Experiment No.3-Voltage Regulation of A 3-Phase Alternator by ZPF and ASA Method
Experiment No.3-Voltage Regulation of A 3-Phase Alternator by ZPF and ASA Method
Experiment No.3-Voltage Regulation of A 3-Phase Alternator by ZPF and ASA Method
Aim: To calculate the voltage regulation of 3ᴓ alternator by ZPF and ASA method.
1. ZPF Method:
During the operation of the alternator, IaRa drop and IaXl drop are actually
emf quantities and armature reaction reactance is a mmf quantity. To
determine the voltage regulation by this method O.C.C., S.C.C. and ZPF tests
are conducted.
O.C. and S.C. tests are conducted and O.C.C. and S.C.C. are drawn. ZPF test
is conducted by connecting the alternator to ZPF load and exciting the
alternator in such a way that the alternator supplies the rated current at rated
voltage running at rated speed.
To plot ZPFC, only two points are required. One point is corresponding to
zero voltage at rated current that can be obtained from S.C.C. and other at
rated voltage and rated current under ZPF load.
2. ASA Method:
(American Standard Association Method)
ASA method of finding voltage regulation is modification of the mmf method,
which requires the value of Xl. Therefore, O.C.C. and ZPF tests are conducted
and Xl is determined from Portier triangle.
Connection Diagram:
Percentage voltage regulation by ZPF method:
For 0.8 pf lagging, % voltage regulation= 18.94%
For 0.6 pf leading, % voltage regulation= -4.84%
For unity pf, % voltage regulation= 11.02%
Conclusion: ZPF method gives voltage regulation close to the actual value while the
ASA method gives the accurate voltage regulation because drop due to
saturation effect is also considered so it is the most accurate method.