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Securing The Cloud - Using Encryption and Key Management To Solve Today's Cloud Security Challenges

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Securing the Cloud - Using Encryption and

Key Management to Solve Today's Cloud

Security Challenges
Steve Pate CTO, High Cloud Security
Tushar Tambay Architect, High Cloud Security
Securing the Cloud - Using Encryption and Key Management to Solve Today's Cloud Security Challenges
2011 Storage Networking Industry Association. All Rights Reserved.
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Securing the Cloud - Using Encryption and Key Management to Solve Today's Cloud Security Challenges
2011 Storage Networking Industry Association. All Rights Reserved.
Securing the Cloud - Using Encryption and Key
Management to Solve Today's Cloud Security
Moving to "The Cloud" is viewed as a path that most companies believe they
will head down over the next several years. However, concern around
security is the number one barrier to cloud adoption. Encryption and Key
Management are important technologies that can help secure applications and
data in the cloud. Companies considering moving to a cloud based
infrastructure need to understand various aspects of encryption and key
management - regulations guiding their use, the impact of key expiration and
rotation on application performance and backup / restore / archiving,
hardware versus software key management and retaining control of keys
when applications and data are with a Cloud Service Provider. We will discuss
industry best practices around encryption and key management, look at how
various existing solutions fare on these considerations, and look at emerging
solutions in this space.
Securing the Cloud - Using Encryption and Key Management to Solve Today's Cloud Security Challenges
2011 Storage Networking Industry Association. All Rights Reserved.
Key Management Is Hard!
Key management is the hardest part of
cryptography and often the Achilles' heel of an
otherwise secure system.
Bruce Schneier
Preface to Applied Cryptography
Second Edition
Securing the Cloud - Using Encryption and Key Management to Solve Today's Cloud Security Challenges
2011 Storage Networking Industry Association. All Rights Reserved.
Virtualization, Cloud and how they relate
Some basics on Virtualization and Cloud security
Talking about encryption and key management
What are the standards groups doing in these areas?
Will the standards help us in the Cloud?
What do customers want in terms of encryption and key
Are there models in place that allow customers and providers
to work together?
It looks a little scary - is there hope?
Where can I get more information?
Securing the Cloud - Using Encryption and Key Management to Solve Today's Cloud Security Challenges
2011 Storage Networking Industry Association. All Rights Reserved.
The Cloud Depends On Virtualization
Basic Costs multi-tenancy
Example websites hosted by Media Temple are VMs
How many VMs can I run on a single server?
10 or so on older servers, 25 on newer servers
Some deployments have 100s of VMs / host
But really its about flexibility
Heavily virtualized companies have great flexibility in their virtualized
environments but cant get that flexibility in the public Cloud
VM mobility is key
VM and data need to stay together
Customers need control over VMs in public clouds
Cloud bursting - just all talk?
The dynamic deployment of a VM that runs on internal organizational
compute resources to a public cloud to address a spike in demand.
How do I move that much data in and out of the cloud dynamically?
Securing the Cloud - Using Encryption and Key Management to Solve Today's Cloud Security Challenges
2011 Storage Networking Industry Association. All Rights Reserved.
Virtualization Has New Challenges
Many different areas were focusing on data security
The idea of machine theft becomes a reality USB key ...
My memory image is now in a file (paging, snapshots,
suspending, ...). Protection in the guest has new issues
Some problems existed in the physical world VMs are more
easily exploited
Encryption keys used in memory can be found in files on disk!
Running AD as a VM? Lots of usernames/password on disk in the clear
VMs needs to be wrapped when moving in and out of the
cloud SSL/TLS not enough
Have all defense in depth mechanisms work together. Security needs
to follow VMs in the infrastructure.
VMware CEO Maritz - VMworld 2010
Securing the Cloud - Using Encryption and Key Management to Solve Today's Cloud Security Challenges
2011 Storage Networking Industry Association. All Rights Reserved.
And So Does The Cloud
Many areas of concern - the main issue is around
data and protecting the data!
I sign up for on-line services - taxes, Wiki, ...
On-line Wikis ACLs dont prevent admins from reading data
New security startup - wants to use cloud services, concerned about
putting source code in the cloud, wants easy to use tools,
My data gets backed up but ...... where does it go?
Disk-to-disk, to tape, this country, somewhere else, ?
Move from CSP to another:
How can they delete the data?
Can they find all of those tapes?
For data backed up on tape, can one customers data be shredded?
Securing the Cloud - Using Encryption and Key Management to Solve Today's Cloud Security Challenges
2011 Storage Networking Industry Association. All Rights Reserved.
And So Does The Cloud cont
Is Multi-Tenancy really a problem?
VM guest to guest attacks
A VM takes over the hypervisor - how real is this?
We separate data either through logical or physical means
Does this really help? Isnt it all still on disk side by side?
Its all about people
We can put best security tools and best practices in place but
in a recent survey:
33 percent of IT professionals were most concerned about data being lost or
stolen through USB devices.
39 percent of IT professionals worldwide were more concerned about the threat
from their own employees than the threat from outside hackers.
27 percent of IT professionals admitted that they did not know the trends of data
loss incidents over the past few years.
Securing the Cloud - Using Encryption and Key Management to Solve Today's Cloud Security Challenges
2011 Storage Networking Industry Association. All Rights Reserved.
10 10
So where do we stand?
Only 34% of Servers are virtualized .... the #1
restriction sited to further virtualization was security CDW2009
87% of respondents rated Security Challenges as the #1 issue
ascribed to the Cloud model. IDC Enterprise Panel 2009
73 percent said security was the primary obstacle to their
adopting cloud computing, followed by compliance (54 percent)
and portability and ownership of data (48 percent). Most said they
were worried about stopping unauthorized access to their company
data in the cloud, and 42 percent said security worries have
stopped their organizations from going to the cloud. PhoneFactor
"By 2015, security will shift from being the No. 1 inhibitor of cloud
to one of the top enablers Forrester Research
Securing the Cloud - Using Encryption and Key Management to Solve Today's Cloud Security Challenges
2011 Storage Networking Industry Association. All Rights Reserved.
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How Can Encryption Help?
Industry leaders and organizations recognize that encryption
is a critical component of secure cloud environments
The key to this is key management
Encryption will not be widely deployed unless it is easy to use
Think back to the Bruce Shneier quote
Leading think tanks are putting together new guidelines
But technology is lagging
Industry wide initiatives needed to address:
Best practices
The human factor
How technology fits into the new world
Securing the Cloud - Using Encryption and Key Management to Solve Today's Cloud Security Challenges
2011 Storage Networking Industry Association. All Rights Reserved.
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But Isnt Encryption Slow?
How much hardware to throw at the problem:
Similar to the multi-tenant cloud analogy
How much memory do I have?
Am I CPU bound or I/O bound?
Multiple hardware options available
Instructions built into the CPU libraries available in public domain
Numerous hardware cards available
Many cards offer more than just encryption (key generation and
storage, tamper proof capabilities)
Will see some hardware options become
commonplace over next several years
Securing the Cloud - Using Encryption and Key Management to Solve Today's Cloud Security Challenges
2011 Storage Networking Industry Association. All Rights Reserved.
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Industry Forums / Leaders?
Standards are still in their infancy
CSA Cloud Security Alliance
A non-profit organization formed to promote the use of best practices
for providing security assurance within Cloud Computing, and provide
education on the uses of Cloud Computing to help secure all other
forms of computing.
ENISA European Network and Information Security Agency
ENISA is the EUs response to security issues of the European Union.
As such, it is the 'pace-setter' for Information Security in Europe.
Jericho Forum part of the Open Group
The leading international IT security thought-leadership association
dedicated to advancing secure business in a global open-network
Securing the Cloud - Using Encryption and Key Management to Solve Today's Cloud Security Challenges
2011 Storage Networking Industry Association. All Rights Reserved.
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Some Guidelines Available
CSA Cloud Security Alliance:
Top Threats to Cloud Computing V1.0 March 2010 (14 pages)
Security Guidance for Critical Areas of Focus in Cloud Computing Prepared
by the Cloud Security Alliance - April 2009 (83 pages)
Security Guidance for Critical Areas of Focus in Cloud Computing V2.1
December 2009 (76 pages)
CSA Cloud Controls Matrix v1.1 December 2010 (Excel spreadsheet)
Cloud Computing Benefits, risks and recommendations for information
security - November 09 (125 pages)
Securing the Cloud - Using Encryption and Key Management to Solve Today's Cloud Security Challenges
2011 Storage Networking Industry Association. All Rights Reserved.
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What About The Data?
Security Guidance for Critical Areas of Focus in Cloud Computing V2.1 CSA - December 2009
Securing the Cloud - Using Encryption and Key Management to Solve Today's Cloud Security Challenges
2011 Storage Networking Industry Association. All Rights Reserved.
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Encryption and Key Management
Check out these SNIA Tutorials:
Cryptography Deciphered Michael Willett,
Spring 2011
An Inside Look at Imminent Key Management
Standards - Matthew Ball, Spring 2010
An Introduction to Key Management for Secure
Storage Walt Hubis Spring 2010
Visit the Cloud Storage Hands-On Lab:
Securing the Cloud - Using Encryption and Key Management to Solve Today's Cloud Security Challenges
2011 Storage Networking Industry Association. All Rights Reserved.
17 17
Encryption and Key Management
What do the standards recommend?
NIST (National Institute of Standards and Technology) provides
recommendations on algorithms and encryption modes
Need to be aware of FIPS (Federal Information Processing Standards)
certification, Common Criteria and similar standards in other
Is this enough in a distributed cloud-based world?
No not really different countries have different requirements
In some countries encryption is heavily regulated
Export compliance issues to be resolved
Need an architecture that supports multiple encryption algorithms or
has a pluggable architecture that allows for new algorithms
Key management standards are not sufficient.
Securing the Cloud - Using Encryption and Key Management to Solve Today's Cloud Security Challenges
2011 Storage Networking Industry Association. All Rights Reserved.
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Encryption / Key Management Issues
Key generation and key application - Two different areas
often confused
Key Management
Application of keys at the endpoint
Administrative roles
No good if one person has access to everything
Key Lifecycle
Key states:
Pre-activation, Active, Suspended, Revoked, Deactivated, Destroyed,
Compromised, Destroyed Compromised
Key state transitions
Roles and responsibilities
Key meta data, storage, transport, escrow, backup, recovery,
revocation, suspension, renewal, compromise,
A Framework for Designing Cryptographic Key Management Systems NIST special publication
800-130 (84 pages)
Securing the Cloud - Using Encryption and Key Management to Solve Today's Cloud Security Challenges
2011 Storage Networking Industry Association. All Rights Reserved.
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Key Management Issues
What do we care about?
Key generation and key application
Protection of the keys - Key encryption / Master key
How to protect the master key
High availability and disaster recovery scenarios
Key expiration / rotation what happens to the data?
Key shredding / switching to other states (read only)
There is poor integration between key management systems,
the application of encryption and the data lifecycle
This is why many of todays key management techniques dont work
Many encryption solutions tend to be home grown
Key management should be hidden within a policy framework
Securing the Cloud - Using Encryption and Key Management to Solve Today's Cloud Security Challenges
2011 Storage Networking Industry Association. All Rights Reserved.
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Key Management Server Example
Key Store
Key Server A
Key Store
Key Server B
n of m backup
Encrypted Backup
Encrypted Backup
Securing the Cloud - Using Encryption and Key Management to Solve Today's Cloud Security Challenges
2011 Storage Networking Industry Association. All Rights Reserved.
21 21
Key Management Standards
IEEE 1619.3
Disbanded in Dec 2010
Publicly announced in February 2009
KMIP V1.0 was approved in September 2010
http://docs.oasis-open.org/kmip/spec/v1.0/os/kmip-spec-1.0-os.pdf (152
Looks like companies are moving ahead to implement KMIP within
their frameworks
Other groups:
ISO/IEC 11770
ISO 11568
NIST SP 800-57
IETF Keyprov (RFC 6030, RFC 6031, RFC 6063)
Securing the Cloud - Using Encryption and Key Management to Solve Today's Cloud Security Challenges
2011 Storage Networking Industry Association. All Rights Reserved.
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Encryption At Rest An Example
A key is generated
The key is securely passed to the encryption agent
A filesystem in this case. At this layer we have better visibility into
applications, users etc and have greater access controls.
Encryption is performed on the data
Are we done? Not even close!
Filesystem Agent
Key Manager
Securing the Cloud - Using Encryption and Key Management to Solve Today's Cloud Security Challenges
2011 Storage Networking Industry Association. All Rights Reserved.
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Encryption At Rest Issues
Does the key manager have context?
What happens when the endpoint reboots?
Association of meta-data that references the key
What happens when data is backed up?
Can we store meta-data with the data on backup? No so easy
What happens when the data is restored?
Can we still find the keys?
How do we perform key rotation?
Does the server need to be off-line?
In Short:
A great solution requires knowledge within the KM about how the
keys will be used. The encryption endpoint requires integration with a
number of different technologies to be effective.
Securing the Cloud - Using Encryption and Key Management to Solve Today's Cloud Security Challenges
2011 Storage Networking Industry Association. All Rights Reserved.
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Now We have Virtual Machines!
Securing the Cloud - Using Encryption and Key Management to Solve Today's Cloud Security Challenges
2011 Storage Networking Industry Association. All Rights Reserved.
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Encryption Everywhere?
Due to VM mobility:
Encryption needs to be applied in multiple places
The encryption endpoint moves!
In the data center
Between data centers
Between private and public clouds
Were protecting more than just application data
Were dealing with new security issues
Where are all my VMs? I should not be concerned about this.
Security policies need to travel with the VM
The relationship between a key manager and the
endpoint has gotten more complicated
Securing the Cloud - Using Encryption and Key Management to Solve Today's Cloud Security Challenges
2011 Storage Networking Industry Association. All Rights Reserved.
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Can We Encrypt Everything?
VM sprawl increases the amount of data
We need deduplication to help solve the data explosion issue
6.8 exabytes generated every 2 days
2 years ago - $1 on virtualization, $3 on storage
Today - $1 on virtualization, $5 on storage
Some people are saying that its more like $7
But dedup and encryption dont always work well together
Need to understand dedup needs and options
Dedup first then encrypt?
Interesting multi-tenancy issues
Storage in the virtual world is not the same as the physical
We need to think different about how we manage this imbalance
Especially considering everything moves as a container
Securing the Cloud - Using Encryption and Key Management to Solve Today's Cloud Security Challenges
2011 Storage Networking Industry Association. All Rights Reserved.
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Stop Thinking In Terms Of Keys!
Key Management should be hidden within a policy
Rather than thinking:
Give me a key
Encrypt the data
Wrap the key in a password
Store the password somewhere.
We need to think in terms of policy:
I want to create some VMs and run them in my private cloud
My auditor wants keys rotated every 6 months
I now want them to move to the public cloud
I only want them to run Mon-Fri
At the end of the quarter I dont want them to run at all
At that point I want them gone no trace left!
Securing the Cloud - Using Encryption and Key Management to Solve Today's Cloud Security Challenges
2011 Storage Networking Industry Association. All Rights Reserved.
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Key Management Cloud Options
Securing the Cloud - Using Encryption and Key Management to Solve Today's Cloud Security Challenges
2011 Storage Networking Industry Association. All Rights Reserved.
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Why Is It So Hard?
The technology is so broad:
Operating systems
Encryption and Key Management
Virtualization and VM mobility
Few companies have the ability to span all
But encryption is the solution to protect data
Key Management solutions need to be broader
We have the technologies today
We need to bring them all together
Securing the Cloud - Using Encryption and Key Management to Solve Today's Cloud Security Challenges
2011 Storage Networking Industry Association. All Rights Reserved.
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Holding The Keys To Your Kingdom
How will the transition to public cloud work?
Virtualize internally build out private cloud
Be confident that this environment is secure
Move to the public cloud as required
Companies secure their virtualized data center
Build out private cloud
Solve key management needs for the private cloud
Once security needs can be met, can public clouds just be an extension?
Service Providers secure their data centers
Service Provider secures their virtualized environment
Either CSP manages keys or customer manages keys
Different companies will have different requirements / needs
Securing the Cloud - Using Encryption and Key Management to Solve Today's Cloud Security Challenges
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For More Information
Cloud Security Alliance
Encryption / Key Management Links
Virtualization Practice great podcast
Trend Micro Cloud Blog
SNIA Resources (search for encryption and key management)
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2011 Storage Networking Industry Association. All Rights Reserved.
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Q&A / Feedback
Please send any questions or comments on this
presentation to SNIA: tracksecurity@snia.org
Many thanks to the following individuals
for their contributions to this tutorial.
- SNIA Education Committee
Steve Pate

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