Oilpol 1954
Oilpol 1954
Oilpol 1954
Article I
Article II
b) ships for the time being engaged in the whaling industry when
actually employed on whaling operations;
c) ships for the time being navigating the Great Lakes of North
America and their connecting and tributary waters as far east as
the lower exit of St. Lambert Lock at Montreal in the Province of
Quebec, Canada;
d) naval ships and ships for the time being used as naval
2. Each Contracting Government undertakes to adopt appropriate
measures ensuring that requirements equivalent to those of the
present Convention are, so far as is reasonable and practicable,
applied to the ships referred to in subparagraph (d) of paragraph
(1) of this Article.
Article III
(iii) the oil content of the discharge is less than 100 parts
per 1,000,000 parts of the mixture.
(iv) the tanker is more than 50 miles from the nearest land;
Article IV
Article V
Article III shall not apply to the discharge of oily mixture from
the bilges of a ship during the period of twelve months following
the date on which the present Convention comes into force for the
relevant territory in accordance with paragraph (1) of Article II.
Article VI
2. The penalties which may be imposed under the law of any of the
territories of a Contracting Government in respect of the unlawful
discharge from a ship of oil or oily mixture outside the
territorial sea of that territory shall be adequate in severity to
discourage any such unlawful discharge and shall not be less than
the penalties which may be imposed under the law of that territory
in respect of the same infringements within the territorial sea.
Article VII
Article VIII
a) for tankers:
Article X
Article XI
Article XII
Article XIII
Article XIV
Article XV
Article XVI
Article XVII
Article XVIII
Article XIX
Article XX
Article XXI
** Signatures omitted.
4. Date of transfer
h) Disposal of residues
37. Port
................................Signature of Master
5. Identity of tank(s)
c) Disposal of residues
................................Signature of Master
Article I
"Nearest land". The term "from the nearest land" means from the
baseline from which the territorial sea of the territory in
question is established in accordance with the Geneva Convention
on the Territorial Sea and the Contiguous Zone, 1958, except that,
for the purposes of this Convention "from the nearest land" off
the north-eastern coast of Australia shall mean from a line drawn
from a point on the coast of Australia in latitude 11 deg south,
longitude 142 deg 08 min east to a point in latitude 10 deg 35 min
south, longitude 141 deg 55 min east:
The Assembly,
Article VIbis
* where these Amendments enter into force, the Annex (Form of Oil
Record Book) will become Annex A and this Annex will become Annex
1.1 Collision
1.2 Stranding
2.1 Collision
Oc = sigmaWi +
2.2 Stranding
Os = 1/3(sigmaZiWi + sigma ZiCi) .................(2)
Si = 1 - li/lc
b) Where the double bottom does not extend for the full length and
width of the tank involved, the double bottom is considered non-
existent and the volume of the tanks above the area of the
stranding damage shall be included in formula (2) even if the tank
is not considered breached because of the installation of such a
partial double bottom.
The volume of a wing tank shall not exceed seventy-five per cent
of the limits of hypothetical oil outflow referred to in 3.1. The
volume of a centre tank shall not exceed 50,000 cubic metres.