St. Michael's December 16, 2012 Bulletin
St. Michael's December 16, 2012 Bulletin
St. Michael's December 16, 2012 Bulletin
We the parishioners of Saint Michael the Archangel, through leadership and strong traditions are faithful disciples of the teachings of Jesus Christ and His Catholic Church. We commit ourselves to be generous stewards of our faith, our parish, and our community. We strive to involve all members to be united in one parish family for the salvation of all. Notes from the Pastor: Congratulations to our Meals In His Name on its first year anniversary. We started this ministry last December 15, 2011. Since then, according to their record, in a years time it has served meals to 6,256 persons! Thank you again to all our volunteers and to all our donors for this ministry. May God continue to bless us as we try to obey His command to feed the hungry, which could mean: hunger for material food, hunger for company, and many other forms of hunger! Let us continue to pray for this ministry including those who have not yet understood and accepted its goal and concept! At least two persons have talked to me (one by phone, another personally) about the shaking of hands during the sign of peace at mass. They suggested that since it is the Flu season again that we would not shake our hands at the sign of peace. If you remember we already did this last year. I did asked you last year that is, in order not to embarrass the person who might have a virus and doesnt want to shake hands, that we would just vow our heads to each other during the sign of peace! If families would continue to express the sign of peace in what they have accustomed to do with their family members like a hug or a kiss then let us allow them to do it, but for the general practice around this time, let us vow our heads for each other as a sign of peace. Let me also take this opportunity to remind you of the origin of this part of our mass. Actually this has been originally called the Kiss of Peace because in the early times of Christianity they really give each other a fraternal kiss. Today, we dont even call it the Kiss of Peace. Rather, we are invited to share some sign that we are living in peace and harmony with those with whom we are about to share the Body and Blood of the Lord. The GIRM or General Instruction of the Roman Missal tells us how and why to make this sign. In the old General Instruction, it says: before Next Sunday(12/23/2012) 10:00 AM Max Adams, M. Reif, E. Brokob, J. Duling, E. Sisney, G. Born Volunteer Volunteer Volunteers they share in the same bread, the faithful implore peace and unity for the Church and for the whole human family and offer some sign of their love for one another. (1975 GIRM #56b) Since our peace is rooted in and flows through Christ (who is present in the assembly), this sharing is a sign of our oneness resulting from membership in the body of Christ. Because of the power of this symbol, the Bishops Committee on the Liturgy issued statement in 1977 on the way we are to share the peace of Christ. The use of both hands in extending the greeting creates an expression of greater warmth and distinguishes this rite from the ordinary handclasp of a social greeting. Families and close friends may exchange a kiss. Often words accompany the action, such as Peace be with you or some similar greeting. (The Sign of Peace, USCC, 1977) For your guidance take note of our Christmas Mass schedule: December 24, Monday: 4:00PM - Arma with PSR Kids 5:30PM - Girard with PSR Kids Dec. 25, Tuesday: 12:00MN - Midnight Mass Girard 8:00AM - Arma 10:00AM - Girard God bless you all! Fr. Roger
Next Saturday (12/22/2012) Altar Servers: 5:30 PM Cooper & Cory Puckett, M.K. Smith Volunteer Volunteer Volunteers
Advent Customs - At least one of the O Antiphons touched the imagination of Christians. Jesus was called the root of Jesse because it had been prophesied that Last Week July 2012 to date the Messiah would come from the House of David, who was Jesses son. Stirred by Contributions $3,876.00 $71,666.00 this image, Christians began the custom of keeping a branch from a cherry tree, or Children's Offering $20.55 $727.92 other flowering plant, in a jar of water throughout Advent. Hopefully, the branch would blossom on Christmas Eve. In countries where Christmas trees werent comExpenses $73,973.40 mon, Jesse trees--bare branches, decorated with a handmade ornament each day Over/ (Under) ($1,579.48) through Advent, took their place in Christian homes. These blossoming branches spoke of new life hidden in the wintry earth, so light spoke to Christians of brightness at the end of the dark waiting days of Advent. Light was used in many ways to celeSaint Michaels Upcoming Events brate Christmas, and soon found its way into Advent customs as well. Two saints who are celebrated during Advent include St. Nicholas on Dec. 6, Finance Council Parish Council whom we wrote of last week; also, on Dec. 13, St. Lucy, a young Sicilian girl who Tony Stonerock-Chair Dale Coomes-Chair lived in the days of the Roman persecutions. She sheltered some Christians, then Jan. 10, at 5:30pm Next Meeting, TBA joined them in martyrdom. Italians proudly sing the folk song, Santa Lucia (St. Lucy) in her honor. She was revered last Thursday in Catholic masses. Rosary Altar Society Knights of Columbus The Advent wreath during this season has become an almost universal custom--a Next meeting, TBA 1st Tuesday of Month, 7pm visible way to prepare for Christs birth in a spiritual way. One could be made very At 6:30pm in the Hall. St. Michael Parish Hall simply with a bent clothes hanger and some evergreen and four candles. Or, they can be most elegant in lovely homes and beautiful churches throughout. The wreath is a Helping Hands Daughters of Isabella circle, a symbol of Gods eternity, while the evergreen stands for life and growth. The Need help or want to volunteer, Call Marilyn Bradshaw, four candles portray the four weeks of the season--the sitting in darkness, awaiting Call Carrie Smith, 724-6684 724-7133 the coming of Christ, the light of the world. Each candle, as it is lit each Sunday, adds more light until on Christmas, when the wreath is aglow with light! The wreath conThat Man in You Friday mornings at 6am tains three purple and one pink (rose) candle, the purple reflecting the penance demanded, while the pink one marks the 3rd Sunday (this very weekend!) called Gaudete Sunday getting its name from the opening antiphon: Rejoice in the Lord AlSt. Michaels Angels ways! It proclaims that the season is half over--our waiting is half over! Hope and The holiday season is upon us! St. Michaels Angels will be joy creep in for a moment. In our homes, the Advent wreath often forms the centerworking their magic helping less fortunate families to celebrate piece for the family table, and a large white candle can be placed in the center of the Christmas. Once again we are asking for your contributions to wreath to be lit on Christmas Eve.
help us be successful this year in reaching our goals. There will be specially marked contribution envelopes at the front entrance of the Church to include with the collections at each Mass. Also, we will take new or nice children/adult clothing, bedding and bath, toys and Christmas decorations. Please contact Janet OBrien at 620-724-0079 with any questions you may have or items to be picked up. St. Michaels Angels and families sincerely thank each of you for your contributions. Afternoon PSR Announcement Just a reminder that this Wednesday, December 19th, we will be having practice for the Christmas Play until 6:00. If your child will not be participating in the Christmas Play, you will be able to pick them up at the usual time, 5:00. Otherwise, you may pick your child up in the church at 6:00.
Volunteers Needed There is a sign up sheet in the back of the church for anyone willing to volunteer to serve, lector, Eucharistic minister, or Gifts/ Greeters for any Masses starting next weekend. Please and Thank you!
Catholic Advent - The Church Year begins with Advent, the season of joyful penance and renewed hope. Unless we prepare well, we wont be able to celebrate the Catholic meaning of Christmas. And its always a struggle for real Christians to observe Advent faithfully since the world begins celebrating weeks before Christmas! John, the Baptist, a cousin and contemporary of Jesus, was preaching that the time was near when the Messiah would appear. When he preached on the banks of the Jordan River in Palestine, history records that he didnt draw huge crowds. To our knowledge, none of the Apostles were followers of John. Yet, in Christs own words, John was the greatest: I tell you, John is greater than any man ever born. Luke 7:28 Jesus listened to him; He was baptized by him. There was fire in Johns words, according to Luke: The ax is ready to cut down the trees at their roots; every tree that does not bear good fruit will be cut down and thrown into the fire. He will gather the wheat into his barn, but will burn the chaff in an unquenchable fire. Luke 3:7 It sounds like hell to me! What a sermon he gave! Only very holy persons can say such things and get away with them. Now, the Church looks to the coming of the Messiah. This takes us back to the opening sentences. The average Catholic has difficulty explaining the meaning of Advent because of the commercial craze going on everywhere weeks before Christmas. Weve seen Christmas decorations displayed since Halloween! Its no wonder that people cant wait til Christmas Day to place that dried up tree with a few icicles out behind the house! Christmas begins on Dec. 25 and lasts 12 days until Jan. 5 or so, known as Epiphany. Most Catholics enjoy Christmas during those days and sing carols at Mass. The world ended Christmas on Dec. 25. We need rekindle the meaning of Advent and try to be a John, the Baptist, to our relatives and friends. Doing that will renew our spirit of joyful hope! Articles by Marcel Normand