Calibration of Hydrophones
Calibration of Hydrophones
Calibration of Hydrophones
As no single hydrophone calibration method is suitable over the f u l l frequency range of interest 0,1 Hz t o 200 k H z , separate methods are outlined for each of the frequency ranges 0,1 Hz 1 Hz, 50 Hz 4 kHz and 4 kHz 200 kHz. The measuring set-ups required for each method are described, and the details t o be taken into consideration for the design of a small indoor water tank are pointed o u t . The frequency response results are presented as well as the measurements of useful parameters such as the equivalent noise pressure and the impedance of the Hydrophone Type 8 1 0 0 .
II n'existe aucune methode d'etalonnage des hydrophones q u ' o n puisse utiliser sur toute la gamme des frequences utiles (0,1 Hz 200 k H z ) . L'article decrit les differentes methodes utilisees sur chacune des gammes 0,1 Hz 1 Hz, 50 Hz 4 kHz et 4 kHz 200 kHz. Les systemes de mesure necessaires pour mettre en oeuvre chaque methode sont decrits et on met en lumiere les details a prendre en compte pour realiser un petit reservoir d'eau d'interieur. Les resultats relatifs a la reponse en frequence sont donnes ainsi que les mesures de parametres interessants tels que la pression equivalente de bruit et I'impedance de I'Hydrophone Type 8 1 0 0 .
Da keine Methode der Hydrophonkalibrierung fur den ganzen interessierenden Frequenzbereich 0,1 Hz 200 kHz anwendbar ist, werden unterschiedliche Methoden fur die Frequenzbereiche 0,1 Hz 1 Hz, 50 Hz 4 kHz und 4 kHz 200 kHz angegeben. Die fur die einzelnen Methoden benotigten Mefcanordnungen werden beschnieben; aufcerdem werden Details, die beim Entwurf eines kleinen Wassertanks zu berucksichtigen sind, aufgezeigt. Die Ergebnisse der Frequenzgangmessungen sowie weitere sinnvolle MeRgroRen, wie der equivalente Schalldruck des Eigenrauschens und die Impedanz des Hydrophons 8 1 0 0 , werden mitgeteilt.
Introduction The most significant parameter specifying a hydrophone is its free field sensitivity S H expressed as a function of frequency. Mathematically it is defined as the ratio. 3
e p
is the electrical output voltage and is the sonic pressure acting on the hydrophone
the units being Volts per N / m or Volts per //pascal. The calibration of the sensitivity is carried out either by using the comparison method or reciprocity method both of which require a free field environment. Natural sites such as lakes, ponds and reservoirs which provide free field environment have all been used for calibration purposes. However, care has to be taken to ensure that the ambient noise is low, which is not always possible on account of ship traffic, rain or wave motion. Also currents, temperature gradients, marine life, bubbles and pollutants make it difficult to achieve a free field environment. These problems on the other hand, can be overcome in an anechoic water tank w i t h absorbent walls and b o t t o m surface. However, if continuous waves are used the dimensions required of the water tank increase as the frequency decreases, making the anechoic water tank an impractical economic proposition. To overcome this limitation, the pulse technique can be utilized to facilitate the calibration of the hydrophone in a relatively small water tank of simple construction. Water Tank Design When designing the water tank, due considerations should be given to the following parameters: Pulse duration (r ms) Distance between transducers The repetition rate of the pulses Pulse duration Fig.1 shows a water tank of dimensions h x L x b with the t w o hydrophones at a distance d apart f r o m each other. One hydrophone acts as a transmitter while the other is the receiver. From the figure it can be seen that the pulse length should be short enough so that measurements are not disturbed by reflected pulses (echoes) arriving at the receiver before the termination of the direct signal. This sets the following limitations to the pulse duration. r^ (reflection between transducers) (reflection from wall)
o _T _i o
(1) (2)
r ^-^^ c
. /
<^ _ D
Fig. 7.
c is the velocity of sound in water (1430 m/s nominally) The pulse length would also be governed by the lower limiting frequency at which the calibration is to be carried out. If the low frequency limit of interest is 3 kHz, the pulse length r> 0,33 ms (4)
if there is to be at least one cycle of the signal. However, to obtain a steady state voltage amplitude across the receiver the minimum pulse length in practice should be at least twice as large i.e. r> 0,7 ms (5)
on account of the transient response of the two transducers. Distance between transducers To ensure that the receiver is placed in the far field the distance between the transducers should be
where a is the largest dimension of the transmitter (projector) and A is the shortest wavelength used. Taking the value of a to be 10 cm for the Brtiel & 5
Kjaer Hydrophone Type 8100 and the upper limiting frequency to be 100 kHz. d ^ 60 cm
The mathematical conditions given by equations (1) (6) are drawn in Fig.2 for the tank described in the following section and illustrate the restrictions placed on the allowable "working area" shown w i t h hatched lines. The conditions (1) (3) are governed by the dimensions of the water tank while conditions (4) (6) are determined by the lower and upper frequency limit and the dimensions of the transducer. Thus the choice of the lower limiting frequency lays restriction on the minimal size of the water tank required.
to pulse duration
and transducer
Repetition Rate of Pulses The choice of the repetition rate of the pulses is governed mainly by the reverberation time (which depends on frequency, the size and shape of the water tank and the absorption coefficient of the tanks inner surfaces). With the aid of an oscilloscope, the repetition rate can be conveniently adjusted to allow sufficient time for reverberant decay. The above considerations were taken into account when designing the water tank shown in Fig.3 together with its associated mechanisms. The water tank dimensions were decided upon to be 4 x 3 x 2 meters specifying the lower limiting frequency to be 3 kHz. The transducers were suspended f r o m carriages which could be moved along rails on the platform, facilitating adjustment of the distance between transducers and their depth in water. 6
For recording directivity patterns the transducers can not only be rotated about a vertical axis, but can also be oriented in the hanger to obtain patterns in different planes.
Calibration Methods Since no single hydrophone calibration method is suitable over the wide frequency range 0,1 Hz - 100 kHz, three different methods have been used for the following frequency sub-ranges. 3 k H z - 100 kHz 50 Hz 4 kHz 0,1 H z 1 Hz Calibration in the Frequency Range 3 kHz 100 kHz For the above frequency range the "Calibrated Projector Method" is used which requires a standard hydrophone as the transmitter and the unknown hydrophone as the receiver whose sensitivity is to be determined. The measurement set-up utilized is shown in Fig.4. Since the water tank is a 7
bounded enclosure reflected pulses (echoes) cannot be avoided. However, the use of the gating system, makes it possible to measure the open circuit voltage developed across the hydrophone on account of the direct pulse only, while blocking the reflected pulses. It can be seen f r o m the measurement set-up that the gating system has two sections, the transmitting and the receiving. The signal from the Beat Frequency Oscillator Type 1013 is fed into the transmitting side of the gating system which consists of a square pulse generator having the possibility of adjusting the pulse length and the repetition rate of the pulses. With the aid of the zero crossing gate, the output f r o m the gating system would appear as tone bursts starting and stopping at zero voltage cross-over time. The tone bursts are fed into the transmitting hydrophone via a low distortion power amplifier. The signal 8
f r o m the receiver hydrophone is displayed on one channel of a dual beam oscilloscope after being conditioned and amplified in the Conditioning Amplifier Type 2650 (or 2626) and Measuring Amplifier Type 2606 respectively. (A high pass filter w i t h cut-off frequency 2 kHz may be inserted before the Measuring Amplifier if components of line frequency and its harmonics are found to exist on account of grounding problems). To avoid the reflecting pulses disturbing the measurements, the output f r o m the Measuring Amplifier is fed into the receiving side of the gating system, called the measuring gate. The measuring gate is synchronized with the pulse generator with a delay approximately equal to the signal transmission time. A final adjustment of delay and gate w i d t h allows the measuring gate to deliver the steady state part of the received signal to the peak detector which feeds the Level Recorder Type 2305. Fig.5 shows the signals appearing at different stages in the measuring set-up. The transmitter hydrophone is previously calibrated by the reciprocity method for which the voltage response is known. If the transmitting hydrophone generates S v Pascals/volt at a distance of 1 meter and the voltage applied across the transmitter is E volts, the sound pressure squared generated at the unknown hydrophone at a distance d would be
o E SV2
p^ =
If the voltage output f r o m the receiver is e volts the sensitivity S H (volts per Pascal) of the receiver is given by 9
Taking logarithms of both sides of the equation we obtain 2 0 l o g 1 0 S H = - 2 0 i o g 1 0 E - 2 0 l o g 1 0 S v + 20 l o g i 0 d + 20 log 1 0 e Thus by applying a constant voltage E to the transmitter and recording e, on the level recorder as the frequency is scanned, the value of S H in dB can be calculated over the frequency range of interest. By suspending the receiver f r o m the Turntable Type 3921 polar directivity patterns can be plotted directly, since the turntable can be synchronized with the level recorder. Fig.6 shows a typical receiving sensitivity curve for the Hydrophone Type 8100 obtained by reciprocity calibration method. The frequency response as can be seen is practically flat (within 2 dB) up t o 50 kHz. The radial resonance mode is observed t o be at 60 kHz, while the longitudinal one appears at about 150 kHz. Since the hydrophone is a stiffness controlled piezoelectric transducer, a constant voltage applied to it would result in a constant displacement response of the hydrophone. Also the acoustic sound pressure generated by the transmitter is proportional to the acceleration. Therefore, as the frequency is increased (keeping the input voltage constant) the sound pressure level would increase at a rate of 12 dB per octave since for constant
Fig. 7.
patterns in water
displacement, acceleration increases at the same rate. The transmitting voltage response shown also in Fig.6 is a curve of slope 12 dB/octave in the frequency range where the dimensions of the transmitter are small in comparison w i t h a wavelength in water (i.e. below the first resonance), (A constant current applied t o the transmitter would give a constant velocity response of the hydrophone resulting in a curve of slope 6 dB per octave). The directivity patterns in the X Y and XZ planes are shown in Fig.7 and are within 2 dB up to 100 kHz and 50 kHz respectively. It should be pointed out, however, that the support fixture may affect the directional characteristics, especially if it has any large reflecting surfaces. Calibration at Sonic Frequencies If the acoustical impedance of the hydrophone is high enough so that its radiation impedance can be neglected and if measurements are performed in 11
in anechoic
the frequency range where diffraction phenomena can also be neglected, then the receiving sensitivity of the hydrophone would be the same in air as it is in water. With these assumptions hydrophones can be calibrated in an anechoic chamber in the frequency range 50 Hz 4 kHz. The measurement set-up used is shown in Fig.8 in which the artificial Voice Type 4219 is used as a constant sound pressure source. A regulating microphone Type 4136 is placed in f r o n t of it to maintain a constant sound
Fig.9. 12
in air
pressure level acting on the hydrophone. The output from the hydrophone Type 8100 is fed to a Measuring Amplifier Type 2606 via a Conditioning Amplifier Type 2626. As the Beat Frequency Oscillator Type 1022 is synchronized with the Level Recorder Type 2305 the frequency response of the hydrophone can be recorded automatically on a frequency calibrated chart. Typical free field voltage sensitivity response of the hydrophone Type 8100 in air is shown in Fig.9 and is found to be within 1 dB up to 4 kHz. The directivity patterns in all planes are the same within 1.5 dB in this frequency range. Calibration in the Infrasonic Frequency Calibration of the hydrophone in the carried out in the water tank described hydrophone in water periodically as pressure Range frequency range 0.1 Hz to 1 Hz is earlier. By varying the depth of the indicated in Fig.10 an oscillating
A p - Ahpg
is acted upon the hydrophone, p is the water mass density, g the acceleration due to gravity and A h the double amplitude of vertical motion. The sensitivity of the hydrophone is measured utilizing the Low Frequency Charge Amplifier Type 2628 shown in Fig.10 and evaluated from the relationship
of infrasonic
frequencies 13
where Ae is the peak-peak voltage measured on the oscilloscope. A t infrasonic frequencies quasi-static pressure fluctuations are indistinguishable from sound pressure and absolute pressure calibration of the hydrophone is obtained. The inertial effects of the hydrophone are minimized on account of its vertical orientation. There is no lower limiting frequency for this calibration method, but the upper frequency is limited by turbulence and laminar f l o w effects normally between 1.54 Hz. Impedance Measurement Often the impedance of a hydrophone is a useful parameter, to know when it is used as a transmitter. The electrical impedance measured at the terminals of the hydrophone can not only be used for calculation of the hydrophone efficiency and driving current f r o m its transmitting voltage response, but also for impedance matching between the transducer and the transmitting or receiving equipment.
Fig. 1 L
Bridge arrangement
for impedance
When carrying out impedance measurements the hydrophone should be loaded as it is loaded in actual practice. Although impedance is measured electrically it is a function of mechanical mass, stiffness as well as the acoustical characteristics of the hydrophone. The measurement set-up used, based on the bridge principle, is shown in Fig.11. The Beat Frequency Oscillator Type 1013 supplies a low distortion signal to a differential transformer with ferrocube core, the secondary winding of which is grounded at its middle point- Thus t w o voltages of same 14
amplitude but of opposite phase are applied across the t w o impedances: one to either a standard hydrophone or to a variable resistance and capacitance and the second to the unknown hydrophone. The frequency of the Beat Frequency Oscillator is measured by a frequency counter, while the balance between the impedances is read out on the oscilloscope. The results obtained for the Hydrophone Type 8100 submerged in water are shown in Fig.12.
Fig. 12.
Equivalent Noise Pressure The concept of Equivalent Noise Pressure is often used as a quality factor for the hydrophone. The equivalent noise pressure is defined as the RMS pressure that would produce a hydrophone open circuit voltage equal to the inherent electrical noise of the hydrophone e where S H is the free field voltage sensitivity of the hydrophone and e is the electrical noise voltage measured. Noise levels are expressed as spectral levels in dB re 1 ^Pa in a 1 Hz bandwidth (or re 1 juPa/7Hz). Since inherent noise is also contributed by the preamplifier used, Fig.13 shows typical equivalent noise pressure curves of the hydrophone when used with different Bruel & Kjasr preamplifiers. 15
Conclusion The hydrophone calibration methods outlined here, as can be seen, are relatively simple to carry out. However, if more accurate results are desired, the reciprocity method of calibration could be carried out using the set-up of Fig.4 and utilizing three hydrophones placed equidistant from each other in a triangular f o r m . A slightly easier comparison method could also be carried out in which the voltages of the standard and the unknown hydrophone placed equidistant from a transmitter, are compared. In the methods described, the voltage sensitivity of the hydrophone has been measured. The charge sensitivity S q can, however, be evaluated from S q = S v x (Capacitance of Hydrophone + Cable) where S v is the voltage sensitivity. It should be noted that the voltage sensitivity depends on cable capacity and hence the length of the cable, while the charge sensitivity remains constant. Prior to carrying out any measurements with the hydrophone, the neoprene rubber boot should be carefully cleaned with a mild solvent or detergent and a suitable wetting agent then applied, such as soap suds to ensure that air bubbles do not adhere to the surface of the hydrophone. Also the 16
hydrophone should be allowed at least one minute per C temperature change t o stabilize in the medium before measurements are carried out. On account of practical limitations mentioned earlier, calibration of the hydrophone in the frequency range 1 Hz 50 Hz is usually carried out in a specially designed pressurized calibration chamber.
Underwater Acoustics. Plenum Press 1963. Underwater Acoustic Handbook, p. I I . The Pennsylvania State University Press 1965. Electronic hydrophone for calibration at very low frequencies. JASA, 26, 1080, 1954. Calibration of Measuring Hydrophones in the Frequency Range 0.1 Hz to 100 Hz (in Russian). Izmeritel'naya Tekhnika 1 9 6 1 , No. 9, 53. English translation: Measurement Technique 1961, No. 9, 75. Factors that Determine the Equivalent Noise Pressure, Free Field Voltage Response and Efficiency of a Transducer at low Frequencies, JASA V o l . 33, No. 5, 1961 p. 674-676. The Dunking Machine Method of Hydrophone Calibration at Infrasonic Frequency. U.S. Navy Underwater Sound Reference Laboratory Research Report No. 35 (1955) A D 75 330. Applied Underwater Acoustics. Pergamon Press 1966.
L.C. B E A T T Y :