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Republic Act No 6955

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Republic Act No 6955

AN ACT TO DECLARE UNLAWFUL THE PRACTICE OF MATCHING FILIPINO WOMEN FOR MARRIAGE TO FOREIGN NATIONALS ON A MAIL ORDER BASIS AND OTHER SIMILAR PRACTICES INCLUDING THE ADVERTISEMENT, PUBLICATION, PRINTING OR DISTRIBUTION OF BROCHURES, FLIERS AND OTHER PROPAGANDA MATERIALS IN FURTHURANCE THEREOF AND PROVIDING PENALTY THEREFORE Be it enacted b t!e Senate and H"#$e "% Re&'e$entati(e$ "% t!e P!i)i&&ine in C"n*'e$$ a$$e+b)ed, SECTION -. It is the policy of the state to ensure and guarantee the enjoyment of the people of a decent standard of living. To ards this end the !tate shall ta"e measures to protect #ilipino omen from being e$ploited in utter disregard of human dignity in their pursuit of economic upliftment. SEC /. %ursuant thereto it hereby declared unla ful& 'a( #or a person natural or juridical) association) club or any other entity to commit directly or indirectly any of the follo ing acts& '-( To establish or carry on a business hich has for its purpose the matching of #ilipino marriage to foreign nationals either on a mail order basis or personal introduction* omen for

'/( To advertise) publish) print or distribute or cause the advertisement) publication) printing or distribution of any brochure) flier or any propaganda material calculated to promote the prohibited acts in the preceding sub paragraph& '0( To solicit) enlist or in any manner attract or introduce any #ilipino oman to become a member in any club or association hose objective is to match omen for marriage to foreign nationals either on a mail order basis or through personal introduction for a fee '1( A To use the postal service to promote the prohibited acts in subparagraph + hereof. 'b( #or the manager or officer in charge or advertising manager or any ne spaper) maga,ine) television or radio station) or other media) or of an advertising agency) printing company or other similar entities to "no ingly allo ) or consent to the acts prohibited in the preceding paragraph. SEC 0 In case of violation of this Act by an association) club) partnership) corporation or any other entity) the incumbent officers thereof or have "no ingly participated in the violation of this Act shall be held liable. SEC 1 Any person found guilty by the court to have violated any of the acts herein prohibited shall suffer an imprisonment of not less than si$ '6( years and one '+( day but not more than an eight '-( years and a fine of not less than .ight thousand pesos '%-///( but not more than T enty thousand pesos '0////(& %rovided that if the offender is a foreigner) he shall immediately be deported and barred forever from entering the country after serving his sentence and payment of fine. SEC 2 Nothing in this act shall be interpreted as a restriction on the freedom of speech and of association for purposes not contrary to la as guaranteed by the 1onstitution. SEC 3 All la s decree the orders instructions) rules and regulations) or parts thereof inconsistent Act are thereby repealed or modified accordingly. SEC 4 This Act shall ta"e effect upon its publication for t o ' /( consecutive general circulation. Approved 2une +3 +99/. ith this

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