Applying For The Apprenticeship Program: Step 1: Determine If You Can Apply
Applying For The Apprenticeship Program: Step 1: Determine If You Can Apply
Applying For The Apprenticeship Program: Step 1: Determine If You Can Apply
STEP 1: DETERMINE IF YOU CAN APPLY Only students who have completed at least two (2) years of the J.D. Curriculum are qualified for apprenticeship. A student may apply for apprenticeship prior to such completion provided that by the end of the semester in which the application is filed he shall have completed at least two (2) years of the J.D. Curriculum. STEP 2: GET THE FORMS FOR APPLICATION A. +. !o the Ateneo "aw #chool $lacement Office % that&s Ate 'ir(ie at the )st window of the *e(istrar&s Office #ecure these forms, i. #tudent&s Application (A$* -orm )) a. A$* -orm ) ori(inal copy, white sheet b. A$* -orm ) duplicate copy, (reen sheet ii. iii. #upervisin( Attorney&s Acceptance Attestation (A$* -orm 2), yellow sheet and
interview and they&ve a(reed to hire you as an apprentice). a. ;ho are those only allowed by the Ateneo "aw #chool Apprenticeship $ro(ram to be #upervisin( Attorneys< i. *efer to *ule / ()) b. ;ho are disqualified from bein( #upervisin( Attorneys< i. *efer to *ule / (2) c. 3f your selected firm6a(ency6office is not in *ule / ()) and is not disqualified under *ule / (2) secure prior clearance from the Dean. i. As: the firm6a(ency6office to submit a letter addressed to the dean describin( their law firm their areas6specialties what tas:s will they be as:in( applicants6apprentices to do and other pertinent data. STEP 4: SUBMIT YOUR APPLICATION FORMS A. After (ettin( your preliminary approval submit accomplished A$* -orm ) in its ori(inal copy and its duplicate copy to the Dean throu(h the $lacement Office (Ate 'ir(ie). Atty. 'allente the co=director of the $lacement Office will approve it then it will be passed on to the Dean for approval.
#upervisin( Attorney&s .valuation with Certificate of Completion (A$* -orm /), blue sheet
Don&t lose your application forms0 i. ii. iii. 1ou only (et O2. free set of application forms. 3f you lost your first copy you&ll have to pay $45 for an additional set. 3f you&re dividin( your summer apprenticeship between two firms6a(encies6offices you&ll need an e7tra set of application forms which you also need to pay $45 for. +. After your application has been approved :eep the ori(inal copy of the A$* -orm ) and submit that to your #upervisin( Attorney. !ive the duplicate copy to the $lacement Office (Ate 'ir(ie).
A. 88 you now have a total of 9 sheets, white (reen yellow and blue
;hen can you ta:e your apprenticeship< = Only durin( the summer brea:.
>ow lon( should the apprenticeship be< = 1ou must accomplish 295 hours 6 9 units. 1ou must accomplish a minimum of )25 hours 6 2 units each summer brea:. +ut you are allowed to finish all 295 hours in one summer brea:. 3- your #upervisin( Attorney is under *ule / ()) (e) and (f) or under *ule / (/) you may only be credited for )25 hours or for 2 units for your apprenticeship under them.
#ubmit resumes cover letters transcripts of records and all necessary documents to the firm6a(ency6office of your choice.
Once you&ve under(one interviews and you&ve been accepted in the firm for apprenticeship secure your #upervisin( Attorney&s preliminary approval (meanin( ma:e sure that you&ve passed the
!ive your #upervisin( Attorney A$* -orm ) Ori(inal A$* -orm 2 and A$* -orm / on your first day.
Ahe #upervisin( Attorney must indicate his formal acceptance of you as an applicant by accomplishin( A$* -orm 2 and submittin( it with the $lacement Office within ten ()5) days from your first day at wor:. ;ho delivers A$* -orm 2 to the $lacement Office % .ither them or you personally.
Ahe #upervisin( Attorney must accomplish and send A$* -orm / within /5 days from completion of your apprenticeship. 3t must be in a sealed envelope addressed to the $lacement Office.
;ho delivers A$* -orm / and the Certificate of Completion to the $lacement Office % .ither them or you personally
Before the holiday break: - Request for a copy of your transcript records already from admin! It takes a while before you end up getting it. - Most companies ust ask for a photocopy of the original transcript of records. !o for the meantime" ust request one original copy of your transcript records from admin.