3 - Legislatie

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3) What do the letters UNCLOS stand for?

United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea, 1982 4) The law of the sea is embodied in the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea and the....... Geneva Conventions of 1958. 5) The normal base line for measuring the extent of the territorial area along the coast, as marked on large scale charts officially recognised by the coastal State is.......... the low-water line. 6) In international law the territorial sea forms part of a State's territory. At how many miles does the Law of the Sea Convention set the limit of the territorial sea? Twelve miles 9) Which of the following statements is not correct? The exclusive economic zone is the sea area within the 12 mile territorial sea. 13) What is a passenger ship? A ship that carries more than twelve passengers

18) According to Regulation 13.3.b, in which of these exceptional cases can ballast water be loaded into cargo holds of tankers?


20) Every oil tanker operating with Dedicated Clean Ballast shall be provided with an approved Dedicated Clean Ballast Operating Manual. Which of these items must be contained in the manual?

I, IV, V, VI 22) Every tanker operating a Crude Oil Washing System shall be provided with an approved ..... Operations and Equipment Manual. 24) The term 'tanks with smooth walls' is meant to include which tanks? All of the other options.

25) MARPOL regulations require that the slop tank capacity is 3 % of the cargo tank capacity. Under which of these conditions can the slop tank capacity be reduced to 2 or 1.5 %?


27) Every new oil tanker which is required to be provided with SBT or fitted with COW shall comply with which of the following items concerning pumping arrangements and piping?

I, IV, V, VI

28) Marpol states that a small diameter line is to be connected outboard of the manifold for the purpose of pumping pipe and cargo pumps drainage to shore receptives. What does 'connected outboard of ' mean?

A connection on the downstream side of the manifold valves on PS and SB

29) The oil record book for cargo/ballast operations on tankers shall be completed, on a tank to tank basis, whenever which of these operations has taken place?

I, II, III, IV, V, VI, VII, VIII, IX, X 30) Regulation 23 of Marpol Annex I is concerned with the hypothetical outflow of oil from tankers. What is understood by this? The oil discharged into the sea in the case of side damage or bottom damage

31) For the calculation of hypothetical oil outflow, credit shall be given to double bottom tanks, full or empty, when cargo is carried in tanks above. Partial double bottoms are credited..... as non-existent. 32) The volume of any one centre tank on a tanker shall not exceed ....................... cubic metres? 50000 33) Under Marpol, the IOPP certificate of any ship must be supplemented by........... a record of construction and equipment.

36) Which of these items are listed in the Record of Construction and Equipment for an oil tanker?


39) Which of these items about crude oil washing operations must be recorded in the Oil Record Book - Part II (cargo/ ballast operations - tankers)?


40) Which of these items about the ballasting of dedicated clean ballast tanks must be recorded in the Oil Record Book - Part II (cargo/ ballast operations - tankers)?


41) Which of these items about the cleaning of cargo tanks must be recorded in the Oil Record Book - Part II (cargo/ ballast operations - tankers)?


42) Which of these items about the discharge of dirty ballast must be recorded in the Oil Record Book - Part II (cargo/ ballast operations - tankers)?


43) Which of these items about the disposal of residues and oily mixtures not otherwise dealt with must be recorded in the Oil Record Book - Part II (cargo/ ballast operations - tankers)?

I, II, V

44) Which of these items about the discharge of ballast from dedicated clean ballast tanks must be recorded in the Oil Record Book - Part II (cargo/ ballast operations - tankers)?

I, II, III, VI, VII, VIII, X 45) On tankers, segregated ballast tank and clean water ballast systems have reduced the amount of ...... oil getting into the sea.

46) Pick 3 operations from this list which, when conducted on tankers, may lead to a pollution incident?


47) When starting to ballast on non-SBT tankers there is potential for pollution, in that oil remaining in cargo piping may backflow to the sea via the sea chests. Which of these preventative measures should be taken?


48) Pump room sea chest valve leaks are a common cause of pollution on tankers due to leak back of oil in port. What preventive measures must be carried out to prevent any pollution from this cause? The outboard sea valve is tested by opening the drain between the outboard and inboard sea valves which are in series. 49) During all cargo oil loading/discharging or bunkering operations as well as during oil transfers, oil spill equipment should be ........ readily available in a place known to all crew members for immediate use by the assigned deck party.

50) For oil spill containment on tankers, spilt oil on deck must be dumped in the slop tank or other receptacle tank. Which of the following arrangements must be checked or maintained?

I, III, IV, VI 51) Dump valves fitted to manifold trays on tankers should be ...... checked regularly that they can be easily opened. 52) Manifold trays on tankers should be checked regularly to ensure that...... they are clean, that the dumping drains are free and operational, that water collected is drained off.

53) When filling the final cargo tank at the end of loading on tankers, which of these precautions should be taken in order to avoid pollution?


54) After oil cargo loading/discharge or bunkering, draining of shore lines, hoses and loading arms may be done under pressure provided which of these precautions are followed?

I, III, IV, VI, VII, VIII 55) Pollution incidents have been caused by leaking pipe lines (corrosion on bottom), faulty dresser couplings, valve flanges, leaking manometer connections etc. To prevent these what preventive actions should be taken?

Hydrostatic pressure tests should be frequently carried out at maximum pressure, including COW lines.

6) Which of these items is the recommended procedure for testing cargo lines on tankers?

I, II, V, VI

57) The discharge of oily mixtures is not allowed within special areas (with the exemption of processed engine room bilge water), unless certain conditions are satisfied. Which of these conditions must be satisfied?


58) The oil record book for machinery space operations must be completed on a tank to tank basis whenever which of these operations take place?


9) Which of these items must be recorded in the Oil Record Book -Part I, concerning the disposal of oil residues (sludges)?


60) Which of these items concerning non-automatic discharge overboard of bilge water from machinery spaces must be recorded in the Oil Record Book - Part I?


61) Which of these items concerning the operation of machinery spaces must be recorded in the Oil Record Book - Part I?


62) Which of these items concerning automatic discharge overboard of bilge water from machinery spaces must be recorded in the Oil Record Book - Part I?

I, IV, V, VII 63) What entries must be made in the Oil Record Book - Part I (machinery space operations) about the condition of the Oil Discharge Monitoring and Control system? The time of system failure, the time that it was made operational again and the reason for failure.

64) Which of these items concerning accidental or other exceptional discharges of oil must be recorded in the Oil Record Book - Part I?

I, II, V, VI

66) During Marpol inspections by port state control inspectors, ships have been detained because ..... an oil film was found in the overboard discharge pipe of the oily bilge water separator. 68) Any discharge of oil into the sea is prohibited, except when some conditions are satisfied. One of these conditions for an oil tanker is that .... the tanker is more than 50 nautical miles from the nearest land. 70) For existing tankers, the total quantity of oil discharged into the sea should be no more than ..................... of the total quantity of the particular cargo of which the residue formed part. 1/15000 71) The instantaneous rate of discharge of oil content of a tanker shall not exceed..... 30 litres per nautical mile 72) For new tankers, the total quantity of oil discharged into the sea shall not exceed ................ of the total quantity of the particular cargo of which the residue formed part. 1/30000 73) What is the meaning of the term ' Combination Carrier '? A ship designed to carry either oil or solid cargoes in bulk 75) According to Marpol, what is the meaning of the term 'oily mixture '? A mixture with any oil content 78) Does the definition of an 'oil tanker ' apply to a gas carrier? Yes, when carrying a cargo or part cargo of oil in bulk 82) What is the meaning of 'slop tank' as defined by Marpol? A tank specifically designed for the collection of tank drainings, washings or other oily mixtures 85) In order for a tanker to be called a 'new oil tanker ' according to Marpol, the date on it's building contract would read.... after 1st June 1979. 87) Every oil tanker of ....... grt and above and every other ship of ...... grt and above shall be subject to Marpol (IOPP) surveys. 150, 400

88) The initial Marpol (IOPP) survey carried out before a ship enters service, in order to ensure compliance with the applicable regulations, shall include..... a complete survey of its structure, equipment, fittings, systems arrangements and materials, in so far as the ship is covered by this Annex. 89) Periodical Marpol surveys are to be carried out at intervals as specified by the administration. These intervals are not to exceed..... five years. 90) At least one survey must to be carried out during the validity of the IOPP certificate. This shall ensure that the equipment, pumps and piping systems including ODME are in order. What is this survey called? The Intermediate survey 91) If mandatory annual surveys are established by the Administration, how will it affect unscheduled inspections carried out according to Marpol? The unscheduled inspections shall no longer be obligatory 93) Who may carry out Marpol Inspections? All of the other options. 96) What is the meaning of 'an incident' according to Marpol? The actual or probable discharge into the sea of a harmful substance or effluents containing such substances. 99) A new oil tanker of 20,000 tons or above, satisfying the requirements SBT and PL, but not fitted with COW, should be designated as a ................................. on the IOPP certificate. 100) A new oil tanker of 20,000 tons dwt and above but less than 30,000 tons dwt, NOT fitted with SBT and PL, should be designated as a ........................... on the IOPP certificate. product carrier 102) How would an existing oil tanker of less than 40,000 tons dwt be designated on the IOPP certificate? As a crude oil / product carrier 106) When alterations to the ship's construction, equipment, materials , fittings or arrangements are carried out without sanction, the IOPP certificate ceases to be valid. What is the exception? The direct replacement of equipment and fittings

108) An oil tanker is prohibited from discharging oily mixtures into the sea except when certain conditions are satisfied. Which of the conditions mentioned here must be satisfied?


109) A ship other than a tanker of 400grt and above, but less than 10,000grt, cannot discharge oily mixtures from machinery spaces, unless certain conditions are satisfied. Which of these conditions must be satisfied?


110) What is the maximum oil content of a mixture which may be discharged into the sea when the ship is not in a special area? 15 ppm

112) The Marpol regulations prohibit discharges of oil mixtures at sea. The regulations will not apply if the discharge is the result of damage arising from which items in this list?

IV, V 113) Marpol regulations prohibit oily mixture discharges at sea. The regulations do not apply if the discharge is the result of damage to the ship or its equipment. What is the exception? Intent to cause damage, or recklessly and with knowledge that damage could probably result

114) It is possible to discharge substances containing oil, approved by the Administration, (eg. oil dispersants) for the purpose of combating specific pollution incidents, into the sea. Under which of these conditions?


115) For new tankers of 20,000 tons dwt and above, the capacity of the segregated ballast tanks shall be such that, at any part of the voyage, the ships draught and trim meet which of these requirements?


116) New tankers of 20,000 dwt and above shall in no case carry ballast water in cargo tanks, except when which of these circumstances arise?

IV, V 117) For the purpose of determining the capacity of the clean ballast tanks in tankers, which tanks may be included? Segregated ballast tanks, fore and after peak tanks as well as cofferdams. 121) One of the requirements for an oil tanker operating with Dedicated Clean Ballast shall be that it is equipped with....... an oil content meter.

123) Existing oil tankers which comply at all times with SBT draught and trim requirements without the use of ballast water, may be considered to comply with SBT requirements in full, provided which of these items apply?


125) For Protective Location of Segregated ballast tanks, which of these items apply?

II, IV, VI, VII 126) Regulation 14 of Marpol states that no ballast water shall be carried in any fuel oil tank. What is the exception? Ships with special nature of trade which stay for a long time at sea, for example: tugs, fishing boats.

128) Under Marpol, slop tanks shall have the capacity to retain the slop generated by tank washings, oil and dirty ballast residues. Their total capacity shall not be less than ......% of the tank capacity. 3 130) At least two slop tanks are required for.... new oil tankers of 70,000 tons dwt and above.

131) Which of these are the requirements for an Oil Discharge Monitoring and Control System?


132) No oil discharge monitoring equipment is to be fitted on tankers if trading in specific areas or within 50 miles from the nearest land, provided that which of these items apply?


133) Under Marpol, any ship of 10,000 tons gross and above shall be fitted with which of these items of equipment for oily-water separation and oily mixture discharges?

I 134) Any ship of 400 tons gross and above but less than 10000 tons, which does not carry ballast water in fuel oil tanks shall be fitted with a ............... oil filtering equipment for engine bilge discharge. 100 ppm

135) Which of these design requirements must be met by oil filtering equipment fitted on ships of 10,000 grt and above?

I, II, III, IV 136) In the event of accidental or exceptional discharges (for example allowed discharge in order to save life), a statement shall be made in the oil record book explaining what? The circumstances of and the reasons for the discharge 137) Each operation as specified by regulations must be noted in the oil record book without delay and....... will be signed by the Officer or Officers in charge of the operation and each completed page will be signed by the Master. 139) Who can certify true copies of Oil Record Books? The Master

140) Of the four categories of discharge associated with the operation of offshore platforms, for which type or types is Marpol 73/78 applicable?

Type I only 141) Which of the following oils is not an asphalt solution? Solvent 143) Which of the following products is not listed as 'gasoline blending stock' in Appendix I of Marpol Annex I? Flashed feed stock 144) Which of the following products is not listed under 'gasolines' in Appendix I of Marpol Annex I? Fuel oil No 4

146) The Record of Construction and Equipment for ships other than tankers contains information in Chapter II about oil discharge from the machinery space and fuel tanks. Which of these items are included?

I, II, III, IV, V, VI, VII 148) There are 6 annexes to MARPOL 73/78 (Annex I to VI). They deal with pollution caused by........ I = Oil, II = Noxious liquid in bulk, III = Harmful packaged substances, IV = Sewage, V = Garbage, VI = Air pollution.

152) Marpol Annex IV concerning sewage is not yet in force, but a number of countries (for example USA) have adapted it and have stringent regulations. The regulations concern which of these items?


153) Which of these waters are the Special Areas as defined by Marpol Annex V?

I, II, IV, V, VIII, X, XII, XIII 154) According to Annex V of Marpol , no garbage can be thrown overboard inside the Special Areas. Which is the exception? Comminuted (ground up) food waste beyond 12 miles offshore. 157) Garbage disposal regulations outside special areas specify that paper, crockery, rags, metal , glass and food may be thrown overboard within 3 to 12 miles offshore, provided it is ground to less than ......... in size. 25 mm

160) Outside special areas there are three ways of disposing of garbage produced on board ships. From this list, choose the three ways?

I, IV, V

161) Which of these items should be included in an on board pollution prevention training program?


162) To prevent pollution you should look at how the operations that may lead to pollution are conducted on board your ship and ask yourself 3 questions. What are these questions?

II, IV, VI 163) There is potential for pollution when starting to take ballast on non-SBT tankers, because oil may backflow into the sea via the sea chests. In order to prevent this, which notice should be placed on the ballast pump? START PUMP BEFORE OPENING SEA SUCTION

165) Tank overflows while loading oil cargo or bunkering are one of the most common causes of oil pollution. Which five of these items are the main preventive measures against tank overflow?


166) Topping off during oil cargo loading or bunkering is a most critical operation. Which five of these precautions or actions must be taken?

I, III, V, VI, VII 167) During Marpol inspections by port state control inspectors, ships have been detained because....... no pollution placards were posted.

168) These items are standard inspection items for Marpol, as given in guidelines to inspectors and surveyors. Which item does not belong?

Item VII - does not belong 173) Coordonarea activitatii de asistenta si salvare se realizeaza de Autoritatea Navala Romana 174) Autoritatea de stat in domeniul transportului naval este Ministerul Lucrarilor publice, Transporturilor si locuintei 179) Sanctiunile contraventionale se clasifica in Principale si complementare. 180) In cadrul sanctiunilor contraventionale principale intra Avertismentul, amenda contraventionala, munca in folosul comunitatii, inchisoarea contraventionala. 184) Avertismentul se aplica pentru O fapta de gravitate redusa. 189) Executarea sanctiunii amenzii se prescrie in termen de... 5 ani de la data de 1 ianuarie a anului urmtor celui n care a luat natere acest drept. 194) In lipsa unui martor la semnarea procesului verbal de contraventie agentul constatator are obligatia sa Precizeze motivele care au condus la incheierea lui in acest mod. 195) Pentru savarsirea mai multor contraventii in acelasi timp se incheie Un singur proces verbal de contraventie. 196) Contravenientului i se comunica procesul verbal O copie. 199) Procesului verbal de contraventie se poate ataca cu Plangere in termen de 15 zile. 202) Hotararea judecatoreasca ce solutioneaza plangerea poate fi atacata cu Recurs. 203) Contraventiile la normele privind transporturile pe apele nationale navigabile si in porturi se aplica

Numai persoanelor fizice. 320) In cercetarea faptelor care constituie infractiuni din domeniul navigatiei civile Capitania de port are calitatea de Organ de cercetare penala. 321) Luarea de masuri sau efectuarea de cercetari la bordul navei se pot efectua numai in prezenta Capitaniei de port. 326) Constrangerea morala si fizica reprezinta Cauze care inlatura raspunderea penala a faptei. 328) Exercitarea atribuiilor de serviciu sub influena buturilor alcoolice sau a altor substane interzise de autoritatea de reglementare 329) Exercitarea obligatiilor de serviciu in stare de ebrietate de catre personalul de bord care asigura direct siguranta navigatiei pe apa a navei, constituie Infractiune contra sigurantei navigatiei. 330) Pentru personalul navigant care asigura siguranta navigatiei si este gasit sub influenta bauturilor alcoolice sau in stare de ebrietate pedeapsa va fi... Mai mare. 336) Refuzul personalului din cadrul echipajului navei de a se supune recoltarii probelor biologice in vederea stabilirii alcoolemiei se pedepseste Cu o pedeapsa cu inchisoarea mai mare, ce corespunde cu efectuarea serviciului in stare de ebrietate n forma agravanta. 337) Fapta de a parasi postul sau nava ori fapta de a dormi in timpul serviciului de cart sau garda de catre personalul navigant constituie infractiune numai daca S-ar fi putut intrerupe navigatia ori pune in pericol siguranta navei, a incarcaturii sau a echipajului. 349) Stabilirea personalului minim de siguranta pentru navele si instalatiile plutitoare fluviale este reglementata prin Lege speciala 351) Personal navigant brevetat reprezinta Navigatorii care poseda un brevet recunoscut de catre autoritatea de stat in domeniu. 358) La bordul navei, personalul navigant se consider ambarcat n temeiul...

Carnetului de marinar. 361) Structura echipajului navei este alcatiuta din Personal de punte, personal de masini, personal de radiocomunicatii, personal auxiliar. 365) Atribuiile membrilor echipajului sunt prevazute in Contractul de ambarcare. 369) Personalul auxiliar trebuie sa posede Carnete de Marinar 371) Personalul de specialitate al santierelor care participa la efectuarea probelor de mars trebuie sa posede urmatoarele documente specifice personalului navigant Nici un document. 372) Personalul minim de siguranta la navele ce efectueaza probe de mare este stabilit de Capitania de port. 375) Brevetele si Certificatele de capacitate se obtin: Din oficiu ori prin examen. 377) La bordul navelor sub pavilion roman echipajul navelor poate fi si de alta cetatenie decat cea romana Da, cu exceptia comandantului, secundului si a sefului mecanic, si pot fi inlocuiti doar cu aprobarea Autoritatii Navale Romane. 379) La bordul unei nave romane persoanele care fac parte din echipaj dar nu sunt de nationalitate romana, beneficiaza de aceleasi drepturi si obligatii ca si personalul roman la bordul navei Da. 381) Pentru a li se lua in calcul ambarcarea pe nave sub pavilion strain personalul navigant roman trebuie sa prezinte Contractul individual de ambarcre si adeverinta privind perioada de ambarcare, eliberata de la nava. 386) Contravaloarea hranei asigurate la bord se reine din diurna In valuta pe perioada voiajului Da, in cazul navelor sub pavilion roman care efectueaza voiaj international. 388) Pentru pierderea sau distrugerea echipamentului propriu din cauze care nu au legatura cu serviciul sau din propria vina, personalul ambarcat poate solicita

Nu poate solicita despagubiri in aceste conditii. 400) Nedepunerea raportului scris (SEA PROTEST) in termenul legal conduce la: Tragerea la raspundere a comandantului pentru pierderea probelor sau a imposibilitatii conservarii lor. 401) Personalul navigant de la bord care pune in pericol siguranta navei, a personelor sau lucrurilor aflate pe nava poate fi Izolat. 406) Suspendarea brevetelor/certificatelor de capacitate se poate face pe o perioada De la 1 la 12 luni. 408) Masura suspendarii brevetului/certificatului de capacitate inlatura raspunderea civila sau penala Nu. 410) Suspendarea brevetelor/certificatelor de capacitate se poate face pentru Consumarea de bauturi alcoolice sau a drogurilor si efectuarea serviciului sub influenta acestora. 411) Poluarea facuta cu intentie conduce la Suspendarea brevetului/certificatului de capacitate. 413) Savarsirea unei infractiuni specifice activitatii de navigatie conduce la Anularea brevetului / certificatului de navigatie. 414) Anularea sau suspendarea brevetului/certificatului de capacitate se face prin Decizie ce se comunica in 10 zile de la emitere cu retragerea documentului. 418) Pentru ocuparea functiilor superioare de comandant ori sef mecanic se poate acorda dispense... Ca regula nu, numai in caz de forta majora. 422) Perioada de odihna poate fi impartita in cel mult Doua perioade din care una trebuie sa aiba o durata de cel putin 6 ore. 426) Reducerea salariului de baza pe o durata de 1-3 luni cu 5-10 %, constituie Sanctiune disciplinara. 427) Debarcarea personalului navigant inainte de expirarea contractului de ambarcare de pe nava, constituie

Sanctiune disciplinara specifica numai navigatorilor. 428) Retrogradarea din funcie, cu acordarea salariului corespunztor funciei n care s-a dispus retrogradarea, pentru o durat ce nu poate depi 60 de zile, constituie Sanctiune disciplinara cu caracter general. 430) Suspendarea contractului individual de munca, pentru savarsirea unei abateri disciplinare, nu poate depasi... 10 zile lucratoare. 431) Impotriva sanctiunii disciplinare, cel sanctionat poate ataca cu Contestatie in termen de 30 de zile de la comunicarea deciziei de sanctionare. 437) Prezentarea la serviciu sau efectuarea acestuia sub influenta bauturilor alcoolice, constituie Abatere disciplinara. 438) Fapta unui salariat prin care a cauzat pagube materiale angajatorului, din vina si n legatura cu munca sa constituie Raspundere patrimoniala. 441) Raspunderea patrimoniala a salariatului se prescrie in termen de 3 ani. 443) Ratele prin care se recupereaza un prejudiciu nu pot fi mai mari de 1/3 din salariul tarifar net lunar. 444) Hotararea judecatoreasca de la Tribunalul muncii poate fi atacata cu Cu recurs la Curta de Apel. 447) Contractul individual de ambarcare poate contine clauze mai dezavantajoase decat contractul colectiv de munca al companiei Nu. 448) Contractul individual de munca poate inceta La implinirea termenului pentru care s-a incheiat. 452) Alimentatia speciala - antidotul - face obiectul Posibilitatii de a renunta la ea sau de a se pretinde echivalentul acesteia

457) Raspunderea juridica pentru incalcarea normelor de protectie a muncii poate fi Disciplinara, materiala, contraventionala, penala. 475) Operatiunile care se efectueaza in afara limitelor portului au nevoie de Autorizare prealabila. 481) Cand capitania ordona altor nave disponibile s intervin pentru o nava aflat n pericol cheltuielile ocazionate cu interventia de salvare vor fi suportate de Proprietarul sau operatorul navei salvate ori, dupa caz, proprietarul marfii salvate. 485) Executarea titlului executoriu eliberat pentru salvarea unei nave, de catre unitatea creditoare, se face... Cu prioritate inaintea oricarei alte creante. 489) Comandantul si ceilalti membri ai echipajelor navelor care au participat la operatiunile de asistenta si salvare in cazul in care operatiunile de asistenta si salvare a avut loc intre nave apartinand aceleiasi persoane juridice sau fizice sunt indreptatiti sa primeasca o parte din recompensa de salvare ... Da. 490) Activitatea de cautare si salvare a vietii omenesti, pe mare si in apele nationale navigabile, se efectueaza : In mod gratuit de statul roman, in conformitate cu prevederile acordurilor si conventiilor internationale la care Romania este parte, pentru orice persoana, indiferent de nationalitatea acesteia. 491) Centrul de coordonare a activitatii de cautare si salvare a vietii omenesti pe mare se organizeaza si functioneaza in cadrul: Autoritatii Navale Romane. 493) Obligatia de a suporta cheltuielile ocazionate de interventia pentru depoluarea apelor nationale navigabile, limitarea si indepartarea consecintelor poluarii, in cazul poluarii acestora de catre nave apartine: Poluatorului. 498) Pilotul Nu face parte din echipajul navei si nu se substituie comandantului. 504) Pilotul poate parasi nava pilotata in situatia in care... A acostat, respectiv a ancorat nava in siguranta si a primit acordul comandantului.

509) In timpul folosirii remorcherului comandantul si echipajul acestuia devin... Subordonati comandantului navei remorcate si respecta in totalitate ordinele primite din partea acestuia. 520) Permisele de acostare se acorda de Administratia portului. 521) In cazul navelor care vin din voiaj international acceptul de intrare in port se elibereaza numai dupa... Obtinerea liberei practici sanitare. 523) Autoritatea Navala Romana, prin capitaniile de port, in cazul in care constata ca navele sub pavilion strain nu respecta prevederile acordurilor si conventiilor internationale la care Romania este parte, va. Retine nava pana la remedierea deficientelor constatate. 527) Controlul statului pavilionului (FSC) reprezinta Controlul efectuat de Autoritatea Navala Romana navelor care arboreaza pavilionul roman, aflate in/sau afara apele nationale navigabile si in porturile romanesti. 540) Capitaniile de port pot interzice plecarea oricarei nave dintr-un port sau dintr-un loc de stationare aflat in apele nationale navigabile pentru Debite ale proprietarului sau operatorului navei ori ale proprietarului marfii aflate pe nava, fata de autoritati sau agenti economici. 542) Raspunderea pentru interdictia de plecare revine... Solicitantului. 543) Interdictia de plecare a navei nu poate depasi... 24 de ore. 546) Navele care arboreaza pavilion strain si sunt folosite pentru servicii guvernamentale pot fi retinute Nu. 547) Capitaniile de port in cazul in care primesc, in scris, sesizari sau reclamatii referitoare la infractiuni la regimul navigatiei sau pe baza rapoartelor privind sinistrele, abordajele si orice avarie au dreptul si obligatia sa...

Efectueze cercetari, sa solicite sau sa accepte efectuarea de expertize si sa administreze probe in limitele competentelor lor. 551) Navele de razboi sunt supuse de regula regimului Autorizarii sau notificarii prealabile. 556) In porturi, zona maritima, fluviala sau a altor cai de navigatie constituie Coincide cu incinta portuara. 579) Statul riveran poate incepe exercitarea dreptului de urmarire... Impotriva navelor care au incalcat legile si regulamentele, in marea teritoriala si continua acest drept in marea libera. 581) Asupra unei persoane aflata la bordul unei nave straine in trecere prin marea sa teritoriala nu se poate exercita... Jurisdictia civila a statului riveran. 582) Zona contigua a Romaniei este. Fisia de mare adiacenta marii teritoriale care se intinde spre largul marii pina la distanta de 24 mile marine, masurata de la liniile de baza. 584) Zona economica exclusiva a fost instituita in vederea Protejarii resurselor piscicole si a altor interese economice. 586) Zona economica: Nu face parte din teritoriul statului riveran. 591) Care din urmatoarele constituie libertati ale statelor riverane si cele neriverane ce se poate exercita in marea libera Punerea de cabluri, conducte petroliere si conducte submarine. 593) Regimul de mare libera se aplica... Apelor marilor si oceanelor situate in sfera zonei economice exclusive, a marii teritoriale, a apelor internationale si a apelor arhipelagice ale statelor.

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