes the inner circle of "King-pin" Bush's administration and the closest business partners of Henry Kissinger, Brent Scowcroft, Bush's National Security Adviser and Lawrence Eagleburger, Bush's deputy secretary of State, both of whom played important roles in unleashing war in the former Yugoslavia. Bush's secretary of State, James Baker III, a recipient of the IRI's Freedom Award, as been key to IRI's election-monitoring in Mongolia. Baker's son was a member of the IRI delegation to Russia in 1993. IRI President Lorne Cramer Participated in the fight for Contra funding as a Senate aide, and served in the Bush administration as deputy assistant secretary of state for legislative affairs and as director of Asian Affairs at the National Security Council. One leading IRI member, who deserves special mention, is former Secretary of State George Shultz, who in early October was named chairman of a 22-man committee to advise Republican Presidential nominee. Robert Dole on economics. Shultz is perhaps the most prominent IRI member to support drug legalization publicy. In 1989, Shultz told the prodope Drug Policy Foundation that he would serve as their point man in that effort. IRI has particularly targetted the "newly emerging" states of the former Soviet sector, and states along the perimeter of China. In Russa, as elsewhere, IRI is closely allied to the "Conservative Revolution" partisans of the Mont Pelerin Society, promoting the economic looting agenda of deregulation, privatization, and liberalization, which has collapsed industrial output in Russia to 30% of 1989 levels, with disastrous strategic Implication. A particular emphasis of the IRI crowd in Russia has been to encourage the growth of the "informal sector ," the politically correct term for the black market and organized crime. The IRI function as for IMF conditionalities, which are placed above the needs of the target nation's population . Of particular relevance to Myanmar are two other areas of IRI focus: "election-monitoring " and the role of the military. On March 29,1995 the vice chairman of the Russian Central Election Commission credited the IRI for providing the commission "the road map" for improving Russian electoral law, while former Bush Attorney General Richard Thormburgh, the man who upheld the kidnapping of a foreign head of state. Panama's General Noriega, to face trial in the United States, called the IRI's standing task force of election monitors" an important new check and balance " in Russia .The IRI advocates eliminating in government entirely. In Asia, the IRI peddles the same British free trade policies, while running training programmes in "democratic" electoral process .

Special emphasis is given to liberalization of the financial sector and bringing in the private sector to dictate and limit the finacing of infrastructural development especially in regard to dictate and limit the finacing of infrastructural development especially in regard to such major regional projects as Mekong River development of reconstructing the Silk Routes . While the Bush and Kissinger networks, who run IRI ,maintain cover of being "old friends" of China their intent to support British efforts to divide China is evidenced by their destabilizing operations in countries along China's border, including Myanmar . In Myanmar , IRI unabashedly supports subversion against the government, which government enjoy formal relations, albeit strained, with the United States. Blaming the government for drug production, and ignoring the progress made over the past years by SLORC in closing down the opium arimes, the IRI's 1995 report writes: "The source of two-thirds of the heroin entering America, Burma's dictatorship has driven one of Asia's most resource-rich nations into poverty over the last 35 years. Who is Aung San Suu Kyi? Ending Dope, Inc. s rule depends on regional cooperation for both opium suppression and reconstructing the drug-dependent economies of the region. But the whole world knows from Sarajevo to Panama to Baghdad that kingpin Bush has no compunction over spilling someone else s blood and then weeping crocodile tears. Dope Inc s support for democracy is a cynical ploy. In this case, the NLD, and particularly Aung San Suu Kyi, are put up front as martyrs in freedom s cause. Suu Kyi is married to Michael Aris, a British citizen, who is a fellow at St Antony s College, Oxford, with expertise in the Himalayan border stats between China and India, and to Burma s north, Nepal and Bhutan. Both of those countries have likewise been heavily targeted by the IRI s democratizers and Prince Philip s World Wide Fund for Nature. Prior to 1988, Aung San Suu Kyi resided with her family in England. She returned to Burma to care for her ailing mother, arriving not long before the 1988 student demonstrations. With little public political experience, other than her strong identification with her father, the beloved Aung San who was assassinated when Suu Kyi was only two, she emerged as the leader of the NLD. The military government moved against the demonstrators in the summer of 1988, and placed Suu Kyi under house arrest in 1989. In 1990, SLORC refused to recognize the outcome of parliamentary elections, won by the NLD. In 1995, SLORC released Suu Kyi and invited her NLD to participate along with the various ethnic groups and other association in a convention to draft a new constitution. Within weeks, however , the NLD withdrew from the talks, demanding a priori agreement from SLORC

that the military would not play a role in the future government. SLORC has made very clear that while they are willing to relinquish power , conditions in the country requir a government on the model of Indonesia , in which the military constitutionally plays a role in government. This model, whichhas brought Indonesia (the fourth-largest nation in the world), relatively successfully through the industrialization is unacceptable to Suu Kyi, and emphatically so to those Dope Inc backers of the NLD. Instead, Aung San Suu Kyi called for an international boycott of Myanmar, an end to all foreign investment, and continuation of Myanmar's isolation. Were such a policy to be implemented the potential for ending drug production in Golden Triangle would evaporate the now-pacified ethnic drug armies would quickly revert to opium for economic survival and Dope Inc, would remain firmly in business. The boycott efort has led to a few corporate pull-outs although other Asian countries have quickly moved to fill the gap. Nonetheless, a severe shortage of foreign exchange, which caused Yangon to default on crucial oil payments in July and to devalue the kyat, appears to have been aggravated by the boycott effort. The targeting of the largest infarstructure project in Myanmar by pro-boycott circles is symptomatic of the bigger regional issue at stake. On Oct 2 a lawsuit was field in US federal court against the oil companies Unocal of California and France s Total, and the military junta, SLORC, to stop the $ 1.2 billion Yadana Natural Gas Line Project, which would link the Gulf, of Thailand to the Andaman Sea, London Financial Times correspondent Ted Bardacke reported that the crux of the suit is far more subtle than the allegation that forced labour were used in the Project, a claim vehemently denied by the oil companies, Bardacke saya the suit alleges that when Total and Unocal agreed to let Burmese troops, whose systematic use of forced labour is well-documented, guard the pipeline area, they should have known human rights violations would occur, and are therefore responsible for them (emphasis added). This is a blanket condemnation of government participation in any such projects. William Weld and the Dope, Inc. families One of the most prominent supporters of Suu Kyi s boycott movement is himself an old hand in Dope, Inc.apparatus WilliamWeld., the Republican governor of Massachusetts. Weld is a scion of one of those Boston Brahmin families who built their fortunes as junior partners in Britain s opium war against China, engaged in clipper ship trafficking in narcotics.Weld,personally,is an expert in money-laundering, having cut a generous pleabargain with the Bank of Boston , Weld gave the bank a slap on the wrist line of half a million dollars, after they were caught red-handed laundering $ 2.2billion in drug profits. Weld imposed no personal criminal liability on the Bank's officer and hardly denied the Banks illgotten assets.

As head of the Criminal Division of the US Department of Justice, underthe second Reagan-Bush Administration. Weld repeatedly stymied Congressional investigations into Contra drug-running. Instead, Weld used his office to target America s most out-spoken adversary of the families running international narcotics, overseeing the fraudulent prosecution and political witch hunt against Lyndon La Rou-che commissioned the book Dope, Inc.which named those individuals and institutions behind the multi-trillion-dollar drug business. Weld is the first governor to sign into law a biull that bars an American state -the Commonwealth of Massachusetts-from conducting business with any firm that is operating in Myanmar. Weld s action has inspired other among the Conservative Revolutionaries in the US Congress to impost similar measures on US foreign policy toward Myanmar. On Sept 27 the US Congress passed the 1997 Appropriations Bill, which includes the Cohen Amendment,giving President Clinton the power to impose sanctions on Myanmar in the event of further deterioration in the human rights situation, specifically, in the event of the rearrest or exile of Aung San Suu Kyi. Up until recently, President Clinton had shown due restraint, in deference to the wise consul he has received from the governments of US allies in South East Asia and East Asia whose policy of constructive engagement isprecisely amied at drawing Myanmar out of its isolation. However , pressure is building , in this pre-election period , to win points . President Clinton s Oct 3 declaration, imposing visa restrictions on individual member seeking entry into the United States, reflects that pressure. What is requred of the United States is two-fold ? First, there must be a clean break with Kingpin Bush s role in drug trafficking, including investigation and prosecution, a clean sweep of the permanent bureaucracy particularly in the US Department of Justice,which protected such off-the--shelf, privatized operations. Second,full US commitment is reguired to the grandscale regional infrastructure development necessary to integrate Myanmar and all of Southeast Asia, into the Eurasian Silk Route policies , a process that shall break the narcotic region of Dope,inc.permanently. ----------------------------------------------Related Information/Links Subject: ITS TIME TO RESTORE JUSTICE AND A NEW BRETTON WOODS (was EIR Talks Interviews Nancy Spannaus and Jeffrey Steinberg 05/05/98) From: (John Covici) Date: 1998/05/07 Message-ID: <>

Newsgroups: alt.politics.usa.newt-gingrich,alt.activism,alt.politics.british,alt.politics..democrats..d, alt.current-events.russia,alt.current-events.bosnia,talk.politics.mideast,talk..politics..china EIR Talks May 5, 1998 Interviewer: Tony Papert [Note that { indicates begin emphasis, and } indicates end emphasis] ``EIR Talks'' airs each {Saturday} on satellite at 5 PM Eastern, on G-7, Transponder 14, 91 Degrees West, and each {Sunday} on shortwave station WWCR, at 5 PM Eastern, 2100 UTC, at frequency 12.160 megahertz. For further details call Frank Bell, (703) 777-9451, ext. 252. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------(Excerpts from EIR Talks)(Fwd) Mahathir Again on Offensive Against Soros Q: I see that in Malaysia, Prime Minister Mahathir has not stepped back from his criticism of George Soros as being one of the leading causes of the collapses of the Southeast Asian currencies last fall. JEFF STEINBERG: That's right. Mahathir met over the weekend with the Japanese foreign minister. They had several days of discussions. Unfortunately, short of the Bretton Woods solution, the kinds of things that they're discussing are probably more harmful than beneficial. Mahathir had suggested that the Japanese aren't doing enough to help Southeast Asia. His recipe for solving that was for Japan to dump its large portfolio of U.S. Treasury [bonds], buy back yen, start buying up some of the other Southeast Asian currencies. If that were to happen, then it would simply mean that the big trigger for the global systemic blowout would be in the U.S. and not in Asia. It doesn't help anybody, it's not a real solution. Nevertheless, on the positive side of the ledger, Prime Minister Mahathir has continued to hammer away at George Soros as a kind of personification or metaphor for the entire dirty-money, offshore hooligan apparatus that operates on behalf of the international, particularly London-centered financial oligarchy. So, Mahathir, despite the fact that groups like the Anti-Defamation League here in the United States have gone out attacking him as an anti-Semite for going after George Soros, his point, and this was reiterated this week, is ``I'm not attacking Soros because he's

Jewish. That's absurd, that's preposterous. I'm attacking him because he's a murderer, because his policies are killing people.'' Mahathir discussed, in the same breath, the IMF conditionalities. He says ``the IMF recipe is that you kill the patient, so that the patient can eventually `recuperate.' What absurdity! It's as absurd when you look at an economy, as when you look at a physical human being.'' Now, the fact of the matter is that on a number of different fronts, Soros is coming under a certain amount of appropriate spotlight and heat. In the case of Southeast Asia, it's becoming more and more clear that Soros is one of the most important front men for the international drug cartel which we, many years ago at {EIR} labelled ``Dope, Inc.'' Soros is running a major human rights campaign against the government of Myanmar, at exactly the moment that they're proposing high-level collaboration with the United States to eradicate the entire Golden Triangle opium production. Soros doesn't want that, so he's launching a so-called human rights attack to prevent the Myanmar government from working with the U.S. on that project. In effect, the drug cartel is one vertically integrated, international business operation. And more and more, George Soros is surfacing as somebody deeply associated with every component of that vertically integrated criminal enterprise. So, Mahathir's attacks on him are very useful. ............................... ----------------------------------------------------GEORGE SORO'S BURMA PROJECT **** See more grants detail information for 1997 to 2000 in GRANTS for 2001 $ 1,000,000 Total amount expended on grants and operational programs administered by the Burma Project/Southeast Asia. AWARDED TO THE FOLLOWING PROJECTS ALL BURMA STUDENTS' DEMOCRATIC FRONT (INDIA) General support ALL BURMA YOUNG MONKS UNION (THAILAND) Communication expenses

ASIAN FORUM FOR HUMAN RIGHTS AND DEVELOPMENT (THAILAND) Support for an internship program ASSOCIATION FOR THE PROTECTION OF WOMEN AND CHILDREN (THAILAND) Maternal and child care program in the Southern region BACK PACK HEALTH WORKER TEAM (THAILAND) Support for an internship program BAN DON YANG MIDDLE SCHOOL (THAILAND) School library acquisition program BANGKOK REFUGEE PROGRAM (THAILAND) Internship program BOARDING MIDDLE SCHOOL FOR ORPHANS (THAILAND) Educational assistance BURMA LABOR SOLIDARITY ORGANIZATION (THAILAND) Internship program BURMA MEDICAL ASSOCIATION (THAILAND) Internship program BURMA RELIEF CENTRE (THAILAND) Workshops for indigenous relief and community development organizations BURMESE MIGRANT WORKER'S EDUCATION COMMITTEE (THAILAND) Schools for children of Burmese migrant workers CHILD WORKERS IN ASIA (THAILAND) Internship program CHIN FORUM (CANADA) English classes for Chin children in India COMMITTEE FOR NON-VIOLENT ACTION IN BURMA (INDIA) Distribution of Burmese New Year Than Gyat songs BURMESE COMMUNITY RESOURCE CENTER (INDIA) Operating expenses for community projects DEMOCRATIC PARTY FOR A NEW SOCIETY (THAILAND) Computer equipment DEMOCRATIC VOICE OF BURMA (NORWAY) Support for Burmese-language radio programs and internships

DRUM PUBLICATION GROUP (THAILAND) Educational materials in Burmese and Karen EARTHRIGHTS INTERNATIONAL (THAILAND) Internship program; general support for the Burma Project of ERI ETHNIC COOPERATION FOR HUMAN RIGHTS AND ENVIRONMENT (THAILAND) Internship program FELLOWSHIP OF RECONCILIATION INC. (UNITED STATES) Online Burma Library project FRIENDS WITHOUT BORDERS (THAILAND) Advocacy campaign and internship program GREEN CENTRE FOR NON-WESTERN ART (UNITED KINGDOM) Ethnic history documentation project HUMAN RIGHTS EDUCATION INSTITUTE OF BURMA (THAILAND) Internship program HUMAN RIGHTS FOUNDATION OF MONLAND (THAILAND) Publication of human rights reports IMAGES ASIA (THAILAND) Internship program INITIATIVES FOR INTERNATIONAL DIALOGUE (THAILAND) Internship program INSTITUTE FOR ASIAN DEMOCRACY (USA) Advocacy INTERNATIONAL RESCUE COMMITTEE (THAILAND) Internship program KAREN LITERATURE AND CULTURE COMMITTEE, MERGUI-TAVOY (THAILAND) Reprinting and distribution of Thesaurus of Karen language (Karen dictionary) KAREN OFFICE OF RELIEF & DEVELOPMENT (THAILAND) General support KAREN WOMEN'S ORGANIZATION (THAILAND) Resource center in Mae Sot; internship program

KAREN YOUTH ORGANIZATION (THAILAND) Training program for Karen youth KARENNI NEWS AGENCY FOR HUMAN RIGHTS (THAILAND) Equipment support for human rights documentation project MIGRANT ASSISTANCE PROGRAM (THAILAND) Internship project MINISTRY OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS, GOVERNMENT OF KARENNI (THAILAND) Communication expenses MIZZIMA NEWS GROUP (INDIA) Cost-share for Prospect Burma English language classes for Burmese refugees in New Delhi MON NATIONAL EDUCATION COMMITTEE (THAILAND) Education projects in ethnic Mon area. Includes textbook publishing, English training, teaching materials, and monitoring projects NATIONAL DEMOCRATIC FRONT (THAILAND) Workshop on "Interethnic Dialogue and Conflict Resolution Program" NATIONAL HEALTH AND EDUCATION COMMITTEE (THAILAND) Travel expenses for education seminars and conferences NETWORK FOR DEMOCRACY AND DEVELOPMENT (THAILAND) Support for internships on web site development and maintenance NEW ERA JOURNAL (THAILAND) Operating costs for publication of Khit Pyaing newspaper NONVIOLENCE INTERNATIONAL SOUTHEAST ASIA OFFICE (THAILAND) Internship program NORTHERN ILLINOIS UNIVERSITY (USA) Internship for archiving Burmese material PAN KACHIN DEVELOPMENT SOCIETY (THAILAND) Internship program PEOPLE IN NEED FOUNDATION (CZECH REPUBLIC) Burmese participation at the Homo Homini Award ceremony for Min Ko Naing PEOPLES FORUM ON BURMA (JAPAN) Operating expenses

PROSPECT BURMA (UK) Cultural preservation project RAKHAING WOMEN UNION (BANGLADESH) Women empowerment training REFUGEES INTERNATIONAL (USA) Publication of Burma Debate SANGKHLABURI COMMUNITY LIBRARY (THAILAND) Acquisition of Burmese books and periodicals SENG TIEN GROUP (THAILAND) Shan culture and education project at Thai-Burma border SHAN HUMAN RIGHTS FOUNDATION (THAILAND) Human rights reports in English and Shan SHAN WOMEN'S ACTION NETWORK (THAILAND) Support for a networking center in Chiang Mai; internship program TAVOY WOMEN'S UNION (THAILAND) Primary school for Tavoyan children at Thai-Burma border THAI YOUTH AIDS PREVENTION PROJECT (THAILAND) Internship program THE BURMA FUND (USA) Support for the activities of Burma UN Service Office; internship program NATIONAL RECONCILIATION PROGRAM (THAILAND) Internship THE REGENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA (USA) Continued support of the Lai-English dictionary project THE TIDES CENTER (USA) Workshop on constitution drafting for a democratic Burma; series of meetings and consultations on transitional options WEAVING FOR WOMEN (THAILAND) Weaving programs for ethnic refugee women WOMEN'S EDUCATION FOR ADVANCEMENT AND EMPOWERMENT (THAILAND) Internship program WOMEN'S LEAGUE OF BURMA (THAILAND) Internship program

WORLD LEARNING INC. (USA) Support for an English language teaching fellowship WORLD YOUNG WOMEN'S CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION (SWITZERLAND) Educational projects ------------------------------------ NED (The National Endowment for Democracy) Grants : Burma Descriptions of 2000 Grants Burma A) Capacity and Institution Building $60,000* To promote the rule of law in Burma by documenting violations of human and civil rights; to conduct seminars on law and training workshops for ethnic leaders and grassroots pro-democratic organizations; and to promote women's participation in decision-making. $65,000* To support the prodemocracy movement in Burma through the distribution of human rights and democracy material, the collection of information about conditions in Burma, and the training of activists on nonviolent political action. International Republican Institute $270,000* To support organizing and capacity-building programs for exile-based prodemocracy organizations and for the dissemination of information in Burma about democracy and nonviolent political struggle. $75,000* To promote unity among the prodemocracy forces in Thailand and the ethnic areas along Burma's borders and to encourage a commitment to common goals among all the groups working towards the establishment of a federal union of Burma. $25,000 To work with the Burmese prodemocracy movement to improve their effectiveness in planning and implementing nonviolent political action campaigns. $10,000 To support programs on ethnic rights and democracy, including publications, workshops, seminars and roundtable meetings. B) Education and Outreach

$15,000* To distribute human rights and democracy material, collect information about conditions in Burma, and work to educate the people of Burma about democracy, human rights, and nonviolent struggle. $40,000* To research, document, and publicize the treatment of political prisoners in Burma, and to provide basic humanitarian assistance to political prisoners and their families in Burma. $40,000 To promote cooperation between ethnic groups and prodemocracy forces, and to provide the Burmese prodemocracy movement and the international community with credible information and analysis that is not readily available elsewhere. $450,000* To support the Burmese prodemocracy movement to create an environment conducive to a dialogue among the National League for Democracy, ethnic leaders, and the Burmese military junta, through political action, coalition-building, transition planning, and institutional development. $45,000* To support empowerment training courses for women, a series of workshops on human and women's rights, a bimonthly Burmese language newsletter, and a new library in Thailand. $28,000* To educate Thais about Burma, Burmese refugees, migrants and the Burmese prodemocracy movement; and to encourage Thai and international support for the Burmese prodemocracy movement. National Democratic Institute for International Affairs $124,879 To support efforts to restore democracy in Burma by seeking international recognition and support from parliamentarians, government and political party leaders; and to provide specialized training and assistance for leaders of the prodemocracy movement. $50,000* To support a Bangkok-based foreign affairs office to provide research and policy papers on regional and international politics and their effect on Burma, and to maintain a network of Asian NGOs, political parties and regional associations to promote democracy in Burma. $35,000* To increase women's participation in the struggle for democracy and human rights and in Burma's national reconciliation and development process; to conduct a series of training courses and seminars for

Burmese women; and to build mutual understanding among all nationalities. $10,000* To create a forum for ethnic and Burman women to discuss common problems and goals; to improve cooperation among the women of Burma; and to contribute to the development of a democratic civic culture, emphasizing tolerance, respect for human rights, and concern for public welfare. C) Humanitarian Assistance $29,000* To collect accurate information on internally displaced persons and manage humanitarian assistance to internally displaced people in Burma. $40,000* To support a Thailand-based committee composed of most of the major Burmese prodemocracy and ethnic organizations and to coordinating health and education programs for refugees in Thailand and India, and ethnic populations in Burma. D) Information and Media $18,000 To publish and distribute an English language newsletter on the human rights situation in Western Burma, and to train field reporters and editorial staff in human rights monitoring and reporting. $175,000* To produce and transmit a twice-daily shortwave radio broadcast of independent news and opinion into Burma and to strengthen ethnic language programming. $40,000* To support an ethnic language bi-monthly newsletter distributed in Burma, in refugee camps along the Thai-Burma border, in Thailand, and internationally; to produce regular reports in English on human rights violations in southern Burma; and to introduce a monthly ethnic language newspaper. $80,000* To support the production, printing and distribution of an English language magazine providing accurate and independent news and information about Burma and events in Southeast Asia, and to sponsor a program to train Burmese journalists and educate Burmese about the functions of an independent media.

$11,000 To support a trilingual monthly newsletter that provides an alternative news source for targeted communities in Burma, in refugee camps along the Thai-Burma border, and in exile in Thailand; and to provide international human rights organizations and other groups with reliable information on human rights violations in Eastern Burma. $170,000* To publish a monthly Burmese language newspaper offering a forum for diverse opinions and commentary from Burmese prodemocracy activists at home and in exile, and in-depth news about the Burmese prodemocracy movement and international campaigns to support the Burmese prodemocracy movement. $25,000* To write, edit, publish, and distribute a trilingual monthly newsletter. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Privacy Policy 2000 Nation Multimedia Group 44 Moo 10 Bang Na-Trat KM 4.5, Bang Na district, Bangkok 10260 Thailand Tel 66-2-325-5555, 66-2-317-0420 and 66-2-316-5900 ; Fax 66-2-317-2071 Contact us:

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