Graduation Speech 2013

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Distinguished guests, Members of the Board, Our Acting

Principal - Mrs. Marcia Detry Fogah, our Vice Principal - Mr.
Owen Henry, Members of the Clergy, teachers, parents,
graduates, students, ladies and gentlemen, I greet you on behalf of
the Jessie Ripoll Primary School PTA. It is with much pleasure
that I stand here today to address the graduating class of 2013.
Graduation is an important moment in life to celebrate
accomplishments and to prepare for new experiences. Graduates,
today marks the culmination of six years of hard work and
dedication on your part but, as it is with hard work, the reward is
sweet. Most of you have been rewarded with the school of your
choice in the GSAT examination; to you I say congratulations and
continue to work hard as you strive to achieve your goal. For
those of you who might not be pleased with the schools you have
been placed, do not despair. Remember, it is not the school that
you attend but the strength of your character that will pull you
through and hence determine your status in life. Therefore, go to
the schools at which you have been placed with heads held high
and with the determination to work harder to achieve educational
fulfilment because it is not how you enter but how you leave. Not

every child will learn the same things nor at the same rate but
remember this, every child can learn. Believe in your abilities,
work hard to achieve, and success will be yours because only with
hard work and persistence will you be able to reap rewards.
As we gather here today to celebrate your achievements at the
end of six years of education at Jessie Ripoll Primary School,
remember that life is a journey and this graduation exercise is a
short stop on this journey. Take time to reflect on all you have
accomplished and recognize that accomplishment comes from
hard work and determination. Our celebration here today is to
mark the end of one journey and the beginning of another. The
end of course relates to your education at Jessie Ripoll while the
beginning is the start of your high school education. At Jessie,
you have had the benefit of a sound education with dedicated
teachers who challenged you to learn even when some of you
would have preferred to have more free times on your hand.
Your education at Jessie has been far more than the academics;
the extra-curricular activities and clubs that many of you
participated in have helped in shaping your character in a
positive way while teaching you the value of dedication and
teamwork. You have learned social skills just from interacting
with your teachers and classmates daily. All of these things have
helped to prepare you for high school.

Although saddened to see you leave, we are pleased to see you

take the next step in the beginning of the rest of your lives. You
are the future of Jamaica and the rest of the world, you are the
men and women of tomorrow, so hold your heads high and as our
motto states, Ever to Excel. Graduates, I implore you, always
strive to be the best and remember, a good education is like a
savings account, the more you put into it, the richer you are.
As you leave this nurturing environment in which youve been
raised, I urge you all...Please take the next step with
We wold like to take time out to recognise the dedicated parents
who take the time to support these children. The many sleepless
nights and long days and having to re-learn what you thought you
had left behind. To you I lift my hat and say, job well done. Keep
living by the PTAs motto, For The Advancement Of Our
Children We Labour.
And to our hard working teachers, without whom this would not
have been possible, I want to say a BIG THANK YOU on behalf
of the PTA. You have shown total dedication and commitment
and have given your all. THANK YOU.
Graduates remember, your graduation is not only an ending
worth celebrating, but it is also a new beginning, and surely, a
memorable milestone on your journey through life.

Again, on behalf of your PTA, Id like to congratulate you all, and

wish you the best of luck going forward. Make us proud. I know
you will.
I am,
Constantine D. Martin
2012 - 2014

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