15-Member Public Accounts Committee Formed: First Regular Session of Pyithu Hluttaw Continues For Third Day

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Established 1914

Volume XVIII, Number 317 14th Waning of Tabodwe 1372 ME Friday, 4 March, 2011

Four political objectives Four economic objectives Four social objectives

* Stability of the State, community peace and * Development of agriculture as the base and all-round develop- * Uplift of the morale and morality of the entire
ment of other sectors of the economy as well nation
tranquillity, prevalence of law and order * Uplift of national prestige and integrity and
* National reconsolidation * Proper evolution of the market-oriented economic system
* Development of the economy inviting participation in terms of preservation and safeguarding of cultural her-
* Emergence of a new enduring State Constitu- technical know-how and investments from sources inside the itage and national character
tion country and abroad * Uplift of dynamism of patriotic spirit
* Building of a new modern developed nation in * The initiative to shape the national economy must be kept in the * Uplift of health, fitness and education stand-
accord with the new State Constitution hands of the State and the national peoples ards of the entire nation

First regular session of Pyithu Hluttaw continues for third day

15-member Public Accounts Committee formed
NAY PYI TAW, 3 March
— The first regular
session of Pyithu
Hluttaw continued for
the third day at Pyithu
Hluttaw Hall of Hluttaw
Building here at 10 am
today. It was attended
by Speaker of Pyithu
Hluttaw Thura U Shwe
Mann and Pyithu Hluttaw
Pyithu Hluttaw
Speaker Thura U Shwe
Mann announced the va-
lidity and start of the
third-day session as 432
or 99.54% of the 434
entitled Pyithu Hluttaw
representatives were
Regarding f o r m a -
tion of the Public Ac-
counts Committee, the
Speaker said that the Pub-
lic Accounts Committee
will be formed with not
more than 15 Hluttaw
representatives in accord
with Sub-section (a) of First regular session of Pyithu Hluttaw continues for the third day.—MNA
Section 115 of the
Constitution of the its formation. Committee. departments and ing the following heading,
Republic of the Union of After formation of the Duties of Public enterprises to find matters: (2) spending an ap-
Myanmar and Pyithu Public Accounts Com- Accounts Committee are out whether or not (1) spending a budget proved budget under
Hluttaw Law Section 21 mittee with Hluttaw rep- as follows: — the budget is spent approved by another heading is
and 22 and Rules 33 and resentatives, duties, pow- (1) the committee: efficiently. Pyidaungsu Hluttaw not consistent with
47, and that suitable ers and rights of the (a) shall, in scrutiniz- (c) is responsible for in response to the the rules promulgated
numbers of members, a committee will be ing the budget of submitting re- report from the Union by the Ministry of Fi-
list of nominees, the designated. The deputy the Union Gov- ports to Pyithu Government for a nance and Revenue,
chairman and secretary Pyithu Hluttaw speaker ernment and re- Hluttaw regard- case under another (See page 8)
shall be submitted and will make clarification to port of the Union
sought for approval. follow-up works to be Auditor-General,
He said that, accord-
ing to the Pyithu Hluttaw
approved by the hluttaw
representatives as duties,
find out whether
or not the budget
I 48th Myanma Gems
Rule 49, although the powers, and rights of the approved by N
term of the Public Ac- committee shall be idaungsu Hluttaw S Emporium to take place at
counts Committee is the designated by the hluttaw is spent for the
same as that of the
hluttaw but review will
in accord with the Pyithu
Hluttaw Rule 34.
case concerned,
in line with the
Mani Yadana Jade Hall in
be carried out to make
m e m b e r s h i p
The deputy Pyithu
Hluttaw speaker clarified
rules and regula-
tions and in an E Nay Pyi Taw
replacements as duties, powers and rights efficient way.
of the Public Accounts (b) may inquire at the
PAGES 6+7 Article: Tin Htwe (MNA)
necessary one year after

4-3-2011 NL.pmd 1 3/4/2011, 5:57 AM

2 THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Friday, 4 March, 2011

PERSPECTIVES People’s Desire

Friday, 4 March, 2011 * Oppose those relying on external elements, acting as stooges, holding negative views
* Oppose those trying to jeopardize stability of the State and progress of the nation
Build capacity of the youth * Oppose foreign nations interfering in internal affairs of the State
In the Age of Knowledge today, the * Crush all internal and external destructive elements as the common enemy
government devotes itself to the drive for all-
round development of the Myanmar society,
putting the education sector at the forefront MAI starts Yangon- MYANMAR GAZETTE
with the aim of enabling the nation to keep Guangzhou flight schedule NAY PYI TAW, 3 March—The State Peace
abreast of the international level with and Development Council has confirmed the
sustainable development. Y ANGON , 3 March—Myanmar Airways appointment of Director-General U Soe Aung
In such a time of rapid changes in various International (MAI) launched its maiden flight to of Relief and Resettlement Department under
Guangzhou from here at Yangon International the Ministry of Social Welfare, Relief and
sectors, State stability, peace and community
Airport this morning. Resettlement on expiry of the one-year
peace are fundamental requirements for the
Present on the occasion were Maj-Gen Tin probationary period.—MNA
goal. Now, the 30-year National Education Ngwe of the Ministry of Defence, Chairman of
Promotion Plan is well underway to improve
the national education standard in both arts
and science.
Only then, will it be possible to broaden
the horizons of the people in an effective way.
And, the people will be able to improve their
reasoning power with moral and spiritual
When and if the people have high
intellectual power, they can distinguish
between good and bad with a sense of abiding
by the law and stand firm by the Myanmar
society. To put it another way, they will equip
themselves with a stronger sense of nationalistic
spirit and Union Spirit and promoting and
preserving national culture. Maj-Gen Tin Ngwe of Ministry of Defence together with Commander Brig-Gen Tun Than and
Now, the future of the nation is being officials formally open the ceremony to launch the maiden flight of MAI to Guangzhou from
shaped, making good use of the improvement Yangon.—MNA
achieved in the education sector. Therefore, Yangon Region Peace and Development Council Maj-Gen Tin Ngwe, the Commander and
faculty members are under a responsibility to Commander of Yangon Command Brig-Gen Tun personnel cut a ribbon to open the ceremony and
inculcate nationalistic sentiment into and help Than, the Chinese Ambassador to Myanmar and greeted passengers of the maiden flight to
build capacity of the youth, apart from their personnel of the embassy, MAI Patron U Aung Ko Guangzhou.
primary duties. Win, personnel from Ministry of Transport and The flight is reported to be very convenient
Ministry of Hotels and Tourism. for around 5,000 to 6,000 Chinese jade traders who
usually visit Myanma jade and jewels sales held by
PBANRDA Minister attends gravel road opening ceremony the government about three times a year. MAI has
rented 16 charter flights for jade and jewels sales to
be held in March.
With flights between Yangon and
Guangzhou, marine products and various kinds of
products from Myanmar can be transported to
China in a short time. Yangon-Guangzhou flight
will run on every Thursday and Sunday.

Minister U Thein Nyunt attends opening of new Aiwine-Thikekon rural gravel road.—MNA
N AY P YI T AW , 3 implemented by Department in 2010- have now access to all
March — Minister for Development Affairs 2011 fiscal year. season road to Maubin.
Progress of Border Areas Committee of Maubin The road contributes The minister also
and National Races and Township in Ayeyawady much to socio- attended the ceremonies
Development Affairs U Region, on 28 February. economic status of to hand over Basic
Thein Nyunt attended The 9 miles long and residents of Aiwine, Education Primary
the opening ceremony 10 feet wide gravel road Letpankon, Thikekon, Schools of Kyethaung
of Aiwine-Thikekon was implemented by Ainyargyi and and Seiktha villages in Maruart floor and wallpapers were on sale at
rural gravel road, Maubin Township DAC Thayagon village-tracts, Maubin Township on 27 Housing & Building Exhibition at Tatmadaw
hailing 66th Anniversary with the fund of who earlier relied only February. Convention Hall on U Wisara Road in Yangon
of Armed Forces Day, Development Affairs on waterway, as they MNA on 3 March.—MNA

4-3-2011 NL.pmd 2 3/4/2011, 5:57 AM

THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Friday, 4 March, 2011 3

Afghan president condemns NATO air

raids that killed nine children
KABUL, 3 March—Afghan President added.
Hamid Karzai condemned the killing of In the statement, the Afghan
nine children allegedly caused by president who is currently visiting Britain,
NATO- led forces’ air raids in the eastern underlined that “fighting terrorism in
Kunar Province a couple of days ago, a Afghan Villages can’t achieve any
statement released by his office here in success, but poor and innocent civilians
Afghan Capital Kabul on Wednesday have to suffer in the unjustifiable
said. operations and bombings carried out by
“The air strike by the NATO that the NATO and ISAF.”
killed nine innocent children and injured “I, therefore, once again remind with
another in Kunar happened in less than emphasis that NATO needs to focus on
ten days from a similar attack that left the safe havens of terrorists, or else
many civilians dead in the same killing innocent civilians would create
Province. The children were collecting them huge problems,” Afghan president
Afghans stand around burning blankets, clothing and other items, which firewood when attacked,” the statement noted in the statement.—Xinhua
were distributed by coalition troops in Ghazni west of of Kabul,
Afghanistan on 1 March, 2011. Residents in Ghazni burned blankets, Police surround a bus
clothing and other items that they said coalition troops carrying US soldiers at
had distributed in the city on Monday. the site where two US
INTERNET soldiers have been
Suicide bomber kills 10, A view of the damage
killed in a shooting in
front of Terminal 2 of
at the production unit
wounds 26 in Iraq after a bomb attack
the Frankfurt Airport,
Germany, on
in Baiji oil refinery,
FALLUJA (IRAQ), 3 March—A suicide bomber killed 2 March, 2011.
180 km (112 miles)
at least 10 people and wounded 26 others at a INTERNET
north of Baghdad
government bank in the northern Iraqi town of Haditha
Thursday, police and hospital sources said.
The police source said people were collecting their Gunman kills two in Frankfurt
salaries at a branch of the state-owned Rafidain bank in
Haditha, 190 km (120 miles) northwest of Baghdad, Airport shooting
when the bomber struck. “There was a group of Iraqi BEIJING, 3 March— terminal 2 on Wednesday, have identified the 21-
army soldiers standing in front of the bank to collect Two people have been before the gunman was year-old suspect as Arif
their salaries when a suicide bomber wearing a vest killed, after a gunman, apprehended. The bus Uka, from Kosovo. There
came in between them and blew himself up,” police fired at US Air Force driver, and a passenger were no details of his
Lieutenant Ali al-Ubaidi, who was at the scene, told personnel, on a bus, were killed and there were motives for the attack.
Reuters. “The death toll is 10 killed, including eight outside Frankfurt Airport. unconfirmed reports that President Barack Obama
soldiers, and 26 wounded, including 20 soldiers.” Two others were also the two victims were said that he was
Eight years after the 2003 US-led invasion, wounded, in the attack members of the US “saddened and outraged”
insurgents are still capable of carrying out lethal outside the airport’s military. German police by the incident.—Xinhua
attacks in Iraq, although overall violence has dropped
from the height of sectarian warfare in 2006-7.
A hospital source said he expected the death toll Nine killed, 30 injured in suicide blast
to rise. “We received eight bodies and 13 wounded,
including soldiers and civilians and we think the in NW Pakistan
number of dead will increase because we have many ISLAMABAD, 3 March—A suicide bomb blast, All the injured persons including 12 women
critical cases among the wounded,” Waleed al-Hadithi, targeting a police centre, killed at least nine people and four policemen were shifted to the city hospital
manager of General Hospital in Haditha, said. including four policemen, and injured more than 30 where four policemen succumbed to injuries.
Haditha gained notoriety when US Marines were others in northwest Pakistan, police and local media All the police personnel were riding in the
accused of killing 24 Iraqi civilians in 2005. Witnesses reports said. police vehicle which came under attack. With the
said angry Marines shot the men, women and children impact of the blast 12 nearby houses also got
The bomb exploded near a police mobile van,
in November 2005 out of revenge after a popular damaged severely, local residents said.
which also affected other passing by passenger
comrade was killed in a roadside bombing. Security officials reached the site and
vehicles in Hangu, a main city in Khyber
News reports of the killings brought international
Pakhtoonkhwa Province. cordoned off the area and started a search
condemnation of US forces in Iraq.—MNA/Reuters
Local sources said that an explosives-laden operation.
vehicle ran into the police checkpost. According to No group claimed responsibility for the attack.
Bomb Disposal Squad, about 300 kg explosives Taleban militants have in the past targeted police.
were used in the attack. Xinhua

Municipality workers clean up while Iraqi

security forces stand guard at the scene of a
bomb attack in Baghdad, Iraq, on 2 March,
2011. A roadside bomb planted in
al-Mustansiriyah Square targeting a police
An Afghan policeman inspects the site of a patrol, wounding a few civilians, police said.
suicide car bomb attack in Khost Province

4-3-2011 NL.pmd 3 3/4/2011, 5:57 AM

4 THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Friday, 4 March, 2011

Spacewalkers complete to-do New ‘Jaguar’ catfish found in

list outside station Amazon
CAPE CANAVERAL, 3 walk that stretched over
NEW YORK, 3 March
March — A pair of shuttle six hours, Bowen and
— In a previously
Discovery astronauts Drew vented ammonia Astronauts Steve unexplored area of the
floated outside the from a failed pump
Bowen (L) and Alvin Amazon rain forest,
International Space Station module that NASA plans
Drew (R) participate scientists have discovered a
on Wednesday and to return to Earth on the
new species of catfish
completed a long list of final shuttle flight in June in the mission’s first
swimming in a tributary to
chores to prepare the and removed an equi- spacewalk as the great Amazon River.
outpost for life after shuttle pment pallet from outside A new species of catfish Stenolicnus ix â•” was
construction and The fish was found
retirement. Space-walkers Europe’s Columbus mo- discovered in Curuá creek, left tributary of the
maintenance continue during a series of expeditions
Stephen Bowen and Alvin dule, among other ta- Amazon River in Pará, Brazil.—INTERNET
on the International to explore the biodiversity
Drew wrapped up the sks.The pair got a late
of the rain forests of the
second of two spacewalks start due to a leak in Space Station in this extending from the mouth. organized by Emílio
northern margin of the
planned for Discovery’s Bowen’s pressurized photo provided by Some 15 species of Goeldi Museum and
Amazon River in the
eight-day stay at the station, suit, which was caused fish were also observed in Conservation Interna-
NASA and taken Brazilian State of Pará, in
the shuttle’s 39th and final by a damaged seal that
on 28 February, the world’s largest block of the same narrow, shallow tional Brazil, took place in
mission. crewmates easily fixed.
protected rain forest, which waters, in an area about 16 2008 with about 30
During the space- Reuters 2011.—INTERNET
covers 10 million acres (4 feet (5 metres) wide and researchers who set out to
Study finds sharks making ‘mental maps’ million hectares). explore an area of more
less than 3 feet (1 m) deep.
The fish is a cream than 30 million acres (12
GAINESVILLE, 3 March — Some shark species seem capable of forming Wosiack and his
colour with a pattern of million hectares) and map
“mental maps” of their home ranges, allowing them to navigate from locations colleagues, Luciano
dark patches on its body,
many miles away, US researchers say. Researchers at the Florida Museum of out the biodiversity of this
reminiscent of jaguar fur. Montag, of the Federal
Natural History analyzed data from tiger sharks tagged with transmitters, and protected area pre-viously
For this reason, the fish was University of Pará, and
found that they took “directed” paths from place to place, whereas other shark unknown to science. The
species did not exhibit the behaviour, the BBC reported on Wednesday. named Stenolicnus ix, “Ix” Daniel Coutinho, a
being a Mayan word used expeditions were led by
Researchers suggest tiger sharks are able to store and recall maps of key sites graduate student at the Alexandre Aleixo,
and navigate between them, possible utilizing Earth’s magnetic field. to describe jaguars. The
university, described the researcher and curator of
In that study, scientists used statistical techniques to show the journeys newfound species differs
from other species of the newly discovered fish in a the ornithological coll-
were not made by accident but the sharks were following some kind of path.
“Our research shows that, at times, tiger sharks and thresher sharks don’t swim same genus by the length study detailed in a recent ection of the Museu
randomly but swim to specific locations,” said research leader Yannis of the nasal barbells the issue of the journal Zootaxa. Goeldi.
Papastamatiou from the Florida Museum of Natural History.—Internet whiskerlike tactile organs The expeditions, Internet

Panasonic adds skype video and voice calls NEC unveils pro-grade
to new Blu-ray players 30-inch monitors
NEW YORK, 3 March — Panasonic is expanding the reach of Skype with W ASHINGTON , 3 DVI-D connectors, a built-
its newest batch of Blu-ray players. March — Squarely taking in USB hub, and
After first offering Skype video calls on certain HDTV models last year The robot “Jazz” by aim at graphics DisplaySync Pro, which
with an optional camera, the company is bringing that same functionality to French company Gostai is professionals and power allows two computers to
Blu-ray. The upcoming Panasonic BDT110, BDT-210, and BDT310 players pictured at the CeBIT, users, NEC Display connect to a shared
feature integrated Skype functionality through a new $99 freetalk conference world’s biggest IT fair, in Solutions of America has monitor and shared
camera. Hanover, central announced two new high keyboard and mouse
Users can access Skype on the Blu-ray players through the new Skype Germany. “Jazz” is a performance 30-inch without a separate KVM
button on their respective remotes. The camera accessory allows 720p video shiny white humanoid monitors, the MultiSync switch.
to be sent to any Skype user, whether as part of a live video call or video robot that its makers PA301W-BK and PA- Other advanced cap-
message. Users of the new players can also receive video messages, using the believe could transform 301W-BK-SV. Boasting abilities include Picture in
devices like video answering machines; even when the players are off, they business meetings and a rich gamut of colours, Picture and Picture by
can record Skype voice messages to an SD card, triggering a message light reduce the need for long- 2,560-by-1,600 resolu- Picture support, allowing
to flash on the device. When a user returns to the player, they can listen to the distance travel. tion, and several hardware two video signals to be
message and send a response or video call the person back.—Internet INTERNET and software features, viewed simultaneously on
these monitors are
New tech boosts processor’s “IQ”, designed with demanding
the same monitor. The
makes them Power-Smart PA301W-BK-SV also
users in mind.
comes with SpectraViewII
WASHINGTON, 3 March—The problem with the The MultiSync PA-
Colour Calibration soft-
smartphones, laptops, and tablets of our day is that the 301W-BK and PA301W-
tools are multifunctional, but the energy that powers BK-SV monitors feature ware with a colorimetre
them can’t be divided up by function. Well, until now. vibrant 10-bit wide colour colour calibration sensor.
Harvard graduate student Wonyoung Kim has gamut LCD panels, 178- Both the MultiSync
unveiled a prototype device that could change the way degree viewing angles, PA301W-BK and PA-
Tech-Savvy gamers working for Bug-Tracker test a pre- that processing chips receive power, and eventually and an impressive 1000:1 301W-BK-SV are avai-
release video game in a loft in Montreal to look for lead to slimmer smart-tools, and longer lasting batteries. contrast ratio. The two lable now, for an estimated
potentially fatal glitches and flaws. Bug-Tracker monitors also feature an price of $2,299 and $2,549
The device is a “multi-core voltage regulator” whose
created in France in 1998 by programmer Antoine
on-chip design helps it allocate voltage to different array of hardware features, and ship with a limited 4-
Carre, employs game testers to look for pesky.
INTERNET processors with greater precision.—Internet like dual DisplayPort and year warranty.—Internet

4-3-2011 NL.pmd 4 3/4/2011, 5:57 AM

THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Friday, 4 March, 2011 5

Painkillers linked to some birth Health Tip: Soothe a bunion

defects A bunion occurs when the joint that connects
A TLANTA , 3 March—The babies of women who took the big toe to the foot grows larger, forcing the big
prescription opioid painkillers before or during early pregnancy toe to bend toward the other toes. This leads to a
have an increased risk of birth defects, US researchers say. painful lump, making it difficult to wear shoes.
A study by the Centres for Disease Control and Prevention in The American Podiatric Medical Association
Atlanta found 2 percent to 3 percent of mothers interviewed were suggests how to ease bunion pain:
treated with prescription opioid painkillers or analgesics — * Place a bunion pad around the swollen area. A bottle of Ibuprofen. Adults who
codeine, oxycodone or hydrocodone — just before or during The pad should be non-medicated.
take the anti-inflammatory drug
early pregnancy. The study did not examine the illicit use of these * Wear shoes with plenty of room in the toes.
* If the bunion swells and causes pain, ice the ibuprofen may reduce their risk of
medications, the researchers say. The study, published in the
American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology, found opioid bunion several times a day. getting Parkinson’s disease by
analgesics were linked to several types of congenital heart defects * If you wear heels, make sure they’re no higher about 27 percent compared to those
as well as spina bifida, hydrocephaly, congenital glaucoma and than 2 inches.
who do not, said a study published
gastroschisis compared with women who were not treated with * See a podiatrist if you don’t get relief from the
these opioid medications. “Women who are pregnant, or thinking previous suggestions. on Wednesday.
about becoming pregnant, should know there are risks associated Internet INTERNET
with using prescription painkillers,” Dr Thomas R Frieden, director
of the CDC, said in a statement. “They should only take medications Red eyes in photo OK, but not white eyes
that are essential, in consultation with their healthcare provider.”
DALLAS, 3 March— White spots in eyes because of the blood and that is normal,”
The researchers used data from the CDC-sponsored National
that show up in a photograph mean it’s time Hogan says in a statement.
Birth Defects Prevention Study — an ongoing population-based
to see a physician, a Dallas ophthalmologist However, if a white or iridescent pupil is
study to detect causes of birth defects.—Internet
advises. noticeable in a photograph, a visit to an
This 2003 file picture Dr Nick Hogan, an ophthalmologist at ophthalmologist or a pediatrician for
shows a tourist smoking a the University of Texas Southwestern Medical evaluation may be of value, Hogan says.
cannabis joint in Centre in Dallas, says flash photography is “Leukocoria, or white pupil, is caused by
Amsterdam. Teenagers
similar to an ophthalmoscope — a lighted something blocking the red reflex,” Hogan
and young adults who use
cannabis face increased
instrument used to examine the interior of says. “Absence of blood in the retina would
risk of psychosis, research the eye. have to be extreme to reduce the red reflex
published in the British “A red reflex that appears in people’s and that would be enough to kill the retina,
Medical Journal has eyes is caused by a reflection off the retina,” hence no reflection.”
shown.—INTERNET Hogan says in a statement. “It appears red Internet

Ford recalls 34,000 US, Canada trucks on fire Tommy

risk Bahama
CHICAGO, 3 March—Ford has recalled 34,100 trucks in the United States and Canada due candle sets
to two defects which could cause a fire, the automaker said Wednesday.
Ford told safety regulators it is not aware of any fires caused by the defects which affect recalled
2010 and 2011 models of its popular trucks. WASHINGTON, 3 March
The first defect affects 25,000 Ford Rangers. A protective cover on the engine fuel line — Retailer Tommy
on those vehicles may not have been properly installed, which could put the fuel line in Bahama is recalling
contact with the throttle body shield. 1,800 mini-tin travel set
“Overtime, this contact may chafe the fuel line, resulting in a fuel odor and a potential Hundreds of Ford Rangers are candles due to a risk of
fuel leak,” Ford said in a notice to safety regulators. parked outside an assembly plant in burns, a US watchdog
The second defect affects 9,100 F-series tucks, along with the Edge and Lincoln MKX. 2006. Ford has recalled 34,100 agency said. The US
Those vehicles were part of an earlier recall but were inspected by a dealer diagnostic trucks in the United States and Consumer Product Safety
system which was not reading the correct set of characters. Canada due to two defects which Commission said flames
They need to be reinspected to see if they have the previously identified problem with could cause a fire, the automaker from the Mini-Candle
a body control module that has the potential for an internal electrical short.—Internet said Wednesday.—INTERNET Travel Sets burn higher
than expected, posing a
Singapore home prices may fall in next few years risk to consumers.
SINGAPORE, 3 March— Home prices in Singapore may fall in the next few years as a record The candle sets were
number of homes are expected to be completed over the period of time, local daily the imported from China and
Straits Times reported. Analysts expected 2013 and 2014 to be the risky years, the made in the United
newspaper said Thursday. Statistics of the Urban Redevelopment Authority on homes States. They were sold
under construction or already with planning approvals show 17,111 new homes were nationwide at Tommy
expected to be completed in 2013 and 17,421 in 2014, higher than the record 14,000 or so Bahama stores from
private apartments completed in 1998, said Chua Chor Hoon, head of real estate firm DTZ’s November 2010 through
southeast Asia research. The numbers could go even higher if the projects that get planning January 2011 for about
Customers walk through a market permission in the near future are included, she added, projecting a total of 21,680 homes $40. The candle sets
in Seoul. The South Korean to be completed in 2014 and 22, 520 in 2015. Together with the supply of new government- were sold in packs of six
government remained cautious built flats, this could lead to a serious supply spike in two to three years. each, including various
about future economic trends, after “The demand-supply imbalance is expected to lead to prices and rentals coming under scents, such as
figures showed inflation hit a 27- pressure, especially if interests are higher then,” she said. pineapple paradise, maui
month high of 4.5 percent in In comparison, an average of only 8,563 homes were supplied to the market a year over mango and hibiscus
February.—INTERNET the past ten years.—Xinhua blossom.—Internet

4-3-2011 NL.pmd 5 3/4/2011, 5:57 AM

6 THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Friday, 4 March, 2011

48th Myanma Gems Emporium to take place at

Mani Yadana Jade Hall in Nay Pyi Taw
Article: Tin Htwe (MNA); Photos: Ko Htwe and Myo Myint (MNA)
Myanmar has been chants. This year, the munications Subcommit- Secretary-
auctioning jade, Myanma Gems Empo- tee, the Health Care Sub- 1 of
precious stones and pearl rium held in March is in its committee, the Informa- Myanmar
for foreign currency to 48th time. The 48th tion Subcommittee, the Gems
foreign merchants Myanma Gems Empo- Security Subcommittee, Entrepre-
through gems empori- rium will be held at Mani the Administration Sub- neurs
ums since 1964. Previ- Yadana Jade Hall near the committee, the Financial Associa-
ously, the Myanma Myanma Gems Museum Subcommittee, the Pearl tion ex-
Gems Emporium was in Nay Pyi Taw from 10 to Subcommittee, the Gems plaining
held only once a year. 22 March. It is the second Subcommittee, and the MGEA’s
Later, it was held twice a of its kind to take place in Jade Subcommittee. It is participa-
year. Since 2004, it has Nay Pyi Taw. Now, better now working in coopera- tion in
been held thrice a year, arrangements are being tion with the Myanmar successful
with the special jade, made than the first time Gems Entrepreneurs As- holding of
gems and pearl sales in for the comfort and sociation for successful or- Myanma
June. The last special convenience of foreign ganization of the Gems
jade, gems and pearl gems merchants in Museum.
sales in Yangon was held transportation, accommo- On display at the 48th
Myanma Gems jade lots, gems lots and porium (2010). So, the sales of jade lots through
Emporium are raw jade pearl lots will be sold area for the emporium the competitive bidding
lots, cut jade lots, raw through the tender sys- was expanded near the system, from 19 to 22
gems, cut gems, pearls, tem and the competitive Myanma Gems Museum March.
jewellery items made of bidding system. Under the (Nay Pyi Taw). Altogether 225 lots
jade, gems, and pearl, arrangements of the At the emporium, of pearl will be sold
sculptures of precious Myanma Gems Enter- 156 gems lots will be sold through the tender sys-
stones, gems crystals, prise, licensed jewellery through the tender system tem, and 30 lots of pearl,
mosaic paintings and shops will have the right and 50 gems lots, through through the competitive
silverwares. to sell jewellery, jade, gem the competitive bidding bidding system, totaling
The organiza-tions
that will stage their pavil-
ions at the emporium are
the Myanmar Pearl Enter-
prise; companies that pro-
duce pearls in line with
Semi Cut Sapphire to be sold at Myanma
the Myanma Pearl Law;
Gems Emporium by Yadanashin Gems the Myanmar Gems
Company. Enterprise; private
in June/July, 2010. The dation and meals. companies and associa-
Mid-Year Gems Empo- The Central Commit- tions that produce gems
rium took place at Mani tee for Organizing the 48th in line with the Myanma
Yadana Jade Hall in Nay Myanma Gems Empo- Gems Law, those who are
Pyi Taw in November rium has formed the Sub- licensed to run jewellery
2010. committee for Displaying shops in line with the
Of the Myanma Gems, the Accommoda- Myanma Gems Law, and
Gems Emporiums, those tion Subcommittee, the the private companies and
held in March attract Catering Subcommittee, associations that hold
greater number of local the Reception GTC licence. Large-sized royal pearls to be sold at Myanma Gems Emporium.
and foreign gems mer- Subcommittee, the Com- At the emporium,
sculptures, gem crystals, system, totaling 206 lots. 255 lots or 29,479 pearls.
mosaic paintings, silver- Sales of gems lots through Unlike previous times,
wares, jade bracelets and the tender system will large pearls will be on
jade beads at the pavil- start in the morning, and display this time, which
ions in the Myanmar sales of gems lots through are all State-owned ones.
Gems Museum (Nay Pyi the competitive system, At the empo-rium,
Taw). in the afternoon on 13 gifts and certificates of
Now, jade lots have March. honour will be presented
been at the emporium and And 16,000 jade lots to the merchant who will
arranged at the plot near will be sold through the spend most to purchase
Mani Yadana Jade Hall tender system, and 500 jade lots, the merchant
and at the place near the jade lots, through the com- who will spend most to
Myanmar Gems Mu- petitive bidding system, purchase gems lots, and
seum (Nay Pyi Taw). Jade totaling 16,500 lots. Sales the merchant who will
lots on display this time of jade lots through the spend most to purchase
are more than in the Mid- tender system will run pearl lots.
Uncut jade to be sold at Myanma Gems Emporium. Year Myanma Gems Em- from 14 to 18 March, and (See page 7)

4-3-2011 NL.pmd 6 3/4/2011, 5:57 AM

THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Friday, 4 March, 2011 7

Construction Minister on inspection Dy construction minister inspects

tour of Nay Pyi Taw-Taungnyo- Myaungmya-Labutta road
Myothit-Kanbya (Magway) Road NAY PYI TAW, 3 to 40 feet and to complete Labutta road, and
March—Deputy Minister dredging of drains before maintenance of Labutta
NAY PYI TAW, 3 Company, construction nies, totaling 27 Groups for Construction U Myint the rainy season. bridge (Pinlelay river
March—Minister for of box culvert of are making strenuous ef- Thein inspected Later on, the crossing bridge).
Construction U Khin Htantabin- chaung forts implementing 157 Myaungmya-Labutta deputy minister looked At Labutta
Maung Myint yesterday Bridge being built by – four bridges along the road this morning. He into the axis diverted district superintending en-
morning inspected Nay Bridge, Construction 6th Yoma crossing road urged the district superin- from mile post No.18/6 gineer office, the deputy
Pyi Taw-Taungnyo- Special Group 9 and and 153 box culverts – tending engineers to that will link Labutta- minister heard the report
Myothit-Kanbya called for completion of so as to be put into extend earth embankment Thonegwa-Hteiksoon by district superintend-
(Magway) Road, the 6th works meeting set service soon.—MNA section of Labutta District road and Myaungmya- ing engineer and deputy
among seven Yoma standards. chief engineer. After that,
crossing roads, and
progress of box culvert
It was learnt that
five District Groups of
Talks on fire prevention given he left necessary instruc-
of Ngaleikchaung Bridge Public Works, one Air- NAY PYI TAW, 3 March—An Director U Than Win of Nay Pyi Taw After that, he in-
between mile post Nos. port Group, one Building educative talks on fire prevention was Fire Services Department and Assistant spected maintenance of
9 / 4 a n d Group, four Road held at Myawady fuel filling station Director Yethura Thawdar gave talks Sarkyinchaung Bridge on
9/5, which has been con- Groups, two Bridge No.010 in Zabuthiri Township, Nay on fire prevention. After that, a fire drill Labutta-Thingangyi
structed by Khitthit Groups and 14 compa- Pyi Taw District yesterday. Deputy was carried out.—MNA Pyinsalu road.—MNA

48th Myanma Gems

Emporium to take place…
(from page 6) jade lots; that he noticed
The Myanmar that more gems and jade
Gems Entrepreneurs As- lots were sold at the em-
sociation and the poriums held in Nay Pyi
Myanam Gems Enter- Taw; that the association
prise is now working had over 3300 members;
closely for successful and that at the emporium,
completion of the 48th Central Executive Com-
Myanma Gems Empo- mittee members and ex-
rium. Secretary-1 of the ecutives would supervise
Myanmar Gems Entre- the tasks alternately.
preneurs Association U Respective sub-
San Myo said that the committees are taking all
association had formed possible measures for con-
respective committees venience of foreign mer-
and tasks were being car- chants at the second em-
ried out subcommittee- porium. Over 500 gem
wise; that the association companies will take part
would organize Jewel- in the emporium. The
lery Show on the open- emporium is expected to
ing day and the follow- drawn attention from
ing day; that they had about 4000 foreign mer-
formed a supervisory chants from 20 foreign
team to examine and ac- countries and over 3000 of Saloons and Vans dur- In order to pro- Myanma Gems Empo-
Uncut jades for 48th ing the period. In addi- vide health care to gems rium (2010) held in Nay
cept jade lots and they local gems merchants.
were working in coop- For smooth trans- Myanma Gems tion, 16 chartered merchants, a temporary Pyi Taw for the first time
eration with the Myanma port for foreign merchants, Emporium on airplanes are ready to clinic will be opened led was more successful
Gems Enterprise in ar- Bandoola Transportation transport the gems by a specialist and two than expected and
display. merchants to the empo- nurses (including an am- greater number of jade
ranging and weighing will run 150 Parami taxies
rium through Guanzhou bulance). To ensure lots was sold there.
of the People’s Republic smooth communication, Foreign gems
of China. For accommo- two interpreters (Chinese merchants purchased
dation security, about language) will be ap- record number of gems
1600 rooms of 24 hotels pointed for the empo- lots at the emporium
in Nay Pyi Taw have been rium. And there will be which was the first in
booked. Hotels and mo- an information counter Nay Pyi Taw, and wit-
tels are making arrange- to inform the merchants. nessed development of
ments to provide fresh and In compliance Nay Pyi Taw. Foreign
hygienic meals for for- with the guidance of the merchants are reported
eign merchants. Head of State “the to attend the 48th
The Myanma Myanmar’s gems market Myanma Gems Empo-
Airways International must be in Myanmar”, rium with great interest.
and private airlines will gems emporiums are be- Overall, the second em-
set up air ticking centres ing held with innovations, porium will be held on a
for flights between and more and more grander scale than the
Yangon and foreign success is being achieved first emporium.
countries. gradually. The Mid-Year Translation: MS

4-3-2011 NL.pmd 7 3/4/2011, 5:57 AM

8 THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Friday, 4 March, 2011

First regular session of

Pyithu Hluttaw
Pyithu Hluttaw…
Speaker Thura U
(from page 1)
(3) discovering defects in the way of spend- Shwe Mann explain-
ing budgets which should be dissemi-
nated to the department and enterprise ing matters related to
(4) budgets asked by the Ministry of Finance formation of Public
and Revenue to submit to Pyidaungsu
Accounts Committee.
(d) shall scrutinize accounts to be carried out in MNA
compliance with the order of the Union Presi-
dent regarding economic enterprises of the
Union Government as well as the Union Audi-
(5) What a committee member says or does and speakers to hold discussions.
tor-General’s report on the accounts.
discussions at a committee meeting shall not be (4) Committee members:
(e) shall scrutinize the Union Auditor-General’s
leaked out. All the discussions held in committee (a) have the freedom of speech and the right to
reports on an account examined under the
meetings shall be recorded and approved by the vote subject to the provisions of the State
order of the Union President, stocks of stored
committee. Meeting minutes shall not be handed Constitution of the Republic of the Union of
goods, and the Union Auditor-General’s re-
out. A copy of the report to Pyithu Hluttaw shall be Myanmar and Pyithu Hluttaw Laws.
ports on examination of the goods.
dispatched to Hluttaw Office in order that the case (b) have the rights to be members of in maximum
(2) Regarding matters the committee shall examine,
can be kept in the case file together with meeting two hluttaw committees of Pyithu Hluttaw.
the committee:
minutes. (c) have the right to submit resignation letters to the
(a) shall scrutinize as necessary matters assigned
Powers of the committee are: Pyithu Hluttaw Speaker with sound reasons.
(1) Committee meetings shall be held in accord with Privileges and rights of a committee member
the provisions of Rule (50) of Pyithu Hluttaw (1) Committee members, being Pyithu Hluttaw repre-
Rules. sentatives, have the right to enjoy relevant privi-
(2) Regarding the committee’s submission of a report: leges described in law on allowance and expense as
(a) The committee chairman or the secretary (when well as privileges granted by the Government of the
the chairman is away), or a member (when the Union of Myanmar while they are at the committee
chairman and the secretary are away) shall head office or on a duty trip to carry out functions
submit the committee’s report to Pyithu of the committee or to attend committee meeting.
Hluttaw. (2) Committee members—
(b) In the process, committee members shall put (a) shall not be taken action against other laws except
their signatures on the report to show their under Pyithu Hluttaw Law regarding discussion
approval. If there is an exception or difference, held at committee meetings,
they may attach exceptions and differences to (b) shall not be arrested while the committee is in
the report with their signatures. session without the prior approval of the Pyithu
(c) After submission of the report, on the day that Hluttaw Speaker through the head of the organi-
is not four days earlier and not 10 days later zation concerned,
Pyithu Hluttaw representatives signing in than the day designated by the Pyithu Hluttaw (c) shall, if he is arrested under a crime, have the right
attendance book. Speaker, the committee chairman or the secre- to attend committee meetings with the approval
MNA tary (when the chairman is away), or a member of the Pyithu Hluttaw Speaker, until a verdict is
(when the chairman and the secretary are delivered against him.
by the Pyithu Hluttaw Speaker according to the away) shall submit the report for discussion. Afterwards, names of persons to be included in
information from Union Hluttaw, and submit (d) Pyithu Hluttaw representatives have no power Public Accounts Committee were announced and the
its findings and remarks to Pyidaungsu Hluttaw to amend the report. session was adjourned for discussion with Pyithu Hluttaw
through Pyithu Hluttaw, (e) After discussing the report, the committee representatives who are joining the committee.
(b) shall scrutinize as necessary matters assigned chairman or the secretary (when the chairman When the session was resumed, the Pyithu
by the Pyithu Hluttaw Speaker according to the is away), or a member (when the chairman and Hluttaw Speaker submitted nomination of suitable
resolution passed by Pyithu Hluttaw, and sub- the secretary are away) shall submit the report numbers of members of committee, committee mem-
mit its findings and remarks to Pyithu Hluttaw to Pyithu Hluttaw for approval. bers, chairman and secretary for formation of Public
session, (3) If the matters to be undertaken by the committee Accounts Committee to Pyithu Hluttaw in accord with
(c) shall scrutinize as necessary matters assigned and Amyotha Hluttaw Public Accounts Committee Section 21 of Pyithu Hluttaw Law and Rules 33 and 47
by Pyithu Hluttaw having decided to do so are similar to each other, the committee shall of Pyithu Hluttaw Rule.
according to the report by a Pyithu Hluttaw submit the matters to Pyithu Hluttaw for hluttaw (See page 9)
member, and submit its findings and remarks
to Pyithu Hluttaw session.
(d) may invite experienced officials in coordina-
tion with the departments and organizations
concerned for advice.
(3) In general, in scrutinizing matters under the respon-
sibilities mentioned in para (a) and para (b), the
(a) does not need to ascertain support regarding
tabling motions and submitting suggestions.
(b) Committee members have the right to hold
discussions more than one time in a matter.
(4) Committee members, when assigned duties by the
Pyithu Hluttaw Speaker, shall serve as members of
the combined Public Accounts Committee formed
with the approval of the Pyidaungsu Hluttaw
Speaker. Pyithu Hluttaw representatives arriving at Pyithu Hluttaw hall.—MNA

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THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Friday, 4 March, 2011 9
the information from Pyidaungsu Hluttaw, and
submit its findings and remarks to Pyidaungsu
Hluttaw through Amyotha Hluttaw,
Amyotha Hluttaw
(b) shall scrutinize as necessary matters assigned
by the Amyotha Hluttaw Speaker according to
Speaker U Khin the resolution passed by Amyotha Hluttaw,
and submit its findings and remarks to Amyotha
Aung Myint explain- Hluttaw session,
(c) shall scrutinize as necessary matters assigned
ing matters related to by Amyotha Hluttaw having decided to do so
according to the report by an Amyotha Hluttaw
representative, and submit its findings and
formation of Public remarks to Amyotha Hluttaw session,
(d) may invite experienced officials in coordina-
Accounts Committee. tion with the departments and organizations
concerned for advice.
MNA (3) In general, in scrutinizing matters under the respon-
sibilities mentioned in para (a) and para (b), the
order of the Union President, stocks of stored (a) does not need to ascertain support regarding
First regular session of goods, and the Union Auditor-General’s reports tabling motions and submitting suggestions.
(b) Committee members have the right to hold
Amyotha Hluttaw… on examination of the goods.
discussions more than one time in a matter.
(2) Regarding matters to be vetted by the committee,
(from page 16) (4) Committee members, when assigned duties by the
the committee:
(2)spending an approved budget under an- Amyotha Hluttaw Speaker, shall serve as members
(a) shall scrutinize as necessary matters assigned
other heading which is not consistent with of the combined Public Accounts Committee
by the Amyotha Hluttaw Speaker according to
the rules promulgated by the Ministry of
Finance and Revenue,
(3)discovering defects in the way of spending Amyotha Hluttaw
budgets which should be disseminated to
the department and enterprise concerned, representatives
(4) budgets asked by the Ministry of Finance
and Revenue to submit to Pyidaungsu
signing attendance
(d) shall scrutinize accounts to be carried out in
compliance with the order of the Union Presi- book.
dent regarding economic enterprises of the
Union Government as well as the Union Audi- MNA
tor-General’s report on the accounts.
(e) shall scrutinize the Union Auditor-General’s
reports on an account examined under the
formed with the approval of the Pyidaungsu
(5) What a committee member says or does and dis-
Amyotha Hluttaw cussions at a committee meeting shall not be leaked
out. All the discussions held in committee meetings
shall be recorded and approved by the committee.
arriving at Meeting minutes shall not be handed out. A copy
of the report to Amyotha Hluttaw shall be dispatched
Amyotha Hluttaw to Hluttaw Office in order that the case can be kept
in the case file together with meeting minutes.
Hall. Powers of the committee are:
(1) Committee meetings shall be held in line with the
provisions of Rule (50) of Amyotha Hluttaw Rules.
(2) Regarding the committee’s submission of a report:
stituency (a) The committee chairman or the secretary (when
First regular session of (11) U Hauk Khant Man Taunzan Constituency the chairman is away), or a member (when the
(12) U Aung Lin Hlaing Bokpyin Constituency chairman and the secretary are away) shall submit
Pyithu Hluttaw… (13) Dr Win Myint Hline Constituency the committee’s report to Amyotha Hluttaw.
(from page 8) (14) Daw Mi Yin Chan Kyaikmaraw (b) In the process, committee members shall put
The committee will be formed with 15 members Constituency their signatures on the report to show their
who are— (15) U Moe Zaw Hein Katha Constituency approval. However, if there is an exception or
(1) U Sai Thiha Kyaw Mongyai Constituency U Thurein Zaw of Kawkareik Constituency will be difference, they may attach exceptions and
(2) U Mahn Maung Pantanaw appointed as the committee chairman and differences to the report with their signatures.
Maung Nyan Constituency U Maung Toe of Minhla Constituency as the secretary. (c) After submission of the report, on the day that
(3) Daw Tin Nwe Oo North Dagon Next, the Pyithu Hluttaw Speaker sought approval is not four days earlier and not 10 days later
Constituency for numbers and names of the committee members, and than the day designated by the Amyotha
(4) U Khun Maung Thaung Pinlaung Constituency the chairman and secretary, duties, powers and rights of Hluttaw Speaker, the committee chairman or
(5) U Khun Lane Falam Constituency the committee from Pyithu Hluttaw and then announced the secretary (when the chairman is away), or
(6) U Thurein Zaw Kawkareik Constituency the approval. a member (when the chairman and the
(7) U Maung Toe Minhla Constituency Afterwards, the Pyithu Hluttaw Speaker announced secretary are away) shall submit the report for
(8) U Soe Myint Nyaunglebin the third day regular session of First Pyithu Hluttaw discussion.
Constituency ended and the fourth day regular session of the Hluttaw (d) Amyotha Hluttaw representatives have no
(9) U Kyi Tha Gwa Constituency would be held at 10 am tomorrow. power to amend the report.
(10) U Aung Mya Than Nyaungdon Con- The session came to an end at 11.10 am.—MNA (See page 10)

4-3-2011 NL.pmd 9 3/4/2011, 5:57 AM

10 THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Friday, 4 March, 2011
First regular session of
Amyotha Hluttaw…
Objectives of the 66th Anniversary Armed Forces Day
(from page 9) 1. To work in concert with the people for further burgeoning the eternal principles namely
(e) After discussing the report, the committee justice, liberty and equality
chairman or the secretary (when the chair- 2. To participate in the leading role of State’s national politics hand in hand with the people
man is away), or a member (when the
chairman and the secretary are away) shall 3. To crush internal and external subversives, who are disrupting State stability, peace and
submit the report to Amyotha Hluttaw for development, in collaboration with the people
approval. 4. To build a strong, competent and modern patriotic Tatmadaw to safeguard Our Three
(3) If the matters to be undertaken by the committee and Main National Causes
Pyithu Hluttaw Public Accounts Committee are
similar to each other, the committee shall submit the approval of the Amyotha Hluttaw Speaker, until Constituency (9)
matters to Amyotha Hluttaw for hluttaw speakers to a verdict is delivered against him. (9) U Moe Myint Taninthayi Region
hold discussions. Afterwards, names of persons to be included in Constituency (7)
(4) Committee members: Public Accounts Committee were announced and the (10) Daw Cho Nwe Oo Bago Region
(a) have the freedom of speech and the right to vote session was adjourned for discussion with Amyotha Constituency (7)
subject to the provisions of the State Constitution Hluttaw representatives who are joining the committee. (11) U Aung Tun Magway Region
of the Republic of the Union of Myanmar and When the session was resumed, the Amyotha Constituency (11)
Amyotha Hluttaw Laws. Hluttaw Speaker submitted nomination of suitable num- (12) Daw Khin Waing Kyi Yangon Region
(b) have the rights to be members of in maximum bers of members of committee, committee members, Constituency (1)
two hluttaw committees of Amyotha Hluttaw. chairman and secretary for formation of Public Accounts (13) U Khin Maung Yi Ayeyawady Region
(c) have the right to submit resignation letters to the Committee to Amyotha Hluttaw in accord with Section Constituency (6)
Amyotha Hluttaw Speaker with sound reasons. 21 of Amyotha Hluttaw Law and Rules 33 and 47 of (14) U Khin Maung Rakhine State
Privileges and rights of a committee member Amyotha Hluttaw Rule. Constituency (3)
(1) Committee members, being Amyotha Hluttaw repre- The committee will be formed with 15 members (15) U Shu Maung Shan State
sentatives, have the right to enjoy relevant privileges who are— Constituency (8)
described in law on allowance and expense as well as (1) U Bran Shaung Kachin State U Aung Tun of Magway Region Constituency
privileges granted by the Union Government while Constituency (3) (11) will be assigned as the committee chairman and
they are at the committee head office or on a duty trip (2) U Sa Ye Kayah State U Khin Maung Aye of Sagaing Region Constituency
to carry out functions of the committee or to attend Constituency (6) (7) as the secretary.
committee meeting. (3) U Saw Tun Mya Aung Kayin State Next, the Amyotha Hluttaw Speaker sought
(2) Committee members— Constituency (5) approval for numbers and names of the committee
(a) shall not be taken action against other laws (4) U Zon Hle Htan Chin State members, and the chairman and secretary, duties,
except under Amyotha Hluttaw Law regarding Constituency (2) powers and rights of the committee from Amyotha
discussion held at committee meetings, (5) U Steven Tharbeik Chin State Hluttaw and then announced the approval.
(b) shall not be arrested while the committee is in Constituency (4) Afterwards, the Amyotha Hluttaw Speaker announced
session without the prior approval of the (6) Daw Yi Yi Myint Mon State the third-day regular session of First Amyotha Hluttaw
Amyotha Hluttaw Speaker through the head of Constituency (1) ended and the fourth-day regular session of the Hluttaw
the organization concerned, (7) U Khin Maung Aye Sagaing Region would be held at 10 am tomorrow.
(c) shall, if he is arrested under a crime, have the Constituency (7) The session came to an end at 11.10 am.
right to attend committee meetings with the (8) U Thein Win Sagaing Region MNA

First regular sessions of Region and State Hluttaws held

Approval sought for number of committee members, nomination of
chairpersons, secretaries and members, and duties, powers and rights
of the bill committees and national races affairs committees
NAY PYI TAW, 3 March—The first regular number of committee members, nomination of It is learnt that formation of bill committees and
sessions of the Region and State Hluttaws were chairpersons, secretaries and members, and duties, national races affairs committees in the first regular
simultaneously held in respective regions and powers and rights of the bill committee and national sessions of Region and State Hluttaws were carried
states at 10 am today. races affairs committee submitted to respective out in accord with Article 67 of the Constitution of the
At the sessions, speakers of respective Hluttaws. As there was no objection, speakers of Republic of the Union of Myanmar or prescriptions in
Region and State Hluttaws sought approval for respective Hluttaws announced the approval. Region or State Hluttaw Rule 62.—MNA

Lifestyles Motors & Bike Show 2011 in Mandalay Meeting on Prevention of mother-to-child
YANGON, 3 March— wears, foodstuffs, No 78 in Kyeikkasan HIV transmission held
Entrepreneurs who are furniture, gas cooker Street, Tamwe Township, N AY P YI T AW , 3 mother-to-child HIV Head of township Health
organizing Lifestyles accessories, generators & Yangon, (Ph: 09-49 March—Organized by transmission was held at Department Dr Aung
Motors & Bike Show 2011 transformers, hospitals, 256048, 09-5123345) or Mongton Township the Health Department in Myint Oo extended
to be held from 24 to 27 medical equipment & U Min Aung (Super Health Department, the Kyaukme District of Shan greetings and leader of the
March in Mandalay met medicines as well as Power) (Ph: 01-704814, work coordination State (North) this morning. group of eradication of
at Chatrium Hotel on motors industry, car 09-5004523.—MNA meeting on prevention of After township HIV/AIDS Dr Nan Yi
Natmauk Road here this wheels, tyres, tubes, car Chairman U Kyaw Zin had Hlaing Oo explained
morning. spare parts at the spoken on the occasion, purpose of holding the
Over 100 booths will exhibition whose logo KNU’s mine wounds one civilian meeting.
display cosmetics, was sponsored by village, around 8 am
It was also attended
computer & mobile Mobile Mother Phone & N AY P YI T AW , 3 Bago Region, on his way yesterday. He lost his calf by departmental officials,
accessories, building Accessories. Those March—Maung Soe to cut woods with five in the incident and was members of social
materials, cable & wire, willing to sponsor logo to Htaik (a) Lalu residing at companions, stepped a rushed to Toungoo organizations and
construction materials, the exhibition may contact Thahtaygon Village in mine planted by KNU People’s Hospital by townselders. Knowledge
education services, U Than Htwe (Chairman), Zayatgyi Village-tract, insurgents in the wood, authorities concerned for on HIV/AIDS will be
electronics, fashion MGB Business Group, Htantabin Township, about two miles from the treatment.—MNA disseminated. —MNA

4-3-2011 NL.pmd 10 3/4/2011, 5:57 AM

THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Friday, 4 March, 2011 11

Japan to launch newest French Air Force Mirage

bullet train 2000 jet fighter apparently
BEIJING, 3 March— Japan is to launch its next crashes
generation of bullet train for the first time in 14 PARIS, 3 March— A French Air Force Mirage
years. The new aero-dynamic train will be the 2000 jet fighter apparently crashed in central France
fastest in the nation at an operating speed of 300 during a training flight, the government said
kilometres per hour. Wednesday. According to a statement from the
This still falls short of China’s Harmony Express, Defence Ministry, the Mirage 2000 disappeared
a cross-country rapid transit which travels at a from radar screens around 9:20 pm on Tuesday
maximum 350 kilometre-per-hour. over central France, with a pilot and a navigator
The new high speed train will service the newly conducting a low-alitude night flying mission.
opened Tohoku line to the city of Aomori, some Military officials said that a water-filled crater
713 kilometres north of Tokyo. A person visits the furniture museum in Wuhai
with some metal debris in it was found Wednesday
Its first class service offers customers free and morning near where the jet disappeared but there
City, north China’s Inner Mongolia
unlimited alcoholic drinks and light meals. The was no news about the two men aboard the fighter.
service also boasts genuine leather seats with Autonomous Region, on 2 March, 2011. A spokesman for the French army’s public
personal reading lights and leg-rests. information service said the worst was expected.
Local authorities dispatched rescuers to conduct
a search that was also joined by army helicopters.
Pirated Danish yacht, family anchor near Somalia However, harsh weather conditions and thick fog
NAIROBI, 3 March—A Danish family kidnapped by pirates in the night, forced a suspension of the search, the
has reached the shore of Somalia, officials and a pirate said statement added.—Xinhua
Wednesday, likely meaning a long hostage ordeal for the couple
and their three teenage children who were abducted while
yachting around the world.
A Somali pirate had warned that if any attempt was made to
rescue them, they would meet the same fate as the four American
yachters slain by their pirate captors last week. Any chance of a
quick rescue seemed to disappear Wednesday.
The sailboat being piloted by Jan Quist Johansen, his wife
and their three children, ages 12 to 16, anchored near the coastal
village of Hafun late Tuesday, said Yusuf Abdullahi Sanyare, the
commissioner of Hafun, which lies on Somalia’s northern tip.
Abdiaziz Mohamud Yusuf, the spokesman for a community
group called the Puntland Peacemakers, told The Associated In this 8 April, 2009 file photo, people take photos
Press that the family has been taken on land. of a bronze statue of Japanese Akita dog ‘Hachi’
However, a Somali pirate who gave his name as Muse Abdi during the 74th memorial service for the dog,
intimately called Hachiko, in front of Shibuya
said the family was transferred to another, larger pirated ship.
railway station in Tokyo. He was rumoured to have
“They are safe. They were just transferred from the boat to
swallowed a chicken skewer that ruptured his
Map shows last known location of the big ship,” said Abdi, who has provided reliable information
stomach. But veterinarians examining his innards
family. in the past. “They have been added to other nationals in another said Wednesday, that Hachiko had terminal
INTERNET ship to avoid any possible attack.”—Internet cancer.—INTERNET
Magnitude-6.2 earthquake 123456789012
11 Filipinos buried in building in NZ presumed dead
123456789012 MANILA, 3 March — The 11 Filipinos who were trapped under the rubble
shakes Panama, Colombia Yellow and green of the CTV building in Christchurch, New Zealand have been “presumed”
dead, Philippines’ Acting Foreign Affairs Secretary Alberto del Rosario said
border fields, woven into Thursday. Del Rosario said New Zealand Foreign Minister Murray McCully
P ANAMA C ITY , 3 Director of the Civil on Wednesday talked to him over the phone “to convey his government’ s
each other, spread condolences to the families of the deceased.”
March — An earthquake Protection National
measuring 6.2 degrees System Arturo Alvarado like a woolen carpet. Among those missing were Jesse Lloyd Redoble, John Christopher Chua,
at Richter scale on said that the earthquake Ezra Mae Medalle, Emmabel Anova, Jewel Francisco, Ivy Jane Cabunillas,
Wednesday shook the was felt from Darien 123456789012
INTERNET Mary Louise Anne Amantillo, Valquin Bensurto, Rhea Mae Sumalpong,
border between Panama Province in Panama to 123456789012
Erica Nora and Lalaine Agatep. The Department of Foreign Affairs is
and Colombia, the Chorrera District in the 123456789012
currently helping the families of the victims to go to New Zealand by
Geosciences Institute of west zone of Panama facilitating their passports and visas.—Xinhua
Panama’s University City. Somali pirates release
said. On Monday, an
The earthquake had earthquake of magni- 20 Filipino seafarers
its epicentre in the tude-4.5 struck Bocas del MANILA, 3 March — The 20 Filipino seafarers
Colombian northern Toro Province in the who were abducted by Somali pirates five months
coast and it was northwest of Panama, ago were released last weekend, local media
registered at 1:50 pm without report of any Philippine Daily Inquirer reported.
local time (1850 GMT), casualties or damages. The Inquirer reported that the Philippine
with a depth of 35 Embassy in Kenya is already making arrangements
The Panamanian aut-
kilometres. for the repatriation of seafarers.
horities have suggested
According to the The seamen were crew members of the
that people take neces- Panamanian-flagged cargo vessel MV Isumi, which
institute, the earthquake
did not cause any sary precaution for more was hijacked by Somali pirates off the coast of
casualties or material earthquakes. Kenya last 10 October.
damages. Xinhua Xinhua

4-3-2011 NL.pmd 11 3/4/2011, 5:57 AM

12 THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Friday, 4 March, 2011

Do you want to know Myanmar? China to launch first space lab by 2016
BEIJING, 3 March —A Chinese senior space technology expert said Thursday
Read “The Golden Land of Myanmar” that China is expected to launch its first space laboratory before 2016.
“With the technological program ready, the lab’s research and development
by Thura Myint Maung are going smoothly,” Qi Faren, former chief designer of Shenzhou spaceships,
told Xinhua in an exclusive interview.
You will actually satisfied with it. As the second phase of China’s manned space program, the lab, likely to be
named Tiangong-2, will gradually be developed into the core module or
Distribution: experiment module, said Qi.
Pa Day Tha Ra Za Book Village China is to launch its first unmanned space module, Tiangong-1, or Heavenly
Kaba Aye, YANGON Palace, in the second half of 2011, serving as a platform for spacecraft to
rendezvous and dock — allowing for the building of the space station.
Ph: 01-665360 Xinhua


Consignees of cargo carried on MV VOGE MAJA Consignees of cargo carried on MV HAL AD- Consignees of cargo carried on MV PAN BLESS
VOY NO ( ) are hereby notified that the vessel will MIRALTY VOY NO (019) are hereby notified that VOY NO (-) are hereby notified that the vessel will
be arriving on 4.3.2011 and cargo will be discharged the vessel will be arriving on 4.3.2011 and cargo will be arriving on 4.3.2011 and cargo will be dis-
into the premises of S.P.W(5) where it will lie at the be discharged into the premises of M.I.P where it will charged into the premises of M.I.T.T where it will lie
consignee’s risk and expenses and subject to the lie at the consignee’s risk and expenses and subject at the consignee’s risk and expenses and subject to
byelaws and conditions of the Port of Yangon. to the byelaws and conditions of the Port of Yangon. the byelaws and conditions of the Port of Yangon.
Damaged cargo will be surveyed daily from 8 Damaged cargo will be surveyed daily from 8 Damaged cargo will be surveyed daily from 8
am to 11:20 am and 12 noon to 4 pm to Claims Day am to 11:20 am and 12 noon to 4 pm to Claims Day
am to 11:20 am and 12 noon to 4 pm to Claims Day
now declared as the third day after final discharge of now declared as the third day after final discharge of
cargo from the Vessel. cargo from the Vessel. now declared as the third day after final discharge
No claims against this vessel will be admitted No claims against this vessel will be admitted of cargo from the Vessel.
after the Claims Day. after the Claims Day. No claims against this vessel will be admitted
after the Claims Day.
Phone No: 256916/256919/256921 Phone No: 256908/378316/376797 Phone No: 256924/256914

Nanoscope breaks small item record Alien invasion hoax fooled

LONDON, 3 March — Scientists may
soon be able to watch viruses in action
nanoscope” is capable of examining
objects as small as 50 nanometres across
MoD, archive papers reveal
for the first time using the world’s most — 20 times smaller than the present limit LONDON, 3 March — A “war of the worlds” rag
powerful optical microscope. British re- for optical microscopes of around one week hoax by aircraft engineering apprentices was
searchers from the University of Man- micrometre, or 0.001 millimetres. treated as a real alien invasion of Britain — for a
chester helped develop the instrument, Theoretically the microscope should few hours at least, according to newly released Min-
A medical worker
which has broken all records for mag- allow scientists to look at tiny details in- istry of Defence files. The army’s southern com-
explains a family
nifying small objects using ordinary side cells and even “live” viruses. Elec- mand, four police forces, bomb disposal units, RAF
planning method using
white light. The “microsphere helicopters and the MoD’s intelligence branch were
tron microscopes, which use a focused the Intra Uterine
beam of electrons instead of light, can device (IUD) to all mobilised in the early hours of Monday 4 Sep-
image extremely small objects but have housewives in a local tember 1967 to meet the threat.
limitations. Either they are designed government health
only to view surface details, or they centre in Navotas,
require extremely thin specimen Metro Manila on 3
sections, making it difficult to image fine March, 2011.
biological structures.—Internet INTERNET

Chinese shares open slightly higher

BEIJING, 3 March — Chinese shares opened higher on Thursday
Scientists have developed a micro- with the benchmark Shanghai Composite Index up 0.17 percent
A etch of UFO in Scotland, newly released by
scope which has broken all records to 2,918.73.
the National Archives.— INTERNET
for magnifying small objects using The Shenzhen Component Index edged up 0.07 percent at
ordinary white light.— INTERNET the opening to 12,889.23. —Xinhua
They went into action after the police and RAF
China trains army of messenger were flooded with calls from the public reporting
the discovery of six small “flying saucers” in loca-
pigeons tions in a perfect line across southern England from
BEIJING, 3 March — China is training 10,000 Sheppey to the Bristol Channel. It was not until a
messenger pigeons to deliver vital military commu- Scotland Yard bomb disposal squad with orders to
nications in the event of the country’s communica- check one of the objects with portable X-ray equip-
tion systems breaking down. According to the Chi- ment arrived at Bromley police station, south Lon-
nese state media, the pigeons are being trained by a don, that the hoax was uncovered — the Ever Ready
special unit of the People’s Liberation Army in the batteries were a bit of a giveaway.—Internet
central city of Chengdu. “They will be primarily
called upon to conduct special military missions A garbage collector transports monitors and
between troops stationed at our borders,” said Chen computers for recycling on a bicycle on a street
Hong, an air force expert, to China Central Television in Hanoi on 3 March, 2011.
(CCTV), the state broadcaster.—Internet INTERNET

4-3-2011 NL.pmd 12 3/4/2011, 5:57 AM

THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Friday, 4 March, 2011 13
Photo taken on 2 March,
2011 shows a piece of
California woman sues after slipping
bizarre stone displayed at
a stone showroom in
on banana peel
Anshun, southwest A banana peel, the Firm in Ventura, California, were a popular street food
China’s Guizhou torment of many a cartoon which is representing her. in American cities and the
Province. Guizhou, with character, has allegedly Mikolaj said the 99 press portrayed them as a
a typical subtropical become the real-life Cents Only store in public nuisance.
monsoon climate, is
61-year-old Turk
downfall of a woman in Fontana, California, refused In 1879, Harper’s Mehmet has an 8.8cm
located in the center of
California. Ida Valentine, a proposed settlement of Weekly groused that
eastern Asian karst areas, long nose, which is
which contributes to it 58, is suing the 99 Cents $44,000. Executives from “whosoever throws
the longest nose in the
rich natural stone Only store where she the company, a deep- banana skins on the
slipped on one last April. discount retailer with sidewalk does a great world. He was named
She said that she hundreds of stores in unkindness to the public, the man with longest
Calif woman survives suffered a herniated disk western states, were not and is quite likely to be nose by the Guinness
and tissue damage, spent immediately available for responsible for a broken World Records
35-mile ride on minivan hood $9,000 on medical bills and comment. The image in limb.” recently.
The woman desperately gripped a windshield is seeking an unspecified popular culture of an
wiper blade, her body splayed across the hood of the amount in damages. “She unwary pedestrian tripping WWII-era letter from Ala
minivan as it raced down a Northern California freeway fell and landed on her head over heels on a banana
in the middle of the night, reaching 100 mph, witnesses backside,” said Courtney peel stems from the late gets delivered in Calif
said. Mikolaj of the Quirk Law 19th century, when bananas A World War II-era letter addressed to a woman
With the temperature hovering in the low 30s, at a Red Cross hospital in California has been
Christopher Michael Carroll drove 35 miles from delivered nearly 70 years after its postmark in
Manteca to nearby Pleasanton on Saturday with his Alabama, but the mystery of the message remains.
wife clinging to the hood, prompting 911 calls from at The letter is addressed to Miss RT Fletcher,
least two alarmed witnesses, police said. American Red Cross Station Hospital, Camp
Carroll, 36, was being held without bail Wednesday Roberts, Calif. That building was torn down years
at the San Joaquin County Jail on charges of attempted ago. Women who worked at the hospital were
murder, kidnapping and domestic assault, according typically nurses or administrative clerks.
to sheriff’s department records. Carroll got into the Camp Roberts was closed in 1970, so the letter
family’s minivan around 12:30 am Saturday after he was delivered to the Camp Roberts Historical
and his wife had an argument at their Manteca home, Museum. Curator Gary McMaster says he hasn’t
said police spokesman Rex Osborn. opened the letter for privacy reasons. The envelope
is torn where the return address would be located,
News Album Craziest job in the world: crocodile wrestler
so it’s not clear who sent it. But the tear reveals a
handwritten letter inside.

Justin Bieber, Selena Gomez A model presents new

Lady Gaga
confirm romance creation at the Fall- makes
Winter 2011/2012
suit with a red pocket handkerchief.
women’s ready-to-wear
catwalk debut
Previously when Justin was asked BEIJING, 3 March—
about his feelings for the “Wizards of fashion collection for Lady Gaga hits the
Waverly Place” actress, he said, “I fashion house Thierry headlines again by making
think anyone would be lucky to date Mugler during Paris her catwalk debut
her. She’s a great person. I like girls Wednesday at designer
Fashion Week on Thierry Mugler’s show
with nice, pretty eyes and a nice smile.
2 March, 2011. during Paris Fashion
I like girls that are funny because I like
XINHUA Week, according to AP
to laugh and joke around.”—Xinhua reports. The singer
Singers Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez announced on Twitter,
arrive at the 2011 Vanity Fair Oscar
party in West Hollywood, California on
Richards daughter arraigned in Lady Gaga shows a
“I’m making my debut as
a runway model, walking
creation as part of
27 Feb, 2011.—XINHUA drug, graffiti case Thierry Mugler Fall-
NEW YORK, 3 March—The daughter of Rolling Stones rocker Winter ready-to-wear
BEIJING, 3 March—Justin Bieber Lady Gaga rocked the
Keith Richards was arraigned Wednesday on drug and graffiti 2012 fashion show not for her eccentric
and Selena Gomez seemingly charges after patrol officers said they saw her painting graffiti on the
collection presented meat dress or futuristic egg
confirmed their relationship by side of a New York City building.
in Paris, on but for her confidence and
showing up together at the Vanity Fair Theodora Richards, 25, was released without bail after her sex appeal.
Oscars after-party on Monday, 2 March, 2011.
arraignment. She didn’t enter a plea or speak to reporters as she left She hit the runway
according to media reports. XINHUA wearing a beret, two
the courtroom.
The teen pop sensation and the According to the criminal pigtails, a dazzling
singer-and-actress have been rum- complaint, officers noticed the model diamond necklace, and
oured to be dating since November drawing a small “T (heart) A” in red ink towering boots. It seems
last year and been spotted together that Mugler is perhaps the
on the side of a building that houses a
several times. perfect line for Lady Gaga
convent in the swank Soho section of as its Gothic aesthetic fits
But the low-profile couple denied Manhattan on Tuesday night.—Internet
the romance rumours ever since and it her style. Although Lady
Gaga didn’t sing herself
is the first time that they made a public In this file photo of 11 May, 2010,
during the show, some of
appearance together. Theodora Richards, attends a her new songs, such as
The pair even matched their outfits screening of the documentary “Born This Way” and
for the party, with 18-year-old Selena ‘Stones In Exhile’ at The Museum “Government Hooker”,
wearing a floor-length red dress and of Modern Art in New York. were played out in the
17-year-old Justin dressed in a black INTERNET background.—Xinhua

4-3-2011 NL.pmd 13 3/4/2011, 5:57 AM

14 THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Friday, 4 March, 2011
Sweet revenge for Magath as Man City ease past Wenger focuses on title after
Bayern exit Cup second-string Villa in FA Cup FA Cup romp
Royal Blues will face sec- MANCHESTER, 3 March Villa on Wednesday in FA Cup on Wednesday.
ond-division MSV — Roberto Mancini be- their FA Cup fifth round The Gunners were the
Duisburg in the final at lieves Manchester City clash. The Manchester beneficiaries of Chel-
Berlin’s Olympic Stadium are still to see the best
City manager questioned sea’s win over
on 21 May. from Mario Balotelli, de-
the Italian striker’s work- Manchester United on
This is Bayern’s sec- spite seeing his striker go
rate and demanded he do Tuesday, as their game
ond straight home defeat some way to answering more ahead of the match. Arsenal’s Nicklas Bendt- in hand and meeting
Former Bayern handler
and pressure is mounting his calls with an eye- Balotelli, who cost ner (left) celebrates with Sir Alex Ferguson’s
Felix Magath
on coach Louis van Gaal catching performance in £24million, has been strug- scoring with teammate team mean their destiny
BERLIN, 3 March — An- with signs demanding the 3-0 victory over Aston
gling with a knee problem Ma-rouane Chamakh. is in their own hands.
other piece of silverware ‘Van Gaal out!’ seen and had threatened to earn INTERNET “For us, it keeps us
slipped from Bayern Mu- around the stadium. more yellow cards than LONDON, 3 March — even better in the race,”
nich’s grasp on Wednes- The picture is now goals since his arrival from Arsenal manager Wenger said.
day as the holders were much bleaker exactly a Inter Milan. But after his fine Arsene Wenger turned “I felt anyway, no
dumped out of the German week after the joy of Mu- finish took him into double his attention back to the matter what happened
Cup after a 1-0 semi-final nich’s 1-0 win at Inter figures for the season, English Premier League (in United’s clash),
home defeat to Schalke 04, Milan in the first leg of the Manchester City’s Mario Mancini said: “Mario title race immediately whether it was a draw,
coached by former Bayern Champions League Balotelli celebrates played well and scored a after defeating Leyton would have been good
boss Felix Magath. Round of 16 clash as scoring during their FA fantastic goal against Orient to seal a place in as well. It just depends
A first-half goal from Bayern are virtually out of Cup match.—INTERNET Villa.—Internet the quarter-finals of the on us.—Internet
Schalke’s veteran Span- the league race and now
iard Raul means the out of the cup.—Internet Chambery’s cup dream dies, Higuain returns to pitch after surgery
Messi downs Valencia as teenagers save PSG MADRID, 3 March —
Real Madrid striker
P ARIS , 3 March — naco, fell behind in the
Barcelona go ten clear Chambery’s French Cup 45th minute at Grenoble’s
Gonzalo Higuain re-
turned to the pitch on
MADRID, 3 March — fairytale came to an end Stade des Alpes when
Wednesday for the first
Argentine sensation on Wednesday when Henry Saivet converted a
time since he underwent
Lionel Messi scored his they were defeated 3-0 left-wing cross from Yves
back surgery in January
27th league goal of the by second tier Angers, Deroff.—Internet Real Madrid striker
to fix a slipped disc, the
season as champions while holders Paris Saint- Gonzalo Higuain
Spanish club said.
Barcelona defeated Germain edged Le Mans
“(Higuain) began a which he will gradually
Valencia 1-0 at the 2-0 in extra time to reach
new stage in his recovery rejoin the squad.”
Mestalla stadium on the semi-finals.
Barcelona’s Argentinian process this morning. Doctors who carried
Wednesday to move ten They were joined later
forward Lionel Messi cel- The striker worked out on out the surgery at Chica-
points clear of rivals Real by Lille, who kept alive
ebrates scoring during the pitch today for the first go’s Northwestern Me-
Madrid at the Spanish their hopes of a domestic
the Spanish league foot time since his surgery and morial Hospital said at the
first division summit. double as the Ligue 1
ball. —INTERNET did ball work,” Real said time that it would take
Messi netted a 76th leaders edged fellow French amateur foot-
in a statement. between 3-4 months for
minute winner as Barce- utes from time slotting in Ligue 1 side Lorient 5-3 ball league CFA2 club
“Higuain will be sub- Higuain to return to com-
lona continued their un- a cross from Adriano to on penalties after the Chambery’s Thomas
jected to diagnostic tests petitive action and up to
beaten away run and put clinch a vital win. match ended 0-0 after ex- Dubard (L) clashes with
in the coming weeks be- a year before he is fully
Real under extra pressure It handed coach Pep tra-time. Angers’ Sebastien
fore starting the stage in recovered.—Internet
to win at home to Malaga Guardiola his first ever Fifth-tier Chambery, Menouard during their
on Thursday. victory at the Mestalla, who had previously elimi- French quarter-final
Ballon D’Or winner which had been the only nated Ligue 1 sides football cup match in
Tennis ace Serena Williams has
Messi had missed several top-flight venue where Sochaux, Brest and Mo- Grenoble.—INTERNET blood clot removed from lung
chances in the first half he had failed to secure
but came good 14 min- three points.—Internet
Omark scores in SO, Oilers Angeles on Monday, said
Williams representative
Celtic beat Rangers as beat Predators 2-1 Nicole Chabot.
EDMONTON, 3 March — Predators 2-1 on Tuesday The 29-year-old
tempers boil over Martin Gerber is filling in night.“He was outstand- American tennis star is-
GLASGOW, 3 March — final whistle, amid shame- just fine for the inured ing. He is the only reason sued a statement on
Celtic’s dreams of a domes- ful scenes at Parkhead. Nikolai Khabibulin. we are talking about a Serena Williams Wednesday that said she
tic treble remain on course An uneventful match Gerber won his the win,” Oilers coach Tom LOS ANGELES, 3 March was at home recovering
as they progressed on turned ugly just after the third straight for Edmon- Renney said, adding that — Serena Williams, a but under strict doctor’s
Wednesday to the Scottish half-hour mark when two ton, stopping 34 shots in some goalies thrive on former world number supervision and with no
Cup quarter-finals with a 1- yellow cards in eight min- regulation and overtime seeing a lot of shots. one and 13-time Grand idea when she might re-
0 win over nine-man Rang- utes saw Steven Whittaker before making two more “I think they love that. Slam singles champion, turn to the sport she once
ers, who also had El-Hadji sent off sparking trouble on saves in a shootout as the I think they would rather is well and was recover- dominated.
Diouf ordered off after the the sidelines with El-Hadji Oilers beat the Nashville have 40 shots than 14. Al- ing at home Wednesday “This has been ex-
Diouf involved in a con- though 30 of those com- after emergency surgery tremely hard, scary, and
frontation with Celtic man- ing before the third period on Monday to remove disappointing,” Williams
ager Neil Lennon. isn’t great.” The 36-year- a blood clot from her said. “I am doing better.
The Hoops made their old Gerber stopped 18 lungs. I’m at home now and
numerical advantage count shots in the first period Williams suffered a working with my doctors
in the 48th minute when alone for the Oilers, who pulmonary embolism last to keep everything under
Celtic’s Scott Brown (R) Mark Wilson scored at the Edmonton Oilers goalie have won five of eight. week and a second health control. I know I will be
and Rangers’ El-Hadji second attempt as Sasa Martin Gerber makes a Linus Omark and Jordan scare that required her to OK but am praying and
Diouf are seen during Papac, who had blocked save against the Nash- Eberle scored in the undergo an emergency hoping this will all be be-
the Scottish FA Cup foot his initial shot, lay dazed on ville Predators after los- shootout for Edmon- operation at Cedars-Sinai hind me soon.
ball.—INTERNET the line.—Internet ing his stick.—INTERNET ton.—Internet Medical Center in Los Internet

4-3-2011 NL.pmd 14 3/4/2011, 5:57 AM

THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Friday, 4 March, 2011 15
Weather Map of Myanmar and Neighbouring Areas was (6.8) hours (Approx).
WEATHER Rainfall on 3-3-2011 was (Nil) at Mingaladon, Kaba-
Thursday, 3rd March, 2011 Aye and (0.28) inch at Central Yangon. Total rainfall since 1-
1-2011 was (1.97) inches at Mingaladon , (1.89) inches at Kaba-
Summary of observations recorded at 09:30 hr. M.S.T.
Aye and (3.82) inches at Central Yangon. Maximum wind speed
During the past 24 hours, rain have been isolated in Bago, Yangon
at Yangon (Kaba-Aye) was (6) mph from Northwest at (21:30)
and Taninthayi Regions and weather has been partly cloudy in
Sagaing and Ayeyawady Regions, Kachin, Shan, Chin and hours MST on 2-3-2011.
Rakhine States and generally fair in the remaining Regions and Bay Inference: Weather is partly cloudy in the Andaman Sea
States . Day temperatures were (5°C) to (6°C) above March and Southwest Bay and generally fair elsewhere in the Bay of
average temperature in Kachin and Nothern Shan States, (3°C) to Bengal.
(4°C) above March average temperatures in Sagaing, Magway and Forecast valid until evening of the 4th March 2011: Light
Ayeyawady Regions, Kayah State and about March average rain or thundershowers are likely to be isolated in Taninthayi
temperatures in the remaning Regions and States. The significant Region, weather will be partly cloudy in Bago, Yangon and
night temperatures were Aunglan (41°C) and Chauk (40°C). The Ayeyawady Regions, Kachin, Mon and Kayah States and
noteworthy amount of rainfall recorded were Dawel (0.94) inch and generally fair in the remaining Regions and States. Degree of
Yangon (Central) (0.28) inch. certainty is (60%).
Nay Pyi Taw State of the sea: Seas will be moderate in Myanmar waters.
Maximum temperature on 2-3-2011 was 100°F. Minimum Outlook for subsequent two days: Likelihood of increase
temperature on 3-3-2011 was 66°F. Relative humidity at of day temperatures in the whole country.
(09:30) hours MST on 3-3-2011 was (62%). Rainfall on 3- Forecast for Nay Pyi Taw and neighbouring area for
3-2011 was (Nil). 4-3-2011: Generally fair weather.
Yangon (Kaba-Aye) Forecast for Yangon and neighbouring area for
Maximum temperature on 2-3-2011 was 100°F. Minimum 4-3-2011: Partly cloudy.
temperature on 3-3-2011 was 74°F. Relative humidity at (09:30) hours Forecast for Mandalay and neighbouring area for
MST on 3-3-2011 was (70%). Total sunshine hours on 2-3-2011 4-3-2011: Generally fair weather.

West Ham stadium takeover MYANMAR INTERNATIONAL

Programme Schedule
gets formal approval (4-3-2011) (Friday)
LONDON, 3 March—West Ham’s bid to take over
the 2012 Olympics stadium was given formal Transmissions Times
approval by the British Government and Mayor of
Local - (09:00am ~ 11:00am)MST
London Boris Johnson on Thursday.
Oversea Transmission - (4-3-11 09:30 am ~
The green light allows the Olympic Park Legacy 5-3-11 09:30 am) MST
Company (OPLC) to enter into negotiations with
West Ham and their consortium partners to agree a Local Transmission
lease for the facility. * Opening
“We are delighted with the progress that has * News
been made and very pleased we have reached this West Ham’s bid to take over the 2012 * Kyauk Gu Umin Cave Guphaya
very significant milestone in determining the long- Olympics stadium was given formal approval * Ceremony of Honouring Academy
term legacy for the Olympic Park following the by the British Government and Mayor of Awardees
Games,” local government minister Bob Neill said London Boris Johnson.—INTERNET * News
in a statement. * Your Home in Pyin Oo Lwin
The OPLC had given its backing to West Ham Bid rivals Spurs had proposed demolishing the * News
last month after a bitter battle for the stadium venue stadium and replacing it with a purpose built venue * Super Myanmar Traditional Stick Form
with Premier League rivals Tottenham. without an athletics track, a plan that had been * News
West Ham won after tabling a bid which condemned by British Olympic officials. * Song for you
proposed retaining the stadium’s running track. Internet * The Night of Hearthrob Pho Chit
8:00 am Oversea Transmission
4:20 pm Armed Forces Day
6. Health Programme4. Songs in honour of * Opening
5:35 pm
8:05 am (66)th Anniversary * News
10. Images of Innocent * Kyauk Gu Umin Cave Guphaya
7. The Mirror Images Armed Forces Day Child * Ceremony of Honouring Academy
Of The Musical 4:35 pm 6:00 pm Awardees
Oldies 5. University Of
8:15 am 11. Evening News * News
Friday, 8. Myanmar Traditional 6:15 pm * Your Home in Pyin Oo Lwin
4 March Cultural Performing (TV Lectures) 12. Weather Report * News
View on today
Arts Competitions -Second Year 6:20 pm * Super Myanmar Traditional Stick Form
123456789012 8:25 am 13. Internet Garden * News
7:00 am 9. Songs in honour of 4:50 pm 7:00 pm * Song for you
1. Paritta By Hilly (66)th Anniversary 14. TV Drama Series * The Night of Hearthrob Pho Chit
6. Songs For
Region Missionary Armed Forces Day * News
Upholding 8:00 pm
Sayadaw 8:40 am * Youth & Model Life
National Spirit 15. News
7:25 am 10. International News * News
4:55 pm 16. International News
2. To Be Healthy 8:45 am
7. Songs Of Yester 17. Weather Report * My Wish & My Taste
11. Musical Programme
Exercise Years * Music Gallery
4:00 pm 18. Just For Laughs
7:30 am 1. Martial Song 5:10 pm * News
(Gags Asia)
3. Morning News 4:05 pm 8. Myanmar * Culture Stage
7:40 am 19. TV Drama Series
2. Musical Programme Language * News
4. Dhamma Puja Song 4:15 pm 5:25 pm 20. Song Lover * The historicl sites of Taung Tha Man
7:50 am 3. Song Of National 9. Songs in honour of 21. Mitta Bavana By * Myanmar Movie
5. Nice & Sweet Song Races (66)th Anniversary Mingun Sayadaw “The Moon Born from the Sun”

R/489 Printed and published by the New Light of Myanmar press in Nay Pyi Taw, the News and Periodicals Enterprise, Ministry of Information, Union of Myanmar.

4-3-2011 NL.pmd 15 3/4/2011, 5:57 AM

14th Waning of Tabodwe 1372 ME Friday, 4 March, 2011

Only with stability and peace will the nation develop

Only with stability and peace will democratization process be successful

Anarchy begets anarchy, not democracy

Riots beget riots, not democracy
Democracy can be introduced only through constitution

People’s Desire VOA, BBC-sowing hatred

among the people
We favour peace and stability
RFA, DVB-generating public
We favour development outrage
We oppose unrest and violence Do not allow ourselves to be
Wipe out those inciting unrest swayed by killer broadcasts
and violence designed to cause troubles

First regular session of Amyotha Hluttaw goes on for third day

15-member Public Accounts Committee formed
NAY PYI TAW, 3 March—The first regular session of Auditor-General, find out whether or not (c) is responsible for submitting reports to
the Amyotha Hluttaw continued for the third day at the budget approved by Pyidaungsu Hluttaw Amyotha Hluttaw regarding the following
Amyotha Hluttaw Hall of Hluttaw Building here at 10 am is spent for the case concerned, in line with matters:
today. the rules and regulations and in an efficient (1) spending a budget approved by
Amyotha Hluttaw Speaker U Khin Aung Myint way. Pyidaungsu Hluttaw in response to the
announced the validity and start of the session as 223 or (b) may inquire at the departments and enter- report from the Union Government for
99.55 % of the 224 Amyotha Hluttaw representatives prises to find out whether or not the budget a case under another heading,
were present. is spent efficiently. (See page 9)
Regarding the formation of the Public Accounts
Committee, the Amyotha Hluttaw speaker said that ac-
cording to Amyotha Hluttaw Rules (33) and (47), a public
accounts committee shall be formed with not more than 15
hluttaw representatives; that suitable number of members,
and a list of suitable nominees, the chairman and the
secretary shall be submitted to the hluttaw for approval.
He said that according to Amyotha Hluttaw Law
(27) and Rule (34), the number of committee members,
and their duties, powers, rights and terms shall be
designated by the hluttaw; that so the Amyotha Hluttaw
Public Accounts Committee is scheduled to be formed
with 15 members; that after one year the members’
assumption of duties, reviews will be carried out, old
members will be replaced with new ones as necessary;
and that the deputy speaker will make clarification to the
committee’s duties, powers, privileges and rights to be
designated by the hluttaw.
The deputy Amyotha Hluttaw speaker clarified
duties, powers, rights of the Public Accounts Committee.
Duties of Public Accounts Committee are as fol-
lows: —
(1) the committee:
(a) shall, in scrutinizing the budget of the Union
Government and report of the Union First regular session of Amyotha Hluttaw in progress.—MNA

4-3-2011 NL.pmd 16 3/4/2011, 5:57 AM

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