Republic Act No. 10142 An Act Providing For The Rehabilitation or Liquidation of Financially Distressed Enterprises and Individuals
Republic Act No. 10142 An Act Providing For The Rehabilitation or Liquidation of Financially Distressed Enterprises and Individuals
Republic Act No. 10142 An Act Providing For The Rehabilitation or Liquidation of Financially Distressed Enterprises and Individuals
10142 AN ACT PROVIDING FOR THE REHABILITATION OR LIQUIDATION OF FINANCIALLY DISTRESSED ENTERPRISES AND INDIVIDUALS OUTLINE By Exch !"#$ F%&!#"o ' ( )%& y I. GENERAL PROVISIONS a. Declaration of Policy Sec. 2 b. Nature of Proceeding Sec. ! c. "o#erage d. De ignation of "ourt and Pro$ulgation of Procedural Rule Sec.% e. Sub tanti#e and Procedural "on olidation Sec. & f. Liability of Indi#idual Debtor' O(ner of a Sole Pro)rietor *i)' Partner in a Partner *i)' or Director and Officer Sec. +, g. Aut*ori-ation to E.c*ange Debt for E/uity Sec. ++
"O0R12S0PERVISED RE3A4ILI1A1ION a. Initiation of Proceeding i. Voluntary Proceeding +. 3o( initiated Sec. +2 2. Ground !. "ontent of Petition Sec. +2 ii. In#oluntary Proceeding . +. 3o( initiated Sec. +!5 2. "ircu$ tance Nece ary to Initiate In#oluntary Proceeding Sec. +! !. "ontent of Petition Sec. +6 b. Action on t*e Petition and "o$$ence$ent of Proceeding . i. Action on t*e Petition. Sec. +7 ii. "o$$ence$ent of Proceeding and I uance of a "o$$ence$ent Order Sec. +% iii. Effect of t*e "o$$ence$ent Order Sec. +&
i#. E.ce)tion to t*e Stay or Su )en ion Order Sec. +85 1*e Stay or Su )en ion Order #. 9ai#er of ta.e and :ee Due to t*e National Go#ern$ent and to Local Go#ern$ent 0nit ;LG0 < Sec. += #i. A))lication of Stay or Su )en ion Order to Go#ern$ent :inancial In titution . Sec. 2, #ii. Effecti#ity and Duration of "o$$ence$ent Order Sec. 2+ #iii. Action at t*e Initial 3earing Sec. 22 i.. Effect of :ailure to :ile Notice of "lai$ Sec. 2! .. Re)ort of t*e Re*abilitation Recei#er Sec. 26 .i. Gi#ing Due "our e to or Di $i al of Petition' or "on#er ion of Proceeding Sec. 27 .ii. Petition Gi#en Due "our e Sec. 2% .iii. Di $i al of Petition Sec. 2& c. 1*e Re*abilitation Recei#er' >anage$ent "o$$ittee and "reditor ? "o$$ittee i. Re*abilitation Recei#er +. 9*o >ay Ser#e Sec. 28 2. @ualification Sec. 2=5 !. Po(er ' Dutie and Re )on ibilitie Sec. !+ 6. Re$o#al Sec. !2 7. "o$)en ation and 1er$ of Ser#ice Sec. !! %. Oat* and 4ond of t*e Re*abilitation Recei#er Sec. !6 &. Vacancy Sec. !75 court *all direct t*e debtor and t*e creditor 8. Di )lace$ent of E.i ting >anage$ent by t*e Re*abilitation Recei#er or >anage$ent "o$$ittee Sec. !% ii. >anage$ent "o$$ittee +. Role of t*e >anage$ent "o$$ittee. Sec. !&5 9*en a))ointed 2. @ualification of >e$ber of t*e >anage$ent "o$$ittee. Sec. !8 iii. "o$$on Pro#i ion +. E$)loy$ent of Profe ional Sec. != 2. "onflict of Intere t Sec. 6,
!. I$$unity Sec. 6+ i#. "reditor A "o$$ittee +. "on titution Sec. 62 2. Role Sec. 6! d. Deter$ination of "lai$ i. Definition of "lai$ Sec. 6;c< ii. Regi try of "lai$ Sec. 66 iii. O))o ition or "*allenge of "lai$ Sec. 67 i#. A))eal Sec. 6% e. Go#ernance i. >anage$ent Sec. 6& f. 0 e' Pre er#ation and Di )o al of A et and 1reat$ent of A et and "lai$ after "o$$ence$ent Date. i. 0 e or Di )o ition of A et Sec. 68 ii. Sale of A et Sec. 6= iii. Sale or Di )o al of Encu$bered Pro)erty of t*e Debtor and A et of 1*ird Partie 3eld by Debtor Sec. 7, i#. A et of Debtor 3eld by 1*ird Partie Sec. 7+ #. Re ci ion or Nullity of Sale' Pay$ent' 1ran fer or "on#eyance of A et Sec. 72 #i. A et SubBect to Ra)id Ob ole cence' De)reciation and Di$inution of Value. Sec. 7! #ii. Po t2co$$ence$ent Intere t Sec. 76 #iii. Po t2co$$ence$ent Loan and Obligation Sec. 7727& g. A#oidance Proceeding i. Re ci ion or Nullity of "ertain Pre2co$$ence$ent 1ran action Sec. 78 ii. Action for Re ci ion or Nullity Sec. 7= *. 1reat$ent of Secured "reditor i. No Di$inution of Secured "reditor Rig*t Sec. %, ii. LacC of Ade/uate Protection Sec. %+ i. Ad$ini tration of Proceeding .
i. "ontent of a Re*abilitation Plan Sec. %2 ii. "on ultation (it* Debtor and "reditor Sec. %! iii. "reditor A))ro#al of Re*abilitation Plan Sec. %6 i#. Sub$i ion of Re*abilitation Plan to t*e "ourt. Sec. %7 #. :iling of ObBection to Re*abilitation Plan Sec. %% #i. 3earing on t*e ObBection Sec. %& #ii. "onfir$ation of t*e Re*abilitation Plan Sec. %8 #iii. Effect of "onfir$ation of t*e Re*abilitation Plan Sec. %= i.. Liability of General Partner of a Partner *i) for 0n)aid 4alance 0nder an A))ro#ed Plan Sec. &, .. 1reat$ent of A$ount of Indebtedne Sec. &+ or Obligation :orgi#en or Reduced
.i. Period for "onfir$ation of t*e Re*abilitation Plan Sec. &2 .ii. Accounting Di c*arge of Re*abilitation Recei#er Sec. &! B. 1er$ination of Proceeding i. 1er$ination of Proceeding Sec. &6 ii. Action of "ourt u)on 1er$ination Sec. &6 iii. Effect of 1er$ination Sec. &7 III. PRE2NEGO1IA1ED RE3A4ILI1A1ION a. Initiation of Proceeding Sec. &% i. 9*o >ay Initiate ii. "ontent of Petition b. I uance of Order Sec. && c. A))ro#al of t*e Plan Sec. &8 d. ObBection to t*e Petition or Re*abilitation Plan Sec. &= e. 3earing on t*e ObBection Sec. 8, f. Period for A))ro#al of Re*abilitation Plan Sec. 8+ g. Effect of A))ro#al Sec. 82 IV. O012O:2"O0R1 OR IN:OR>AL RE3A4ILI1A1ION PLANS RES1R0"10RING AGREE>EN1S OR
a. Out2of2"ourt or Infor$al Re tructuring Agree$ent and Re*abilitation Plan D >ini$u$ Re/uire$ent Sec. 8! and 86 b. Stand till Period Sec. 87 c. "ra$ Do(n Effect Sec. 8% d. A$end$ent or >odification Sec. 8&28= V. LI@0IDA1ION O: INSOLVEN1 E0RIDI"AL DE41ORS a. Voluntary Li/uidation Sec. =, i. Petition for Li/uidation ii. >otion for Li/uidation iii. Action on Petition or >otion b. In#oluntary Li/uidation Sec. =+ i. Petition for Li/uidation ii. >otion for Li/uidation iii. Action on Petition and >otion c. "on#er ion by t*e "ourt into Li/uidation Proceeding Sec. =25 d. Po(er of t*e SE" Sec. =!5 1*e )ro#i ion of t*i c*a)ter *all not affect t*e VI. INSOLVEN"F O: INDIVID0AL DE41ORS a. Su )en ion of Pay$ent . i. Petition Sec. =6 ii. Action on t*e Petition Sec. =7 iii. Action Su )ended Sec. =% i#. "reditor A >eeting Sec. =& #. Per on 9*o >ay Refrain :ro$ Voting Sec. =8 #i. ReBection of t*e Pro)o ed Agree$ent Sec. == #ii. ObBection Sec. +,, #iii. Effect of A))ro#al of Pro)o ed Agree$ent Sec. +,+5 i.. :ailure of Indi#idual Debtor to Perfor$ Agree$ent Sec. +,2 b. Voluntary Li/uidation. i. Petition Sec. +,! ii. Li/uidation Order Sec. +,6
c. In#oluntary Li/uidation. i. Petition Sec. +,72+,& ii. Ab ent Indi#idual Debtor Sec. +,8 iii. All Pro)erty 1aCen to be 3eld for All "reditor D A))eal 4ond D E.e$)tion to Suretie Sec. +,= i#. Sale 0nder E.ecution Sec. ++, VII. PROVISIONS "O>>ON 1O LI@0IDA1ION IN INSOLVEN"F a. 1*e Li/uidation Order. i. "ontent of Li/uidation Order Sec. ++2 ii. Effect of t*e Li/uidation Order Sec. ++! iii. Rig*t of Secured "reditor Sec. ++6 b. 1*e Li/uidator. i. Election of Li/uidator Sec. ++7 ii. "ourt2A))ointed Li/uidator Sec. ++% iii. Oat* and 4ond of t*e Li/uidator Sec. ++& i#. @ualification of t*e Li/uidator Sec. ++8 #. Po(er ' Dutie and Re )on ibilitie of t*e Li/uidator Sec. ++= #i. "o$)en ation of t*e Li/uidator Sec. +2, #ii. Re)orting Re/uire$ent Sec. +2+ #iii. Di c*arge of Li/uidator Sec. +22 c. Deter$ination of "lai$ i. Regi try of "lai$ Sec. +2! ii. Rig*t of Set2off Sec. +26 iii. O))o ition or "*allenge to "lai$ Sec. +27 i#. Sub$i ion of Di )uted "lai$ to t*e "ourt Sec. +2% d. A#oidance Proceeding i. Re ci ion or Nullity of "ertain 1ran action Sec. +2& ii. Action for Re ci ion or Nullity Sec. +28 e. 1*e Li/uidation Plan i. 1*e Li/uidation Plan Sec. +2=
ii. E.e$)t Pro)erty to be Set A)art Sec. +!, iii. Sale of A et in Li/uidation Sec. +!+2+!! i#. Order Re$o#ing t*e Debtor fro$ t*e Li t of Regi tered Entitle at t*e Securitie and E.c*ange "o$$i ion Sec. +!6 #. 1er$ination of Proceeding Sec. +!7 f. Li/uidation of a Securitie >arCet Partici)ant Sec. +!% VIII. PRO"EEDINGS AN"ILLARF 1O O13ER INSOLVEN"F OR RE3A4ILI1AION PRO"EEDINGS a. 4anC and Ot*er :inancial In titution 0nder Re*abilitation Recei#er *i) Pur uant to a State2funded or State2$andated In urance Sy te$ i. Pro#i ion of A i tance Sec. +!& ii. A))lication of Rele#ant Legi lation Sec. +!8 b. "ro 24order In ol#ency Proceeding i. Ado)tion of 0ncitral >odel La( on "ro 24order In ol#ency Sec. +!= ii. Initiation of Proceeding Sec. +6, iii. Pro#i ion of Relief Sec. +6+ i#. :actor in Granting Relief Sec. +62
IG. :0NDS :OR RE3A4ILI1A1ION O: GOVERN>EN12O9NED AND "ON1ROLLED "ORPORA1IONS Sec. +6! G. >IS"ELLANEO0S PROVISIONS a. A))licability of Pro#i ion Sec. +66 b. Penaltie Sec. +67 c. A))lication to Pending In ol#ency' Su )en ion of Pay$ent and Re*abilitation "a e Sec. +6% d. A))lication to Pending "ontract Sec. +6& e. Se)arability "lau e Sec. +6= f. Effecti#ity "lau e Sec. +7,