09-09 Final The News Cocktail by JK McCrea From 2009
09-09 Final The News Cocktail by JK McCrea From 2009
09-09 Final The News Cocktail by JK McCrea From 2009
summer Florida is no place or !imps" #it$ a avera%e o &"' million li%$tin% stri(es a year) $umidity $overin% around *0+ ,Natl Weather Service- .. not to mention !in%ed or scaly !ildli e .. it/s time to t$in( S0R1213L" Let/s turn to li%$ter t$ou%$ts) li(e as$ion" #$y ruin s$oes in t$e #$ole Foods par(in% lot !$en t$ere are campy colored oldin% 4oots or poc(ets and %love compartments5 S$uella/s 670 4oot comes in $ot colors rom 4lac( to pin(. (Shuella.com) T$ere/s a ne! Crocs $i%$ $eel or t$e same price" Sensi4le %uys and %als %et e8ual protection rom Totes 4oots or around 690" FOR THE HOME SURVIVALIST Storin% res$ !ater uses a lot o space" 2t/s also not easy to sterili:e a 4at$tu4" C$ec( out t$e a!ard !innin% #atersa e ;Bat$tu4 Bladder"< Sterile) stron% and compact) t$e #atersa e olds a!ay until needed" Fit it into t$e 4at$tu4 and it (eeps up to =7 %allons o >90 clean enou%$ or drin(in% and 4at$in%" T$ree models ran%e rom 7 %allons to =7 %allons !it$ prices rom 6&9"99 . 6?'"99" (watersafe.com) OY, THAT CAN HURT 3 ull 4ladder) t$e $uman (ind) is rou%$ly t$e si:e o a so t 4all) !it$ a capacity o ?00 to &000 ml) alt$ou%$ some can $old as muc$ as 9000 ml" (Wikipedia) Pressure at t$e 4ottom o t$e Marianna Trenc$ is a4out &000 times t$at o t$e sur ace" T$at/s as $eavy as 70 @um4o @etsA (History Channel 4 !" #$) YOU DID WHAT? Dont Hold It 3 storm $its) someone cuts a oot) t$e p$armacy is closedB !$at to do5 T$e ans!er5 Pee on t$e cut" Fres$ urine is mostly pure and !ill actually (ill 4acteria and un%us (Chacha.com% amon& others-" For t$ousands o years many cultures includin% t$e 3ncient E%yptians) 3:tecs and 3merican 2ndians $ave used urine t$erapy" (Wikipedia) 3lt$ou%$ res$ urine is sterile) le t standin% it provides an eCcellent medium or 4acterial %ro!t$" #e su%%est you only use res$" DonEt try to (eep it in t$e E rid%e overni%$t or or !$en %uests drop in" (Heartland Healin&) Cro od!l" H#nt"r P$%%"% t&" B$ton 3 ter sa ety and as$ion) one s$ould t$in( a4out ood" Fo!/s t$e time to c$ec( out t$e yard" Dinner is pro4a4ly sun4at$in% at t$e pool" Ges) it/s t$ose nasty i%uanas" Eat !ell and rid yoursel o i%uana poop at t$e same time" 2%uana $unter Heor%e Cera recommends !e %ra4 a pellet %un and ire a!ay" T$en reac$ or Cera/s coo(4oo() IEat an 2%uana) Save Florida"I Cera $as (illed more t$an &=)000 Boca Hrande i%uanas since 900J and !as eatured on FBC = demonstratin% t$e 4est in i%uana meat tacos" Buy t$e coo(4oo( at !!!"i%uanacoo(4oo("com ,69*"&7 posta%e paid-" Comments5 #rite i%uana$unterKya$oo"com) not us" 3ut$or FoteL T$ere is no eCistin% relia4le i%uana repellant or trap on t$e mar(et alt$ou%$ one is currently 4ein% tested at >u%$ Turner Pest Control" Let us (no! i you ind one t$at !or(s" WHEN TECHNOLO'Y FAILS Forecasters al!ays remind us t$at t$e most dan%erous t$reat rom a $urricane is not t$e !ind 4ut t$e storm sur%e" #$ile t$e eCpected storm sur%e in a Cate%ory 9 storm is =.* eet) stron%er storms can %enerate an &*. ooter" ('he (lorida )ui* +ook ,y H. 'emple)
;#$en Tec$nolo%y Fails< aut$or Matt Stein advises everyone to (eep an aC and li e preserver in t$e upper story or attic o t$eir $ome or @ust suc$ times" Find more ree survival tips on Stein/s !e4site) !!!"#$entec$ ails"com" SWEARIN' NEW FORM OF FIRST AID 3 ne! study su%%ests t$at curse !ords can reduce pain and increase endurance" Researc$ers at En%land/s Keele 0niversity $ad su4@ects su4mer%e t$eir $ands in ice !ater or eCtended times" Sometimes !it$ cursin% and ot$er times !it$out" T$ose !$o used %enuine s!ear !ords could 4etter endure pain" Scientist suspect it/s 4ecause s!ear !ords tap into a di erent area o t$e 4rain t$an everyday lan%ua%e) t$e area centered on emotion" READY TO RUN? MeCico City $as a deal or you" Desperate to !in 4ac( tourists a ter t$e s!ine lu scare) t$e %overnment o MeCico City is o erin% ree $ealt$ insurance includin% $ospitali:ation) medicines and even transportation $ome or visitin% tourists !$o all ill or are involved in an accident" T$e o er is %ood until t$e end o t$e year" Some $i%$er end properties aren/t ta(in% part" (Houston Chronicle #- #. #$) But remem4er) t$ere/s more to lyin% t$an a tic(et" 3merican 3irlines) 0nited 3irlines and 0S 3ir!ays topped t$e !orst airline meal list" Rated 4est or in. li%$t meals are Sin%apore 3irlines) 3ir France and local airline Continental" 0nited) 3merican and 0S 3ir!ays !ere cited or $avin% t$e least com orta4le economy.class seats as !ell as t$e rudest li%$t attendants" (Seat/uru.com 0une #$) TOP SPAS OFFER 'REAT SEPTEMBER DEALS Ta(e advanta%e o any o &9 o Fort Lauderdale/s inest spas durin% t$e mont$ o Septem4er !it$ t$eir special 699 spa treatment deals" Places li(e t$e Rit: Carlton) # >otel) Diplomat in >allandale) and t$e >olly!ood Beac$ Marriot are ac$in% to %et t$eir $and on you" Ho to Sunny"or%MSpaC$ic to select rom massa%e) acials) aromat$erapy to loo a$ treatments plus overni%$t specials" Don/t miss t$e video instant relaCation yo%a eCercises 4y 2na Lee on t$e same !e4site" U( o)!n* O to+"r D"$l% ?7 top Bro!ard restaurants are o erin% ?.course 6?7 menus Nct" & .. Fov" &9" 1ie! t$e o ers at Sunny"or%Mdineout" T&" A#t&or% JK and Steve Mccrea are pro essional !riters) mar(etin% consultants) educators) p$oto%rap$ers and lecturers" #$en !e can/t sleep) !e do !e4sitesL RoadLovers"comB Teac$ersToTeac$ers"comB FreeEn%lis$Lessons"comB JKmccrea"netB and Cruisetal(s"net" U%" S"ndR$ndo)T!(%,*)$!l- o) .or %#**"%t!on%, (r$!%" $nd ($rt/ !n0!t$t!on%Cr!t! !%) 1!ll +" !*nor"dNCTNBER 09 Final RANDOM NEWS & TIPS By JK and Steve McCrea THE FLAP OVER FLIP2FLOPS Florida 4eac$es and lip. lops are almost synonymous" T$ose 4eloved s$oes are also ma%nets or un$ealt$y 4acteria" T!o reporters !it$ t$e Fe! Gor( Daily Fe!s !ore lip. lops around t$e city or our days" T$e ru44er sandals !ere t$en tested at a la4" T$ey
!ere covered !it$ as many as &*)000 types o %erms includin% potentially dan%erous ecal matter) s(in and stap$ %erms" T$e messa%e is !rap t$ose lip. lops 4e ore 4a%%in% t$em" FIRST DOESNT MEAN BEST (or,es 1a&a*ine $as rated Miami.Fort Lauderdale.Pompano Beac$ as num4er 90 out o t$eir '0 most stress ul 0S cities to live , or4es"com 0*M09-" #e 4eat out San Die%o at O&=) ollo!ed 4y Tampa as O&J alt$ou%$ Nrlando !as 4etter at num4er 9*" C$ica%o and Fe! Gor( $eaded t$e list in t$at order" Factor used to determine t$is !ere median $ome price drop) sunli%$t) air 8uality) cost o livin%) unemployment and population density" 3ustin) TeCas came is as t$e least stress ul" La(e Mary) Florida) is num4er 9= in 1oney 1a&a*ines ratin% o &00 least stress ul 0S cities !it$ populations under 70)000 ,Money"com-" Miami received reco%nition rom 1ens (itness 1a&a*ine as t$e nation/s Jt$ attest city" HELP FOR THE HEFTY T$e ca eine in a4out 9 cups o co ee 4oosts meta4olism or at least &"7 $ours a ter!ard) accordin% to S(idmore Colle%e researc$ers" Su%ar or cream 4lunts t$e e ect" T$e same researc$ers ound t$at people !$o %ot '0+ o t$eir daily calories rom protein lost si%ni icantly more 4ody at t$an t$ose !$ose diets $ad only &7+ protein !it$ t$e identical num4er o calories" St!ll H#n*r/? Bite into t$e latest !ei%$t loss product) ;>u%e Lips S(inny >ips)< a diet lip %loss containin% t$e appetite suppressant >oodia" Nn t$e ot$er $and) i you can/t stop t$ose $un%er attac(s you mi%$t pre er Po Pu edi4le s$oe polis$" T$e product uses natural ;%reen< in%redients t$at manu acturers insist are %ood or s(in care) in drin(s and ;on toast< ,/reenfi,res.com-" By t$e !ay) in 900' t$e Federal 3viation 3dministration increased its estimate o t$e avera%e male/s !ei%$t rom &J0 to &*' l4s" THE COUPON 'AME Many online products s$o! a 4oC la4eled ;coupon< on t$e order pa%e" Gou mi%$t do 4etter at Retailmenot"com" Enter t$e name o t$e !e4site or product" T$e !e4site $as coupon codes and printa4le retail coupons or over ?0)000 !e4sites and stores" Fumerous o erin%s include drin(s) %rocery products) computers) s$oes etc" DID YOU 3NOW THIS? 3 Federal Reserve study ound t$at people earn an avera%e o &"*+ more per every inc$ t$ey are taller t$an t$e national avera%e" 2t !as also ound t$at attractive people earn 7+ more t$an t$e median salary) !$ile unattractive people earn up to 9+ less t$an avera%e ,(ederal 2eserve on current.tv-" Roman soldiers !ere paid in salt) $ence t$e !ord 3salary4 ,history.com-" T$e &9&* Spanis$ Flu epidemic (illed almost 90 million people) more t$an t!ice t$at o ##& ,history.com-" T$e most popular T1 series !orld!ide is ;>ouse)< ollo!ed 4y ;Desperate >ouse!ives< ,5urodata '6 Worldwide-" Meteorites are commonly !ort$ a4out 6"70 to 6&)000 %ram" 2n comparison) a one carat diamond !ei%$s a4out &M7 o a %ram",meteorla,.com-" LET THE CHIPS FALL 3ccordin% to 5at 'his Not 'hat aut$or David Pinc:en(o) *0+ o t$e salt !e ta(e in comes rom processed oods" For every %ram o sodium you consume) t$e 4ody $an%s on to ? %rams o !ater ,7r. Nancy Snyderrman% N+C 'oday).
FOR'ET SOMETHIN'? Nlder people ail to reco%ni:e someone t$ey/ve seen 4e ore '?+ o t$e time" Ndds o remem4erin% a ace are 4etter or t$ose ?= and under" Scientists t$in( memory starts to %o 4et!een a%es o '0.=0 ,Health.com80ournal of Neuroscience-" #$ere !ere !e5 N$ yea$) an 3ustralian study $as s$o!n t$at clouds ma(e us smarter" Researc$ers ound t$at people remem4er more !$en days are cloudy) as opposed to sunny ,N+C 'oday-" C$e!in% %um mi%$t also $elp as it/s 4een ound to stimulate and improve concentration ,+i& Chan&es +i& 2esults ,y 5llie 9rie&er-" FLORIDA FACTS Florida is not t$e sout$ernmost 0S stateB >a!aii is" T$ere are more t$an *00 Florida Keys) some very tiny and as ar as &*0 miles into t$e ocean" Hatorade !as developed in Hainesville) Florida) ori%inally or t$e 0F ;Hators< oot4all team ,a,out.com-" 45 .or 645 7 'REAT MEALS FOR LESS Don/t or%et t$at 6?7 %ets a ?.course %ourmet meal at ?7 o Fort Lauderdale/s inest restaurants" N er is %ood t$rou%$ Fovem4er &9 ,sunny.or& dineout-" T&" A#t&or% JK and Steve Mccrea are pro essional !riters) mar(etin% consultants) educators) p$oto%rap$ers and lecturers" #$en !e can/t sleep) !e do !e4sitesL RoadLovers"comB Teac$ersToTeac$ers"comB FreeEn%lis$Lessons"comB JKmccrea"netB and Cruisetal(s"net" S"nd %#**"%t!on%, (r$!%" $nd ($rt/ !n0!t$t!on% to S"ndR$ndo)T!(%,*$)!l- o)Cr!t! !%) 1!ll +" !*nor"d- Past issues can 4e ound at randomne!sandtips"com"