Supreme Court
Supreme Court
Supreme Court
Dred Scott
Class Discussion
How do you feel about the Supreme Courts decision to rule against Scott? Do you think the judges decision set precedent for cases that followed? If so, how? If not, why not?
*Jim Crow laws were sustained and in some many cases expanded based on the Supreme Court decision of separate, but equal.
Class Discussion
How do you think the Supreme Court came to the separate, but equal decision with Plessy v. Ferguson? Do you believe separate, but equal facilities would have been successful economically and socially if all resources were truly equal? Why or why not?
*The state of Missouri offered to pay for Gaines to attend another school out of state, but he refused.
*Gaines case was eventually bought up to the Supreme Court. The court ruled in Gaines favor, stating that the separate, but equal ruling required Gaines admittance into the university because the state could not provide an equal state alternative. *This case was the beginning of the NAACPs strategy to slowly eliminate the separate, but equal doctrine.
Class Discussion
Do you agree with the NAACPs strategy to chip away at the constitutionality of separate, but equal? Why or why not? Do you think the NAACP strategically focused on cases that affected future African American lawyers? Why or why not?
Class Discussion
What impact does the Brown v. Board of Education ruling have on us today? Was the strategy to slowly chip away at the separate, but equal ruling successful based on all of the cases we have learned about? Why or why not? Do you think our schools are fully integrated today? Why or why not?