2011 05 29 PRC Statement

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pmrsuEf Sm 6

wkwf-jrefrm bufpkHr[mAsL[majrmuf yl;aygif;aqmif&GufrI

rdwfzufEdkifiHrsm;tjzpf xlaxmif&ef oabmwlnD

wkwf-jrefrm aqGo[m cspfMunfa&;

ESpEf dkiif H acgif;aqmifrsm;

EIwzf sm;urqdk
&ifwGif;udk tppfwnf
cspMf unfwJhpum;? av;pm;MujyeftvSef
[efyefrSm yuwd? Nidr;f csr;f ygbd.../
ESpfjynfaxmif nDaemifrsm;
[efrmefrsm; uif;pif
pdwfMunfvif tcsif;csif;
dki;f yif;nD cspMf unfa&;
wpftlxkHYqif;? nD&if;awGES,f
jrpfzsm;ua&? jrpfnma&ES,f
f ajc wu,fwlnD
ESpjf ynfaxmifta&;? tav;wrl
tawG;wl cdkirf mpGmjzifh
]]r[mAsL[m aqGo[mqufqHa&;}}udk
tav;xm; urmodatmif
av;pm;cspfMunf? t&if;wnf
f m;wlnD? uRef;udki;f rSD
urmt&Sn?f cdkiNf rJwnfrnfh
cspMf unfa&; ordki;f ygwum;.../ /

aejynfawmf ar 28
jynfaxmifpkorwjrefrmEdkiif aH wmf Edkiif aH wmforw OD;ode;f pdeo
f nf wkwjf ynfoo
Yl rwEdkiif H orw rpwm [lusifaxmif;\ zdwMf um;csuf
t& ar 26 &ufrS 28 &uftxd wkwfjynfolYorwEdkifiHodkY cspfMunfa&;c&D; oGm;a&mufcJhonf/
tqdkyg cspfMunfa&;c&D;pOftwGif; wkwfjynfolYorwEdkifiHESifh jynfaxmifpkorwjrefrmEdkifiHwkdYtMum; bufpHkr[mAsL[majrmuf
yl;aygif;aqmif&Gufa&; rdwfzufEdkifiHrsm;xlaxmifa&;ESifhpyfvsOf;onfh yl;wGJaMunmcsufxkwfjyefcJhonf/ yl;wGJaMunmcsuftjynhftpHkrSm

k rwjrefrmEdik if EH iS Uf
wkwjf ynfoo
Yl rwEdik if w
H t
hdk Mum;
bufprkH [mAsL[majrmuf yl;aygif;aqmif&u
G af &;
rdwzf ufEikd if rH sm; xlaxmifjcif;ESipUf yfvsOf;onfU
yl;wGaJ Munmcsuf
jynfaxmifpkorwjrefrmEdkifiHawmf EdkifiHawmforw OD;odef;pdef
onf wkwjf ynfoo
Yl rwEdkiif H orw rpwm [lusifaxmif;\ zdwMf um;
csuft& wkwfjynfolYorwEdkifiHodkY 2011 ckESpf arv 26 &ufaeYrS
28 &ufaeYtxd cspfMunfa&;c&D; oGm;a&mufcJhygonf/
c&D;pOftwGif; orw [lusifaxmif;ESifh EdkifiHawmforw OD;odef;
pdefwdkY awGUqHkaqG;aEG;cJhMuygonf/ EdkifiHawmforw OD;odef;pdefonf
wkwjf ynfoo
Yl rwEdkiif H Edkiif aH wmfaumifpD 0efBuD;csKyf rpwm 0rfMum;
aygifESifh wkwjf ynfoEYl kdiif aH &; twdkiyf ifcu
H eG zf &ifh trsKd;om; aumfrwD
Ou| rpwm usmcsifhvifwdkYESifhvnf; awGUqHkaqG;aEG;cJhygonf/ xdkodkY
awGUqHkpOf ESpfzufrS ESpfEdkifiHqufqHa&;? tjynfjynfqdkif&mESifh a'o
qdkif&m udp&yfESifhpyfvsOf; cifrif&if;ESD;pGmjzifh tao;pdwf aqG;aEG;
tjrifcsif; zvS,fcJhMuygonf/
wkw-f jrefrm ESpEf kdiif H oHwrefqufqHrI pwifwnfaxmifcJhonfh
1950ckESpf ZGefv 8 &ufaeYrSpwif ESpfEdkifiHonf tdrfeD;csif;aumif;
yDopGm yl;aygif;aqmif&GufcJh&m wkwf-jrefrmqufqHa&; wkd;wuf
aumif;rGefvmonfudk ESpfzufpvHk;rS oabmwlMuonf/ txl;ojzifh
&mpkESpfopf tpydkif;rS pwifum ESpfEdkifiHtBuD;tuJwdkYrS eD;eD;
uyfuyf yl;aygif;aqmif&GufvmNyD; EdkifiHa&;? pD;yGm;a&;? ,Ofaus;rI?
odyHESifhenf;ynm tp&Sdonfh e,fy,frsm; &if;&if;ESD;ESD; yl;aygif;
aqmif&GufrIaMumifh us,fjyefYpGm wdk;wufvsuf&Sdonfhtjyif ESpfEdkifiH
jynfolrsm;tMum; aqGrsKd;aygufazmf qufqHa&;rSmvnf; tifwkduf
tm;wkduf wdk;yGm;vsuf&Sdygonf/ ESpfEdkifiHqufqHa&; wkd;wufjzpfxGef;
rIESifhywfoufvnf; ESpfzufpvHk;rS tm;&auseyfMuygonf/
ESpfzufrS pwifyl;wGJ taumiftxnfazmfcJhMuaom Nidrf;csrf;pGm
twl,SOfwGJaexkdifa&;rlBuD; (5)csuftay: tajccHonfh wkwf-jrefrm
ESpEf kdiif q
H ufqaH &;onf tjynfjynfqkdi&f m tajctae ajymif;vJrrI sm;ESihf
oufqdkif&m jynfwGif;tajctaersm;tay: BuHhBuHhcH &yfwnfay;EdkifcJhNyD;
zGHUNzdK;wdk;wufrItwGuf tvm;tvmaumif;rsm; &&Sdapa&;twGuf
aqmifMuOf;ay;EdkifcJhonfudk ESpfzufrS tav;ay;ajymqdkcJhygonf/
,aeY urmay:wGif BuD;rm;aom jzpfay:wdk;wufrIrsm;? BuD;rm;
aom tajymif;tvJrsm;ESihf xde;f nrd rI sm; jzpfay:vsuf&adS Mumif;? tiftm;
tNydKiftqdkif ay:xGef;vmrIESifh pD;yGm;a&;wGif urmt0ef; qufET,f
jzpfay:rIjzpfpOfwdkY t&Sdeft[kef&&SdaeNyDjzpfaMumif;udk ESpfzufpvHk;u
oabmwlnMD uonf/ Edkiif rH sm;rSm ydk tjyeftvSef trSo
D [JjyKvmMuyg
onf/ Nidrf;csrf;a&;? zGHUNzdK;wdk;wufrIESifh yl;aygif;aqmif&Gufa&;wkdYonf
,aeYacwfumv\jzpfpOfudk udk,fpm;jyKonfomru a'owGif;EdkifiH
rsm;ESifh jynfolrsm;\ bHktusKd;pD;yGm;udkvnf; azmfaqmifay;vsuf&Sdaeyg
onf/ uJhodkYaom ywf0ef;usiftopfwGif jrefrm-wkwf qufqHa&;
tm; &Sd&if;pGJcspfMunf&if;ESD;aom yl;aygif;aqmif&GufrItay: tajccH
hf ifaqmif&u
G jf cif;jzifh ESpEf kdiif H twlwuG zGUH NzdK;wdk;wufrI taumif
txnfazmfa&;udk taxmuftuljyKEdkifrnfjzpfonfhtjyif ESpfEdkifiHESifh
jynfolrsm;\ tajccHtusKd;pD;yGm;udk azmfaqmifay;EdkifrnfjzpfNyD; a'o
wGif; Nidrf;csrf;a&;? wnfNidrfa&;ESifh om,m0ajyma&;twGuf taxmuf
tuljyKEdkifrnfjzpfygonf/ txufazmfjyyg wlnDaom EdkifiHa&;qE
oabmxm;rsm;tay: tajccH wkwf-jrefrm bufpHkr[mAsL[m
ajrmuf yl;aygif;aqmif&GufrI rdwfzufEdkifiHrsm;tjzpf xlaxmifoGm;Mu&ef
ESpfOD;ESpfzuf oabmwlnDMuvsuf atmufygtwdkif; oabmwlnDrI&&Sd
cJhMuygonf(u) ESpzf ufpvHk;uESpEf kdiif v
H w
T af wmfrsm;?tpdk;&rsm;? w&m;a&;
Xmersm;ESifh EdkifiHa&;ygwDrsm;tMum; tqifhjrifh xdawGU
qufqrH u
I kd xde;f odr;f &ef? r[mAsL[majrmuf tjyeftvSef

29-5 (06).pmd







,HkMunfrIudk qufvufjrifhwif&efESifh cifrif&if;ESD;pGm

tjyeftvSefqufqHa&;ESifh yl;aygif;aqmif&Gufa&;udk ydkrdk
cdkifrmatmif aqmif&GufoGm;&ef?
ESpfzuf EdkifiHjcm;a&;0efBuD;Xmetcsif;csif; tcsdeftcgra&G;
aqG;aEG;rIukd qufvufaqmif&u
G o
f mG ;NyD; ESpEf kdiif H qufqH
a&;ESifh EdkifiHwumESifh a'owGif;ta&;BuD; udp&yfrsm;ESifh
pyfvsOf; tcsdeEf iS w
hf pfajy;nD tjrifcsif;zvS,o
f mG ;Mu&ef
tvdkYiSm ESpfEdkifiHcsif;jzpfap? tjynfjynfqdkif&m u@jzifh
jzpfap yHkrSeftpnf;ta0;rsm; usif;yoGm;&ef?
ESpfzufpvHk;u wef;wlnDrQa&;? ESpfzuftusKd;jzpfxGef;
a&; tajccHrrl sm;udk vdkuef musifo
h kH;&ef? wpfO;D \ tm;om
csufukd wpfO;D utoHk;cs vufawGU&v'f jzpfxeG ;f a&;udk
OD;pm;ay;&ef? ESpfEdkifiHtMum; pD;yGm;a&;yl;aygif;aqmif&Guf
rIEiS hf ukeo
f ,
G rf yI rmPESihf tqifu
h kd ydkrkdjriw
hf ifaqmif&u
G f
oGm;&ef? cdkifrmwnfNidrfNyD; a&&SnfwnfwHhaom pD;yGm;
qufqaH &;udk wnfaqmufomG ;&ef? ukeo
f ,
G af &;ESihf &if;ES;D
jrKyfESHrI yll;aygif;aqmif&GufoGm;a&;twGuf ywf0ef;usif
aumif;zefwD;Edkifa&; vufwJGBudK;yrf; aqmif&GufoGm;&ef?
ESpfEdkifiH\ pD;yGm;a&;ESifh ukefoG,fa&;rl0g'rsm;ESifhtnD
ESpfEdkifiHtMum; ydkrdkeD;pyfaom pD;yGm;a&;ESifh ukefoG,fa&;
zvS,frIrsm; ydkrdkwdk;jrifh jzpfxGef;a&;twGuf aqmif&Guf
ES p f z uf tusKd ; jzpf x G e f ; a&;ud k tajccH ynma&;?
,Ofaus;rI? odyHESifhenf;ynm? usef;rma&;? v,f,m
pdkufysKd;a&;ESifh c&D;oGm;vkyfief;e,fy,frsm;wGif cifrif
&if;ESD;pGm qufvufyl;aygif;aqmif&GufoGm;&ef? jynfol
tcsif;csif;ESifh ,Ofaus;rI zvS,fa&;ESifh tjyeftvSef
vnfywfa&;udk wdk;jrifhoGm;&efESifh ESpfzufjynfolrsm;
tMum; tjyeftvSef em;vnfrEI iS hf cspfMunfa&;udk jriw
hf if
e,fpyfprD cH efcY rJG I yl;aygif;aqmif&u
G af &;udk ydkrkdckdirf matmif
aqmif&Guf&ef? e,fpyfpDrHcefYcGJa&;udp&yfrsm;udk tcsdefESifh
wpfajy;nD qufoG,ftaMumif;Mum;&efESifh e,fpyfa'o
rsm;wGif at;csrf;wnfNidrfrI &&Sda&;twGuf BudK;yrf;
wkwfbufu jrefrmEdkifiH\ vGwfvyfa&;? tcsKyftjcm
ESihf e,fajrwnfwchH kdirf ma&;udk av;pm;aMumif;ESihf jrefrm
Edkiif u
H if;\ trsKd;om;a&;vdktyfcsufrsm;ESihf vdkuaf vsm
nDaxGr&I o
dS nfh zGUH NzdK;rIvrf;aMumif;a&G;cs,frt
I m; axmufcH
aMumif;udk xyfavmif;twnfjyKygonf/ jrefrmbufu
wkwfwpfEdkifiHwnf; rl0g'udk usifhoHk;aMumif;? wkwf
jynfolYorwEdkifiHtpdk;&onf wkwfwpfEdkifiHvHk;udk
udk,fpm;jyKonfh wpfckwnf;aom w&m;0iftpdk;&jzpf
aMumif;ESihf xdki0f rfonf wkwef ,fajr\ cGjJ cm;r&aom
tpdwftydkif;jzpfaMumif;ESifh a&vufMum; ESpfzufqufqH
a&;? Nidr;f csrf;pGm wdk;wufa&;ESihf wkwEf kdiif \
H Nidr;f csrf;pGm
jyefvnfaygif;pnf;a&;udk qufvufaxmufcHoGm;rnf
ukvor*ESifh tjcm;tjynfjynfqdkif&m e,fy,frsm;wGif
yl;aygif;ndEIdif;rIESifh yl;aygif;aqmif&GufrIudk ydkrdkwdk;jrifh
aqmif&GufoGm;&ef? zGHUNzdK;qJEdkifiHrsm;\tusKd;udk vufwGJ
umuG,fapmifha&SmufoGm;&ef? tmqD,H+wkwf? *syef?
udk&D;,m;orwEdkifiH? tmqD,H+wkwfESifh r[mrJacgif
a'ocGJ pD;yGm;a&;yl;aygif;aqmif&Gufa&; ponfh ,E&m;
rsm;udk yl;aygif;aqmif&GufrI ydkrdkcdkifrmatmif aqmif&Guf
oGm;&efESifh a'owGif; twlwuG zGHUNzdK;wdk;wufa&;ESifh
om,m0ajyma&;twGuf ESpfzufpvHk;u aqmif&GufoGm;
ayusif;NrdKU? 2011 ckESpf arv 27 &uf/

armifcspfat; acw -ayusif;

wyfrawmfumuG,fa&;OD;pD;csKyf AdkvfcsKyfBuD;rif;atmifvdIif? jynfaxmifpk
0efBuD;rsm;? 'kwd,0efBuD;rsm;? Xmeqdkif&mtBuD;tuJrsm;? jynfaxmifpk
orw jrefrmEdkifiHawmfqdkif&m wkwfjynfolYorwEdkifiHoHHk; oHHk;,m,D
wm0efcH Mr. Wang Zong Ying ESifh wm0ef&Sdolrsm;u aejynfawmf
avqdyf BudKqdkEIwfqufMuonf/
Edkiif aH wmforw OD;ode;f pdef acgif;aqmifaom cspfMunfa&;udk,pf m;
vS,ftzGJUwGif tzGJU0ifrsm;tjzpf vdkufygoGm;Muonfh 'kwd,wyfrawmf
umuG,fa&;OD;pD;csKyf umuG,fa&;OD;pD;csKyf(Munf;) 'kwd,AdkvfcsKyfBuD;
pdk;0if;? jynfxaJ &;0efBuD;Xme jynfaxmifpk0efBuD; 'kw,
d Adkvcf sKyfBuD;udkukd?
EdkifiHjcm;a&;0efBuD;Xme jynfaxmifpk0efBuD; OD;0ParmifvGif? v,f,m
pdkufysKd;a&;ESifh qnfajrmif;0efBuD;Xme jynfaxmifpk0efBuD; OD;jrifhvdIif?
b@ma&;ESifhtcGef0efBuD;Xme jynfaxmifpk0efBuD; OD;vSxGef;? trsKd;om;
H ed ;f ESihf pD;yGm;a&;zGUH NzdK;wdk;wufr0I efBuD;XmeESihf arG;jrLa&;ESihf a&vkyif ef;
0efBuD;Xme jynfaxmifpk0efBuD; OD;wifEdkifodef;? pD;yGm;a&;ESifh ul;oef;
a&mif;0,fa&;0efBuD;Xme jynfaxmifpk0efBuD; OD;0if;jrihf? owKwGif;
0efBuD;Xme jynfaxmifpk0efBuD; OD;odef;xdkuf? ydkYaqmifa&;0efBuD;Xme
jynfaxmifpk0efBuD; OD;PfxGef;atmif? &xm;ydkYaqmifa&;0efBuD;Xme
jynfaxmifpk0efBuD; OD;atmifrif;? pGrf;tif0efBuD;Xme jynfaxmifpk0efBuD;
OD;oef;aX;? trSwf(1)vQyfppfpGrf;tm;0efBuD;Xme jynfaxmifpk0efBuD;
OD;aZmfrif;? 'kwd,0efBuD;rsm;? jrefrmEdkifiHawmf A[dkbPfOu|ESifh Xme
qdkif&m tBuD;tuJrsm; jyefvnfvdkufygvmMuonf/

jr0wDyk jf rifoMH um;


29-5-2011 (we*FaEGaeY)
eHeufykid ;f
1/ jr0wDtzGihf
2/ tzGifhEIwfcGef;qufpum;
3/ EdkifiHawmfoDcsif;
4/ w&m;awmf
5/ "rylZmaw;
6/ rsKd;cspfwyfrawmf
7/ jrefrmhIcif;
8/ jrefrmoHpOfcsKdem;0if
9/ om,moDa<u;acwfqef;aw;
10/ trsKd;om;a&;aw;uAsm
11/ jr0wDkyfjrifoHMum;owif;
12/ trsKd;om;a&;aw;uAsm
aeYv,fykid ;f

11;40 7/ &opkHvifkyfjrifZmwfvrf;
ausmufwk;H av;
12;30 8/ usef;rmokw
12;40 9/ &opkHvifkyfjrifZmwfvrf;
4;00 1/ jr0wDtzGifh

5/29/2011, 5:04 AM

4;03 2/ tzGifhEIwfcGef;qufpum;
4;04 3/ EkdifiHawmfoDcsif;
4;05 4/ tzGihfoDcsif;
4;10 5/ rsdK;cspfwyfrawmf
4;15 6/ jrefrmoHpOfcsdKem;0if
4;20 7/ vQyfwpfjyuf
4;30 8/ oDqdkajzazsmfwpfudk,fawmf
4;40 9/ jrefrmhIcif;
4;50 10/ tcsdefrSefrSefacgif;avmif;oH
5;15 11/ om,moDa<u; acwfqef;aw;
5;35 12/ 'DZkdifemwkdY&JU'DZdkif;
6;00 13/ jr0wDkyfjrifoHMum;owif;
6;20 14/ trsdK;om;a&;aw;uAsm
6;30 15/ b0aMu;rkH
[ 'gku
d w
f m-qJAif; (IC)]
6;50 16/ *if;eufpfurmYpHcsdefwifNydKifyGJrsm;
7;00 17/ &opkHvifkyfjrifZmwfvrf;
8;00 18/ jr0wDkyfjrifoHMum;owif;
19/ trsdK;om;a&;aw;uAsm
20/ EkdifiHwumowif;
21/ rdk;av0oowif;
22/ ya[Vdeef;awmf
23/ usef;rmokw
24/ ,aeYntwGufjr0wD\
25/ &opkHvifkyfjrifZmwfvrf;
xm0&cspfol (tydkif;-18)
26/ &opkHvifkyfjrifZmwfvrf;
tdrftjyefvrf; (tydki;f -57)


THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Sunday, 29 May, 2011

Myanmar, PRC issue joint statement on

establishing comprehensive strategic
cooperative partnership
NAY PYI TAW, 28 MayAt the invitation of President Mr Hu Jintao of the Peoples Republic of China,
President of the Republic of the Union of Myanmar U Thein Sein paid a state visit to China from 26 to 28 May.
During the visit, a joint-statement on establishing a comprehensive strategic cooperative partnership was
issued. The following is the full text of the joint statement.
Joint Statement
The Republic of the Union of Myanmar and
The Peoples Republic of China
on Establishing a Comprehensive Strategic
Cooperative Partnership
At the invitation of President Mr. Hu Jintao of
the Peoples Republic of China, President U Thein
Sein the Republic of the Union of Myanmar paid a
state visit to the Peoples Republic of China from 26 to
28 May 2011.
During the visit, President Mr Hu Jintao held talks
with President U Thein Sein. Premier Wen Jiabao of the
State Council and Chairman Mr Jia Qinglin of the
National Committee of the Chinese Peoples Political
Consultative Conference met with President U Thein
Sein.The two sides had in-depth exchange of views on
bilateral relations and international and regional issues
of common interest in a friendly atmosphere.
The two sides agreed that since the establishment
of diplomatic relations on 8 June 1950, the goodneighborly friendship and cooperation between China
and Myanmar have been developing smoothly.
Especially since the beginning of the new century, the
leaders of the two sides have maintained close contact,
friendly cooperation in political, economic, cultural,
scientific, and technological areas have kept expanding,
and the traditional Paukphaw friendship between the
two peoples has been growing from strength to strength.
The two sides are satisfied with the development of the
bilateral relations.
The two sides stressed that China-Myanmar
relations, which are based on the Five Principles of
Peaceful Coexistence jointly initiated by the two sides,
have stood the tests of the changes in the international
situation and in the respective domestic situation and
enjoy broad prospects for development.
The two sides agreed that the world today is
undergoing great development, great changes and
great adjustment, and the trend towards multipolarity
and economic globalization have gained momentum.
Countries have become more interdependent. Peace,
development and cooperation not only represent the
trend of the times, but also serve the common interests

Montaekwin-KyidaungKhawma-Nay Pyi Taw

circular road under

of the countries and peoples in the region. Under the

new circumstances, further promoting China-Myanmar
relations on the basis of the existing friendly cooperation
meets the need of the two countries to realize common
development, serves the fundamental interests of the
two countries and their people, and is conducive to
peace, stability and prosperity of the region. On the
basis of the above-mentioned common political will, the
two sides agree to establish China-Myanmar
comprehensive strategic cooperative partnership and
reached the following agreement:
1. The two sides will maintain close high-level
contacts, continue to promote strategic mutual
trust and further enhance friendly exchanges
and cooperation between the parliaments,
governments, judicial departments and political
parties of the two countries.
2. The two sides will continue to carry out
consultations between the foreign ministries of
the two countries on an irregular basis, have
timely exchange of views on bilateral relations
and international and regional hotspot issues,
and hold regular meetings on bilateral and
multilateral occasions to strengthen strategic
3. The two sides will follow the principles of equality,
mutual benefit, drawing upon each others
strengths and emphasizing practical results,
further enhance the size and level of the economic
cooperation and trade between the two countries,
work to strengthen healthy, stable and sustainable
business ties, make joint efforts to create a
favourable environment for trade and investment
cooperation, enhance the closer economic and
trade exchanges between the two countries in
accordance with their economic and trade
4. The two sides will continue to conduct friendly
cooperation in such areas as education, culture,
science, and technology, health, agriculture and
tourism on the basis of mutual benefit, strengthen
people-to-people and cultural exchanges, increase
mutual visits, and deepen mutual understanding
and friendship between the two peoples.


Leaders of two countries

Not saying shallowly
But from the bottom of heart
Frankly and peacefully
Words of amity and mutual respect
Brethren of both countries
Ever with sincerity
Clear visions they hold
Helpful to one another
And cherish the friendship
Ties of kindred
Like water in same river
Unity at heart
Attentive to bilateral affairs
With firm resolve in mind
Proclaim they globally
The comprehensive strategic cooperative
Respect and love the nucleus
Visions integrated with common interest
Long live our true friendship
As long as the world exists
Maung Chit Aye
Temporary resident in Beijing

5. The two sides will strengthen border management

cooperation, conduct timely communication on
border management affairs, and strive to
maintain peace, tranquility and stability in border
6. The Chinese side reaffirms its respect for
Myanmars independence, sovereignty, and
territorial integrity and its support for Myanmars
pursuit of its development path suited to its
national conditions. Myanmar reiterates that its
adheres to one China policy, recognizes that the
Peoples Republic of China is the sole legal
government representing the whole of China
and that Taiwan is unalienable part of the Chinese
territory, will continue to support the peaceful
development of cross-Strait relations and Chinas
cause of peaceful reunification.
7. The two sides will further enhance coordination
and cooperation in the United Nations and other
multilateral areas, jointly safeguard the interests
of developing countries, strengthen cooperation
in such mechanisms as the ASEAN Plus China,
Japan and the ROK, ASEAN plus China and
Greater Mekong Sub regional Economic
cooperation, and promote common development
and prosperity of the region.
Beijing, 27 May 2011

Shan State welcomes new academic year

N AY P YI T AW , 27
marked school enrollment
day for 2011-2012
academic year at No. 4
Basic Education High
NAY PYI TAW, 28 May Montaekwin-Kyidaung- School in Taunggyi, with
Khawma-Nay Pyi Taw circular road is being built
YANGON, 27 May
by two special road construction groups, one Vice-Chairman
township group of Nay Pyi Taw and one special Myanmar Rice Industry
bridge construction group.
Association U Sein Win
Union Minister for Construction U Khin Maung Hlaing, Joint-Secretary-1 U
Myint yesterday inspected the works of paving Myo Thura Aye and CEC
concrete, extending road and construction of box member U Thaung Win met
culverts along the road. He gave necessary Rice Economist Mrs Debbie
instructions to officials.MNA
Rubas of the US Agriculture

29-5-2011 NL.pmd

China-Myanmar friendship

an address by Shan State

Chief Minister U Sao
Aung Myat.
The chief minister
handed over primary
education school text
books provided by the

State to the Shan State

education officer and
donors including No. 2
Department and Shan
presented cash and kind

for school children.

The Region Chief
Minister and wife, and
Shan State ministers then
viewed students enrolling
at BEHS- 4, BEHS-5,
BEMS-3 and BEPS-8
and distributed text books
and note books.MNA

Vice-Chairman of MRIA meets foreign guests

Agriculturist Dr U Tun Win
at its office in Lanmadaw
Township on 25 May
Likewise, Director Mr

Zion Shemer of Ramat

Agroresearch Center of
Israel and Research &
Development Manager Mr
Yaacov Moskovitch led by

5/29/2011, 8:46 AM

Israeli Ambassador Mr
Yaron Mayer held a
discussion with responsible
persons of the Myanmar
Rice Industry Association
in the afternoon.MNA

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