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Sex Offenders: Instructor: Time Needed: 7 Hours For Full Investigations Module. This Time Includes One Hour For

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"Successfully Investigating Acquaintance Sexual Assault: A National Training Manual for Law Enforcement" Develo e!

"y t#e National Center for Women & Policing$ wit# su ort rovi!e! "y t#e %iolence Against &omen 'ffice$ 'ffice of (ustice )rograms *+rant ,-./&E/%0/12234 555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555

Sex Offenders
Instructor: Law Enforcement Officer

Time needed: 7 hours for full investigations module. This time includes one hour for lunch and two 20-minute breaks. Resources needed: Overhead pro ector !andouts "lip charts#pens T$#$%&

Task ' +ubtask '.'

(iscuss se) offender d*namics. (istinguish between the stereot*pes and the truth about the se) offender. ,resentation method- Option '. $ideo presentation of se) offender. Option 2. Transcript reading of interview with se) Offender. Time- .0 minutes /aterials- T$#$%&# "rank Transcript !andout

Option 1: $iew the videotape production of 0nna %. +alter1 ,h.(. in an interview with a convicted se) offender referred to as1 20l3. The purpose of this presentation is to highlight the stereot*pes associated with the se) offender. The instructor should allow appro)imatel* '0 minutes for the video presentation. 0fter the vignette is complete1 stop the tape and address the following 4uestions in an open discussion format. 0llow '0 minutes for discussion. +e) offenders often pla* on societal m*ths about se)ual assault to create a defense. 5hat societal m*ths about the se) offender does 0l use in his defense. 5hat societal m*ths about 2real rape3 does 0l use to discredit his victims6

"Successfully Investigating Acquaintance Sexual Assault: A National Training Manual for Law Enforcement" Develo e! "y t#e National Center for Women & Policing$ wit# su ort rovi!e! "y t#e %iolence Against &omen 'ffice$ 'ffice of (ustice )rograms *+rant ,-./&E/%0/12234 555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555

Option 2 8nstead of a video presentation the instructor has the option of using a written transcript of an interview with a se) offender in order to illustrate the stereot*pes associated with the se) offender. 8t is recommended that the instructor use the 2"rank Transcript3 from the (rug-facilitated se)ual assault module for this purpose. 9efore class begins recruit two participants to read the transcript out loud to the class. 0llow the readers to review a cop* of the transcript1 and assign them one of the two roles :interviewer vs. "rank;. %hoose two participants who have activel* participated throughout the training and who *ou feel can communicate well. +et-up two chairs for the readers in the front of the class and have them read their assigned parts. 5hen the reading is complete1 ask participants to address the following 4uestions. (oes "rank believe he is a se) offender6 5h* or wh* not6 8f *ou were investigating "rank for the se)ual assault discussed in the transcript1 what challenges would *ou face during the suspect interview6

<ote to 8nstructor- "eel free to use a video or transcript from *our own resources that would successfull* highlight the goals of this task. +ubtask '.2 (iscuss how stereot*pes allow se) offenders to remain undetected. ,resentation method- Open discussion Time- '7 minutes Task 2 +ubtask 2.' %ompare the characteristics of the undetected vs. detected se) offender. (escribe the characteristics of the undetected se) offender. ,resentation method- Lecture Time- '0 minutes

"Successfully Investigating Acquaintance Sexual Assault: A National Training Manual for Law Enforcement" Develo e! "y t#e National Center for Women & Policing$ wit# su ort rovi!e! "y t#e %iolence Against &omen 'ffice$ 'ffice of (ustice )rograms *+rant ,-./&E/%0/12234 555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555

+ubtask 2.2

(escribe the characteristics of the detected se) offender. ,resentation method- Lecture Time- '0 minutes

Task . +ubtask ..'

(iscuss the preparation for the suspect interview. %hoose an appropriate time and place for the interview. ,resentation method- 9rief lecture Time- 7 minutes

+ubtask ..2

Obtain all necessar* background information. ,resentation method- Listing e)ercise Time- 7 minutes /aterials- "lip %hart

0sk participants to take a brief moment and write down what the* believe is the most crucial background information necessar* to prepare for the suspect interview. >ive the participants appro)imatel* .0 seconds to write down their answers. 0fter the participants appear to have completed their list1 call on a participant to share three e)amples. %ontinue calling on participants1 asking them to add ideas onl* if it has not alread* been mentioned. ?se a blank overhead or flip chart to record the list the participants have developed. 0llow an additional 2-. minutes for this process. 0fter the allotted time1 give a brief lecture to present an* information that the participants ma* have missed.

Task = +ubtask =.'

>enerate ideas on techni4ues used to interview suspects with different personalit* disorders. (iscuss the characteristics of a suspect with a ps*chopathic personalit* disorder and relevant interview techni4ues. ,resentation method- 9rief lecture Time- '0 minutes

"Successfully Investigating Acquaintance Sexual Assault: A National Training Manual for Law Enforcement" Develo e! "y t#e National Center for Women & Policing$ wit# su ort rovi!e! "y t#e %iolence Against &omen 'ffice$ 'ffice of (ustice )rograms *+rant ,-./&E/%0/12234 555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555

+ubtask =.2

(iscuss the characteristics of a suspect who is narcissistic. ,resentation method- 9rief lecture Time- '0 minute

+ubtask =..

(iscuss the characteristics of a suspect with paranoia. ,resentation method- 9rief lecture Time- '0 minutes

+ubtask =.=

(iscuss the characteristics of a suspect with a paraphilic condition :i.e. fetishism1 transvestitism1 or vo*eurism;. ,resentation method- 9rief lecture Time- '0 minutes

+ubtask =.7

&ecogni@e the importance of developing themes during the suspect interview. ,resentation method- Lecture Time- 20 minutes

+ubtask =.A

,ractice suspect interview. ,resentation method- &ole-,la* Time- A0 minutes

%onduct a sequential role-play in order to give participants practical e)perience in conducting an interview with the suspect in a se)ual assault case. The instructor should pla* the role of the suspect. %hoose the first participant to begin the role-pla*. 8nform the class of the structure of this role-pla* and indicate that *ou will attempt to involve as man* students as possible. Each investigator will interview for no longer than five minutes and will then turn the interview over to another investigator. 0t the end of each role-pla* allow the investigator to make comments and ask 4uestions. The instructor should then briefl* give feedback to the investigator and the class. +et up two chairs in the front of the class. 9riefl* e)plain to the participants their instructions as the detective in this case. The following are the instructions for this role-pla* scenario-

"Successfully Investigating Acquaintance Sexual Assault: A National Training Manual for Law Enforcement" Develo e! "y t#e National Center for Women & Policing$ wit# su ort rovi!e! "y t#e %iolence Against &omen 'ffice$ 'ffice of (ustice )rograms *+rant ,-./&E/%0/12234 555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555

The Suspect Bour name is Cohn +mith. Bou are the suspect in the ac4uaintance rape involving (onna 0nderson. Bou are not sure wh* *ou have been called to the police station and are e)tremel* nervous. Bou think that it probabl* has something to do with (onna 0nderson1 but the detective who called *ou would not be more specific. Bou did have se) with (onna 0nderson1 but do not consider it 2rape.3 +he was asking for it an*wa*. Bou never thought she would call the police1 and are ver* surprised that she did. (uring the interview1 *ou should den* raping her1 but admit to having se) with her. Bou have rationali@ed *our behavior in *our mind1 because she was asking for it b* leading *ou on. (uring the course of the interview *ou should displa* behaviors associated with a narcissistic personalit* disorder. 8n addition *ou should e)hibit deceptive behaviors in both bod* language and verbal responses. Bour response to 4uestions is dependent upon the abilit* of the interviewer. Investigator Bou are the investigator in a reported ac4uaintance rape case. The victimDs name is (onna 0nderson. The suspectDs name is Cohn +mith. Bou have alread* reviewed the preliminar* investigation report and have interviewed the victim. Bou find the victimDs stor* ver* credible. Bou have called Cohn and re4uested to speak with him regarding 2a case3 *ou are working on. Bou invited him to come to the police station and he has agreed. This is a non-custodial interview. EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE E Task 7 +ubtask 7.' 0ssess a suspect statement for use in prosecution. (istinguish between e)oneration F confession. ,resentation method- Lecture Time- '0 minutes +ubtask 7.2 (istinguish between an e)culpator* vs. incriminating statement. ,resentation method- +elf-test e)ercise Time- '7 minutes

"Successfully Investigating Acquaintance Sexual Assault: A National Training Manual for Law Enforcement" Develo e! "y t#e National Center for Women & Policing$ wit# su ort rovi!e! "y t#e %iolence Against &omen 'ffice$ 'ffice of (ustice )rograms *+rant ,-./&E/%0/12234 555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555

?se an overhead to displa* the following 4uestions on the overhead. The suspect denies being with the victim when she claims she was se)uall* assaulted. The suspect admits to having se) with the victim and to hitting her.

0sk the participant to write down which of these statements is e)culpator* and which is incriminating. >ive the participants appro)imatel* .0 seconds to write down their answers. 8nform the participants that the* will not be asked to read their answer out loud. This will encourage the participants to answer the 4uestion because the* can keep their answers confidential. 0fter the allotted time1 give a brief lecture in which *ou discuss how no statement 2stands alone3 and must be viewed in the conte)t of all the evidence. The bottom line is for participants to reali@e that the* did not have enough information to determine whether the statements above are e)culpator* or incriminating. ?se the remaining time to answer an* 4uestions regarding the results of this e)ercise.

+ubtask 7..

(istinguish between provable lies1 implausible accounts of an incident1 and partial admissions. ,resentation method- %lass evaluation e)ercise Time- '0 minutes

"Successfully Investigating Acquaintance Sexual Assault: A National Training Manual for Law Enforcement" Develo e! "y t#e National Center for Women & Policing$ wit# su ort rovi!e! "y t#e %iolence Against &omen 'ffice$ 'ffice of (ustice )rograms *+rant ,-./&E/%0/12234 555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555

8n order to highlight the difference between lies1 implausible accounts of an incident and partial admissions take a few moments to ask the participants if the following statements are e)amples of provable lies1 implausible accounts of an incident1 or partial admissions. 0sk the participants to hold up one finger if the* believe the statement is a provable lie1 two fingers if it is an implausible account of an incident1 and three fingers if it is a partial admission. This will allow the instructor to gage the knowledge level of the participants. ?se overheads to displa* the following statements. The suspect states1 28 never had se) with that woman13 and then this is shown to be untrue with a (<0 test The suspect states that he could not have se)uall* assaulted the victim because he was visiting his famil* on the planet <eptune The suspect states that the victim said 2no3 and struggled to get awa* when he initiall* re4uested se)1 but then e)plains that she later changed her mind and consented to have se)

The instructor can thus gauge how well the participants understand this material and therefore how much time to spend lecturing. Task A (iscuss techni4ues to encourage additional details from the suspect :i.e. using the suspectDs own rationali@ations etc.; ,resentation method- Lecture Time- '7 minutes Task 7 (iscuss strategies for using prete)t phone calls in se)ual assault investigation.

"Successfully Investigating Acquaintance Sexual Assault: A National Training Manual for Law Enforcement" Develo e! "y t#e National Center for Women & Policing$ wit# su ort rovi!e! "y t#e %iolence Against &omen 'ffice$ 'ffice of (ustice )rograms *+rant ,-./&E/%0/12234 555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555

<ote to 8nstructor- The discussion on the use of prete)t phone calls will be different according to each urisdiction. "or e)ample1 it is illegal in man* states to conduct a prete)t phone call and this evidence is therefore not admissible in court. ,olicies and procedures will also var* between region and agenc*. +ubtask 7.' (efine what a prete)t phone call is. ,resentation method- 9rief introduction Time- 7 minutes +ubtask 7.2 (iscuss urisdictional issues#policies and procedures regarding the prete)t phone call. ,resentation method- Lecture Time- '0 minutes +ubtask 7.. (iscuss how to determine when it is appropriate to use a prete)t phone call :e.g. victim concerns.; ,resentation method- Lecture Time- '0 minutes +ubtask 7.= List all necessar* e4uipment. ,resentation method- Listing e)ercise Time- 7 minutes

"Successfully Investigating Acquaintance Sexual Assault: A National Training Manual for Law Enforcement" Develo e! "y t#e National Center for Women & Policing$ wit# su ort rovi!e! "y t#e %iolence Against &omen 'ffice$ 'ffice of (ustice )rograms *+rant ,-./&E/%0/12234 555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555

To introduce the e4uipment necessar* to conduct a prete)t phone call1 ask participants to take a moment and write down at least . pieces of e4uipment that the* believe is necessar* to complete this investigative techni4ue. /ake sure to give participants at least .0 seconds in which to write down their answers. 0fter participants appear to have completed their lists1 call on individuals to share one of their responses. >ive positive feedback on correct answers and gentl* correct an* that are not 4uite on the mark. %ontinue calling on individuals1 asking them to add an*thing onl* if it has not alread* been mentioned. 5hen the group list appears to be complete1 use the overhead to generate additional responses. +ubtask 7.7 (ecide what is the best time and place to make the prete)t phone call. ,resentation method- Lecture Time- 7 minutes +ubtask 7.A ,reparing for the prete)t phone call. ,resentation method- Lecture Time- '0 minutes +ubtask 7.7 (iscuss how to make the prete)t phone call. ,resentation method- Lecture Time- '0 minutes +ubtask 7.G (iscuss how a prete)t phone call can further the investigation process. ,resentation method- Transcript review :or Lecture; Time- 20 minutes

"Successfully Investigating Acquaintance Sexual Assault: A National Training Manual for Law Enforcement" Develo e! "y t#e National Center for Women & Policing$ wit# su ort rovi!e! "y t#e %iolence Against &omen 'ffice$ 'ffice of (ustice )rograms *+rant ,-./&E/%0/12234 555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555

Optional Exercise ,rovide participants with transcripts from two separate prete)t phone calls. :Trainers are encouraged to use transcripts from cases they have personally investigated. Note: All transcripts should be changed so that all personal identification information of those involved in the case remains confidential.; 9riefl* e)plain to the participants the content of each of the transcripts. (irect them to take a few minutes and read Transcript H'. 5hen participants appear to be finished ask them to discuss the following 4uestion 5ill this transcript further *our investigation6 5h* or wh* not6

,rovide the participants with feedback on their anal*sis and then ask them to read Transcript H2 and address the same 4uestion. ?se the remaining time to discuss with the participants how to successfull* frame a prete)t phone call to support the investigation.

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