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Benefits of Organic Agriculture

- Organic food reduces health risks by keeping harmful chemicals and pesticides
out of the food.
- Organic food tastes better and contains high nutritional value.
- Organic farming create congruent balance between crop production and animal
- Organic farming preserve the long-term fertility of soil through the sustainable
production system.
- Organic farming reducing pesticide use and minimizing agriculture’s impact on
the ecosystem.

SugarPlus - An Introduction

SugarPlus’s active ingredient is a very significant symbiotic nitrogen-fixing

bacterium for sugarcane. It was first discovered in high yielding varieties of
sugarcane grown in Brazil. As per international research findings up to 40%
biological nitrogen fixation in sugarcane is due to these bacteria. It addition to
its nitrogen fixation it also secretes useful growth promoting hormones such as
Indole Acetic Acid (IAA).


This fertilizer is specially made for Sugarcane.

Direction of Use

Sett Treatment:

Dosage - 5 kg/hector (5 kg formulation dissolved in 250 lt water).

Procedure 1: Soak the sugarcane setts for 1 hr in the above mixture. Take the
setts out and incubate overnight or 1-2 hours before planting. Please remember
that the setts to be treated with SugarPlus should not have been pre-treated with
fungicides or any kind of chemical pesticides.


Procedure 2: Mix 5 kg. SugarPlus in 150-200 Kg farm yard or organic manure or soil
and broadcast it over one hectare of land at the time of last ploughing or before

Soil Application:

Dosage - 4 kg /acre in 2 splits.

1. 4 kg/acre at 30th day after planting.

2. 4 kg/acre at 60th day after planting.

Procedure: Mix 4 kg of SugarPlus with 50-100 kg soil or Farm Yard Manure (FYM)
and broadcast it over one acre of land at the time of last ploughing or before

Note: For best results mix the above dosage of SugarPlus with 4 kg of BioP-Plus.

Product Advantages
» Increases the nitrogen uptake efficiency of sugarcane.
» 5-25% crop yield may be increased.
» Increases sugar content (recovery) of sugarcane.
» Eco-friendly product.
» Nontoxic to human, animals, plants.

» Apply during evening in humid conditions. If conditions are dry,
irrigate the land before application.
» Chemical fertilizers/insecticides should not be sprayed before or after 5 -7
days for best results.
» Do not mix with chemical fertilizers or insecticides at the time of
» Store in cool place away from direct sun light and heat.


POTENCY: 1 X 108 CFU/gm when packed

Packing WEIGHT: 1, 2, and 5 KG. (Custom made available)

BioN-Plus - An Introduction

BioN-Plus is a Nitrogen fixing bio-fertilizer. Nitrogen is a major nutrient for

all plants. BioN-Plus has highly efficient nitrogen fixing bacteria of
Azospirillum species. Azospirillum lipoferum is a very useful soil and root
bacterium. It is an associative symbiotic Nitrogen fixing bacteria. It is found in
the soil around plant roots and root surface. When Azospirillum lipoferum is added
to the soil, it multiplies in millions and can supply 20-40 kg of nitrogen per
hectare per season. It also produces growth-promoting substances like Indole
acetic acid (IAA), gibberellins, and promotes root proliferation. It increases the
rootlet density and root branching resulting in the increased uptake of mineral
and water. Plant growth promoting substance like pantothenic acid, thiamine and
niacin are produced by Azospirillum lipoferum in large quantities. These
substances improve the plant growth and yield.


Suitable for crops like Rice, Sugarcane, Maize, Wheat, Barley, Bajra, Ragi,
Sorghum, Turmeric, all Fruits, Vegetables, horticulture crops, etc.

Direction of Use

Soil Application: Dosage – 2 to 4 kg / acre

» For Rice, Vegetable, Flowers, nursery beds

Mix 2 kg of BioN-Plus with 50-100 kg of farm yard manure or soil uniformly and
apply to one acre of land.

» For other commercial crops

Mix 4 - 5 kg BioN-Plus 50-100 kg of farm yard manure / soil uniformly and apply to
the field.

Seed treatment: Dosage - 1 Kg / acre

Mix 1 kg of BioN-Plus with 500-1000 ml of cooled rice gruel or 5 % Jaggary

solution. Mix seeds required for 1 acre with this solution to have a uniform
coating on the seeds. Dry the seeds in shade for 30 minutes sow the treated seeds
within 24 hrs.

Please remember that the seeds to be treated with BioN-Plus should not have been
pre-treated with fungicides or any kind of chemical pesticides.

Seedling Treatment: For paddy, capsicum, etc.

Mix 1 kg of with 25-30 liter of water. Dip the root portion of the seedlings
required for 1 acre in suspension for 15-30 minutes and then transplant.

Product Advantages
» Fixes 25-30% nitrogen required by plants.
» It renders plant drought tolerant when irrigation or rain is delayed.
» Reduces usage of inorganic nitrogen fertilizer by upto 30%.
» Promotes root hair development & branching.
» Increases uptake of N, P, K & microelements
» Eco-friendly product.
» Nontoxic to human, animals, plants.

» Apply during evening in humid conditions. If conditions are dry,
irrigate the land before application.
» Chemical fertilizers/insecticides should not be sprayed before or after 5 -7
days for best results.
» Do not mix with chemical fertilizers or insecticides at the time of
» Store in cool place away from direct sun light and heat.


POTENCY: 1 X 108 CFU/gm when packed

PACKING WEIGHT: 1, 2, and 5 KG. (Custom made available)

BioP-Plus - An Introduction

BioP-Plus is a phosphate solubilizing bio-fertilizer. Phosphorus is a major

nutrient for plants inducing vigorous growth and also contributing to their
disease resistance. Phosphorous helps in root formation and plant growth. The
plants utilize only 10–15% of phosphate applied. The balance 85 – 90% remains in
insoluble form in the soil. The BioP-Plus has highly efficient phosphate
solubilizing microorganism PSM (Bacillus coagulans bacteria) that grow and secrete
organic acids, which dissolve this unavailable phosphate into soluble form and
make it available to the plants. Thus, the residual phosphate fertilizers in the
soil can be well utilized and external application can be optimized.


Field crops – Cotton, Paddy, Sorghum, Sunflower, Groundnut, Potato, Mustard,

Cumin, Pulses (Moong, Tuver, Chickpeas), Soybean, Sugarcane, Sunflower, etc.

Fruit Crops – Banana, Mango, Grapes, Guava, Sapota, Pomergranate, Custard Apple,
Orange, Citrus Fruits, Coconut, etc.

Vegetable Crops – Tomato, Chilly, Brinjal, Onion, Lady’s finger, etc.

Plantation Crops – Coffee, Tea, Cardamom, Horticulture plants, Floriculture,

Medicinal Plants, Home Gardening etc.

Direction of Use

Soil Application: Dosage – 2 to 5 kg / acre

Mix 3-4 kg of BioP-Plus with 50-100 kg soil or Farm Yard Manure (FYM) and
broadcast it over one acre of land at the time of last ploughing or before

For best results mix the recommended dosage of BioP-Plus with farmyard manure (cow
dung) or organic manure, moisten and keep overnight before application to the
Dosage of BioSOL–P: For most crops 2 to 5 kg per acre of BioP-Plus will give good
results. Pulses, onion, oil seeds and horticulture crops generally require larger
dose of BioP-Plus (Phosphate Solubilizing Bacteria - PSB). Sugarcane crops require
8 to 10 kg of BioP-Plus per acre. Dosage may vary from soil to soil. High dosage
is required in soils having low available phosphorus (P).

Product Advantages
» Application of BioP-Plus assures early & effective germination of seeds.
» Increases the nutrient uptake efficiency of plants.
» 5-25% crop yield may be increased.
» Increases the efficiency of applied phosphorous fertilizers.
» Eco-friendly product.
» Nontoxic to human, animals, plants.

» Apply during evening in humid conditions. If conditions are dry,
irrigate the land before application.
» Chemical fertilizers/insecticides should not be sprayed before or after 5 -7
days for best results.
» Do not mix with chemical fertilizers or insecticides at the time of
» Store in cool place away from direct sun light and heat.


POTENCY: 2 X 108 CFU/gm when packed

PACKING WEIGHT: 1, 2, and 5 KG. (Custom made available)

BioN-Grow - An Introduction Introduction

BioN-Grow is a Nitrogen fixing biofertilizer. it contains highly efficient

nitrogen fixing bacteria of Azotobacter species. Azotobacter is free-living non-
symbiotic aerobic nitrogen fixing bacteria found in rhizosphere zone of many
plants. Azotobacter produces a variety of growth promoting substances like Indole
acetic acid (IAA), gibberellins (GA), Vitamin-B and antifungal substances. Another
important characteristic of Azotobacter associate with crop improvement is
excretion of ammonia in the rhizosphere in presence of root exudates. It fixes
approximately 20-30 kg of biological nitrogen per hector per season.


Rice, Sugarcane, Cotton, Sunflower, mustard, various oil seeds, Maize, Wheat,
Jowar, Oat, Barley, Bajra, Ragi, Sorghum, Turmeric, tea, coffee, tobacco, all
types of Fruits, Vegetables, horticulture crops, etc.

Direction of Use
Seed & Seedling treatment : 3 ml/litre water. Seeds and seedlings are to be
dipped in the solution.
Spray treatment : 2 ml/litre water in all field crops, vegetables etc. and 1 ml/
litre water in fruit crops as high volume spray.

Fertigation by Drip : 250-500 ml/acre either alone or in combination with any

other inputs which are given through drips.

Product Advantages
» Improves seed germination.
» Fixes 20-30% nitrogen required by plants.
» Reduces usage of inorganic nitrogen fertilizer by up to 25%.
» Benefits crops by Nitrogen fixation and by producing growth-promoting
» Thrives even in alkaline soil
» Eco-friendly product.
» Nontoxic to human, animals, plants.

» Apply during evening in humid conditions. If conditions are dry,
irrigate the land before application.
» Chemical fertilizers/insecticides should not be sprayed before or after 5 -7
days for best results.
» Do not mix with chemical fertilizers or insecticides at the time of
» Store in cool place away from direct sun light and heat.


POTENCY: 1 X 109 CFU/ml when packed

PACKING WEIGHT: 1, 2, and 5 KG. (Custom made available)

RootBoost - An Introduction

RootBoost is a Nitrogen fixing biofertilizer. RootBoost has highly efficient

nitrogen fixing bacteria of Rhizobium species. Rhizobium is the most well known
species of a group of symbiotic bacteria for atmospheric nitrogen fixation. These
bacteria infect the roots of leguminous plants, leading to the formation of
“lumps” or “Nodules” where the nitrogen fixation takes place. The bacterium also
produces enzymes (nitrogenase) that supply a constant source of reduced nitrogen
to the host plant.


Leguminous plants (groundnut, pulses such as Moong, Tuver, Chickpeas, etc.),

Direction of Use

Soil Application: Dosage – 2 kg / acre

Mix 2 kg of RootBoost with 100 kg of farmyard manure / organic fertilizer or soil

uniformly and spread over 1 acre of land.

Seed treatment: Dosage - 1 Kg / acre

Mix 1 kg of RootBoost with 500-1000 ml of cooled rice gruel or 5 % Jaggary

solution. Mix the seed required for an acre with this solution to have a uniform
coating of the over the seeds. Dry the seeds in shade for 30 minutes and sow the
treated seeds within 24 hrs.

Please remember that the seeds to be treated with RootBoost should not have been
pre-treated with fungicides or any kind of chemical pesticides.

Product Advantages
» Fixes 30-35% nitrogen required by plants.
» Reduces usage of inorganic nitrogen fertilizer by upto 30%.
» Benefits crops by Nitrogen fixation and by producing growth-promoting
» Eco-friendly product.
» Nontoxic to human, animals, plants.

» Apply during evening in humid conditions. If conditions are dry,
irrigate the land before application.
» Chemical fertilizers/insecticides should not be sprayed before or after 5 -7
days for best results.
» Do not mix with chemical fertilizers or insecticides at the time of
» Store in cool place away from direct sun light and heat.


POTENCY: 1 X 108 CFU/gm when packed

PACKING WEIGHT: 1, 2, and 5 KG. (Custom made available)


BioCarry contains Vesicular Arbuscular Mycorrhizas (VAM). VAM are symbiotic

entophytic soil fungi, which colonize the roots of approximately 80% plants. VAM
fungi produce hyphae, which are microscopic tubes that colonize crop roots and
grow out into the soil further than root hairs. Nutrients are taken up by the
hyphae and carried back to the plant. This results into very efficient
mobilization & uptake of fertilizers and other nutrients by plants. The VAM hyphae
also help in retaining moisture around the root zone of plants.


This Fertilizer is suitable for all kind of crops.

Direction of Use

Soil Application: Dosage – 250 g/acre OR 25 ml/acre. (Minimum dose: 2.5 lac
IPs./acre area)

Procedure: Mix 250 gram of BioCarry with 100 kg soil or Farm Yard Manure (FYM)
and broadcast it over one acre of land.

Note: For best results - before the application of BioCarry remove the weeds near
the root of the plant.

Why do plants need VAM?

The VAM fungi are the best known for their ability to improve plant growth in low
phosphate soils by exploiting large areas of soil and actively transporting the
phosphate back to the plants. Other benefits to the plants supplied by the VAM
colonization include increased absorption of nitrogen, potassium, magnesium,
copper, zinc, boron, sulphur, molybdenum and other elements that are transported
back to the plant. Finally it helps in retaining moisture around rootzone of

Uses of VAM
» Improves uptake of Phosphorus and Zinc.
» Improves crop growth
» Improves nitrogen fixation
» pH tolerance
» Imparts disease and pest resistance to plants
» Increases uptake of immobile nutrients.
» Imparts greater drought tolerance tp plants.
» Conditioning of soil.

» Apply during evening in humid conditions. If conditions are dry,
irrigate the land before application.
» Chemical fertilizers / insecticides should not be sprayed before or after 5 -7
days for best results.
» Do not mix with chemical fertilizers or insecticides at the time of
» Store in cool place away from direct sun light and heat.


POTENCY: 1 X 103 IP/g OR 104 IP/ml when packed (IP = Infective


Packing WEIGHT: 1, 2, and 5 KG. (Custom made available).

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