Field Test

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EM1 LAB,BCVR,RAJAHMUNDRY Prepared by K. Nagesh & V.D.Neelima

Drop Test for RAG Generator:

Drop Test cicuit (RAM )Motor

Drop Test cicuit (RSEM ) Motor

Drop Test cicuit (RSEG ) Generator

EM1 LAB,BCVR,RAJAHMUNDRY Prepared by K. Nagesh & V.D.Neelima


AIM: To conduct Fields Test of two similar machines and draw efficiency curves. APPARATUS: S.No 1 2 3 4 5 Name of the Equipment Ammeter Ammeter Voltmeter Rheostat Tachometer Range 0 20A 0 10A 0 -300V 13.6 /20A 0- 10,000rpm Wire wound Digital Type M.C M.C M.C Qty. 1No 1No. 3Nos 1No. 1No.

THEORY:This test is applicable to two similar series motors. Series motors which are mainly used for traction work are easily available impairs In this method two identical coupled machines mechanically and electrically coupled are required. This test gives efficiency of both machines, M acting as motor drives machineG as a generator. The series field of both M & G are connected in series with motor armature in order that the load is not thrown off accidentally the generator armature is connected to load directly with out any switch.. One machine runs normally as a motor and drives generator whose output is wasted in a variable load resistance. Iron and friction losses of two machines are made equal (i) by joining the series field winding of the generator in the motor armature circuit so that both machines are equally excited and (ii) by running them at equal speed PROCEDURE:1. Connect the circuit as shown in figure. 2. By closing the DPST switch apply 220V D.C Supply 3. Adjust the motor rheostat such that motor attains rated speed. 4. Vary the load resistance and note down voltmeter or ammeter reading. 5. Load resistance is varied until the motor current reaches its full load. TABULAR FORM : S.NO Vt Vm Vg Im Ig Wcm Wo Wcg Wc Motor Generator efficiency efficiency

Drop Test for Ra ( Motor& generator ) :

EM1 LAB,BCVR,RAJAHMUNDRY Prepared by K. Nagesh & V.D.Neelima

S.No. Voltage ( V ) 1 2 3 4 Tabulation for Rse ( motor &generator ) S.No. Voltage ( V ) 1 2 3 4 Model Graph :

Current in ( A )

Armature Resistance Ra = V / I

Current in ( A )

Armature Resistance Rse = V / I

Model Calcualations:Vt = ______ IM =________ VM =________VG =________ IG =_______ RaG =______ RseG =______ RseM =_______RaM =_______ Total Input = VM IM =__________ W Total Output = VG IG = __________ W Losses of two machines = I/P - O/P = __________ W WC = (Total losses Im2 RSEM IM2 RAM I2G RSEG - I2G RAG ) 2

WC = __________ W Motor Input = VM IM =________

EM1 LAB,BCVR,RAJAHMUNDRY Prepared by K. Nagesh & V.D.Neelima

Motor losses = WC + IM2 RseM + IM2RaM =________W Motor Output = Input - losses =_________W M = O/p x 100 I/P Generator output = =________ Vg Ig = _________W

Generator losses = WC + Ig2 Rag + Ig2Rseg =________ W Generator Input = output + losses g = = __________W

output x 100 = __________ Input

Precautions:1. 2. 3. 4. RESULT:The field test on two similar machines is conducted and also efficiency curves are drawn for both generator & motor. The motor should must be started with any load. Motor rheostat should be kept in maximum resistance position. Both motor and generator should be coupled before starting the system. Readings should be taken with out parallax error.

1. What is the application of series motor 2. Why the motor should started on load 3. Which efficiency is greater when compared to motor and generator

EM1 LAB,BCVR,RAJAHMUNDRY Prepared by K. Nagesh & V.D.Neelima

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