Physics 1230: Light and Color: Instructor: Joseph Maclennan
Physics 1230: Light and Color: Instructor: Joseph Maclennan
Physics 1230: Light and Color: Instructor: Joseph Maclennan
What you will need: Text Seeing the Light by Falk, Brill and Stork Clicker bring to class everyday. Available in the bookstore. Use to check your understanding, borderline grade. Calculator bring to class everyday. Access to internet - all class info on the course website
Prerequisites: High school algebra. The class will not use trigonometry, but will use algebra frequently as well as working with some graphs and scientific notation.
Presented in terms of things around you: Color, painting, vision, cameras, rainbows, glasses
- Lots of physics discussion during clicker questions - 1 hour and 15 minute class (it does not end at 12 or 12:05!!)
Break Time
Introduce yourself to your neighbors.
Go to iClicker slides
1. People understand concepts better by seeing them in action and thinking about them than by passively listening. 2. Understanding physics (& solving problems that develop understanding) is a learned skill, like cooking, or skiing. It takes time, effort, and practice. YOU CANNOT LEARN by just listening or watching!!!!!! 3. People learn best by thinking about topics and discussing them with others.
Your final grade may be fine tuned based on your participation in class.
Missed exam policy: Missed exam policy: You need a signed note from a doctor if you miss an exam. Your grade will then be determined from the average of the exams you did take. Special project: ALL students can choose a special project/paper to do at home that is
related to the course. This project can be used to obtain extra credit for the course. You must contact Prof. Maclennan to get topic approval. Your project must be summarized in a paper at least 5-pages long, including text, figures, and references. The paper can be shorter if you do a hands-on project. The special project is due during the last week of class, but it can be handed in early.