Ver I Log Examples
Ver I Log Examples
Ver I Log Examples
Structural Description of a Full Adder module full_adder(x,y,cin,s,cout); input x,y,cin; output s,cout; wire s1,c1,c2,c3; xor(s1,x,y); xor(s,cin,s1); and(c1,x,y); and(c2,y,cin); and(c3,x,cin); or(cout,c1,c2,c3); endmodule
//Gate Level description of Half Adder module half_adder(x,y,s,c); input x,y; output s,c; xor(s,x,y); and(c,x,y); endmodule
Full Adder
module full_adder(x,y,cin,s,cout); input x,y,cin; output s,cout; wire s1,c1,c2; half_adder ha1(x,y,s1,c1); half_adder ha2(cin,s1,s,c2); or(cout,c1,c2); endmodule
Four bit Full adder module four_bit_adder(x,y,cin,sum,cout); input [3:0] x,y; input cin; output[3:0] sum; output cout; wire c1,c2,c3; //fourbit adder body full_adder fa1(x[0],y[0],cin,sum[0],c1); full_adder fa2(x[1],y[1],c1,sum[1],c2); full_adder fa3(x[2],y[2],c2,sum[2],c3); full_adder fa4(x[3],y[3],c3,sum[3],cout); endmodule
module three_and_gate(a, out) ; input [2:0] a ; output out ; wire out ; assign out = a[0]&a[1]&a[2] ; endmodule
module three_or_gate(a, out) ; input [2:0] a ; output out ; wire out ; assign out =a[0]|a[1]|a[2] ; endmodule
module three_nand_gate_non_hierarch(a, b, c, out) ; input a, b, c ; output out ; wire out ; assign out = (a&b&c) ; endmodule
module three_nand_gate_hierarch(a, b, c, out) ; input a, b, c ; output out ; wire out, temp; three_and_gate(a, b, c, temp); assign out = temp ; endmodule
Days in a Month module DaysInMonth(month, days) ; input [3:0] month ; output [4:0] days ; reg [4:0] days ; always @(*) begin case(month) 2: days = 5d28 ; 4,6,9,11: days = 5d30 ; default: days = 5d31 ; endcase end endmodule
// a - binary input (n bits wide) // b - one hot output (m bits wide) module Dec(a, b) ; parameter n=2 ; parameter m=4 ; input [n-1:0] a ; output [m-1:0] b ; wire [m-1:0] b = 1a ; endmodule
module Prime(in, isprime) ; input [2:0] in ; output isprime ; wire [7:0] b ; // instantiate a 3 to 8 decoder Dec #(3,8) d1(in,b) ; // compute the output as the OR of minterms wire isprime = b[1]|b[2]|b[3]|b[5]|b[7]; endmodule
Testing a Design
module Dec_Test(); reg[1:0] in; wire[3:0] out; Dec #(2,4) dec1(in,out); initial begin in = 2b00; #5 $display("With input %b, output is %b", in, out); in = 2b01;
Testing a Design #5 $display("With input %b, output is %b", in, out); in = 2b10; #5 $display("With input %b, output is %b", in, out); in = 2b11; #5 $display("With input %b, output is %b", in, out); $stop; end endmodule
module adder4(A,B,Cin,SUM,Cout); input [3:0] A,B; input Cin; output [3:0] SUM; output Cout; assign {Cout,SUM}=A+B+Cin; endmodule
module mux2to1(mout,a,b,s); output mout; input a,b,s; reg mout; always @(a or b or s) if (s==1) mout=a; else mout=b; endmodule
Testing module
module test_module_name; //Declare local reg and wire identiers. //Instatiate the design module under test //Generate stimulus (inputs to design module) using initial and always. // Display output response.(Display on screen or print) endmodule
$display display value of variables $monitor display variables whenever a value changes during simulation $time display simulation time $nish terminate simulation Examples: $display("%d %b %b",A,B,C); $monitor($time"%b %b %h" , s1,s2,outvalue);
Testbench example Test mux2to1 module testmux2to1; wire tout; reg tA,tB,tselect; parameter stoptime=50; mux2to1 mux1(tout,tA,tB,tselect); initial #stoptime $nish; initial begin tselect=1;tA=0; tB=1; #10 tA=1; tB=0; #10 tselect=0; #10 tA=0;tB=1; end
initial begin $display(" time select A B mout"); $monitor("time=%d select=%b A=%b B=% mout=%b",$time,tselect,tA,tB,tout); end endmodule