2012 Reuters Ipsos Daily Election Tracking 11.04.12
2012 Reuters Ipsos Daily Election Tracking 11.04.12
2012 Reuters Ipsos Daily Election Tracking 11.04.12
Q1. If the 2012 Presidential Election were being held today and the candidates were [ROTATE] Barack Obama for president and Joe Biden for vice president, the Democrats, and Mitt Romney for president and Paul Ryan for vice president, the Republicans [END ROTATE], for whom would you vote?
All LIKELY Voters (LV) Barack Obama for president and Joe Biden for vice president, the Democrats Mitt Romney for president and Paul Ryan for vice president, the Republicans Wouldnt vote None / Other Dont know / Refused
48% 47% *% 2% 3%
Obama & Romney Vote Share Daily Data: 2012 Conventions to present (Likely Voters only) Obama
50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5
10/11/12 10/14/12 10/17/12 10/20/12 10/23/12 10/26/12 10/29/12 10/2/12 10/5/12 10/8/12 11/1/12 11/4/12 8/27/12 8/30/12 9/11/12 9/14/12 9/17/12 9/20/12 9/23/12 9/26/12 9/29/12
Wouldn't vote/None/Other/DK/Ref
Q3. Have you already voted in the upcoming November general election by going to an early voting location, or by mailing in an early voting or absentee ballot, or not?
All Registered Voters (RV) Yes No
33% 67%
Democrats (RV)
35% 65%
Republicans (RV)
34% 66%
Independents (RV)
28% 72%
[IF Yes at Q3, ASK Q4] Q4. For whom did you vote for President?
(n=2,258 for All RVs; 1,037 for Democrats; 968 for Republicans; 213 for Independents) Barack Obama for President and Joe Biden for Vice President, Mitt Romney for President and Paul Ryan for Vice President, Other All Registered Voters (RV)
51% 45% 1%
Democrats (RV)
91% 5% 1%
Republicans (RV)
10% 89% 1%
Independents (RV)
41% 55% 2%
[IF No at Q3, ASK Q5] Q5. And do you plan to vote at an early voting location or by mailing in an early voting or absentee ballot?
(n=2,900) Yes I plan to vote at an early voting location Yes I plan to mail in an early voting ballot Yes I plan to mail in an absentee ballot No I do not plan to vote early PARTY ID Strong Democrat Moderate Democrat Lean Democrat Lean Republican Moderate Republican Strong Republican Independent None of these DK All Registered Voters (RV)
11% 4% 2% 83%
Democrats (RV)
11% 7% 2% 81%
Republicans (RV)
9% 2% 1% 87%
Independents (RV)
18% 4% 3% 75%
Democrats (RV)
81% 8% 1% 11%
Republicans (RV)
22% 62% % 16%
Independents (RV)
43% 26% 4% 27%
Q7. Regardless of how you will vote, if you were to wager money, who would you pick to win the presidential race in your state?
All Registered Voters (RV) Barack Obama for President and Joe Biden for Vice President, Mitt Romney for President and Paul Ryan for Vice President, Other Dont know
45% 42% 1% 12%
Democrats (RV)
68% 23% % 8%
Republicans (RV)
24% 65% 1% 11%
Independents (RV)
38% 39% 2% 21%
Q8. Has anyone called you or talked to you in person on behalf of either major presidential campaign about coming out to vote?
All Registered Voters (RV) Yes, for Barack Obama Yes, for Mitt Romney Yes, for both Obama and Romney No, I not contacted
10% 7% 18% 65%
Democrats (RV)
19% 2% 15% 64%
Republicans (RV)
3% 13% 20% 64%
Independents (RV)
5% 3% 18% 73%
Democrats (RV)
34% 13% 13% 3% 9% 4% 4% 3% 3% 2% 1% 1% 2% 1% 7%
Republicans (RV)
49% 13% 6% 11% 7% 2% 3% 1% % % 1% 1% % % 6%
Independents (RV)
37% 12% 9% 11% 5% 3% 5% 4% 2% 2% 1% 1% 1% 0% 7%
The US economy
Social Security
Gay marriage
Foreign policy
Womens rights
The environment
IPSOS ELECTORAL COLLEGE PROJECTION # of # of Electoral states College Votes Likely Obama 14 177 Lean Obama (Toss-up) 3 24 Toss-up (Too close to call) Lean Romney (Toss-up) Likely Romney 12 7 17 147 63 127
For this poll, the Bayesian Credibility Interval was adjusted using standard weighting design effect 1+L=1.3 to account for complex weighting2
Examples of credibility intervals for different base sizes are below. Ipsos does not publish data for base sizes (sample sizes) below 100. Sample size 2,000 1,500 1,000 750 500 350 200 100 Credibility intervals 2.5 2.9 3.5 4.1 5.0 6.0 7.9 11.2
Data Analysis, Second Edition, Andrew Gelman, John B. Carlin, Hal S. Stern, Donald B. Rubin, Chapman & Hall/CRC | ISBN: 158488388X | 2003 2 Kish, L. (1992). Weighting for unequal Pi . Journal of Official, Statistics, 8, 2, 183200.
1 Bayesian